
By nickinacpattywack

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"I can't loose, when i'm with you" Sequel to Nobody Gets Me. A SZA SOS feel. Enjoy. More



755 75 29
By nickinacpattywack

onika got one more time to leave me. on her life i'm gonna fuck her up. she's left this room like three times and every time is when i fall back to sleep. you can't fuck someone into the mattress and then leave.

girl just fucked me so good. and i was drunk, she was high, so it lasted all night. here we are morning and she testing my gangsta. finna snatch her ass up and make her lay down.

i got out the bed holding my boobs and grabbed my silk robe from the floor. the fucking floor was freezing i slid my slippers on as well. that's all onika with that air. like why does it have to be so cold? as i was about to make my way around the bed, onika came in the room.

she jumped seeing me up and cursed under her breath. i squinted my eyes at her, clearly having an attitude. i'm not even gonna do too much because after that break i promised not to be so jumpy at her.



"what are you doing?" i mugged her as she went in her drawer. she finally unpacked her suitcase! that's a cause for celebration. i'm surprised she even did it without me telling her again. i guess she didn't wanna hear my mouth.

"i'm getting something mama."

"why you keep leaving me in here by myself?"

"you're not by yourself my love."

"if no one else is in the room with me, yes i am." i mugged her. she turned to me from her drawer and blew me a kiss. why is she playing? that's her problem, she take me as a joke. "onika im finna get mad."

"at me? for what?" she chuckled closing her drawer back, about to walk out again. see!?

"onika if you leave me again i'm gonna fuck you up!!"

"mama.... what is wrong with you?"

i huffed ignoring her and started to fix the bed back. she getting on my nerves right now. real shit. like i wanna rko her short ass on this floor.  this cold ass floor. she need to turn that air off.

common sense is so hard for her. obviously i want my fucking wife. i don't even know what she's doing and i really don't care. she can do it alone in here with me. what's so important in the living room anyway?


"don't call me that." i mumbled. it's cute but i'm mad so she shouldn't call me cute things. i'll fold. she knows this. "get out, go do what you were doing."

"alright." she left out for real making me pout. i whined crossing my arms while watching the door. why would she really leave? i'm about to cry, for real. she's being the other onika when i want her to be soft onika.

it's not fair. soft onika would've been sleep in my boobs right now....not wanting me to move.

i sat on the bed with my arms crossed looking at the floor. what is she even doing? probably getting high. i could kind of smell it when she opened the door. it's too early for all that. ugh.

the door opened again but this time it wasn't onika. it was rumi. she came to me and crawled up my lap, laying her head on my shoulder. i had no choice but to hold her since she forced her way up here.

she's nine but she's long as hell. her birthday is coming soon and i know she's super excited. the big 10.

"what's wrong?"

"i wanted you and mommy but she's busy."

"what she doing?"

rumi shrugged and i mentally rolled my eyes. i was hoping she knew so i wouldn't have to go out. but looks like i do. i'm gonna figure out what the hell she's doing and why it's taking her time away from me. i stood up still holding mimi and left the room.

onika was sitting on the couch with some girl. all i could see was the back of their heads. i hesitantly walked around and nodded. that's just her cousin. she lucky. swear she lucky.

"hey beyoncé." she waved to me. i did the same back, looking to onika. of course she would be rolling a blunt. it's so sexy when she does it.

"baby i'll be back i'm about to go somewhere." onika stood from the couch with her cousin following. she grabbed a cross body and i realized she was really dressed. it was just a skims two piece but still....she looked too good. ass and titties sitting right...hell no.

"where you going?"

she didn't answer and i raised an eyebrow at her. the fact she wouldn't look to me really pissed me off, she just kept with licking her blunt. i slid rumi down my body making her whine. she gotta wait a second. mommy's about to whoop mommy's ass.

i walked to onika and stood in front of her while she was getting stuff together now. her pieces of bark and all that shit.

"tanya don't play with me." i spoke lowly. trying not to embarrass her with her cousin here.

"i'm not playing, i'm really about to go mama."

"where?" i gritted. i've already heard she finna go, i'm trynna see where. we're in jamaica, i do not trust her to just walk around without me. know how much ass is around these streets? knowing how onika is about ass...."onika."


"no cause you-" i grabbed her arm and pulled her towards our room. she whined trying to pull away but i was stronger. once i got her in the room i slammed the door. "i was trying not to do this with your cousin here. where are you going?"

"ouuttt. with my cousin."


"to smookkeee." aw my soft nika is back. i wanted to smile but i didn't. just kept my seriousness. "but we're gonna be trying new things and...smoking a whole lot."

"why?" i mugged. that doesn't even sound normal. why smoke so much?

