I Like Your Pheromones

By Vida_mary

38.1K 822 237

FOR OFFLINE PURPOSES CREDITS TO THE AUTHOR AND TRANSLATORS!!! As a good-looking Beta with a good family backg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 31

522 13 5
By Vida_mary

Seeing Lu Xingci leave the private room, Chen Yue’s gaze fell on Duan Jiayan.

After the latter snapped out of his daze, he took the menu and started discussing what to order with Shen Chilie.

Duan Jiayan seemed to perpetually feel like someone was looking at him. He raised his head and saw Chen Yue looking at him contemplatively.

Duan Jiayan assumed that he wanted the menu and after Shen Chilie was done ordering, pushed the menu in front of Chen Yue, “What do you want to eat? You can order it.”

Chen Yue took the menu and said vaguely, “I just realised that you’re pretty good looking.”

Duan Jiayan laughed and not at all humbly nodded, “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.”

Chen Yue pondered for a second before suddenly asking, “Then do you find Lu-gou good looking?”

Without hesitating, Duan Jiayan answered, “Of course he’s good looking, an absolute hunk. He’s just a little less good looking compared to me.”

Chen Yue, “……”

Lu Xingci stood outside the door of the Jiachuan restaurant, staring dazedly at nothing in particular.

He felt that his temper was a little unexpected. He had no idea why he had a sense of hostility towards Shen Chilie. What was more baffling was the fact that the other had done nothing to earn his ire. From the start, he’s barely spoken two sentences to him, his pheromones were also well kept and not directed at him rudely.

Speaking of pheromones…

Since Shen Chilie and Duan Jiayan were sitting so closely, plus the fact that they most probably already had some close contact before this, Duan Jiayan was still carrying the smell of Shen Chilie’s red tea pheromones.

Wasn’t he still in his heat?

Isn’t his stress disorder quite serious?

Being so close to other people, doesn’t he feel any pain?

He took in a breath, slightly grinding his molars. He felt that his thoughts were being too meddlesome and rather unreasonable.

Lu Xingci put out his cigarette and made his way back in.

After lunch, Duan Jiayan made his way back to his dorm for an afternoon nap. Song Yi excitedly told him that something good might be happening later. He heard that the School Celebration were happening soon and so relevant activities are being planned out for it.

As it turned out, during his afternoon class, Zhao Minjun announced that next month will be Yi Zhong’s eightieth anniversary and both the freshman and sophomore year will need to produce a class activity. Class ten’s activity had been decided to be a class choir and practices will start that very night.

Zhao Minjun added that ABO related activities might also be planned this month and if nothing goes wrong, the sophomore year should be going to an ABO museum in Zhao city.

After making her announcement, Song Yi said to Duan Jiayan, “Zhao city huh, it’s a good place.”

Zhao city was close to the sea, with a bustling nightlife filled with bars and other similar forms of entertainment. Song Yi was excited, “We can secretly sneak out to play then?”

Duan Jiayan was also very interested, “If we’re really going to Zhao city, then let’s sneak out to play.”

As his words left his mouth, Zhao Minjun’s gaze fell on him. She looked at the two brothers and called out one of their names, “Duan Jiayan, what are you secretly talking to Song Yi about?”


Duan Jiayan paused and quickly thought of something, “Miss, we are counting when the examinations are coming. With it arriving soon, Song Yi and I have agreed to look out for one another as we absolutely can’t let this trip distract us from our studies.”

Laughter rang out within the classroom, even Zhao Minjun was laughing.

After the two announcements were made, the students were feeling a little restless. Zhao Minjun took back her gaze from Duan Jiayan and directed it to the rest of the class, “That’s right. Your exams are coming up so focus up and don’t let these events distract you. It is still important to put in effort in your studies.”

At night, Zhao Minjun took her students to the music room during their nightly self-study period for them to practice their singing.

The song class ten was scheduled to sing was a very encouraging popular song that the class’ entertainment and cultural committee members selected. After Zhao Minjun agreed to the song title, the committee member went to print out the lyric sheets in the afternoon to pass them out during practice.

