Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers

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We were now at a museum and Ben was sitting on a statue. Gwen and I were trying to get his attention but he was deep in thought. "Ben? Ben! That's a work of art, you know, not your personal butt rest. You're going to get us kicked out of the museum!" Gwen said, annoyed. "I don't have that kind of luck," Ben said. "One afternoon of culture won't kill you," "Unless it bores me to death. Want some, princess?" He asked me as he took out some chocolate.


"Yes, please," I said. Ben tore off a piece and popped it in my mouth. "Oh no. You guys are turning into one of those couples that feed each other! Can I have a piece of that?" Gwen asked. "Paige and I love each other. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Gwen. Sorry. Chocolate's for superheros only." I took out a bar of chocolate that I had, tore some off and gave it to Gwen. "Thanks, Paige. More like super jerks only," She said.


I ran to catch up with Ben as I grabbed his hand. Suddenly, we see a large spaceship flying over us. "Maybe this won't be such a boring day after all, princess," Ben said. The ship opened to reveal a big orange alien that looked like it had armor on. "Take me to your bicenthium alloy," The alien said. I raised an eyebrow at that, "what?" I thought. Ben saw my expression and he shrugged. He wasn't sure what this alien wanted either.


Then the alien made a huge crater in the ground. Ben grabbed my hand and took me away. "Now, that's just plain rude. Some people have to teach ugly there some manners. You ready to go, princess?" Ben said. I nodded, "Always," I said with a smile. We reappeared to fight the alien. Ben was now Four Arms and I was on his back. "OK, tough guy," "A Tetraman?! Hey, this planet really is a dump." The alien then threw us off of him.


I was thrown off to the side. While Ben and the alien were fighting. Then the purple alien that we've faced before appeared. "Oh, great! HIM again," I thought, annoyed. "You!" Ben exclaimed. "Ben, sweetheart; let me handle this," I said. He shook his head. "No, princess. I'm not letting you do this alone. If anything happened to you, I'd never forgive myself. We're a team." "You're right. That's finish this, Benji."We hid while we waited for an opportunity to attack.


The purple alien fired some rockets but Ben sent them right back. Then he had a device that shocked Ben and made him go to his knees. More than anything, I wanted to do something but Max and Gwen held me back. Then three aliens, one who looked like a female version of Four Arms appeared. They were all wearing yellow and white uniforms. "No way!" "OK. This is weird," Gwen said. "I second that, Gwen." "Rescue Formation Alpha 9," The alien,, who I assumed was the leader said. "It's the Capes! I hate Capes!" The orange alien said as he went to attack.


The female Four Arms winked at Ben. That sent my blood boiling, "Ben is MINE!" I thought, angrily. I know that I probably shouldn't use my magic for jealousy but I did anyway. I could feel it pulsing through me, I put my hand out and the female Four Arms fell off of the truck. "By the provisions set forth in the Galactic Code of Conduct... I order you to surrender. Will you yield?" The leader said.

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