Chapter 2- Washington B.C.

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Gwen, Max and I pulled up along the side of the road. Max honked the horn to get Ben's attention, who was still in alien form. I call this one Heatblast. "Yo, super doofus. The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!" Gwen said, annoyed with her cousin. I was sitting next to her in the passenger seat, just as annoyed. Ben looked at us like he had all of the answers. "I knew that," He said, smugly.



We were hot on the trail of the bad guys. Gwen and I moved to the bench seats so that Ben could sit up front. "I knew I should have bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance," Max said, looking over at Ben, who was still Heatblast. "Sorry, grandpa. I can't help it. I'm hot." I heard Ben say. "That's one way to describe you," I thought to myself. I can't help but feel a little jealous of my best friend.


I mean, he gets these new powers out of the blue, he gets to use them. I've had my magic since the day that I was born and I can't use it. It's not fair. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Gwen pick up a fire extinguisher. I was going to say something but then I thought, "Good, take him down a peg or two, Gwen." She blasted him with the fire extinguisher and Ben gave her an angry look. "Ten superheroes on that stupid watch and you picked the one with the flaming butt?" Gwen asked. "Jealous?" Ben asked. Gwen shot the extinguisher at him again. I knew that she wasn't in the mood to put up with his smart comments. Neither was I. Ben leaned out the window, created a ball of fire and aimed it at the robbers car. "Strike!" He yelled as the target hit its mark.


Ben got out of the Rust Bucket and went over to the bad guys car. He opened the door and bent a piece of metal in half, showing off. "Unless you punks want a permanent sunburn... hands against the wall," Ben said, threateningly. The men did as told. "You punks picked the wrong day to be bad. Guys." Ben was so caught up in catching the criminals, that he had no idea that he was back to normal. The men turned around and saw that he was just a kid.


"What? Hey, it's just a kid! Get the jewels!" One of them commanded the other. Ben looked and saw that the watch was red instead of green. "Wow. Time sure flies when you're having fun. I've decided to let you guys off with a warning this time," Ben said to the men. The police showed up just as he was about to leave. "Freeze!" One of the cops commanded the men. "They're all yours, Officers. Now, I know y'all want to thank me, but..." He was cut off as the officer began to speak. "Step aside, son. This isn't playtime." "Playtime? I'm the one who captured them! It's not fair. I'm the hero. Oh, man" I immediately went over to comfort Ben. My anger from earlier gone.


I hugged him and he hugged back. We went to Max and Gwen and immediately left the scene. We were now at the store, picking some things up that we needed. I was following Max and Gwen but then something caught Ben's eye and he pulled me away. He took me down the cereal aisle. Ben picked up a box of cereal. "Sumo Slammer cards. Cool!" Then he had a devious smile on his face. He was definitely going to do something.


"Great! Those goes my chance to ask Max if I can get my pictures developed from my camera." I thought to myself. I've been taking pictures throughout our entire trip so I can savor the memories. Now that Ben's probably going to get us in trouble, I can't get them developed until later. "Only canned octopus? I thought this store prided itself on wide selection," Max said, checking out the merchandise. "Grandpa, no offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, one that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?" Gwen asked her grandpa.

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