More than one night

By Just_writing_a_bit

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AU Story Y/n meets Wanda at a bar one night. The two of them start talking and y/n instantly feels attracted... More

Chapter 1: Meet Cute
Chapter 2: Plot twist
Chapter 4: The morning after
Chapter 5: Meet me again?
Chapter 6: Let's talk
Chapter 7: Dinner and a love story
Chapter 9: A special car ride
Chapter 10: Cooperate event
Chapter 8: Double the attention
Chapter 11: Comfort and bonding
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Threesome
Chapter 14: In private
Chapter 15: The follow-up meeting
Chapter 16: Relaxed Saturday
Chapter 17: Surprise appointment
Chapter 18: Doubts
Chapter 19: The Talk
Chapter 20: A date with Natasha
Chapter 21: A night with Natasha
Chapter 22: Wanda's turn
Chapter 23: Happy End?
Bonus chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2

Chapter 3: The first time

1.3K 63 2
By Just_writing_a_bit

"So, what do you do in your free time?" I ask, sipping my beer.

The living room is definitely a lot more comfortable than the kitchen. There is a carpet underneath the coffee table and multiple bookshelves against the wall. In here, the wood has a brighter color, making the whole room appear warmer. There are also picture frames that I haven't noticed before. One of them shows Wanda and Natasha at presumably their wedding day. Wanda wears a white dress and Natasha a suit that it either black or dark blue. They look very happy and also a bit younger than now, making me wonder how long they're already married.

"I don't know if you noticed the front yard with the flowers beside the walkway?" She asks back and I nod. Of course, I noticed that. It looked very neat and well taken care off.

"I like gardening and taking care of the plants. Up front, there are just flowers but, in the backyard, I have a few vegetables and fruits growing. There is nothing growing yet, I planted the seats two weeks ago but in a couple of weeks, there will be the first small plants." She tells me, clearly excited over that. It's cute and I like how passionate she sounds when talking about her plants.

"That is very impressive. I'm not good with plants. Whenever I buy one and try to keep it alive, I am disappointed because it dies after a year." I sigh, at which Wanda snickers. Her cheeks are a little rosy but I can't tell if it's from the wine, the warmth in here or for another reason.

"House plants can be a bit more difficult, indeed." She agrees and gestures to one corner where a large plant stands. It looks healthy and like it will live a lot longer than mine. But I won't give up, some day I might be able to keep a plant alive.

"You mentioned a backyard, but I haven't seen one." I say, nodding towards the windows that look outside. It's dark out there, so I can't really see anything but I'd guess there would be some kind of lighting if there is a backyard. Wanda nods and rolls her eyes.

"It is there but Natasha insists that we don't need to light it up if we don't go outside." She tells me and just by the way she is reacting, I would assume this is a topic the two of them have talked about this before. I don't say anything about it, not wanting to get involved into a discussion between them. Just because they decided to open up their marriage, doesn't mean they want intake on their garden lights from a stranger.

"What else do you have out there?" I ask. Having a garden would be a small dream come true but I can't afford that and have to be happy with the small balcony I have. It's better than nothing but a garden is the end goal.

"We got a sitting area with a barbeque near by and a pool." Wanda answers.
I nod, very impressed by that. Whatever their combined salary is, it can't be small. Having a garden big enough for a pool is already impressive but having a garden that's big enough and actually contains a pool is amazing!

"Sounds like a great place to be at during summer." I comment and Wanda nods in agreement. "Speaking of summer: when your vegetables are all grown and stuff, do you cook with them?"

She shakes her head with a small grimace. "I don't like cooking. It kind of stresses me out."
I gasp dramatically and put my free hand over my chest before leaning over to the coffee table to put my glass down. Wanda watches me in surprise but also with an amused smile. She hands me her glass as well and I put it down.

"I take from that performance that you don't agree with me?" She asks, her eyebrow raising a little.

