Willing to be Hurt

By deadkeepteaching

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After struggling with anxiety, Bianca's father decided a move across the country would be a good change. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 2 Ch 1
Part 2 Ch 2
Part 3 Ch 3
Part 2 Ch 4
Part 2 Ch 5
Part 2 Ch 6
Part 2 Ch 7
Part 2 Ch 8
Part 2 Ch 9
Part 2 Ch 10
Part 2 Ch 11
Part 2 Ch 12
Part 2 Ch 13
Part 2 Ch 14
Part 2 Ch 15
Part 2 Ch 16
Part 2 Ch 17
Part 2 Ch 18

Chapter 4

5 0 0
By deadkeepteaching

      They arrived to the house on the outskirts of town; It had a long driveway towards it. The house was well lit, people standing on the wrap around porch. Jay looked into the mirror, one last check. She ran her hands through her hair, teasing it up. Sarah and Jay looked so cool, she thought. Sarah in leggings and flats with amazing legs. Her large glasses made her look like some sort of actor. Jay looked relaxed in her shorts and t-shirt, with some chunky sneakers that looked comfortable.
      There was about ten other cars. Sarah pulled along side a fence. She was nervous, but she could just follow Sarah and Jay. Sarah walked around the car towards her, a worried expression.

      "Stop with the worried look."

      "Is it obvious?"

       "Come.." They walked up the driveway surrounded by trees. A guy was smoking on the porch. He smiled at them as they walked up, "Kyle...this is Bianca, she's new." He raised the joint in welcome to her, and stood to follow them.

       "Hey, want a hit?" He asked.

       "Oh, no thank you." She replied. He shrugged.

      "Make yourself at home. You..Sarah..do not."

       "Hamburglar." Jay whispered. Sarah rolled her eyes. She enjoyed their light hearted banter. The house was nice, clearly they had money. Probably not as much as Dylan. Not Dylan rich. But this place was nice. It opened into a sitting room, filled with people. They walked through towards the kitchen. The table was covered in beer and hard alcohol. Empty cups around the table with two large bowls of ice.
       A tall tanned guy with a football uniform walked over and put an arm around Sarah.

       "This is Bianca, Bianca this is my boyfriend Evan." She nodded and he waved at her.

      "Grab a drink and come upstairs." She grabbed a cup and gave one to Jay who was looking at every bottle. Bianca only watched not sure what to do.

       "This part is very important, you must blend you drinks well. Most of this is trash." She grabbed two bottles, both clear. She poured some in a cup, then the next. Then some sort of lemon soda, that she finished with ice. She handed it to Bianca. She just took it.

       "You don't have to drink, Jay is a bad influence."

       "Do you not drink?"

"It's fine." Jay smiled and made her the exact same thing - and then another for Sarah, "What is it."

       "Vodka, with a lemon alcohol, and lemon soda. It's basic, but drinkable." She sipped it to prove a point. She tried it. It was very lemony, Not bad. It warmed her body after she swallowed the small amount. She had rarely drank, mostly beer that Courtney stole from her father. Definitely not hard alcohol. Drink slow, drink slow, She chanted in her mind. Sarah walked through the kitchen, as they followed.
       There was a staircase on the other side, that rounded to the second floor. A rounded staircase, fancy. The top floor had a large open area, with couches and a tv on the wall, about twelve people talking and playing a game on it. A pool table behind the couch. Evan was there with others. She sipped the drink, just to do something with her hands. A warm rush went through out her again. Drinking is nice, do people know this?

       Sarah walked up to the pool table and grabbed a stick. Looking awfully smug. The man across from her shook his head. He had a baby face, large cheeks that looked adorable she thought. He smiled in a kind way.

      "What are you planning.."


       "Duos...really Sarah..you suck at pool.." She scoffed.

       "I do not! Anyways, this is Bianca! She is new!" She yelled it, everyone looking at her.

       "New...huh." A giant stood next to her, tanned skin and massive arms, football uniform.