After singing along for around an hour, Duan Jiayan started feeling a little bored and took advantage of his break to play with his phone.

As he was scrolling, he scrolled past a new update.

It was posted by Jiang Qinian.

She posted a selfie, along with a photo of Yi Zhong’s gate and a text post that had a ‘bye bye’ emoji.

Duan Jiayan scrolled a little lower and saw many people saying goodbye to her in the comments.

He paused and recalled Jiang Qinian saying that she was going overseas to study. He just never thought it’d be this soon. Duan Jiayan sent her a message.

[Have you already left?]

After a while, he received her reply.

[I’m still at my dorm, moving my luggage.]

Duan Jiayan stood up. He looked up and saw that the teacher was not around. It was a good time to leave the music room.

[Do you have a lot to move? I’ll come help you out.]

Vfflcu atja tlr oglfcv kjr tfjvlcu abkjgvr atf vbbg ktlif ibbxlcu ja tlr qtbcf, Vbcu Tl tegglfvis mjiifv bea, “Wljb Gejc, ktfgf jgf sbe ublcu?”

Duan Jiayan turned around, “Jiang Qinian is leaving, I’m going to go send her off.”

Lu Xingci who was originally playing around with his phone stopped when he heard their conversation, the corners of his mouth moving down.

After Duan Jiayan disappeared past the door, Lu Xingci thought about it and stood up as well.

The female dormitory was not far from the music room. After making his way down the stairs, Duan Jiayan sped up a little and reached the female dormitory in no time.

He spotted Jiang Qinian immediately.

She was pulling along a suitcase and was listening to music on her earphones. She seemed to be waiting for him.

Probably because she was no longer a Yi Zhong student, she was not wearing the school’s uniform. It was well into late autumn, Jiang Qinian was wearing a short skirt with long light grey socks pulled up to her knees, her legs looked both straight and elegant.

Duan Jiayan waved to her with a smile.

“Leaving today?”

Jiang Qinian nodded, “I just came back to pack some stuff, most of my other items have already been moved. I’m just left with this suitcase and I can pull it by myself to the school gate.”

Jiang Qinian looked in the direction he came in, “You don’t have any classes?”

“We’re practising singing for the school festival.” Duan Jiayan was about to say more when Jiang Qinian’s gaze stopped on someone.

After making out who was behind Duan Jiayan, her eyes brightened.

Her demeanour when talking to Lu Xingci was different from the casual attitude she had around Duan Jiayan. She was gentler and her voice was softer as well, evidently showing off her femininity, “Why are you here?”

Duan Jiayan astutely recognised the difference in Jiang Qinian’s treatment of both of them and turned back to glare at Lu Xingci.

Receiving his glare, the corner of Lu Xingci’s mouth hooked up. Cocking his chin towards Duan Jiayan, he succinctly said, “Catching him back.”

Duan Jiayan, “????”

Lu Xingci, “We were having class practices when he chose to sneak out.”

Duan Jiayan, “…You sure are competent.”

Jiang Qinian was a little disappointed as she looked at Lu Xingci. Though his school uniform was a little loose, it still managed to look good on him.

Under the winter moonlight and the warm yellow streetlights, the boy’s face looked especially heroic. When the pair of eyes looked at her, she could not stop her heart from skipping a beat.

She was a little dazed as she looked at him and mustered up the courage to say, “I initially never intended to tell you this but… since you’re here and I’m just about to leave this school.”

Duan Jiayan noted the fair skin on Jiang Qinian’s face gradually turning red and had a bad feeling about it.

She stopped for a moment before staring seriously at Lu Xingci, “After the university entrance examination is over, I’ll be returning back to Ning city. When I’m back, will you be able to consider going out with me?”

Lu Xingci’s extremely direct rejection had probably left a shadow in her heart and so after she said her piece, she took back her gaze in embarrassment. She softly added, “It’s okay if you won’t, I just wanted to tell you that I still like you.”

