TMNT 2012: Y/n Hamato

By KBPeanutGirl24578377

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the house, dudes! Y/n Hamato is the younger human sister of Leo, Donnie, Rap... More

Rise of the Turtles part 1
Rise of the Turtles part 2
Turtle Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Monkey Brains
Never Say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic in the Sewers
Mousers Attack!
It Came From the Depths
I, Monster
New Girl in Town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach Terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Karai's Vendetta
The Pulverizer Returns!
Operation: Break Out
Showdown Part 1
Showdown Part 2
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the Leader
Mutagen Man Unleashed
Y/n's Bio
Mikey Gets Shellacne
Target: April O'Neil
Slash and Destroy
Y/n gets a pet!
The Good, The Bad and Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead Rewired
Of Rats and Men
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The Manhattan Project part 2
Mazes and Mutants
The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza Face
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Vengeance In Mine
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The Invasion part 2
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Enemy of My Enemy

341 17 4
By KBPeanutGirl24578377

I don't own this picture!


Me and my brothers are on a rooftop looking over TCRI. 

"Nothing happening at T.C.R.I." I stated. 

"Yet..." Donnie said. 

"This game is awesome. The combat is so realistic." Mikey stated. 

"You want me to make it more realistic?" Raph asked. 

"Guys, stop messing around." Leo said. 

"According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight." Donnie said. 

"So we all have to stay alert." Leo said. 

"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." Karai said as we saw Karai on the water tower. 

"Cute, Karai. But I'm not in the mood." Leo stated. 

"Neither am I, remember our last chat? I meant that threat I made to you." I stated. 

Karai draws out her blade and starts to attack.

"We don't have time for this. Guys!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed. 

Everyone charged. Donnie strikes first, but she blocks it and leaps over him. Raph leaped over Mikey's shoulder and landed near Karai.

"'Booyakasha'? What does that even mean?" Karai asked. 

"I don't know. But it's fun to yell." Mikey stated. 

Karai catches Mikey's chain with her tanto and yanks Mikey in the air. Leo swings his sword at Karai.

"You really know how to make a girl feel welcome. I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang. What's going on?" Karai asked. 

"None of your business." Leo and I stated in unison. 

"And I'm not scrawny. I'm svelte." Donnie stated as we continue to fight Karai. 

"Oh, come on. Let me in on the fun." Karai said. 

"Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph stated. 

"An alien invasion? Are you serious?" Karai asked, shocked. 

Thunder crashes as something glows and opens up revealing a Krang scout ship.

"This can't be good." Leo said. 

"Uhm, guys, I think I need to change my shell." Mikey said. 

"I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing." Karai said. 

"Of course I do. Step one: Run!" Leo exclaimed. 

We began to run as the laser hit. We ran from rooftop to rooftop as the ship scanned the area and we get to the alleyway.

"What the heck was that?" Karai asked. 

"I don't know, but off the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and shooting at things." Leo stated. 

"Like at our shells!" Mikey exclaimed. 

They continue to run until Karai hides in an alley.

"You think it knows where we are?" Mikey asked. 

"Yeah, maybe." I stated. 

The car was lifted up by the beam and crashed to the ground, making us run again.

"Man, we gotta get underground." Donnie said. 

"I'll draw their fire." I stated. 

I goes after the scout ship to distract it.

"Over here, cyclops! You want me, come and get me!" I shouted. 

"Y/n, come on!" Raph exclaimed. 

"Oh, great. 'Cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it." Raph and I stated in unison. 

We get back to the lair. 

"That Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous. We've gotta figure out what it's doing here." Leo stated. 

"Or we could just skip to the part where we destroy it." Raph said. 

"You're pretty tough when they can't hit you back." Mikey stated. 

"So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser and challenge that thing to a rematch." Raph stated. 

"First we need a way to find a ship that's invisible." I stated. 

"I know, how about we shoot into the air until we hit it?" Raph said. 

"That doesn't sound too smart, Raph. We could end up hurting someone." I stated. 

"Yeah, Raph. Not too smart, buddy." Mikey teased and Raph glared at him. 

"Actually, Raph's got something there." Donnie said. 

"Yeah, Y/n, little sis, Raph's got something there." Mikey teased me and I just smacked him upside head slightly. 

"But instead of shooting objects, we'll shoot waves of electromagnetic radiation. In other words, radar. I've built some radar beacons we can set up around town. If the ship gets near us, I'll get an alarm on my T-phone." Donnie stated. 

"Good work, Donnie. Come on, guys. Let's split up and place those beacons." Leo said. 

"You'll get him next time, buddy." Mikey said. 

Outside, I placed the beacon on the roof.

"Tribeca beacon installed." I said into my phone to Donnie. 

"That's the last of them. Raph and Mikey are finished too.

"See you back at the lair." I said and hung up. 

I stand on the rooftop, thinking about stuff, when I feel eyes on the back of my head. 

"This is getting old, Karai." I stated. 

"I want to help you fight the Kraang." Karai stated. 

"Seriously? No, of course not. We're enemies. You want to destroy us. You're loyal to Shredder. Should I keep going?" I asked. 

