By coffeeteab

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SEVENTEEN WEREWOLF AU "A Trueblood Alpha and an Alpha can never be mates, you've gone insane Kwon" "Just wait... More

Information+Character Introduction
Red Moon Pack
Crescent Moon Pack
Midnight Moon Pack
The Reason
Hey Buddy πŸ«‚
Worried for YOU
Not one but two mates?
"We are happy for you hyung's"
Joshua in Heat
Jeonghan's favourite dongsaeng
The Plan
Rescue the Omega's
The After Math
Fun Banter (1)
Fun Banter (2)
Whipped much?
JH Birthday celebration
HJ Birthday celebration
Crowned Alpha
Seokmin is missing
Where are you Seok?
Seokmin is safe
TRUEBLOOD got killed???
Everything's (not) Okay
Soonyoung's okay!!
Back to normal
Fight between friends?
Jun's Mate
Moon goddess visit's Soonyoung
Soonie's mate Seokie
Hoshi meets DK
Courting Lee Seokmin

Omega's in danger

267 13 45
By coffeeteab

Seungcheol and Joshua left the room when Joshua felt better.

The hallways were packed with students that were leaving as it was the end of their school hours.

Every girl in the hallway was eyeing the male besides Seungcheol with jealousy in their eyes.

Joshua felt nervous and small under their gaze.

He could feel their gaze onto him. How could he not when they were practically boring their eyes into the back of his head.

Joshua felt a squeeze on his hands. He looked at the male besides him who didn't bat an eye at him.

Did I mention that they were holding hands while leaving the school. Oh now I did.

Joshua felt himself relaxed as they were now out of the school.

Seungcheol looked at the ethereal male beside him and couldn't help but feel lucky to have him as his mate.

Joshua turned towards his mate and found him staring at him.

Heat rushed to his cheeks and he looked down feeling shy all of sudden.

He didn't feel like this with anyone not even with Seokmin.

Sure being in presence of Seokmin made him feel a certain type of way.

But with Seungcheol it was different. He couldn't describe this feeling he got whenever Seungcheol looked at him or touched him like he is made of porcelain glass.

Nonetheless he liked it.

Seungcheol looked at Joshua who had faint tint of pink adorning his cheeks and chuckled internally cooing at his adorable mate.

"Joshua are you okay?"

"U-um y-yeah I am"

"You don't have to be nervous around me Josh. Is it ok if I call you that?"

"Yes I like it" Thankfully he didn't stutter this time.

"Good, so let's go home. I'll leave you at your pack"

"Uh you don't need to. I'll be okay going by myself"

"No not on my watch. I have made a word with your pack members that I'll be the one dropping you by"

"Um but it would be a waste of time for you"

"It is not a waste of time if I am spending it with one of my mates"

Joshua smiled

"Um are you upset with Jeonghannie"

"Yeah a little bit, he could have spend some time with us but no he chose to go with that little Alpha. Is he that important to him", said Seungcheol annoyed.

"Um you know you should be thankful that Jeonghan isn't here. If he would listen you speaking about Seokmin like that he wouldn't appreciate it"

"What will he even do about it. And why is even Seokmin so important to him not only him but everyone are so fond of him. Even Soonyoung. I still can't believe Soonyoung spoke to me in a rude way. He didn't speak to me in that tone once and now he did only because of Seokmin"

"Seokmin is precious to everyone in his pack. More precious to Jeonghan. He practically raised him after Seokmin turned 5 and Jeonghan was 7 that time"

"What do you mean by raised him where was his mother?"

"I don't know much but Seokmin's mother used to always go somewhere leaving Seokmin behind, his father used to go early and come home late from his work. So Jeonghan used to take Seokmin to his house. And since then they both have developed this Mother-Son relationship"

"Ohh ok"

"Please don't be upset with him. He loves Seokmin more than his life. And that would never change no matter what"

"So he loves him more than us"

"You can say that"

"Ok that hurt"


They proceeded to go towards the Crescent moon pack where Joshua currently resides.

They had to pass through the jungle way as it is the only way to reach the pack.

Seungcheol was still holding hands with Joshua and they both were peacefully walking towards the pack.

Seungcheol broke the silence,
"Uh Josh can I ask you something?"

