More than one night

By Just_writing_a_bit

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AU Story Y/n meets Wanda at a bar one night. The two of them start talking and y/n instantly feels attracted... More

Chapter 1: Meet Cute
Chapter 2: Plot twist
Chapter 3: The first time
Chapter 4: The morning after
Chapter 5: Meet me again?
Chapter 6: Let's talk
Chapter 7: Dinner and a love story
Chapter 9: A special car ride
Chapter 8: Double the attention
Chapter 11: Comfort and bonding
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Threesome
Chapter 14: In private
Chapter 15: The follow-up meeting
Chapter 16: Relaxed Saturday
Chapter 17: Surprise appointment
Chapter 18: Doubts
Chapter 19: The Talk
Chapter 20: A date with Natasha
Chapter 21: A night with Natasha
Chapter 22: Wanda's turn
Chapter 23: Happy End?
Bonus chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2

Chapter 10: Cooperate event

800 67 6
By Just_writing_a_bit

I like my job, I do, but I don't like going to events for my job.
Mainly, because they are always on the weekend. If I had to attend an event within the week, I wouldn't really mind but I mind now. Especially, because I could be spending this Saturday night so much better.

Throughout the last week and a half, I have been spending more time with Natasha and Wanda. I chatted with Wanda and visited her last weekend while Natasha was out. We went on a long walk and talked a lot and got to know each other better.
By now it doesn't feel like I know Wanda for only three weeks, it feels like I know her for a lot longer than that.

When we got back, Natasha was home again and we cooked dinner together while Wanda was doing something on her laptop at the counter.
It was a great day and I enjoyed my time with both of them. Wanda is all soft and sweet while Natasha is still more reserved and doesn't always show much emotion. But after that one morning where she dropped me off at work, she has been more open towards me, which I am very happy about.
She might hide her feelings but that only makes it even more special when she shows them.

I've also noticed that she is slightly more dominant than Wanda. Not in a bad way or anything, she just states clearly when she wants something and her touch is always slightly firmer than Wanda's.
But that doesn't make it uncomfortable, she simply shows what she wants, which helps me understand her sometimes when she doesn't show her feelings openly.

I like getting to know both of them because they are quite different in the way they act and show they care. But both show that they care and that's what I like. I don't feel like the odd one out, even if I am. Sure, they are more familiar with each other and have the casualty of being married for seven years, but I still don't feel like I'm intruding.

I'm honestly happy for them and it warms my heart to see how much they love each other. Just like last week when Natasha and I were cooking. At some point, Wanda was groaning because of something on her laptop, clearly annoyed by it. Natasha went over to her, looked at the screen and scrunched up her nose. Without a word, she pulled Wanda up and into her arms, giving her a soft kiss before whispering something into her ear. Wanda instantly relaxed and smiled.
Natasha whispered a few more things that made Wanda smile and then giggle.

I have no clue what she said or what happened between them, but it lightened up Wanda's mood. They kissed after that and it was a long, deep kiss. It left Wanda a little flushed but happy. They held eye contact for almost a minute, having one of their silent conversations before Natasha pressed a kiss to Wanda's cheek and let her continue working.

I didn't get jealous, not at all.
They share a love that is a million times deeper than the connections I have with them but I still know they care. Just because they share a moment, doesn't mean they care less about me.
They don't intrude when I am kissing one of them or am cuddling, mainly with Wanda. It feels comfortable and relaxed that there is no jealousy coursing between us and if they don't feel the need to be jealous, why should I?
They show me that they care and just because I'm not part of every moment, doesn't mean everything we already had or still have, isn't valid anymore.

Spending time with them has easily become something I look forward to every time. Last week we decided to have a game night the next time we see each other and I was excited over that. I hoped to have it this weekend but then I remembered the event and was bummed out. Playing games with them would be so much better than having to attend this event. But my job requires me to come to these events, so I do.
They can be interesting but with the prospect of having a game night otherwise, it couldn't be any more boring.