"Look, if the Kraang win, we don't have a planet anymore. That makes our little fight seem pretty pointless, doesn't it?" Karai asked. 

"I doubt Shredder would agree." I stated. 

"Shredder is stubborn and short-sighted. He drives me crazy. His stupid vendetta is gonna take us all down. He may not be able to see that, but I know you do. What do you say? Work together for now?" Karai asked as she offered a hand. 

"Sorry, sister." I said as I left and headed back to the lair. 

"I know we shouldn't trust Karai. But still, I got the sense she really is fed up with Shredder." I stated. 

"That's probably just what she wants you two to think." Raph said, referring to me and Leo.  

"Hey, I'm not gaga like lover boy over here. I don't think of her as anything about an enemy." I stated. 

"I know, but Sensei, is there any chance she's for real?" Leo asked. 

"It is possible. Loyalties have been known to shift. But the kunoichi is trained to use deception to her advantage." Father stated. 

"So she either will or won't betray us?" Leo asked. 

"Correct. You must trust your instincts. but beware the trap of believing something to be true simply because you wish it to be so." Father stated. 

"So we should trust our instincts, unless our instincts are wrong?" I asked. 

"Correct." Father stated. 

"Uh, Thanks, sensei." Leo said. 

"Y/n, my child, something's troubling you again." Father said. 

"Shredder knows something about my parents and I want to know what that is, but I can't go anywhere near him without getting hurt. You and Shredder used to know each other, do you no anything about them, my father at least? F/n?" I asked. 

Father's eyes go wide and I knew that he knew something. 

"Father?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry, my child, but I know nothing of your real father." Father said. 

"You're lying to me, but I won't push you to tell me. I guess something are better left unsaid, right?" I asked, leaving the dojo.  

Me and my brothers are in the Shellraiser, but I couldn't focus. 

'What does Father know about my real parents?' I thought. 

"Guys, I think I've got something. Doesn't match any authorized flight patterns. It's gotta be the Kraang ship." Donnie said. 

"Or Santa! Nope, it's the Kraang ship. Ugh, that's a bummer." Mikey said. 

The scout ship starts to fire lasers at us. 

"Move it, Leo!" Raph exclaimed. 

"Hang on to your butts!" Leo exclaimed.  

Leo swerves around the corner as the Kraang ship continues to fire.

"I think I've figured out its mission. Us!" Donnie exclaimed. 

"Mikey, we need an escape route!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Take the alley on the right!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"It's a dead end." I muttered. 

"Don't take the alley on the right!" Mikey exclaimed. 

The alien ship fires at them and we all scream. 

"Any ideas, guys?" Leo asked. 

"Just one." Raph stated. 

Karai drives onto her motorcycle and starts to get onto the ship and stabs it. The ship starts to fly out of control.

"That was Karai! We've gotta go back and help her." Leo stated and we go after her. 

"She can take care of herself. Let's put some distance between that thing and us." Raph stated and Leo disagreed.  

"But the Shellraiser can't take another onslaught right now." Donnie stated. 

"Then I'll do it myself. Drive! I'll meet you back underground." Leo said as he left. 

Raph takes charge of driving as he gets into the go-kart.

"Eh, the stealth bike's my thing." Raph stated. 

"Now your thing is sucking it up." Mikey stated. 

"Hey, that's my thing!" Donnie exclaimed. 

 Meanwhile, Karai and Leo emerged from the go-kart. Later they were driven back into the sewers.

"We're back." Leo said. 

"You brought her inside? Dude, she'll see all our gear!" Raph stated as Karai enters the Shellraiser. 

"Yeah, 'cause if Shredder finds out you have an ice cream lamp, it is over." Karai said. 

"Karai just risked her life to save us. She's earned a little trust. Let's hear her out." Leo said. 

"You're the boss." Raph stated. 

"You guys need my help. You really think you can shoot down an alien warship with garbage?" Karai asked. 

"Compressed garbage." Donnie said. 

"And manhole covers." Mikey stated. 

"My point is, to take out a ship like that, you need a real weapon." Karai stated. 

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Raph asked. 

"What if I got you a shoulder-fired missile launcher?" Karai asked. 

"I'm starting to like her." Raph said, a little impressed. 

"Where are you gonna get a shoulder-fired missile launcher?" Donnie asked. 

"Shredder, of course." Karai stated. 

"Uh, we're talking about the same Shredder, right? Big dude, lots of blades? Really hates us?" Mikey asked. 

"Yeah, something tells me he's not gonna want to share his toys with us." Raph said. 

"He won't know about it. He's buying a big shipment of weapons down at the docks tomorrow night. All we need to do is sneak in and help ourselves." Karai stated. 

"Anyone else smell a trap?" Raph asked. 

"Sorry, that was me." Mikey said. 

"Why would I trap you? You're the only ones who know what the Kraang are up to." Karai stated. 

"True, but you don't really have the best track record." Donnie stated. 

"Fine, I'll get you the missile launcher myself." Karai stated. 

