Chapter 10- Lucky Girl

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We were at a museum, learning about so many interesting things. I was hoping to learn about magic so that I could further my own. Ben was busy looking into a mask while I was listening to our guide speak. "And behind this impenetrable glass... is the recently discovered and only known existing copy... of the Archamada Book of Soells," The woman informed us. "If only I had this... my magic would be even greater than it is now," I thought.


"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600s," Gwen and I said, along with our guide. "Maybe you two should work," The woman said, unimpressed. "Don't let mummy-face get to you, princess. She's probably older than that spell book," Ben said, making Gwen and I laugh. Suddenly, we were all lifted off of the ground. "Well, this can't be good," I thought, holding onto Ben. I looked at Max, silently begging him to let me use my magic. He just shook his head.


"Everytime," I thought, frustrated. "Something tells me this isn't on the tour," Max said. Suddenly, a man wearing red and black clothes and holding a staff appeared. "The Archamada Book of Spells. All of its power shall soon be mine," The stranger said. Suddenly, the glass broke. The four of us closed our eyes because the light was so bright.


"Now be a good time to go... hero," Ben said. Then we started falling.



In a flash of green light, Ben was now XLR8. I was on his back but he didn't seem to mind. He took one of the tapestry's and tied the ropes to railings to act as a net. "Everyone out," Ben commanded. I nodded, "Please be careful, Ben," I said as I kissed his cheek. He nodded, "I'll be OK, princess. Now, go," Ben said. "Ben, be careful. You don't know what tricks he's got up his sleeve," Max said. "Dude, you want a book, try the library," I heard Ben say before Max led Gwen and I away.


Gwen, Max and I threw trash cans at the strange man. "Guess we got his attention," Gwen said, nervously. "Kind of wished we hadn't," Max said. I nodded, completely in agreement with that statement. Suddenly, the three of us were blown back by an unknown force. "Nice job," Max said, complimenting his grandson." "Just doing what I need to do and keeping it low-key," Ben said. Outside, there were photographers waiting for Ben.


"Who's your hero?" Ben said to the crowd. Gwen and I looked on in disdain. This wasn't the Ben I knew. Where was the Ben that saved people because it was the right thing to do, not to get attention and praise? Where was MY Ben? Gwen could see that I was having a hard time watching the scene play out. So, she led me back to the Rust Bucket.


"All I'm saying is that you didn't exactly stop that creep all by yourself today, OK? Paige and I helped save your sorry butt, but does anybody notice us?" Gwen asked, looking grumpy. "Hey, being a hero is not about getting attention," Ben said. "Who's your hero?" Gwen said, mimicking Ben's words from earlier. "Hello?" "I noticed you, girls," Max said. "We're related, so that doesn't count. Also, Paige is going to be a Tennyson in the future so you noticing her doesn't count either, grandpa," She said.

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