I get out of the uber and turn to the building in front of me. It's not my work building but another one, an even bigger one. The lights inside are on, creating a guided path to the hall in which the event takes place.
I would have been here sooner and arrived with by boss, if I didn't have a moment of struggle because the zipper of my dress broke.

Getting out of it was not an easy task but I didn't want to wear a dress that isn't fully zipped up. Now I am wearing a dress that hugs me closer and only reaches to shortly over my knees. My cleavage is also slightly bigger than in the previous dress but not too big to make me uncomfortable.

As I approach the building, my heels click against the pavement and I almost trip, cursing myself for picking these shoes. But they were the only ones working with this dress, not that anyone but me cares about that.

I'm not good at walking in heels but I manage my way into the building. After climbing the stairs, walking straight ahead seems a lot easier. Not that it is any more comfortable. I'd give a lot to be in comfy clothes and socks right now. Preferably on Wanda's and Natasha's couch. But it doesn't help, I am here now and can't change that.

I enter the room and look for my boss but it's too full to see anyone who is not right in front of me. Who thought it would be a smart idea to put the bar by the entrance?

I push my way through the crowd of people and take a breath when I am past it. There are still a lot of people in this room but now I can actually look around.
My boss texted me to find him once I am here and that he will probably be mingling. Which isn't a problem at all, there are just a thousand people or so in here, finding him should be easy.

I huff and slowly walk around, searching for my boss. There are a lot of men in suits here, barely any women. But the women who are here wear dresses just like I do. The dress code was stated on the invitation and everyone stuck to it.
Finally, I spot my boss and hurry over to him.

"Miss Cooper, great to see you!" He says, a little too exuberant to be totally sober. It's fine though, I would probably have a drink too, if I was him.
After all, I'm here to find new connections for us, he's just the face. Is that unfair?
Totally, but I get an extra bonus for tonight, so it's fine.

"Good evening, Mr. Stevens." I greet and smile politely at the man he is talking to. Mr. Stevens excuses himself from the other man and leads me a few steps away to let me know who I am supposed to talk to tonight.

It's all about connections and securing deals. I'm not sure if that's the point of a cooperate event, but I guess so. He points out two people I should talk to before going back to his pervious conversation. I follow his lead and start a conversation with the first person he pointed out.
They aren't very interested in my offer and after five minutes excuse themselves to leave me standing in the room by myself.

I sigh and shake my head. This is really no fun. Since I'll be here for a while, I make my over to the bar and order a drink. I might as well get a free drink out of this if I'm already here.
With my drink in hand, I make my way over to one side of the room that's less crowded and watch the people around me. Looks like I'm not the only one taking advantage of the free drinks.

There's a platform with a band on it that plays some instrumentals. I'm guessing the spot before the stage is a dance floor but no one is dancing. Everyone is just standing there and talking.

My eyes dart over the crowd some more. I notice someone with red hair, thinking about Natasha. I should really get a bit of a grip, I can't keep thinking about her and Wanda the whole time.
I'm not spending the evening with them and should arrange myself with that. Thinking about it again and again won't change it.

The woman turns around and I can't suppress the small hit of disappointment when it's not Natasha. I look around further and wonder if the group of men on the other side of the room is really talking business or if they are discussing sports.

With a sigh, I empty my drink and thank a server for taking my glass. I smooth out my dress, ready to talk to the next person.
I don't get very far though before noticing multiple people glancing at the same direction. I follow their gazes and totally forget how to breathe.

Right there, in pretty much the middle of the room are Wanda and Natasha. And this time it's really them and not just my imagination running wild.
They radiate nothing but confidence and authority. Natasha seems totally unbothered by the looks on her, as if she doesn't care about people staring at her and being intimidated.

She wears a dark grey satin suit with a white button down underneath and a tie around her neck. Her hair is up in a complicated hairstyle. From her height, I'd guess she is wearing her high heels again. She looks stunning and really hot.