       "This is Rux, he's our best linebacker, guy can run faster than any of us. 6'2 220 lbs." Rux smiled, someone cheered him. He looked proud of it.

       "So your new...hows it going so far." She found him easy to speak to.

"So far so good I guess, it has only been like a day."

       "Rux....come play."

       "Bianca...take this.." Sarah handed her a pool cue.

       "No! The girls are stealing the table..." Evan sat down defeated. A girl walked over. She had short blonde hair and long legs, she smirked in a way the made her think of Nick. Her eyes widened on her.

       "Hey, I'm Amber..you're very beautiful." She said casually reaching out to shake her hand, She felt her face flush, caught off guard by the compliment.

       "Oh thank you, so are you." Amber smiled.

      "Amber....I don't think she's into women." Her eyes widen and she realized amber was holding her hand still, a finger running over her hand.

      "Oh?" She was still looking at her.

       "Heh...well I guess not." Amber nodded and let her hand go. She threw her arm around her shoulder anyways and dragged her over to the table. They started playing pool, She had no clue how. A guy walked over, he had a smug look on his face. She sipped her drink.

       "Hi. I'm Aaron." He reached out to shake. She took his hand, it was large and warm.

      "Hi, Bianca." The crowed watching the game began cheering as someone won a match of what looked like Mario cart. Aaron was handsome in a conventional way. Seeming to look like any guy who played high school football. It was a nice and comfortable level of attraction. Not scary like the two idiot friends.

      "How long have you been going to Hayden high."

       "Oh, one day. Literally. Friday was my first day and I met Sarah and Jay. I think Jay might be trying to adopt me." He smiled.

       "She is a tornado, if she gets close you're likely to get caught up in her storm." Just then she yelled and raised her pool cue into the air.

       "That was the eight ball, you lose."

       "WHAT!"She shrieked. Bianca smiled and Aaron nodded, statement proved true. She ran over and grabbed her, "Come on." Jay sat on a couch, forcing her way into people, dragging her along. She turned back to Aaron who had a remorseful look. She shrugged apologizing. Jay took a large drink, and she followed.
It wasn't so scary it turned out. A real party; Apparently it was just people hanging out - drinking.

       It was warm between everyone. Her legs pushed against the guy next to her. He did not seem to notice, "What do you think of Aaron? I think he likes you.." Jay said, not whispering at all. Though everyone seemed caught up in their own worlds.

       "Likes me? I only just met him." Jay took her drink and sipped it, before handing it back to her. Where did her drink go, did she finish it.

      "Oh that doesn't matter, look at him." She turned around, he was looking at them. He mouthed sorry, " Oh my god...I can't believe this." Behind them Sarah was seductively leaning over the table. Evan was shaking his head watching her.

       "I don't think he likes me." Her phone buzzed again. It was against her keys in her sweater pocket, the soundless buzz became a slight jangle.

       "Are you buzzing..." Jay giggled. She pulled out her phone, opening it with her thumb. Jay grabbed it. The girl had no boundaries when drunk, it was hard to dislike her for it though - she was only having fun. It made her feel accepted, like they had been friends for a long time. She smiled watching Jay.

       "You don't have any new messages."

       "I think it's social media." She opened the app, and gasped. Her head looking around like she had discovered the most interesting secret.

        "Nick...you're messaging Nick...fluff me..he says he's coming here.."

       "Fluff you?"

       "I'm working on cussing less, it's not womanly. Not important, the prince and the street urchin are coming..this is sooo exciting." She clapped

       "Why do you call them that?" her brow furrowing

       "The Prince and the Street Urchin? Ones rich, ones poor. Pay attention Bianca...Chaos is coming." Jay grabbed her drink and slammed it. Bianca's eyes widen, looking at her now empty hands, "Oh ship..I need to go check my makeup." She jumped up and sprinted down the hall into the bathroom. Aaron smiled as he took the now empty seat.

       "Here...A beer...you never had a chance with that drink as long as she was besides you." She laughed.

