Chapter 30- Merry Christmas

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We were now in the desert and it was scorching hot. "We are in the middle of the middle of nowhere," Gwen said. I looked at the thermostat and it showed that it was 108 degrees in the Rust Bucket. "Oh, great! Just great!" I thought, sarcastically. "Grandpa, can't you crank up the AC?" Ben asked his grandfather. "Yeah. Please Max?" I asked. Desperate for some relief from the heat.


"I'm afraid it's at maximum right now. We'll stop at the next gas station," Max said to us. "We'll be grilled cheese by then!" The three of us complained. "That's it. Time to go small to get cool," Ben said as he activated the Omnitrix. In a flash of green light, he was Grey Matter. He leaped toward the air vent and went inside. "OK. Recalibrate the freon evaporation cycle, expand the expansion valves, and realign these condenser cords."


"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Gwen asked. "One more second, and it's ice-cube city," Ben said. But instead of refreshing cool air, we just got smoke. "This doesn't look good. Guess that didn't go as planned. Princess, are you OK?" He asked as he was sitting comfortably on my head. Suddenly, I saw something very strange.


"What's that doing in the middle of the desert?" "Max, can we check it out? Please?" I asked. "Sure. Don't sweat it," He said, laughing. "Sorry. Just couldn't help myself." We made it to whatever it was and it was some giant toy soldiers. "Giant toy soldiers? In Death Valley?" Gwen said. "Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker would not like this," I said, referring one of my favorite WWE Superstars. The Undertaker who happens to live in Death Valley.


"There must have been one of those holiday theme parks here. They probably packed up and left and forgot this thing," Max said, trying to come up with an explanation. Suddenly, we felt a breeze of cold air. "Do you feel that cold air, princess?" "Yes I do, Benji. Let's go!" I said, wanting as much cold air as possible. We opened the door and went inside.


What awaited us was amazing, there was snow on the ground. Everywhere you'd look, there was snow. "What is all of this?" Max asked, confused.



"Snow?" Gwen said, excitedly. Then Ben threw a snowball at her. She turned around and looked ready for a fight. "Which means one thing... snowballs!" He said as we threw snowballs at each other. "Snow angel," I said, while making one in the snow. "Now this is what I call chilling out. Right, princess?" "Definitely! This is amazing!" I said. "I wonder where they keep the snow-making machines," I heard Max say as we threw several snowballs his way.


"I am warning you. You're messing with an old pro," He said as he threw snowballs back at us. "Got to admit. They're using some fancy special effects to keep us from seeing the village from outside," Gwen said. "The whole town must be air conditioned," Ben said. "It's amazing. It's like magic," I said in awe. "Come on, princess. Everyday that I spend with you is a magical one," He said, holding me close.

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