Right next to her, with Natasha's arm around her waist is Wanda, looking just as confident as her wife. She wears a dress that matches Natasha's tie perfectly. It's tight and elegant, held up by two thin straps over her shoulders.
I get a glance of the lower part of her dress, only to see that it ends mid-thigh and is even shorter than mine. But she doesn't seem bothered by that all and from how I got to know her, I know she chose this dress herself because she likes it.

I've seen Natasha in a suit before and Wanda in a dress but never in that combination. And never with that much confidence. Both seem unimpressed by what they are told by a man but allow him to finish talking.

Natasha is reserved, her mask sitting tight on her face, not showing the tiniest inch of the softness underneath. Wanda also seems more formal than I know her, all business like and aware of Natasha's and her status.

I knew about their jobs before but never realized that they are such a power couple. It takes away my breath as I am impressed and slightly intimidated.

Wanda sighs at something and takes her attention away from the man in front of her to look around. Our eyes meet and for a split second, I see a smile flashing over her face. It makes my heart skip a beat and makes me get all excited. Like a school girl who just spotted her crush across the hallway.

I'm about to make my way over to them, when someone grabs my elbow and pulls me to the side. I can't protest because I'm occupied to keep myself from stumbling. My boss is in front of me, looking excited and urgent.

"I wasn't sure, if they would attend tonight but the Maximoff's are actually here tonight. If we could spike a deal with them, we could get a huge profit out of it. But I heard that's very complicated, they have high demands and everyone wants to talk to them. We need to try though. I'll see, if I get a chat with them, while you talk to Mr. Tilton. If I don't manage to talk to them, you can try." He tells me, almost stumbling over his words.

I almost have to stifle a laugh. So, this is what Natasha meant when she says men are intimated by her. I have to agree, it is fun to watch.
The irony of this situation is also not lost on me. If anyone should be able to talk to them tonight, it should be me. I'm aware that we are in public and we haven't discussed moments like these before but I can be professional. As long as it looks professional, no one will even wonder if we ever had anything going on.

I'm sure, they would talk to me, even if it's just about the companies and jobs. But I won't stop Mr. Stevens from going over there and trying his luck. After all, he is the boss.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." I agree and he nods eagerly before darting off into the crowd. I chuckle to myself, maybe this night won't be as bad as I thought. It's not nearly the same as sitting on their couch, but at least I now get to see the two women I wanted to spend the evening with.

Once I am through my assigned talking partners, I'm gonna find them and have a little chat. No one said I can't have fun tonight.

I look around and find Mr. Tilton near the bar that is emptier now. Everyone hovers closer to Nat and Wanda, not caring about drinks anymore. I walk over to him. His attention snaps to me and he gives me a kind smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Tilton. I'm Miss Cooper from Express Im- and Exports." I introduce myself and hold out my hand. He takes it and shakes it.

"Good evening, Miss Cooper." He greets. His attention is on me, which is a way better start than my last attempt at a conversation.

I tell him about the company I work for and the cooperation we would like to start with his company. He listens but his expression shows that he has no real interest in this. Great.
I still keep talking to finish explaining which advantages he would have if he agreed to this. All I need to do is peak his interest, the rest would be discussed in a separate meeting.

His attention stays on me but when I watch him closely, I notice it's not on the words that I say. He is trying to be subtle about looking at my breasts, which makes me roll my eyes.

"I'm taking from this that you are not interested in cooperating with us." I state, catching his attention again. It's obvious that he stopped listening a while ago, disgusting.

"Have a nice night." I say, turning around to mix back into the crowd. But his hand catches my wrist before I can step away. I turn around and glare at his hand.

"You don't have to go, just because there won't be a deal. Join me, have a drink." He offers, smiling again but this time it doesn't seem too genuine.

"Take your hand off of me!" I tell him sternly and glare at him. He lets go of me but doesn't seem to lose interest.

