In your arms

By CriSogna29

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Maya is a firefighter from Seattle who found her family in the firehouse. Thanksgiving 2022 will bring someth... More

November 24, 2022 - Thanksgiving day
C. 2
December 5, 2022
December 15, 2022
December 17, 2022
December 23, 2022
February 12, 2023 - The Super Bowl' night
February 24, 2023 - Escondido Canyon Park
March 27, 2023
March 29, 2023 - Catania
April 05, 2023 - Los Angeles
April 15, 2023
May 19, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 22, 2023 - Carina's house
July 04, 2023 - Independence Day
July 19, 2023 - Maya's house
August 10, 2023 - Night of St. Lorenzo
August 18, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece
August 24, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece
August 27, 2023 - Maya's House, LA
August 28, 2023 - Maya's House, LA
September 10, 2023 - Hamburger Mary's WeHo, Los Angeles, Amelia's birthday
September 18, 2023 - Maya's house
September 23, 2023 - Annual Fire Stations Tournament
September 29, 2023 - Elementary School, Los Angeles
October 05, 2023
November 02, 2023 - Carina's house
November 23, 2023 - Thanksgiving Day
December 01, 2023 - Carina's house
March 28, 2028 - Home
March 28, 2028
May 06, 2027 - Los Angeles
May 13, 2027 - Dr. Kennedy's office - Child Psychotherapist, Los Angeles

August 20, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece

175 9 2
By CriSogna29

Happy Friday to everyone!

August 20, 2023 - Skopelos, Greece

I never imagined that for the second time in my life I could experience the feeling of happiness and well-being in staying in bed all day with Carina, making love. We definitely have backlogs to catch up on, but the most beautiful part is another. My favorite part is the complicity that comes with it. Those who look at us from the outside, for example Andy, always pointed out how from the first moment we saw each other again, last Thanksgiving, it was noticeable that we were not complete strangers. I never understood from what it could be guessed, Andy speaks of "an obvious complicity," the fact remains that it never seemed so striking to me. After finally making love with Carina all the complicity that others have always talked about has finally become apparent again to my eyes: it is an intimacy, something that I cannot actually explain in words, but that I can see in the gestures, that I feel in the physical closeness between us. It is as if the atmosphere around us has taken on a different color, with new tastes and new smells.

After spending practically the entire day yesterday in bed, with the exception of a small outing at sunset, today we decided to power through and go to the beach. I immediately regretted the choice, because Carina spends most of her time in the water, complaining about the high temperatures, whereas I don't like to soak so much. However, this leads to the inevitable consequence of being physically distant and almost causes me physical pain. To avoid being so melodramatic, at some point, I decided to take a walk nearby and that's how I came up with the idea for tonight.

Carina has organized so much for me: she came up with the idea for the vacation, arranged our lodging here, even paid for the airline flights, refusing any contribution from me. Carina is the only person in my life with whom I can accept that there is an exchange, even a material one, that is not so fair: I think it stems from the realization that she and I complement each other and that therefore in every sphere, practical or not, where I do not arrive, she arrives and vice versa.

For tonight then I wanted to do her a thought and organized for the two of us this wine tasting, at a winery a few miles from our lodging. I rented a scooter and then at sunset time I surprisingly loaded her into the saddle and drove her there. The overall atmosphere is magical: there are crickets singing, there is the setting sun, the warm evening air approaching, many glasses of wine at our disposal, with an accompanying cheese board, honey and figs. Carina seems to have liked the idea, so much so that she has been repeating for half an hour that she is having a culinary orgasm. Our time apart is over, however, because after spending some time facing each other at the small table to which we have been assigned, Carina gets up and moves her chair next to mine. I look at her curiously and she smiles mischievously at me as she sits down and then lifts her legs, resting them on my lap; she leans forward and kisses my cheek, her lips still sticky with honey. I smile and by instinct I turn and kiss her mouth.

C < thank you..> she whispers almost dreamily.

M < for what?> I look at her curiously.

C < for bringing me's beautiful..> I smile, pleased with myself.

M < I knew I couldn't go wrong with wine..!> I exclaim and she shakes her head, laughing.

C < I would have been satisfied with your company..> she sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. I joke, teasing her about her sappiness, and soon, unfortunately, our time for sightseeing and tasting runs out.

Accompanying Carina out of this winery is an adventure, because she has not only tasted and sampled the wines, but has literally drained her glasses. Result: she's a little tipsy, tending toward drunkenness.
M < will you be able to hold on to me on the scooter?> I ask laughing. I hold Carina under my arm, and when she laughs she does it so loudly that it almost throws me off balance. I have to use some strength to hold her up, but those who see us from the outside surely recognize us as a happy, carefree couple.

C < I have an idea!> Carina says suddenly, stopping in the middle of the road. I look at her with a wry smile on my face.