"Hmm", he hummed

"What triggered your heat?. If you don't mind me asking because as far as I know Omegas know when they get their heat. And if it comes unannounced it means that something triggered it"

"Ohh umm even I don't know but I feel like it has something to do with you. My Alpha's touch triggered it"

Seungcheol smiled like a fool at that.

"I am glad I was the cause of it"


Then they fell into a comfortable silence.

Everything was going to well. Too well.

But not every good thing lasts for a long time.

They both were walking silently until there was some rustling sounds coming from ahead.

And there were 5 to 6 rogue wolfs growling at them.

"Well well well, if it isn't Alpha Seungcheol. Oh what a pleasant surprise you have your Omega with you", said one of the rogues

"What do you want?", asked Seungcheol clenching his jaw in anger.

Why did they have to be here now only. When he had his Omega with him. He swore he wouldn't forgive himself if something happens to Joshua.

Joshua got scared of the sudden attack of the rogues.

"Oh Seungcheol what a pretty Omega you have. It's sad that you are keeping him for yourself", said another one completely ignoring his question.

"Eyes off my omega you rascals", growled Seungcheol.

The rogues started laughing at him.

"Mmm we would do nothing to him just have a little fun and then return him to you", said the middle one laughing hysterically.

Joshua shuddered at that thought. He clutched Seungcheol's shirt and whimpered.

Seungcheol noticed his Omega in distress and wanted nothing but to  kill those filthy rogues.

"Lay a finger on my Omega and you won't see the next morning", said Seungcheol growling harder.

"Ooooo~ I am sacred", mocked the first rogue wolf

"Just tell me what you want and I'll let you go free"

"You know what we want Seungcheol"

"I can't give you that. Any another demand?"

"We only want one thing, give us that and we'll let you go from here".

"Last time you tried and you failed. I'd like to see you try again and watch you fail miserably"

"Oh don't even try to do something stupid Seungcheol. Do you know that your precious Omega's friends are in our hands", laughed the rogues seeing Seungcheol's face.

Seungcheol's face paled after hearing the rogues. He has some of Joshua's friends? So does that mean Jeonghan's in danger?

Joshua's eyes also widened after hearing that. He just hopes they are ok.

"W-who do you have and how can we believe you?"

"Oh the Red moon's next Alpha is stuttering. I like it. And to answer your question we have the Crescent moon and Midnight moon packs omegas with us. If you want them alive give us the TRUEBLOOD"

"I need to see them first. How should I believe that you are saying the truth. What if it's your dirty game"

"You'll receive a video on your cellphone"

Just then a ding sound was heard. It came from Seungcheol's back pocket.

He took out his phone and clicked on the message that was sent to him.

There it was a video. He clicked on play. Him and Joshua looked at the screen intently.

In the video they could see Minghao, Seungkwan, Wonwoo and Chan? laying on a mattress. They had some bruises here and there.

Joshua had some tears gathered near his eyes. He could not imagine what they must be going through.

Seungcheol looked at his mate sadly. If it were his friends he would also feel what Joshua was feeling.

The video ended and Seungcheol kept his phone in his picked and sighed.

"Do you believe us now"

"You said you only have the omega's what is Chan doing there?", asked Joshua this time.

"Oh so the omega can speak. And he had to come in between so we had no choice but to capture him as well"

"What will you do if don't fulfill your demand?" - Seungcheol

"It's simple you'll see their dead bodies in front of your door"

"And you ask too many questions. Just give us what we want and we'll let them go untouched"

"Ok tell me where should we come with him"

"You'll receive the address on your phone"


The rogues went leaving Seungcheol and Joshua alone.

"Alpha will my friends be okay? I am scared what if they kill them even after fulfilling their demands"

"Hey hey Josh please don't panic. I promise you nothing will happen to your friends. I will not allow these rogues to even lay a finger on them. Okay", said Seungcheol cupping his cheeks

"Okay we should hurry and tell this to Jeonghan and others he must be panicking"

"Okay I'll tell my friends to come to Crescent moon as well"

Joshua nodded.

Seungcheol called Mingyu.

Mingyu picked up and Seungcheol hurriedly said to him to come at the Crescent moon pack and cut the call.

Mingyu looked at his phone with furrowed brows.

He quickly went out his house and called Soonyoung and Jun to come near their designated spot.

Mingyu could feel the urgency in Seungcheol's voice so he told the other two to hurry up.