"If you want, we can seal another kind of deal." He offers with a wink that makes me shudder in disgust. Where is a kicking horse when you need one?

"I'm not interested in that." I tell him sharply.

"That's fine. Just have one drink and we can chat, make your boss see that you're doing a good job." He suggests. I scoff and shake my head in disbelieve.

"Come on, be a doll." He says and I have to hold back from pouring a drink over his face.

"No, I won't. I said no and you will have to respect that!" I tell him off, which still doesn't impress him. Such a jerk.

Before any of us can say anything, a hand is placed on my shoulder. Usually, I would bat it off but it feels familiar, almost comforting.

"I've been looking for you, Miss Cooper. We need to talk about the ideas for our cooperation." The person belonging to the hand says and I instantly relax a little and turn my head.
Natasha is standing behind me, an almost deadly glare in her eyes as she looks at Mr. Tilton.
His eyes widen and he quickly extends his hand.

"I'm Mr. Tilton, CEO. It's an honor to meet you, Miss Maximoff." He rambles. Natasha looks down at his hand but doesn't take it.

"Come, Miss Cooper." She says instead, her hand sliding to the small of my back to lead me away. Before we walk off, she turns around once more, her voice cold and distant.

"And it's Mrs. Maximoff."

She leads me through the crowd and away from Mr. Tilton. I'm thankful for the safe because I'm not sure how long I could have stayed friendly with his obnoxious behavior.
Making a scene was not on my to-do list for tonight but I wouldn't have shied away from it, if only to embarrass him and call him out for his behavior.

Natasha ignores the calling of her name a couple of times until we reach a part of the room that's less crowded, allowing us to take a breath.

"Thank you for that." I say, glancing back towards the bar that I can't see anymore.

"He was disgusting. As if I would ever work with someone like him." Nat mumbles derogatorily.
"He can be happy if he keeps his job. There are just a few strings I need to pull to get him out of it."

Her attention goes back to me and her eyes scan over me, if to check out my dress or to search for signs of being touched inappropriately isn't clear.

"Are you okay?" She checks and looks back into my eyes.

"Yeah, I am. People like him are really annoying but sadly not an exception in my field of work. Somehow, a lot of powerful men believe they are irresistible, even when acting like jerks." I sigh and shake my head.
It's truly annoying but I learned how to handle these kinds of situations.
Still, I'm glad Natasha pulled me out of it.

"Did you find y/n? I didn't see her anywhere, so I-" Wanda cuts herself off when she sees me and her eyes light up. It makes me feel warm inside to hear they were looking for me, for whichever reason.

"I'm glad to see you." Wanda tells me and extends her hand.

It's way too formal compared to our usual actions but I understand that we are not in private and have to make it look like we aren't kissing and cuddling in private. I take her hand and shake it. She gives it a soft squeeze, the slightest show of affection that instantly has my heart soften.

"She was talking to Mr. Tilton." Natasha explains and crosses her arms in front of her chest. Wanda looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I heard he can be a jerk." She says and I nod, he is definitely not the kind of person I would talk to voluntarily.

"He's about to lose his job, that's for sure." Natasha grumbles and uncrosses her arms before making her way back into the crowd. I look after her, surprised by the strong reaction. A soft touch at my elbow makes me turn around to Wanda.

"Did he touch you inappropriately?" She asks, worry in her eyes. I quickly shake my head.

"No, he was just suggesting we'd have sex and when I told him I'm not interested, he wouldn't let it go." I answer. A frown shows on Wanda's face, an expression I haven't seen on her so far.

"Well, he'll think twice before suggesting that to someone the next time after losing his job." She states and brushes her thumb gently against my elbow. It's just a tiny action to comfort me but it doesn't fail its effect.

"Is Natasha really that powerful?" I ask, glancing over the crowd but I can't see her. Wanda nods.