M < let's hear it..> I almost dare her.

C < now I'm going to call Sarah and we'll meet! Do you want to?> she proposes and I almost breathe a sigh of relief, because I could have expected anything given her shaky state of consciousness.

Sarah agrees to meet us, and so we find ourselves shortly thereafter at the club her husband runs, a short walk from our quarters. At the table with us, over yet another, for Carina especially, drink, in addition to Sarah there is a friend of hers, who apparently knew Carina in her college days. If I'm being honest, I have rather fuzzy memories of their acquaintance and any stories Carina told me in the past. And again if I am to be honest, the relationship between Sarah and this friend of hers seems anything but friendly. However, it is not fair of me to make judgments on the basis of nothing, so I sit quietly while they catch up on past times and I, in the meantime, look around, relaxing in the face of everyone's holiday atmosphere. In general, there is a somewhat tipsy atmosphere, people talking loudly, people laughing out loud, even someone dancing on the tables. Just a few days ago this image for me would have been my doom and torture, probably the fuse that would have set off my OCD. Instead, while remaining aloof and tending to be silent, I let the lightness that belongs to my heart in this moment travel free and relaxed amidst the chaos of entertainment and other people's lives.

Still, I try to focus on the conversation the other three at my table are having, even though they are in fact talking about people and events unknown to me. Sarah for example is now telling updates about her sister's life, which in my head has the image of a black dot with a question mark over it. I nod here and there, until I am called out directly by Carina.

C < do you know what is the most important thing Sarah has done for me?> I shake my head, curious about the answer.

M < besides reserving a place for you for this vacation, you mean?> I joke and they all laugh.

C < she was the first person who made me realize that there was nothing wrong with kissing and making love to someone of your own gender..> I cough barely, swallowing my own saliva with difficulty: I didn't expect this turn of phrase.

M < do you mean you slept with her?> I ask in a direct manner. Again they all laugh, and this time it is Sarah who explains her side of the story.

S < when Carina and I met, through my sister, I was little more than a teenager, but already engaged to what is now my husband. I liked to have fun, though, and I liked to hang out with my sister, who was obviously hanging out with clubs and more adult people. So, by the way, I met Carina..> Carina nods and joins the story.

C < and it was on one of these first times that Sarah was sneaking out with us that enlightened me on the one hand and traumatized me on the other!> they laugh and Sarah spices up the narrative with details, recalling how Carina had caught her in intimate attitudes in a bedroom of their friend's mansion that was hosting a party. The surprising thing, for Carina, however, was that although she was precisely already engaged to a boy, Sarah at that moment had her head under the miniskirt of another girl who was sitting on the bed with wide legs, evidently without panties.

At this point I no longer finish laughing at the tale and the rest of the evening continues between anecdotes and jokes related to those times, in which in fact Sarah maintained, also with the complicity of Carina and her sister, a parallel relationship of a few months with this girl.

M < how come you then chose your current husband?> I ask and Sarah grimaces, shrugging her shoulders.

S < my husband is a wonderful person and in my own way I have always been in love with him. In a relationship with a woman, however, there is something magical that I cannot explain and that I have never found with anyone other than that girl...> I nod and do not comment even though it seems to me a very sad way to live one's life. Once again, however, I wonder who am I to judge her experience and choices.

C < have you ever regretted? > Carina asks her instead. Sarah shrugs again.

S < if I think about her I regretted because I never wanted to make her feel as bad as she did because of me. If I think selfishly of myself, absolutely not..> and after a short pause she adds. < it's far more human cases that I have regretted seeing dick!!> we all burst out laughing at her frankness, but I find myself a bit on the edge when Sarah asks the same question of us, which is whether we have ever regretted sleeping with someone. If her friend immediately answers no, Carina admits that she has had fucks that she feels were somewhat avoidable, but which she still did not regret.

M < not even Luke's? > I ask. I can't hold my tongue, even though I know that maybe these aren't exactly the best circumstances for talking about it. Carina seems surprised by the question and the other two people present with us also seem to hold their breath for a moment. There is one too many moments of silence, which threatens to make the atmosphere awkward, and that is the moment when I open my mouth to apologize and say that there is no need to answer, but Carina is a millisecond ahead of me.

C < to tell the truth, no. Rationally I know that I should have endured a lot less and I should perhaps have left him sooner, but in the moment I experienced my moments with him there was a meaning. Maybe hard to understand, but there was..> I nod and this time I learn to keep quiet. It also seems that Carina suddenly swallowed her own hangover, suddenly becoming more than lucid and serious. I can also read it in the defiant look she gives me shortly afterward.

C < and you? Have you regretted any flings?> and I know that she is provoking me, that part of her would like to hear that I regret sleeping with some girl in my recent past, but the truth is that I don't regret it. After a moment's thought, however, I answer yes.