       "So you are a football player as well?"

      "Yeah, not very good at it, I'm more of a baseball player. Always have been, my father was, so I guess I followed in his steps. Only the football team gets attention though, so it's my back up."

      "That's cool."

       "You play any sports." She looked down at her self.

       "Do I look like I'm athletic." He laughed lightly.

       "Sure, why not?"

      "No sports for me, I read in my free time, fantasy and romance mostly."

       "Like Game of Thrones, and the Notebook?" He asked looking at her like she was the most interesting thing in the room. Maybe he did like her. He had nice lips, the looked soft. Why would that matter at a time like this.

        "Yeah, kind of, I've never read or seen the Notebook though. Most nights and weekends I read. It relaxes me, all my friends are in books." She laughed, realizing how stupid it sounded. But Aaron simply smiled. She opened the beer and took a long pull on it.
       She turned around and saw Sarah walking up the stairs with a full size bag of Doritos. It might have been a party size. What the... Jay came down the hall in a skirt and barefoot. Looking very whimsical.

       She spun before them, "What do you think."

       "Where did you get that." She genuinely asked, taken aback by the skirts sudden appearance.

       "In my purse, I'm always prepared. I don't have any underwear on though. So sitting is a high stakes game." Everyone was looking at her, and Bianca smiled. Courtney would like her.

       Sarah walked over, cheese flavored finger tips and all, "you packed a just-in-case skirt but forgot your underwear..."

      "I didn't forget anything, it was a conscious decision. In case something happened, ya know" Sarah climbed her long legs over the couch taking the now empty seat on Bianca's right. It was definitely a party size bag.

      "I'm not wearing any underwear either Jay, if it makes you feel better." Rux said with a booming voice. Her beer was half gone, she felt light headed and warm. She wanted to melt into the couch.

       "Not as scary as you thought?" Sarah asked. Chip in fingers.

       "No it's fun. But not many people here. Guess I was overreacting for nothing."

       She was definitely very buzzed. They had been there for almost two hours. More pool and games. She decided finding food might be a good idea. The Doritos bag was empty, she was certain only Sarah had eaten it. She giggled to herself as she walked down stairs. Kyle was there at the counter.

       "Having fun?"

        "A blast." A blast, what are you six?. He laughed lightly to himself. She grabbed a bowl and put chips in it. And another beer. The downstairs really seemed to be filling up. She felt it, somehow. Like standing near a static charge. Turning and spun right in to Dylan. He grabbed her arms stopping her.

       "Bianca." He whispered and a jolt fired between her legs.


      "HEY! Thighs." Dylan let her go and stepped aside grabbing a beer. Nick walked up and put an arm around her, "I can't believe you came.."

      "I'm the one who told you about it.." He laughed and waved her off.

      "Kyle told me a week ago. I only decided to come because of you. You're my new friend. We can't let you have your first Hayden high party without us." Dylan sipped a bear.

      "Yo! Saw your guys last show, good shit man." Some guy said while nodding to them. Nick raised a glass, it was straight vodka.

      "Come my new thick friend, tell us who you've met." She told him as Nick guided her around by the arm. Dylan looked casual, while he only vaguely paid attention following them. She had mentioned being upstairs, but not Sarah being there. She didn't like not knowing all the minor dramas these people might have. Sarah acted like it was fine, Jay had said chaos was coming. The two statements seem to oppose one another. Maybe jay was simply referring to herself.
Nick took a chip from her. She looked at him, his smile was wild and free. Almost like he never stopped smiling. The Prince and Street Urchin, Jay had called them. He looked down at her, his dark wavy hair falling into his face, "You smell nice." He said.

      Dylan walked around them. Chubby cheeks- Stephen- said hi to him, as did Sarah, who even hugged him. She was Jealous. Sarah was saying more to him. Dylan nodded and shrugged. Evan looked not at all happy. Glaring at Nick. She suddenly felt like she was in the middle of something she should not be.