"She is, she has lots of connections. And she's also very protective of the people she cares about.
Once, back when we weren't even married for a year, she took me to a smaller event than this one. One of the men there flirted with me, despite knowing I'm married. He wasn't as insisting as Mr. Tilton, but he didn't keep his job either. Natasha is not afraid to let people feel when they knowingly do wrong." Wanda tells me.

I can definitely see that. Natasha loves Wanda above everything and would protect her with everything she has. The man can be lucky he just tried flirting with Wanda. If he tried anything more, I'm sure he would have lost more than just his job.

"Anyhow, I didn't know you were attending this event." Wanda states, dropping her hand from my elbow. I miss her touch but understand her action.

"Yeah, my boss got an invitation and wanted me to join him. Once he saw the two of you, he was eager to talk to you and if that doesn't work, sent me." I tell her, which makes Wanda crack a small smile.

"A lot of people approached us tonight, but I don't think Natasha was interested in any of them. I have no idea, if your boss was part of those people. But I'm sure, you have better ways of convincing Nat to partner up with your company." Wanda says, winking at me.

Heat sparks on my skin and I duck my head to hide the grin. I do have some ways that could be convincing. Not that I would use them, but it is tempting.

"By the way, you look stunning in that dress." Wanda compliments. I smile at her in thanks and look down at myself.

"Thank you very much." I answer and let my eyes drag over her dress. She also wears heels, matching the ones Natasha wears.

"You look breathtaking too." I reply and receive a soft smile that only lasts a few seconds though. But it's so much better than nothing.

I'm aware, we can't openly flirt here but I like seeing just the smallest bit of softness on her face. It assures me that her feelings, or thoughts, towards me haven't changed, she just conceals them in public. Which I understand.
If we were flirting openly now, people would think she's trying to cheat on Natasha and that would tread loose a big mess.

"I'll go find my wife again before she bites anyone's head off. But I'll see you around." Wanda says and gives me a small wave before walking away. I smile after her. Yeah, I'll see her and Nat around here.

The rest of the night is boring. I stand by Mr. Stevens' side a lot, engaging in polite conversations. Sometimes I talk to a person on my own, but mainly just small talk about the finger food they serve or over the band or the drinks. But I have to be here until at least 11 pm since I'm getting paid for those hours.
If I leave earlier and Mr. Stevens needs me and can't find me, I could get in trouble that I'd rather avoid.
It wouldn't cost me my job but I'd have to explain myself and then discuss all of this on Monday.

Besides, knowing that Nat and Wanda are here makes it a bit better.
Every once in a while, I spot them and am impressed over and over again. The night continues and 11 pm nears.

I walk around the room, watching some people when I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look around and find Wanda watching me, leaning with one arm on one of the high tables they set up here.
Natasha is nowhere around her and since I have nothing better to do, I stroll over there. The closer I get, the better I can study her face. I notice a look in her eyes that has me shivering.

"All by yourself?" I ask when I reach the table. Wanda's eyes shortly drop to my breasts but with her it doesn't bother me.

"Yeah, Natasha is off talking business with someone. I only understand half of it by now, so I excused myself." She answers, which I understand. I can't always follow when Mr. Stevens talks either.

"Besides, I hoped to run into you." She adds, a rasp to her voice that has me bite my lip.

"You did?" I ask back and she nods and hums. She looks around before heading for one of the doors at the side.
With the nod of my head, she tells me to follow her and I do so. It's not like I have anything to do anymore.

We step into a hallway and as soon as the door closes, the sounds of people talking are muffled.

Wanda's hands are fast to find my waist and she pushes me against the wall, pressing her lips to mine. I gasp in surprise but kiss her back and hold on to her shoulders.
The kiss has my skin and body heating up within seconds. My head spins and I pant when Wanda pulls away.
Desire claws at my insides but I try to ignore that. I've never been turned on so fast and only by one kiss.

Okay, maybe more than that, maybe I have been longing to get some alone time with Wanda or Natasha since I first spotted them. Both look so hot tonight that I had trouble keeping my head straight.