"Yes, I couldn't disagree more. Cooking is so much fun. You get to experiment with all the ingredients and try out new recipes. And in the end you got a delicious meal to eat." I argue but Wanda doesn't seem convinced. Many people dislike cooking and view it more as a chore.

"I like the eating part but the preparing is annoying. The only thing I do cook is pasta with a store-bought sauce." She tells me and I wince in fake harm.

"You got such a lovely, spacious kitchen and yet, you don't use it?" I ask.

"I use it to eat, but not to cook." She points out. I sigh but can't help but to smile when she chuckles at my antiques.

"So, you like cooking. What else?" She scootches minimal closer, her eyes bright and warm. Talking to her feels so easy. It just comes so naturally that I don't really have to think about it a lot.

"I play the guitar." I answer. Her eyes widen and it almost looks like her pupils dilate too.

"For how long?"

"About ten years now. I started as a teenager and stuck with it." I reply. She bites her lip and trails her finger over my hand. It's an innocent gesture but it feels like so much more.

"What I'm hearing is that these fingers are very quick and talented then." She says in a low, suggestive voice that brings back the pulsating between my legs that I forgot about since we entered the living room. Now that she is mentioning it and looking at me like that again, the heat returns and with it the throbbing and the need.

"Yes, they are. Care to go on a test ride?" I grin, feeling bold. Maybe it's the arousal in my body or the fact that Wanda is reacting with a smirk and a bite of her lip.

"Don't mind if I do." She agrees. Before I can do anything, she slides her fingers between mine though and shifts her weight. I squeal a little when she pushes me to lay on my back, pining my hands beside my head with her own.

"God, I wanted to have you in this position for so long now." She husks and lowers her face closer to mine. Shivers run down my body and the throbbing gets stronger.

"Don't you think, you should kiss me first?" I ask cheekily. Wanda looks down at me and licks her lips. It looks so hot that I could moan just seeing it. Her eyes seem to darken even more and a smirk pulls at her lips.

"You're a sassy one, aren't you?" She asks back. The tone of her voice suggests that she doesn't mind though and from the expression on her face, I would almost guess she likes a little challenge.

"And you're fast forward." I state, grinning up at her. Wanda huffs out a laugh and nods.

Her eyes travel over my face and stop at my lips. Her weight on my hips shifts a little but she stays on top of me, which I will not fight. She looks hot on top of me with the way a few of her strains fall around her face.

"Tell me, sweetheart, do I have your consent?" She asks, her voice suddenly has a slight rasp to it, making it hard to show any kind of resistant. That is if I wanted to resist, which I don't. I wouldn't mind if she ruined me tonight. The pet name rolls off her tongue easily and has my heart beating faster for a whole different reason.

"You definitely do." I assure, trying to fight her hands to place mine on her thighs but she doesn't let me. Instead, she grins wickedly and gives them a squeeze. The gentle show of dominance sends a desiring fire through my body, igniting every part that wasn't already burning for her touch so far.

"Great, and you got mine." She tells me before leaning down.

I pucker my lips, expecting her to kiss me but she doesn't. Instead, she kisses along my jaw and to my ear. It would tickle if it wasn't so hot and my skin wasn't screaming for more contact.
Her breath is warm against my skin and her lips soft. When she nibbles at my earlobe, I gasp and my hips buck up into hers, which doesn't bother her at all.

She keeps on going and trails her kisses down my neck. They feel like a tease while also arousing me even more, making my heart race and my body demand more of her attention. But with her hands still holding mine, there is no way she could touch me where I need her right now.
Her tongue drags over my skin and I almost moan and tilt my head back to give her better access. She acknowledges that with a pleased hum that vibrates against my skin.
Her tongue circles my pulse point and I'm pretty sure she can feel how my heart is racing right now. I gasp again when I feel her teeth dragging over my skin a little lower and right above my collarbone.