"You're really willing to steal from Shredder?" I asked. 

"Look, these things have to be stopped. If Shredder's not gonna do anything about it, then I will, with your help or without it." Karai stated. 

I looks at my brothers then Raph, who turns away.

"All right, here's the deal. You get us the missile launcher, and we'll team up." I stated. 

They shake hands on the deal.

"Stoked! I can't believe we're getting a missile launcher. What should we blow up first?" Mikey asked. 

"Uh, the Kraang ship?" Raph said. 

"Oh, right. What should we blow up second?" Mikey asked. 

"If Karai can pull it off." I said. 

"Are you worried about your girlfriend? I see why you guys do that now. It's kind of fun." Donnie said. 

"It isn't gonna be easy. Shredder's gonna be there too." Leo said. 

"Hey, you're right! For once, we know where Shredder's gonna be ahead of time, which means we could set a trap for him." I stated. 

"What? Look, we made a deal with Karai. We can't just go behind her back. This is about that Kraang ship. They want to take us out. So does Shredder." Leo said. 

"This may be our only chance to take him by surprise. Are we really gonna pass that up?" I asked. 

"All right, guys, let's take down the Shredder." Leo said. 

Me and the boys are on the cargo boxes.

"Aim for his armor. The electro-grenade will use the metal as a conductor to amplify the shock." Donnie stated. 

"How much of that did I need to understand?" Mikey asked. 

"Aim for his armor." I stated. 

"Got it." Mikey said. 

"You sure we should trust Mikey with this?" Raph asked. 

"When it comes to water balloon launchers, he's the best in the business." Leo stated. 

Karai takes out a harpoon. then looked at her father and Ivan. She looks to see the turtles using a slingshot.

"Booyakasha, ShredHead!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"Look out!" Karai excalimed. 

Karai dives and tackles Shredder to the ground. The grenade hits the car, electrocuting Ivan to the ground.

"Are you kidding me?" Raph asked. 

"I do not understand that woman." Mikey stated. 

"Incoming!" Leo exclaimed. 

We dodge the bazooka and crash to the ground.

"Well, this can't get much worse." I stated. 

"The radar! The Kraang ship is nearby!" Donnie exclaimed. 

"I stand corrected!" I exclaimed. 

"Fall back, guys!" Leo exclaimed. 

"No argument here!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Shredder summons out his blades as the turtles run away. We stopped and saw that we were cornered.

"Tell me where Splinter is, and I'll let you live long enough to watch him perish." Shredder stated. 

"You won't touch my father, but now I have something to ask you. How do you know my real father, F/n?" I asked. 

"F/n..." Shredder said as he eyes go wide. 

"Answer the question! How do you know him? Dōshite watashinochichi o shitte iru nodesu ka?"(How do you know my father?).

The scout ship hovers above.

"That thing again? Great timing." Leo sated. 

"Honto ni wa?"(Really?) Shredder and I asked in unison. 

We dodge the lasers. Shredder opened the container doors and rolled forward to dodge the attack. Leo locked Shredder in the metal shipping container.

"Come on!" Leo exclaimed. 

We start to follow Leo but Shredder's katar blade bursts through the metal door stopping us. The blade breaks through the locks sealing him as Shredder kicks the door freeing him. Shredder turns around facing the turtles.

"We'll catch up to you later!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Leo is comforted by Karai, while I go after Shredder. 

"Now, where were we? Oh yeah, you were about to tell me about my real father! I know that you know him! Who is he to you?! Tell me!" I exclaimed. 

"Anata no otōsan wa watashi no futago no kyōdai de, anata no okāsan wa tan shen to i n shen no shin'yūdeshita."(Your father was my twin brother, and your mother was Tang-Shen and Y/n-Shen's best friend.) Shredder stated.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. 

"Īe! Anata wa uso o tsuite imasu!"(No! You're lying!). I screamed. 

"Uso janai yo, bōya. Watashi wa anata no Oji no Sakidesu."(It's not a lie, child. I'm your Uncle Saki). Shredder stated. 

I screamed and my brothers heard me and Leo caught me as I passed out from shock. 

When I finally came to, I was in the dojo and Father and my brothers were there. My head felt like it had been hit with a hundred hammers. 

"Father? Leo? Donnie? Raph? Mikey?" I asked and they looked up at me as I said their names. 

"Y/n, thank goodness you're awake." Leo said. 

"What happened out there?" Raph asked. 

"Long story short, my real father is the Shredder's twin brother. I'm the Shredder's niece and he's my uncle. Which means that Karai is my cousin." I stated as I looked at Father. 

"And you knew all about this? I can't believe you would keep the truth from me like this. What did you think would happen? That I would up and leave you and my brothers for some family I just met. I still wanna find my parents, there's no doubt about that, but I will never leave this family for another. Now, if you all will kindly excuse me, I need to wrap my head around what I just found out." I said as I went to my room. 




Hey, my little ninjas!

WOW! What a plot twist! You are the Shredder's niece! 

Let's hope we can find out parents before the Kraang invasion! 

I love you all!

Karai's Vendetta is coming out tomorrow!  


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