Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth

Da Shockblaster2009

63.9K 1.3K 2.8K

Adam is dead, the extermination has failed, heaven decides to dispose of their weakest links Altro

The Pilot
The Unholy Grail
No Place Like Hell
Dear Little Star
Trouble Downtown
Setting The Stages
Cherry On The Snake
The Great Carmine Talk
Sweet Broken Emily
New Sinners On The Block
Best of Bad Luck
Emergency Lockdown
Clash Of The Ex-Exorcists
The Hazbin Heist
Prince Takes Charge
Life Or Death
Your Too Fast
Sibling Jealously
Trauma Before The Storm
All Hail Gabriel
Road To Victory
Nightmare On Hell Street
An Eye For A Friend
A Real Battle Trap
War Against The Stars
A Father's Last Stand
One More Week To Go
We Interrupt This Fanfiction
The Wicked Queen Of Hell
Love Is The Greatest Weapon
Preparing For The Brides
Spicing Up The Lights
Love To Hate
You Should Of Known
A Legacy In The Making
The Carmine Issue
Hell's Greatest Weapon
In The Driver's Seat
United They Fall
A Husk Of A Machine
Adding Fuel To The Fire
Playing With Hostages
High Rock Showdown
The Grinding Aftermath
All Mighty Results
Angels Vs Robots
Farewell Bartender
Truth Or Dare
The God Complex
The Roots Of Evil
Morningstars In The Wild
The Reckoning Day
At Black Cross End
I Spy A Empty Dream
Unwanted Discoveries
Last Laugh
Babysitting The Princess
The Break Up
The Royal Catastrophe
Welcome To The Show
Survival Of The Dumbest
Evil To The Bones
Power Of The Sins
Yellow Dusts Of Trauma
Team Players
Old Foes
Birds Of A Feather
Secret Struggles
Sorrowful Knight Aigaron
The Original
Rock Out
Make My Army Grow
Switching Sides
Alexander Carmine
Mother And Son
Red And Green Tentacles
Prince Takes Knight
Driven Out Of Insanity
Red Mountain Mystery
Ludwig Von Death
Shadows Of The Finale
Harmony And Dizchord
Ancient History
Bye Bye Odette
Long Live The Queen
Wendy O Huskerdust
Oh No
Mega Mission
Under The Mask
Molly Jolly Polly
Twins Forever
I'm Sorry Brother
Altogether Now

Unexpected Events

608 12 32
Da Shockblaster2009

A few days later, Angel Dust, Niffty, Emily, and Odette join Charlie for her bachelorette party as they gather outside Lucifer's mansion.

Charlie: (excited) Thank you for coming. I promise you won't regret it

Angel Dust: (curious) So what exactly are we gonna be doing for this bachelorette party?

Charlie: (excited) Well, I may or may not have got my dad to turn the basement of the mansion into a massive bowling alley with a bar of food and drinks.

Emily: (surprised) Wow, Charlie, I never thought you were one for bowling.

Charlie: (calmly) I'm not really. I just thought it would be fun.

Odette: (calmly) Sounds interesting.

Niffty chuckles mischievously as Odette takes a few calm steps away from the little demon.

Angel Dust: (confused) Wait, if the bowling alley is inside, why are we outside?

Charlie: (calmly) Well... I might have invited another person to join us tonight.

Angel Dust: (surprised) You what?

The group turns to see Alastor teleporting in front of them... with a familiar cannibal.

Rosie: (excited) Oh Charlie dear, it's great to see you again. Thanks for inviting me here.

Angel Dust: (shocked) You've got to be kidding me.

Alastor: (calmly) My work here is done. I'm sorry, I can't join you. I have an old friend to pick up. See you all at the wedding.

Alastor teleports away as Rosie joins Charlie and the others.

Rosie: (cheerfully) So, what's the plan for tonight, darling?

Charlie: (smiling) Well, we're going to have a blast bowling in the basement, then we'll head up for some drinks and snacks at the bar. It's going to be a fun night!

Rosie: (calmly) Oh, how delightful.

Angel Dust: (nervously) Just make sure you don't try to eat any of us.


Up in heaven, in the Prince's throne room, Jesus looks out a window as John enters the room.

John: (coldly) You called, boss?

Jesus: (annoyed) Yes, what news is there from our spy? It's been a month, A MONTH, and she hasn't said a thing. AND WHERE IS MY BUTLER? I ORDERED HIM TO GET MY SMOOTHIE TWO MINUTES AGO.

Suddenly, said butler enters the room, holding a tray of smoothies.

Jesus: (annoyed) Took you long enough.

Cupid: (nervously) Sorry, sir, I was going as fast as I could.