My hands grip hers tighter and my body tries to squirm, searching for any kind of friction but there is none. Wanda is definitely a tease and I'm sure she is aware of that. I didn't think she would be, to be honest. With all the sweet moments we had, I rather thought she would get right down to business and make me feel good but she doesn't. Instead, she takes her sweet time kissing any bit of skin that she can reach except for my lips. They tingle, waiting for a proper kiss that I almost yearn for.
I've never had someone nibble at my neck like that without kissing me on the lips first and somehow that's exciting. It makes me crave a proper kiss even more.

As if the rest of her administrations weren't teasingly enough, she had to add this. I whimper softly when she starts sucking above my collarbone. Her teeth dig into my skin, leaving a light stinging that doesn't hurt though. She keeps sucking for a few more seconds before letting go and swirling her tongue over the spot to sooth it. I whine, wanting her to use those skills against my own tongue, to kiss me and take away my breath with it.

"Wanda, please." I breathe out and look at her with pleading eyes. Her own eyes are even darker now, her pupils blown, only leaving a small rim of green around.

"What are you asking for, y/n?" She asks and places a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. It's so close to where I want her lips to be but not quite there. Hearing my name from her lips in this situation drives me even more insane and I squeeze her hands, looking up at her.

"Please kiss me." I request and watch a grin appear on her face.

"Gladly." She murmurs and finally leans down to kiss me.

It's surprisingly soft and lets so many things explode inside of me. Like little fireworks going off, shooting their sparks all throughout my body. Nudging my heart to beat faster and my abdomen to grow hotter. I want to tangle my hands in her hair or grab her back, hold on to her in any way but I can't.

There is something about being pinned down like this that is hot though. I'm allowing her to have control over what happens, over me. It's exciting and something I never experienced in this way before.
With previous girlfriends, it was always mutual and once or twice I did the pinning but I never experienced it like this. Wanda keeps kissing me, as if she now realized that that's so much better than kissing just my skin. I drag my tongue over her bottom lip and she opens them for me, allowing me to explore her mouth. She groans softly into the kiss and shifts her position. Her legs slip between mine, allowing her to lay flat on my abdomen. My legs hook around hers, the only way I can hold on to her right now.

When I need to pull back for air, my head spins with nothing but want and arousal, which is probably more than evident between my legs as well. I'm craving friction so much, that I start imagining that there actually is some. With my clouded brain, it takes me longer to realize that there is friction and I gasp. Wanda is grinding against me, her face scrunched together a little as well, clearly showing she needs this as much as I do. I buck my hips up, providing more pressure, which makes us gasp in unison.

"Bedroom." Wanda almost gasps.

I can't tell if it's a question or demand but I nod nonetheless. The couch is fine but the bedroom is definitely better. And allows us to close the door.

Wanda swings her legs off me and slides off the couch, pulling me with her at my hands. I giggle as I almost stumble into her and she returns it. One hand lets go of me so she can lead the way and within seconds, we are up the stairs and walking into a bedroom.
Everything is tidy and clean, but I barely have a chance to notice that as she kicks the door closed with her foot and then pulls me into her. I squeak in surprise, which makes her giggle again and press a kiss to my cheek.

Now she's all soft again, which has my heart beating twice as fast as before. I'm surprised, she can't hear it with how close she is.
Now that I have my hands again, I use them, placing them on her back and feeling for the zipper of her dress. She kisses my lips as I open her dress and fumble with the straps around her shoulders. After another quick peck of my lips, she pulls away and helps me get the dress off of her. It falls down and pools around her ankles, exposing most of her skin. My breath hitches in my throat as I see her almost naked form.

"You're gorgeous." I whisper and run my finger along her collarbone.

She's wearing a matching set of black underwear that looks forbiddenly hot on her. Looks like she was expecting to get some action tonight. I bite my lip and let my eyes travel over her body.
Her breasts are full and in perfect proportion to her body. I can see her nipples through the fabric of her bra and feel the urge to play with them until she moans.
Her stomach is toned but her hips soft and so are her thighs. The slip isn't hiding much and I groan, wanting to rip it off her.