     Jay manifested from thin air, sliding up to Dylan. Bianca could not help but smile as Jays hair whipped around while she talked animatedly to him.
"How about a game of pool..."

      "Fine..." Aaron said, she only then noticed his kind face looked stiff now.

      "A bet..." Nick said.

     "A bet? We aren't betting money man, come on."

     "Not money..something more fun. Winner gets a kiss" Everyone laughed, a group forming around them.

      "No thanks bro, you're not my type." Aaron said, Evan laughed. Nick took a large drink of his vodka straight.

      "With one of the beautiful ladies here...winner gets to kiss one, a drinking game of sorts." It was clearly not a game, and Nick was holding on to her. He was only looking at Evan - Evan starring back. Aaron was holding the cue in an inquisitive way. Aaron laughed at the idea.

      "How is that even a game, they can't agree to that. You can't just choose a random person to kiss because you won a game of pool."

      "Fine, we ask them, anyone who wants to win a kiss from me or Dylan?" A few actually cheered. Dylan was leaning against the wall watching. She noticed his hands had new cuts. She looked up, his eyes on her.

      "That's it...fine.." Evan stepped forward.

       "Ah...ah.....ahhh..If you play, your girlfriend should obviously have to agree to the kiss as well." Evan looked at him like he might try fighting him. Nick casually chalked the pool cue. Sarah looked uncomfortable.

       "Fine...and your girlfriend.." Nick pushed Bianca forward. She looked around frantically.

      "Wait ..what." She cried. Aaron glared at Nick and Nick at Evan and Dylan at her. God help me, hamburglar help me.

      By the time they began playing Nick had gotten another drink. That was not likely a good sign. They had come up with basic rules, they played on teams, each player had to switch off after every turn. The winners got to chose a kiss with one of the woman who had agreed to be part of the bounty it seemed, she had not agreed. Nick/Dylan vs Aaron/Evan. Jay ran over to her taking her hand, she pulled her over towards the wall where Sarah was. It also happened to be where Dylan kept his beer. She sat hers next to his.

      "This is so exciting...please let Dylan win and pick me, I knew going commando was the right choice." Aaron broke and the game was off. She was not actually paying attention to it. Sarah seemed highly invested. Dylan walked over. He grabbed a beer that she was certain was hers. His lips brushed the tip.

      "Oh, Dylan..that's..mine.." She said as he drank. He pulled it from his lips and set it beside his.

      "I guess we are sharing then." He said. He picked up his and handed it to her. She took a sip and turned away, her face heating. He reached out, his fingers brushing hers, she wanted to grab him. She had never felt like this before. He made another play that caused Nick to yell at him. Aaron smiled and high-fived Evan. Sarah was looking a bit relieved. She found it cute Dylan seemed so bad.

      Jay was leaning against Sarah now. Talking in an excited way, that was annoying Sarah. Bianca felt bad, it seemed all of this was literally about her. Evan should not have agree to playing if it made his girlfriend upset. He had anyways. Dylan leaned against the wall.

      "You look drunk." She smiled, holding a finger up to her lips. And he smiled, she instinctively smiled, and wanted to look at him all day. He always looked so calm. His smile was beautiful. Something she needed. He made another shot. It must have been good, Nick finally cheered and the others waved it off.

      "Why didn't you take care of your hands?"

      "You going to do it for me Bianca?" Yes! She was certain this house had something for cleaning cuts. She would find it, no matter what. Just then Nick cursed and Evan and Aaron cheered as the game came to an end.
They had won.

      "Wow...almost Nick..And now I get to chose to kiss someone..Well I think MY girlfriend will do just well." Bianca watched. It was an odd scene, Nick smiled and shrugged. Sarah turned, like she herself did not want to look at Nick as her boyfriend kissed her. It was a quick closed mouth one, not for lack of Evan trying.

      "Well...excitement over." She said to Dylan.

      "And I chose Bianca to kiss." Aaron said.

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