Jesus: (annoyed) Fail me again, and I'll shove an angelic sword right down your throat and into your heart. Understood?

Cupid: (nervously) Understood, your Highness.

Jesus takes the smoothie and gulps it down.

Jesus: (relieved) Ah... wait, where's Alice?

Jesus looks around, his relief turning back into anger.

Jesus: (angrily) John, where is Alice?

John: (coldly) She's still on holiday, boss.

Jesus: (annoyed) WHAT? She must be taking the mick now. How long has she been taking a break?

John: (coldly) Ever since Vrak was reported dead a few weeks ago, boss. He and Alice were close. They met after they both died, and they became close friends. We believe they might possibly have had romantic feelings for each other, although before anything could happen, Vrak was killed, and Alice has been grieving ever since.

Jesus: (annoyed) Well, I don't care how she feels. We need her here helping prepare my armada, not sobbing about her dead boyfriend. Something must be done, Cupid.

Cupid: (nervously) Yes, your Highness.

Jesus: (annoyed) I want you to make a love potion and give it to Alice, say it's hot chocolate or something. Then she'll fall in love with you so badly that you can get her to start working again.

Cupid: (surprised) Your Highness, you can't be serious. I don't want to make Alice fall in love with me.

Jesus: (annoyed) Do it or else. Besides, you could do with a girl banging you anyway.

Cupid nervously exits, and John smirks.

John: (teasingly) Isn't that a bit ironic, boss?

Jesus: (confused) What do you mean?

John: (coldly) You saying Cupid could use a girl "banging" him, considering the fact that the only touch from a female you've ever had was from your mother.

Jesus: (angrily) OH, SHUT UP.


Back down in hell, Charlie's bachelorette crew heads downstairs and walks through a hallway.

While the group walks, Emily is able to get a moment with Charlie.

Emily: (calmly) I just want to say thanks for... you know, inviting Odette.

Charlie: (calmly) No need to thank me, Emily. I know how much Odette means to you.

Emily: (calmly) Well, she is my best friend after all.

As they reach the basement, they're greeted by the sight of a beautifully decorated bowling alley with neon lights and a lively king.

Lucifer: (excited) Welcome one and all. Now, who's ready for the time of their lives?


Back up in heaven, Cupid reluctantly enters his little kitchen, ready to carry out the prince's orders.

Cupid: (nervously) Okay, Cupid, just like the old days, force someone to fall in love... but instead of another person, it's me. I hope this is worth it. Now, where is it?

Cupid looks through his ingredients, searching for his prize weapon.

Cupid: (realizing) Found it.

Cupid carefully measures out the ingredients for the love potion, his hands shaking with apprehension.

Cupid: (muttering) This is wrong... but I have no other choice.

With a heavy heart, Cupid finishes preparing the potion and pours it into a metal bottle, disguising it as hot chocolate. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what he's about to do.

Cupid: (resigned) Here goes nothing.

Cupid exits the kitchen and walks through the hallway until he reaches Alice's office.

Cupid hesitantly enters, holding a tray of bottles, one with the love potion.

As Cupid enters Alice's office, he tries to appear casual, hiding his nerves behind a forced smile.

Cupid: (nervously) Hey, Alice! The prince told me to bring you some hot chocolate. He thought you might need a little pick-me-up.

Alice, lost in thought, barely registers Cupid's presence at first.

Alice: (distracted) Oh, thank you.

She takes the offered hot chocolate absentmindedly and takes a sip, not noticing anything amiss.

Cupid: (forcing a smile) So, uh, how have you been holding up? You know, with everything going on?

Alice's expression softens as she looks at Cupid.

Alice: (sighing) It's been tough, Cupid. I miss Vrak more than I thought I would. But I guess I'll manage somehow.

Cupid's heart sinks at the mention of Vrak, feeling guilty for what he's about to do.

Cupid: (concerned) I'm here for you, Alice. If you ever need someone to talk to... or anything else.

Alice gives him a small, grateful smile before returning her attention to her work.

Alice: (appreciative) Thanks, Cupid. That means a lot.

Cupid watches her for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest, before quickly excusing himself and leaving the office.

Once he's out of sight, Cupid takes a deep breath, his hands trembling with guilt and regret.

Cupid: (whispering to himself) I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Back in Alice's office, the angel herself starts to blush heavily, the effects of the potion immediately taking hold.

Alice: (whispering) Oh, Cupid...


Back down in hell, Charlie and her friends are having a blast in the bowling alley. As Angel Dust knocks down six pins.

Angel Dust: (excitedly) Strike! Did you see that, Charlie?

Charlie: (laughing) Nice one, Angel! My turn.

Charlie steps up to the lane, gripping the bowling ball tightly as she takes aim. With a swift motion, she releases the ball, sending it rolling down the lane.