Before I get to do that, she places her hands on my pants though and looks at me. I nod impatiently and while she opens my pants, I pull my shirt over my head and throw it into some corner. Her hands leave a hot trail as she pushes down my pants and I nearly stumble while kicking them off my feet, which only makes her giggle again.

"You're so eager." She giggles and follows the straps of my bra with her fingers. I shiver and nod.

"Are you surprised by that after your teasing?" I ask and she grins smugly and shakes her head. Okay, so the teasing was definitely on purpose. She cups my breasts over my bra, making me moan.

"You are so beautiful." She whispers and nips at my neck, pulling me back into her spell.

I moan again when she squeezes my breasts before her hands move to my back and she unclips my bra in such a speed that I barely notice it until I'm naked in front of her. Her thumbs brush over my nipples, making them even harder and me whine, feeling the need for her growing almost painfully strong. She just hums and then reaches around her own back to get rid of her bra.

Her breasts spring free and I almost feel my mouth watering. Before I get to do anything though, she places a hand on my stomach and slowly walks me back. I do so until my legs meet the bed and I have to sit down. I'm quick to scoot up and watch with growing lust as Wanda crawls over the bed to me. I bite my lip and reach out for her.
She kisses me deeply as soon as she reaches me and I totally melt into the kiss. Her breasts press against mine, making my head spin with how amazing that feels. I'm already sensitive to any kind of touch or stimulation from all the teasing and being worked up. Wanda's knees press into the matrass on either side of my thighs, making it hard to spread my legs. But I'm perfectly fine with that because we are here and I know it won't be long until I get to feel her, in both ways of touching her and being touched by her.

"I want you to touch me." Wanda murmurs against my lips.

I'm more than willing to follow that request and slide both hands down to her hips, where I push the remaining underwear down. Wanda shuffles to kick it off and then straddles my thighs again. I keep one hand on her back while dipping the other between her legs.

She is hot and wet, which causes me to groan. Holding back is the last thing I want right now, so I run two fingers through her folds and circle them around her clit. Wanda moans softly and supports herself with her arms pressing into the pillow next to my head. She draws her lower lip between her teeth and closes her eyes halfway when I apply more pressure to her clit.
Her hips start rocking against my hand, clearly demanding more and I am happy to give. I place my thumb against her clit, rubbing and circling it until I learn which movements gets the most sounds out of her. Dragging my fingers through her folds is enough to get them lubricated and I push them towards her entrance but don't quite sink them in. Wanda groans and looks down at me, her eyes hooded with lust.

"Don't tease me now." She half pleads and half demands, as if she wasn't sure which tone would work better.

But I don't care about her tone, I comply gladly and bite my lip to stifle a moan at the sound she lets out when I sink into her. There is no resistance, she's wet enough for me to slip in without any problem. Her hips start rocking again, setting a pace before I can even start one.
She tilts her head back and groans, moving her body to ride my fingers the way she wants to. It's hot watching her like this. I match her movements with my thrusts and keep my finger on her clit, pulling more sounds from her that she freely moans into the room.

I admire the way her face twists in pleasure and the way her breasts rock with her body. All of this is truly erotic and has me clenching my legs together. I never thought that it could be this hot to watch someone get themselves off on my fingers. Well, I do contribute to it but it's still hot. Even while receiving, Wanda holds a certain amount of control that has me aching for her.

She buries her head in my neck, allowing me to feel her rocking even more and to hear her pants near my ear. Her hips are almost frantically rocking back and forth now and I'm taking the sure bet that she is chasing her high right now.
I feel her tightening around my fingers until she lets out a grown that's muffled by my skin because her teeth are digging into it. It doesn't bother me though and I keep thrusting into her, helping her to ride out the orgasm. Only when she stops rocking, I slow down as well. Her face lifts out of my neck and she looks at me. Her previously neat hair is a mess now and her cheeks are flushed from the orgasm. She looks fucking hot like this and I can't help myself but to kiss her while slowly pulling out of her.