Soon the three met up and Soonyoung asked him

"What is it gyu why did you call us so urgently. I was playing my favourite game"

"Hyung your game isn't important right now. Seungcheol hyung and he sounded very terrified and told us to arrive at the Crescent moon"

"Crescent moon? Okay let's go quick", said Soonyoung worried something might have happened to Seokmin.

They quickly walked towards the pack with quickened steps.

Meanwhile Seungcheol and Joshua reached to the Crescent moon pack and saw Jeonghan walking back and forth and Seokmin was trying his best to calm him.

Jihoon was on phone maybe calling someone

Joshua reached near Jeonghan with some tears in his eyes.

Jeonghan noticed his presence and immediately pulled him into a hug startling him.

Joshua pulled away from the hug just to see him in tears.

"J-josuji s-somefing h-happened to o-our p-packs Omega's. They a-are m-missing", Jeonghan said hiccuping.

"Hannie hyung breathe please, nothing will happen to them", said Seokmin rubbing his back softly.

"If something happens to them I won't be able to forgive myself"

"Hey hey nothing will happen we'll figure something out", said Joshua

"Seokminie nothing will happen to them right? We'll get them back safely right? Right?, asked Jeonghan clutching Seokmin's hand.

The look of desperation on Jeonghan's face made Seokmin look away from him.

He doesn't know. Truth to be told he doesn't even know where they are. He smiled towards Jeonghan and nodded as a yes. His throat felt dry.

"I want words"

"Y-yeah, y-yes hyungie. We'll get them back"

Just then Seungcheol's friends arrived.

Jeonghan noticed them and furrowed his brows.

Joshua noticed it and told him,

"We know that the Omega's are missing Jeonghan"


"U-uh u-um", he hesitated

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged themselves.

"What Joshua tell us", Jihoon said being impatient. He finished his call and joined them noticing everyone here.

Vernon who had gone into a panic mode after realising that Seungkwan is missing was also back with them. Still in daze.

"Um but why is Red moon's Alpha's here?", asked Vernon

"Josh I'll explain it. Please be calm and don't need to panic I am telling you nothing will happen to them"

Everyone were shocked to hear the nickname but now it wasn't important.

"Um when Joshua and me were coming to your pack. We encountered six rogue wolfs on our way"

Everyone widened their eyes

"What??", Jeonghan exclaimed.

"Um yeah. So apparently they want something from us"

Soonyoung raised his eyebrow at him asking if what he's thinking is it that

"Yeah Soonyoung you're thinking right"

"What kind of telepathy language are y'all speaking in? Tell us as well" - Jihoon

"Umm they are behind the Red moon pack. I am sorry that your pack got involved in as well"

"What do they want from y'all? And why is my pack Omega's getting involved in it?" - Jeonghan

"I am really sorry for that. They are behind us from years. Planning attack on us and what not. But they haven't still succeeded in getting what they want", Seungcheol explained.

"So now they are pulling this trick by kidnapping the omegas from the pack in which my mates are because they know that I'll agree on their demand in split sec. They know my weakness is that I can't let anyone harm the people I love", he explained further.

"Umm you still haven't told us what they want", said Jihoon basically telling him to get on the point.

"Yeah uh they want the TRUEBLOOD"

Everyone's eyes turned to Soonyoung who just sighed.

In all honesty he just want to away from all this shit that is happening. He doesn't want to live a life where constantly some or the other is put in danger just because they want get a hold of him.

"Why do they want him"

"Honestly even we don't know. They never told us their motive as to why they want the TRUEBLOOD so badly.

"So why do they not enter in your province and just kidnap him? Why did they have to take our packs omega's" - Jihoon

Seokmin gasped looking at Jihoon irredicously
"Hyung how can you say that. Being a Trueblood is not easy imagine all the trouble Hyung must have had to face just because some filthy wolfs are behind him"

Soonyoung smiled inwardly. His crush was caring for him.

"Um sorry my sentence came off as rude but I am worried for my pack"

"No it's ok we understand"

"But hyung when are they going to stop bothering our Soonyoung hyung"- Mingyu

"I don't know gyu"

"Umm what will happen if we give them what they want?"

"Uh we don't know but as per our elders they said that the TRUEBLOOD should not in any means get in hands of the rogues. It would turn out bad for everyone of us"


"So now what should we do?"

"We have to agree to their demand"

"Hyung what? But what if they deceive us?" - Jun

"Ok I have a plan" - Seokmin

Hope you will love this chapter


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