Charlie: (determined) Here goes nothing!

The ball hurtles down the alley, knocking into eight pins with satisfying force.

Rosie goes next, knocking down nine of the pins, as does Emily in her turn.

Niffty goes next, bouncing up to the lane with boundless energy.

Niffty: (giggling) MY TURN NOW!

And so Niffty shoots... only for her ball to go into the left gutter and not hit anything as Niffty stands there frozen.

Charlie: (concerned) Niffty... are you okay?

Niffty turns around, her eye twitching before she bursts into tears, crying like a child.

Angel Dust: (concerned) Not again...

Charlie rushes over to Niffty, wrapping her in a comforting hug as the others gather around.

Charlie: (gentle) It's okay, Niffty. It's just a game. We're all here for you.

Niffty stops crying for a moment and looks at Charlie for a second... before crying again, tears flowing out of her eyes like a waterfall on both sides.

Charlie reluctantly picks Niffty up and puts her aside.

Charlie: (awkwardly) Hey, Odette, how about you have your turn while I deal with Niffty?

Odette looks up from her notepad and nods.

Odette: (quietly) Sure.

Odette puts her notepad down and picks up a bowling ball.

Emily: (excited) You can do it, Odette.

Odette nods, taking a deep breath to steady herself. With a focused expression, she steps up to the lane, her movements precise and controlled. She releases the ball smoothly, sending it rolling down the alley with precision.

The ball glides down the lane, knocking into the pins with a satisfying thud. As all ten pins scatter, Odette's face lights up with a bright smile.

Angel Dust: (surprised) No way!

Odette turns towards the group and picks up her notepad.

Odette: (calmly) Now, if you don't mind me, I'm going to get a drink.

As Odette heads towards the bar, everyone turns to each other.

Angel Dust: (surprised) So that just happened.

Rosie: (calmly) Oh please, I just think it was plain luck.

Emily: (excited) Luck or not, I thought it was quite hot.

Angel Dust: (realizing) Did you just call your best friend hot?

Emily flies away to join Odette at the bar as Rosie turns to Angel Dust.

Rosie: (cheerfully) Looks like those two are head over heels for each other.

Angel Dust: (surprised) You know, I did jokingly tell Odette one day she and Emily would get married. I didn't actually think they would fall in love a month later.

Rosie: (amused) Ah, but isn't that the beauty of it? Love knows no bounds, no expectations. It simply happens.

At the bar, Emily flies onto a stool next to the bar where Odette is preparing herself a glass of wine.

Emily: (playfully) May I have a glass of wine as well, bestie?

Odette: (confused) What did you just call me?

Emily: (calmly) Bestie, it's another word for best friend.

Odette: (calmly) I see.

Emily: (calmly) I can't believe you were able to knock all those pins over. It was so epic.

Odette: (calmly) Honestly, it was nothing, just a bit of luck.

Emily: (calmly) Yeah, right, trust me, Odette, that was no luck. Hey, our next turns won't be for a while. Wanna take a walk in the garden?

Odette: (calmly) I don't see why not.


Back up in heaven, Cupid is summoned into Alice's office.

Cupid: (nervously) You called?

Alice: (calmly) Yes, I need you to do me a little... favor.

Alice's calm demeanour sends a shiver down Cupid's spine as he braces himself for what she might ask.

Cupid: (nervously) Of course, anything for you, Alice. What do you need?

Alice: (determined) Look on my screen. I need you to see this.

Cupid walks towards Alice and looks on the screen on her desk, showing live footage of Emily and Odette walking in Lucifer's Garden (the live footage coming from one of Vrak's Zombats).

Alice: (determined) Go down there and capture these two.

Cupid: (confused) Of course... but how do you suppose I capture them?

Alice: (determined) Simple, I'll supply you with a group of prototype X-borgs to help you.

Cupid: (confused) X-borgs?

Alice: (determined) Replacements for those pitiful failures known as Exorcists. They shall be the robotic soldiers for the Prince's armada.

Cupid nods hesitantly, feeling uneasy about Alice's orders but knowing better than to disobey.

Cupid: (reluctantly) Understood, I'll go gather the X-borgs and head down to capture them.

Alice gives him a nod of approval, her expression cold and determined.

Alice: (firmly) Good. Bring them back to me as soon as possible.


Back down in hell, Emily and Odette walk along the path of Lucifer's Garden.

Emily: (excited) Isn't this nice, Odette?

Odette: (calmly) Agreed, Emily. The flowers here are quite... exquisite.

Emily: (cheerfully) Yeah, they are! It's so peaceful out here.

As they stroll through the garden, they come across a secluded area with a beautiful fountain.