"Your fingers are definitely talented." She mumbles with a low voice, making me smirk. She might have done some of the work herself but without me, she wouldn't have reached her high.

"Thank you." I reply and gently drag my fingers over her back.

Wanda gives me a little smile before pushing herself up onto her arms and shuffling around. Her legs push between mine, urging me to spread them but I gladly do so, excited for what's to come. At this point, I feel ready to burst at the simplest of touches. I'm riled up to an extend like never before.
To be fair, none of my partners before were much into teasing and Wanda clearly seems to enjoy that.
For now, she doesn't seem to plan on any more teasing though because she is rolling onto her side to lay beside me, one leg still hooked over mine to keep it from closing. She kisses my cheek while trailing a hand down my body before slipping it into my underwear.

It's strangely arousing that she doesn't even take the time to rid me of my underwear and instead starts to stroke through my folds. I moan instantly and grip the sheets beneath me. Fuck, I really am sensitive from all her teasing.
Wanda presses her fingers against my clit, rubbing it enough to make me groan and throw my head back. With one arm, she supports her heads and watches me while stroking through my folds again. I gasp and whimper, needing her more than anything else right now.

"You're so responsive, I like it." She hums and when I look at her, she has a soft expression on her face. It wasn't meant tauntingly, she genuinely likes how I react to her touch.

If my hips weren't bucking against her hand right now, I would be able to appreciate that a lot more. But I can't, not with the ache between my legs that needs to be stilled. Wanda swirls her thumb over my clit again and applies even more pressure before speeding up. I curse and my back arches, pushing me more against her hand.
Wanda keeps watching me while only increasing speed and pressure until I almost squirm and pant out a row of gasps.

I'm not ashamed when I come fast because it feels way too good. The heat inside me finally found an outlet, allowing me to catch my breath. It's not completely gone though, and my core is still aching for more touch. Wanda strokes my clit a few more times, making me whine a little at how sensitive it feels. Then she pulls her hand out of my underwear and lifts it up to her mouth. I watch as her lips wrap around her fingers and she moans softly while cleaning them off. Heat pulses through me at the sight of that and my legs twitch.

"Mind if I get a little taste?" She asks, placing her hand on my stomach. I shake my head.

"Please, I need you." I encourage her.

She smiles and places a kiss on my forehead before shifting to another position. I gasp when her lips wrap around my nipple while her hand plays with the other one. Her tongue is warm and wet and feels arousing against my nipple. My back arches into her touch, which she grins at.
She switches sides, making sure to swirl her tongue around my other nipple as well before placing a kiss on it. If she's trying to get me worked up again, it is definitely working. Not that I was lacking in arousal before.

She kisses down my stomach and everywhere, where her lips aren't, her hands are. No part of my upper body within her reach stays untouched, which feels very comforting and nice. When she shuffles down even further, her eyes land on the spot between my legs and that wicked grin is back. She doesn't comment on the state of my underwear, which I am rather glad about. Instead, she helps me get it off and tosses it somewhere into the room. Within seconds, she is right back where she was and lifts my legs over her shoulders. I watch her a little breathlessly because just the sight of her between my legs is better than I ever could have imagined.

"I promised, I would go down on you tonight, didn't I?" She asks and I open my mouth to answer but instead, a moan tumbles out because her tongue is licking a stripe up my center.

I curse under my breath and grip the sheets again. Her tongue is just as skilled as it was with my nipples and circles my clit before sucking at it lightly. I groan and press my head back into the pillow, feeling hot pleasure shoot through my body and into my lower stomach. Wanda looks up at me and our eyes meet for a split second. It's the hottest split second of the whole night.
She dives right back in and this time doesn't tease me or hesitate. Her tongue keeps licking my clit while she strokes two fingers through my heat before gently pushing them inside me.

"Fuck, yes!" I moan and buck my hips, trying to get her to move.