S < really? > Sarah asks, trying to lighten the situation by laughing and asking for more information.
M < when I came home after Canada, I re-met a person and I don't really know how I ended up in bed with her either. It was a one-time experience, but I regretted it..>

S < for the person or for the experience?> I wrinkle my nose laughing.

M < both of them?> I feel three looks on me and I know I need to add details. I sigh and do so shortly thereafter. < she was my former history teacher. I always had a thing for her and evidently it was reciprocated..>

C < are you kidding?> Carina asks me and I shake my head, laughing a little at her shocked expression.

M < no! I met her in a bar one morning, and I can't really say how or why, but two hours later we were naked in a rumpled motel bed..>

Amid laughter, comments and anecdotes the night wore on and it was now 3 a.m. when we said goodbye to the others and Carina and I walked hand in hand back to our room.

I thought we would talk more, that we would compare notes about the evening, about stories, that perhaps we would again address topics that are hot for us, but instead there is a great silence that accompanies us. All in all, it is a comfortable silence, one that suits us perfectly.

We need only cross the threshold of the door to our quarters for the atmosphere to change once again. I close the door behind me and have to close my eyes in surprise when I find Carina clinging to my body, pushing me back and kissing me vehemently.

C < I've wanted to do this for hours..> she whispers between kisses as her hands are now all over my body.

The pressure of her body against me immediately has an overheating effect, so I react to her "attack" of kisses and curious hands with desire and vehemence. I catch her by surprise by sliding my hands down her bottom, really only to grab her behind her thighs and pull her up, taking her in my arms. Carina bursts out laughing, but immediately wraps her arms around my neck for support and entwines her legs at my waist.

C < how strong you are...!> she whispers teasingly into my mouth, before her lips are again invested by mine. I accompany her to the bed on the edge of which I make her sit and immediately kneel between her legs. Carina takes my face in both hands, and for a moment we stop and gaze spellbound into each other's eyes.

C < I've been dreaming of this moment all evening..> I smile and release myself from her gentle grasp only to kiss her inner thigh, although the operation is a little difficult because the fabric of her long skirt is involved.

M < the moment you surrender to me?> I provoke her and Carina laughs, throwing her head back.

C < we'll see about that..> she winks at me and I continue to find her the sexiest woman in the world: she is also so because her sensuality is genuine and often unintentional.

I do not answer her, but I caress both her ankles, beginning to pull up the fabric of her skirt. When I get past her knees, I allow myself to cast a glance at Carina's gaze, which is already lost, prey to excitement. I smile self-satisfied as I place my lips on her bare knees, first one then the other. Carina gasps as soon as my wet lips continue down her leg, moving up toward her pleasure center. I tuck my head under what remains of her rolled-up skirt, to be able to complete the stroke of my kisses along her inner thigh and then deposit some on the already arousal-soaked fabric of her thong. It would only take a little to do it sideways and rest my lips on her sex, but I want to provoke her some more. I pass my tongue between her folds, again from above the fabric, and I seem to feel her clitoris throbbing. Carina leans her hands firmly behind her and barely lets herself fall, reflexively spreading her legs even wider. I smile contentedly and close my eyes, breathing in her scent. I step out from under her skirt, causing an opposite reaction in Carina, who almost closes her legs to keep me there, but shuts up immediately when I kiss her. I rest one hand on the edge of the mattress to keep my balance because even one kiss from Carina is capable of making me dizzy.

Above all, however, I need to calibrate my strength well, because with a decisive gesture, shortly after, I rip off her thong. Carina immediately moves away from my kiss, gasping in surprise and then biting her lips to hold back a moan.

I can no longer resist knowing she is naked under her skirt, so I stick my head between her legs again, under the fabric, and brush my nose against her clit. Everything is so damn hot down here: wet, aroused, swollen and hot for me. I try for balance by keeping my hands on her legs, so I hold them open for her as my tongue begins to make love to her. I slip my tongue into every nook and cranny of her sex, savoring the taste, drinking in her humors. I clench between my teeth her clit, which pulses against my lips and makes her moan so loudly. When I move my tongue closer to her entrance, Carina throws her body back even more, almost writhing and no longer able to handle the spasms of her abdomen and her hips coming at me. Her legs, despite the strength of my arms, almost crush my face, but I am delighted. With my tongue inside her warm sex, I am happy.

Carina moans louder and louder, accompanying the movements of my tongue more and more with her hips. Her hands are now on my head, still hidden by the fabric of her skirt, literally pushing me harder and harder against her. Her rough voice begging me to fuck her harder and screaming my name is music to my ears. And finally after a few more firm strokes of my tongue against her clitoris, Carina explodes in a powerful orgasm, coming against my mouth, with which I immediately set about to collect every drop of her pleasure.

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