Emily: (excited) Oh, look at that fountain! It's so pretty.

Odette: (confused) It's just a fountain.

Emily: (enthusiastically) But it's more than just a fountain, Odette. It's a symbol of beauty and serenity in the midst of chaos. Just like us, finding moments of peace and happiness in the midst of our hectic lives.

Odette: (confused) Right... whatever you say.

Suddenly, Cupid teleports in front of the two best friends, accompanied by a group of menacing X-borgs.

Cupid: (coldly) I'm sorry, ladies, but I'm afraid I can't let you wander around here any longer.

Emily and Odette turn to see Cupid and the X-borgs, their expressions turning from surprise to alarm.

Emily: (alarmed) What's going on?

Cupid: (coldly) I'm sorry it has to be this way, but orders are orders. X-borgs, attack!

As Cupid gives the command, the X-borgs spring into action, moving swiftly towards Emily and Odette. Emily grabs Odette and flies into the sky and through a window back into Lucifer's mansion.

A few moments later, the two friends rush downstairs into the bowling alley.

Emily: (panicking) Guys, we've got a problem!


Meanwhile, upstairs, the X-borgs burst into the mansion only to be met by a rubber duck that explodes in their face, as Cupid watches from the sidelines.

Cupid: (nervously) You've got to be kidding me.

Suddenly, Cupid feels something on his foot. He looks down to see a rubber duck.

Cupid: (shocked) For fu-

Suddenly, the duck explodes, sending Cupid flying into a wall as Lucifer emerges.

Lucifer: (calmly) I may not have my powers, but I can still kick your sorry ass. Now, how about you leave before things get bloody?

Cupid struggles to get up, his pride wounded and his plan foiled.

Cupid: (determined) I'm afraid I have no choice.

Cupid charges at Lucifer, attempting to punch him, but Lucifer avoids every attack by moving to the side.

Lucifer: (mockingly) Heaven must be desperate if they sent you down.

Cupid grits his teeth in frustration, realizing he's no match for Lucifer without his powers.

Cupid: (frustrated) You may have won this round, Lucifer, but mark my words, Heaven will not rest until we've achieved victory.

Lucifer: (calmly) In that case...

Lucifer pulls out five exploding rubber ducks and throws them at Cupid as he teleports away, taking them with him as Charlie and her bachelorette crew enter.

Charlie: (concerned) Dad, what happened?

Lucifer: (calmly) Oh, nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Just a little angel trouble that's been taken care of.

Emily: (relieved) Oh, that's good to hear.

Odette: (calmly) Agreed.


Meanwhile, up in heaven, Cupid enters Jesus' throne room and falls to the ground weakened as Alice walks past him.

Jesus: (calmly) So, Alice, feeling better?

Alice: (determined) Oh, I'm more than okay, your highness. Say, are you free this evening?

Jesus, determined, does not stay down the drain as he realizes what his chief scientist is implying.

Jesus: (realizing) I... um, maybe.

Alice gives Jesus a knowing smile as Cupid struggles to get up from the floor.

Alice: (smirking) Don't worry, Cupid and I have some unfinished business to attend to. As for you, your highness, I'll see you tonight.

Jesus: (awkwardly) Uh, yeah, sure. I'll see you tonight, Alice.

As Alice and Cupid leave the throne room, Jesus watches them go, as John chuckles.

John: (teasingly) Seems you're gonna get a real bang tonight, boss.

Jesus blushes before fainting onto his throne.


Back down in hell, Charlie and her bachelorette crew continue their game, with Odette many points ahead of everyone as she and Emily sit together.

Emily: (excited) I never knew you were great at bowling, Odette.

Odette: (calmly) What can I say? You could say I'm quite a pro.

Emily giggles before snuggling up to her best friend as Angel Dust whispers to Rosie.

Angel Dust: (whispering) Looks like those two are really hitting it off.

Rosie: (cheerfully) Indeed they are. Love is definitely in the air.


A few hours later, Charlie and her father talk in the hallway, holding a glass of wine each.

Lucifer: (proudly) Well, sweetheart, it looks like your bachelorette party was a success. I'm glad you and your friends had a good time.

Charlie: (gratefully) Thanks, Dad. I couldn't have asked for a better night. And I'm so grateful for everything you've done to make it special.

Lucifer: (affectionately) Anything for my little princess. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

Charlie smiles warmly at her father, feeling grateful for his love and support as the two hear a knock at the door.

Charlie: (excited) I'll get it.

Charlie rushes off to the door as Lucifer smiles proudly.

Charlie reaches the door and opens it... as her eyes widen in shock as she drops her glass, causing it to shatter.

Charlie: (shocked) Mom...

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