Instead of doing so, she just wraps her arm around my hips, pushing them down again. I whine but it turns into a soft whimper when she sucks harsher at my clit. All my other senses switch off and all I feel are her tongue against me and her fingers slowly building up a pace.
I'm already mentally ready to come again but my body needs a little more of a build-up.

Wanda does an effortless job at that though and keeps licking me while thrusting into me faster until she settles on a pace, she seems happy with and so does my body. I shut my eyes tightly and reach blindly for the hand that is holding my hips down. She intertwines her fingers with mine and gives them a gentle squeeze that I can't place though. I can't place anything right now because I'm steering into my second orgasm and this one is stronger, I can already tell.

It feels so good to finally have her inside me and still that aching for her. Before I fully register it, my eyes shut even tighter and my mouth opens with a soft cry as the orgasm hits me. It's stronger and sends me flying for a good few seconds while Wanda keeps working me through it. When the pleasure is replaced by satisfaction, I sigh happily.

But that doesn't seem to be enough for Wanda because she keeps thrusting into me while suckling softly at my clit. I let out another silent cry and clutch her hand harder as I already feel the next orgasm nearing. My body feels relaxed but tired and I'm starting to get sensitive but I want this orgasm now.
It comes even faster than the two before and crashes over me, but this time I can't make any noise because it feels like it swipes me off my feet. My thighs are shaking a little and I feel another wave of satisfaction spread through my body. But I also feel very sensitive and start to squirm with a little whine.

Wanda's arm doesn't hold my hips down anymore, she only holds my hand now while pulling out of me, leaving me feeling empty. Her tongue replaces her fingers at my entrance, lapping up my arousal and cum. But it's still too much, so I squirm away from her mouth and gently push her head away.

She doesn't chase me and instead places a few sweet kisses along my thigh before leaning her head against it. Her pupils are still dilated but not as much as before. The smile on her face is only soft now and with a last kiss placed on my thigh, she leaves her spot between my legs, placing them back on the bed. She crawls up to me and offers me to snuggle into her arms. I gladly do so, feeling exhausted and sweaty but very good.

"You got some true skill with your tongue." I mumble against her chest, my eyes still closed in exhaustion. The last time I had such great sex must be years ago. I don't even know how Wanda got a read on me this quickly but she was definitely amazing.

"Thank you." She whispers and kisses my temple.

"You did so good tonight." She mumbles and I smile tiredly. The praise lets warmth grow inside me, making me feel good and happy.
We lazily cuddle for a while and the longer we do, the closer I get to falling asleep.

"We should get cleaned up." Wanda reminds me softly. I shake my head against her shoulder and wrap my arm tighter around her. I'm about to fall asleep, I surely will not get up now.

"Yes, we should." She says and gently pries my arm off her, placing another kiss on my forehead before getting up. I open my eyes and watch her tiredly. I'm surprised, she is still this awake. By now, it must be late and even if she had just one orgasm, I'd think she'd be tired now.

"I'm just gonna get a wet cloth to clean you up." She tells me and I nod, watching her leave the room.

It doesn't take long until she is back and taps my thighs. I spread my legs and offer to do it myself but she declines, telling me she wants to take care of me. She cleans me up and makes sure my thighs aren't sticky either before disappearing again. This time she stays away a little longer but when she returns, there is still that soft smile on her face and she walks more relaxed. I'm guessing, she cleaned herself up as well.

Behind her, she closes the door and then helps me get underneath the covers before sliding under them herself. I gravitate towards her instantly and she gladly offers me cuddles. Her body is warm against mine as our legs entangle and I lay halfway on top of her. She doesn't seem like she minds though and kisses the top of my head before switching off the light. This is definitely gonna make me fall asleep any minute now.

"Goodnight, Wanda." I mumble, placing a kiss on her chest.

"Goodnight, y/n. Sleep tight, sweetheart." She replies.

There is that pet name again that has my heart missing a beat. I smile into her and hum when she slowly tickles her fingers up and down my back. I feel blissful and safe in her arms and with that feeling, I fall asleep.

A/n: The first night was surely a success. What do you think? ;D

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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