"because we're in jamaica bey....and they have a lot of stuff for us to try. i wanna try it, that's why she came from her side."

"onika don't smoke too much seriously."

"that's the point baby...to smoke too much." she nervously scratched her head. i squinted my eyes at her and huffed seeing she was already high. it's too early for her to be doing this. "but i'm coming right back to you."

"i don't want you out too long."

"how long is too long?"

"how long were you gonna be gone onika?"

"until like...4 or 5."

"that's all fucking day, it's still morning." i gave her a look. it doesn't even take that long to smoke so how the fuck will it take all these hours? i'm about to kill her. "onika you playing with me."

"i'm not. i promise it's just smoking."

"you saying that as if my problem isn't you smoking too much as well."

she huffed stomping her foot and crossing her arms. i don't care about none of that.

"baby. you won't let me do anything."

"how come?" i tilted my head. if it's something i won't let her do, it's because she already does it at home and i don't like it. why would i come to jamaica and let her do it? that's dumb. onika likes to go overboard at times. give her an inch she'll take a mile and some more.

"because....i couldn't ride the dirt bikes and then...you just won't!"

"you know why i didn't let you ride the dirt bikes onika, don't even."

"i really don't."

"because you drive like a maniac and i knew you would've been very careless on those."

"but i wanted to ride them...bad. and you told me to shut up." because she was whining...

"oh my gosh." i rolled my eyes. why is she bringing this up? we had it situated the day it happened. "i don't care, we're not riding those."

"you don't have to...kam said we could go."

"i said no onika, i don't want you on that."

"well you're not my mom bey." okay she sound just like rumi. look like her too. i gave her a straight face walking closer to her.

"i'm not your mom but i'm your wife. and as your wife it's my duty to make sure you're safe. which means if i know something will cause you to act out, im gonna be against you doing it. and i know...that you doing those dirt bikes will make you do the most, which could tamper with your safety. something i'm supposed to make sure is 100% good...as your wife."


"so i need you back before 2."

"2!? baby it's 10."

"and you have four hours onika! it doesn't take that long to fucking smoke! you're lucky i said 2!"

she huffed stomping her foot again before whining. i grabbed her jaw making her look at me. if she don't chill her ass, seriously. it's not that deep.

"2. and i mean it onika."

"ok!" she jerked out of my hand and i rolled my eyes as she stormed out. doing the utmost over going to smoke. like how high can you possibly get? seriously.

i sat at the top of the bed getting on my phone. i'm probably gonna go back to sleep until she gets back. the kids have yet to get up or they've been up and went somewhere. rumi disappeared after i put her down.

lyric and kam enjoy taking the kids places. there's little things they have inside the hotel and most of the stuff are for kyris age. he's the baby and there isn't much for him to do when we leave. so.

oh my goodness i think i'm in this hotel by myself! they really all left me. i got up and left the room, looking around. going in the kids rooms, they really were gone. how did they leave so fast?

momma and daddy only show their faces when we're going somewhere together. their room is down the hall from ours. kelly and chelle....i could call them to come over.

but first i need to get the sheets changed.....

it probably smells like sex...

if i catch a case in jamaica how long will i be in jail for? onika playing with my intelligence and i'm gonna fuck her up. the moment she walk through that door i'm in her ass.

it's 4! i could've sworn i told her ass to be back by 2?!

kelly has been trying to calm me down but i just can't. the fact that onika won't answer the phone is pissing me off even more. she doesn't do that.

"bey i'm sure it died or something."

"no it didn't because it's ringing."

"ok enough excuses. onika just in trouble." chelle waved her hand in the air. i agree. kelly has been throwing excuses out for the longest.

i was chewing on my nail and staring at nothing when i heard the door open. the way i jumped up so quick. my heart dropped seeing her be carried in by her dad.

what the fuck?

"what happened?!"

he sighed shaking his head and went to our room. i followed watching him lay her in the bed. momma carol came in next, going straight to onika. then her cousin. that's who i went to. because how did she leave fine and come back knocked out? onika doesn't have medical issues.

"what happened?"

"her ass greened out. i was trynna wait till she woke up but her phone kept ringing and i figured it was you."

"what's that? greening out, i mean."

"she just basically passed out from the high. like she's asleep."

"how did that happen?" i'm confused. smokers terminology isn't the easiest to understand.

"we were hot boxing the car and she curled up and fell asleep in the middle of the session. she's alright, i promise. she just sleep."

i huffed looking at onika and she did look like she was in a deep sleep. that kind of calmed my nerves but i still got some words for her. if she would've came back when i told her to i'm sure this wouldn't have happened.

the fuck is greening out anyways? that's so weird. how do you pass out from smoking? and let's add this to one of the reasons i don't want her smoking.


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