"Gosh, I wanted to do that for the past two hours." Wanda groans and attacks my neck with her lips.
I tilt my head back and sigh, gladly accepting her kisses. I didn't notice she was turned on but by the way she nibbles at my neck, I can definitely tell now. I gasp when she sucks at my pulse point and press my legs together.

"What if someone sees us?" I manage to stammer.

Keeping my thoughts from drifting away is really difficult with her hot breath against my skin. Wanda pulls back and looks at me. Her hold on my waist gets a little stronger and a hint of possessiveness shows in her eyes. She takes my hand and places her other one on my back when I almost stumble.
She leads me into the next room of the hallway, pushing open the door and walking in.

It's dark, only the light of a streetlamp outside illuminating the room. We're too high for someone to look inside, but I'm still worried about someone finding us in here and us getting in trouble because we should stay in the hall with the event.

"We're not supposed to be here." I say, looking around the small office.

"We can be anywhere we want. Nat practically owns this building. Everyone working here works for her." Wanda waves it off and guides me back until I meet the wall.
I can't really read her face anymore but I am very sure that there is pure lust in her eyes, which makes me squirm.

"That's impressive." I comment and Wanda hums, already kissing my neck again. I sigh and tilt my head to the side, giving her more room.

"This dress has been teasing me the whole night." She mumbles, sending goosebumps down my body.

"Yeah?" I ask, feeling my breath starting to become shallower. The arousal is very evident in my body and I have to keep myself from crossing my legs.

"Yes. You look so fucking sexy in it. I wanted to rip it off you since we first talked. Gosh." She groans and bites down lightly in my neck. A whiney moan slips past my lips, only encouraging her.

"Do I have your consent, sweetheart?" She whispers near my ear and I gasp just at her words.

"Yes." I breathe out and hold on tighter to her shoulders when one of her hands pushes up my dress before she hooks one of my legs around her hip.
I'm glad for that bit of stability because I'm not sure how properly I can hold myself up in these shoes.

"Mind if I am a little rougher with you?" She asks, dragging her finger over my clothed core.

I gasp and bite my lip. The thought of her fucking me not far away from everyone else is thrilling and hot, making me even wetter than before. I've never done this but the heat inside me feels achingly hot.

"Please." I whine and look into her eyes. I watch a smirk form on her face and she places a rather sweet kiss on my lips.

"You won't regret it. But if you start to feel uncomfortable, just tell me to stop." She whispers and I nod, unable to say something to that.

Wanda pushes the fabric of my underwear to the side and runs her finger through my folds, making me gasp again. But other than usually, she doesn't continue that until I feel like she's teasing me for her own pleasure. Instead, she slips two fingers into me as soon as they are lubricated with my arousal. I push my hips against the wall behind me at that and groan softly.

Wanda kisses along my neck, her teeth occasionally scraping over my skin, fueling the fire within me.
As soon as I start grinding into her hand, she starts thrusting. I understand what she meant with rough now.
Her fingers thrust into me fast and hard while her thumb finds my clit and draws tight circles against it. I moan and let my head drop forward and onto her shoulder. My hands claw at her back, trying to hold me up. If it wasn't for her other hand on my hip, I would be losing my balance now.

Wanda grins against my skin, I can feel it but barely register it with her fingers working me fast, hard and efficient.

"You're so hot." She mumbles and thrusts a little harder.

"Fuck!" I moan and bite my lip, trying to keep a little quieter. Wanda hums approvingly at my curse and starts curling her fingers. If I thought her actions before were amazing, I am now ready to fall on my knees for her.

Her fingers brush my spot with each thrust and my hips start bucking against her hand while the coil inside my stomach grows tighter fast. I've never had a quickie before, wasn't sure if I would be able to come that fast, but now I know.
Maybe it's all Wanda's doing and due to her skills, but I feel the edge getting closer rapidly.