Duan Jiayan froze, Lu Xingci froze too.

No one had expected Jiang Qinian to have this much determination.

Duan Jiayan unconsciously looked at Lu Xingci.

Why on earth did you come here?

You should have just stayed in the music room and kept on singing with the class, instead of coming here to bring disaster to this young lady.

Thinking about how Jiang Qinian would be leaving while still worrying about Lu Xingci, Duan Jiayan could feel a headache creeping in. After calming down, Duan Jiayan mouthed to him, “Make her give up on you.”

Lu Xingci glanced at him and did not react.

Duan Jiayan rushed him quietly, “Hurry! Up!”

Lu Xingci raised a brow and considered how he should handle this situation.

After she was done speaking, Jiang Qinian kept sneaking glances towards him. She was obviously waiting to see his reaction.

He had to think of a way that would make her give up on him. Besides, he did not feel comfortable with her moving elsewhere to study while still having weird expectations about him as well..

All of a sudden, an idea flashed across his mind.

Lu Xingci hesitated for a second before concluding that this was indeed the best solution for now. He reached out and hooked an arm around Duan Jiayan’s waist, bringing him close to his body.

He intimately lowered his head, his breath tickling Duan Jiayan’s ears. For a moment Duan Jiayan felt as though Lu Xingci had rubbed his cheek across his.

He subconsciously took a step back, only for the other party to silently tighten his hold on his waist, forcefully closing the last few centimetres of space between them.

Duan Jiayan was in shock.

Jiang Qinian was also in shock.

Duan Jiayan raised his eyes and saw stark disbelief on her beautiful face. Her eyes were also opened very wide.

He figured his expression was not too far off from hers.

If it wasn’t because of him being so familiar with Lu Xingci’s pheromones, he’d have long given him a kick. Which is what he would have done if anyone was being so touchy-feely towards him.

“As you can see,” Lu Xingci was the only one still in the situation, putting on an extremely convincing act, “Duan Jiayan and I are a couple.”

Jiang Qinian came back to her senses and realised what Lu Xingci was saying. She was caught so off guard by him bluntly saying out her guesses as to what was going on that she could only ask, “What?!”

She was shocked so badly that even her voice changed.

Duan Jiayan was also shocked, “What are you say—wuu!”

He could not finish his sentence as his waist was pinched by Lu Xingci.

Lu Xingci did not use much force but his waist was a very sensitive area for Duan Jiayan. With that one pinch, his fierce words no longer sounded imposing, instead, he sounded more like he was flirting.

At a loss, Duan Jiayan could only glare at him angrily.

F*cking hell, what is going on?

Lu Xingci, “Have you seen the thread posted on the forum? I was already going out with him for a month and a half by then.”

Jiang Qinian, “……”

Duan Jiayan, “……”

Duan Jiayan understood what Lu Xingci meant and upon meeting Jiang Qinian’s pleading gaze, immediately cooperated with Lu Xingci, “That’s right. We originally did not plan to reveal it like this but…”

Under Jiang Qinian’s suspicious gaze, Duan Jiayan heartlessly added, “Too many people like him. I don’t have any sense of security and thought that such a rumour going around wouldn’t be a bad thing and so left the thread alone.”

After he spoke, he had trouble controlling his expression. Afraid of Jiang Qinian seeing his mouth twitch, he could only turn his head around slightly, pretending to be embarrassed as he buried his head in Lu Xingci’s neck.

As he buried his head, Duan Jiayan was startled by his sense of professionalism.

What kind of reaction speed was this? This was the kind of reaction speed only a king of acting would have.

Lu Xingci was very accomodating, “En, I go along with him on this kind of stuff.”

Duan Jiayan thought to himself, “You can even follow up on this, you’re not so bad yourself.”

Duan Jiayan took a moment to himself. Putting away his previously pale and shocked expression, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Qinian.