I gasp and let out a low moan when the orgasm hits me. Wanda keeps thrusting, helping me ride out every wave of it until I sink into her, unable to keep myself up anymore.
The sound of the door has my head shooting up and my heart sky rocketing. Wanda still has her fingers inside me, moving them lazily. If anyone saw us like that, it would cause so much trouble.

"Shh, it's just Nat." Wanda whispers, spotting her wife a moment before I can through the darkness.

Natasha closes the door behind her and looks into our direction. I gasp softly when Wanda brushes her fingers against my spot again, making me weak in the knees.

"I figured, I'd find you here." Nat states, sounding amused.

Wanda kisses my temple and slowly pulls out of me, adjusting my underwear again. Natasha comes closer and gently unhooks my leg from around Wanda's hips. My own legs aren't strong enough to hold me, which doesn't bother her very much.
She pulls my back against her front and wraps her arms around me, holding me up. I sink into her warm body and sigh contently. Wanda licks her fingers clean and grins.

"That was well needed." She says smugly. Natasha chuckles while I smile a little exhausted. She kisses the top of my head affectionately.

"You know, you could have waited and asked her to come home with us instead of fucking her here." Natasha points out, still sounding amused. Wanda shrugs.

"Who says I can't do both?" She asks cheekily and comes closer. She smoothes out my dress and kisses my forehead.

"I'm not sure, I can take that." I answer honestly but smile. Tonight was long and I've been on my feet for hours now. "Cuddles would be nice though."

Natasha rests her chin on my shoulder and holds me a little tighter. I lean back into her and close my eyes for a moment.

"Cuddles it is." Wanda agrees and takes my hand to give it a squeeze.

"We could start with asking first." Natasha points out but her voice is gentle and so are her fingers that dance over my arms.
"Would you like to come home with us, y/n? At this point, no one will talk about deals anymore, that ship has sailed. They're just here to drink and have fun."
Going home with them sounds really nice and a lot better than going home alone.

"Is it past 11? I have to work until then." I ask, moving a little in Nat's hold. She loosens it and makes sure I'm steady on my feet again.

"If not, I know a way how to pass time." Wanda smirks. I roll my eyes playfully at her.

"It is past 11." Nat tells me before turning to Wanda. "You're really horny tonight, babe."
Wanda shrugs.

"You two can have sex if you prefer, I can go home to my apartment." I say, not wanting to stand in their way. But Natasha shakes her head.

"My feet hurt from these shoes, I just want to lay back and relax. But we can take care of your needs tomorrow, if that works for you." She replies, wrapping one arm around Wanda and kissing her temple. "If you need something tonight, you can use one of the vibrators."
Wanda hums and leans her head against Natasha's.

"I'll wait until tomorrow then." She decides. Nat chuckles and offers me her hand.

I take it hesitantly, unsure if that's okay for when we walk back inside. But after leaving the room, we don't turn left to the event, we turn right.

"I prefer using the back entrance when there are events. It allows us to slip out without everyone trying to shoot their last shot." Natasha explains, which I very much understand.

We leave the building and step onto a parking lot with only one car. It's the black Ford I've seen Wanda drive. There's a sign at the end of the parking spot reading CEO Maximoff.

The parking lot is well lit and has cameras overlooking it. Wanda unlocks the car and gets into the driver's seat, which doesn't surprise me. Nat stops and looks at me.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" She checks, adjusting a strap of my dress. It must have moved while Wanda was fingering me. I shake my head and smile.

"I'm good, thanks." I reply and she nods. Nat opens the car door for me before getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

Looks like this night is still going to end with me at the Maximoff house, despite my previous worries about that.

A/n: That was a longer chapter than expected.
What do you think about the (very) short smut? ;)

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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4.1K 33 13
This is a collection of one shots cross posted on my Tumblr @xqueen_of_disasterx. Most of my one shots are for Marvel women on the occasion for the m...
10.6K 253 17
The devil goes on vacation and tries to help her little brother and his team (the avengers) win the battles that the avengers couldn't do on their ow...