Lu Xingci gently lowered his gaze. Raising his hand, he moved to tidy Duan Jiayan’s messy hair before speaking to Jiang Qinian with a smile, “With what you just said, if I hadn’t explained things clearly, he’d definitely throw a tantrum with me after hearing all this.”

Duan Jiayan, “……”

Duan Jiayan can’t help but bow down to him.

He shared a look with Lu Xingci and said to himself, “This title of an acting king, I’ll let you have it for tonight.”

After they shared a look, Duan Jiayan turned to Jiang Qinian and noted that she looked absentminded. It was most probably due to the huge shock she suffered, and not knowing whether to feel hurt or surprised.

Lu Xingci was still trying to upset her, “I’ll have to trouble you to keep this a secret for us.”

Duan Jiayan could only play along, “We don’t want too many people to know about this for now.”

As he spoke, he felt that such a way of stopping her from having any more expectations might have been too cruel.

Lu Xingci is to blame for all this, what a truly heartless man.

Jiang Qinian looked at him before looking at Lu Xingci. Finally, she absentmindedly nodded and shakingly told them to rest assured.

Duan Jiayan felt that her words of reassurance were squeezed out from her throat, each word dripping with blood.

After Jiang Qinian dragged her suitcase and left, and they confirmed that she was no longer in sight, Duan Jiayan immediately patted the back of Lu Xingci’s hand, signalling for him to let go.

Lu Xingci let go of him.

Watching the boy jumping out of his embrace, Lu Xingci’s eyes fell on the light brown ends of his hair and his slender nape.

“How did you come up with such an idea?” Duan Jiayan spoke while turning to him. He recalled how Lu Xingci hugged him without a word of warning and said amused, “You sure are a scheming person.”

“Action speaks louder than words.” Lu Xingci noted the uncensored look on his face and leaned forward slightly. “Don’t you think so?”

His voice was a little deep. When he moved forward, his natural male charisma was especially clear and unambiguous.

“It is indeed quite useful.” Duan Jiayan agreed. After the shock from before had passed and realised Jiang Qinian had really left, he suddenly felt a little exhausted.

Though it was not as if he was crazily in love with her, as if it wouldn’t do if it wasn’t her, he did actually like her.

Lu Xingci saw the boy’s entire being looking a little mournful and patted him on the shoulder, “She’s gone.”

Duan Jiayan followed Lu Xingci for a few steps before feeling like something wasn’t right, “I just fell out of love and you still want me to return back to practice singing with the others? I just might turn the song of encouragement into one of bitter heartbreak.”

Lu Xingci took a look at the time.

There were only 20 minutes left till the night self-study was over, he might not even get to sing much if he went back now. He stopped, “Let’s not sing then.”

Seeing Lu Xingci turn around and look at him, Duan Jiayan studied him up and down for a bit.

“Say, are you carrying some buff on you that attracts young ladies?” Duan Jiayan said with a sigh. “You didn’t seem to have exchanged many words with her, and yet she likes you so much?”

Duan Jiayan’s amber eyes looked straight at him.

Lu Xingci exchanged a look with him before realising the other was genuinely feeling confused.

Perhaps even a little depressed.

Lu Xingci also heaved a sigh.

He did not know why but he was feeling a little helpless.

No one had ever made him feel this way.

He reached out with open arms and motioned for Duan Jiayan to come over.

The boy’s mouth was smiling, looking both roguish and serious at the same time, “Then let’s hug, I’ll add some buff for you.”

Duan Jiayan felt like Lu Xingci was treating him like a small kid to coax again.

Before he could mock the other for his action, Lu Xingci reached forward and pulled him directly into his embrace after seeing no reaction from him.

This hug was different from the one before, it was gentle and carried the comfort of a friend.

Duan Jiayan could smell Lu Xingci’s pheromones, the mild herbaceous scent felt long-lasting and serene, like a moonlit forest.

Duan Jiayan heard him say with a smile, “Everybody will definitely like you.”

The author has something to say: I like you too.

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