Willing to be Hurt

deadkeepteaching द्वारा

88 0 0

After struggling with anxiety, Bianca's father decided a move across the country would be a good change. T... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 2 Ch 1
Part 2 Ch 2
Part 3 Ch 3
Part 2 Ch 4
Part 2 Ch 5
Part 2 Ch 6
Part 2 Ch 7
Part 2 Ch 8
Part 2 Ch 9
Part 2 Ch 10
Part 2 Ch 11
Part 2 Ch 12
Part 2 Ch 13
Part 2 Ch 14
Part 2 Ch 15
Part 2 Ch 16
Part 2 Ch 17
Part 2 Ch 18

Chapter 2

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deadkeepteaching द्वारा

      Sitting next to Dylan was stifling. She felt like he was looking at her, or maybe that was because she kept sneaking glances at him. Casually leaning back, he wrote on the paper before him. He was not paying attention it seemed to the teacher, not that you needed to - it was basic stuff. He was writing something, she wanted to know what.
     He casually turned to her; she sucked in a gasp. eyes piercing, he looked at her; the corner of his lip rising. She turned away and focused on the whatever it was the teacher was saying. She felt her body respond, her face felt hot. She bit down a smile, stop traitor.
     A piece of paper slipped in front of her.

      Pay attention Bianca. The smile threatened to return, how could one not control their own body, that was the whole point of being in control. Do what I say body! Stop smiling. The thought almost made her feel more giddy. She wrote back, how do you know my name? She had never passed notes before, let alone to someone like him. She looked up; no one was looking. The teacher was speaking while writing on the white board. She passed the paper back to him. She did not look, focusing on her paper.

     The note came back. You wrote it on your paper. Dammit, obviously he could have just looked. Feeling a small amount of bravery she wrote back. Pay attention Dylan. She passed it back, and heard an actual soft chuckle. It made her stomach clinch and she bit her lip. It was so quiet; a laugh only for her.

     How do you know my name? He asked back. That was harder to explain. She could write back that it was a guess. That was clearly not true, he had not written it anywhere. She could mention Jay but that seemed wrong. She figured keep it as obtuse as possible. A Cheerleader told me. He would likely figure it out. She passed the note over. One did not come back. She waited, she wanted the note to come back - she willed him to send another one. He was silent and class went on.

     She was actually glad it stopped, it was to consuming of her mind. The first day at a new school could not be marred with note passing and teacher ignoring. What class is this again?
     The bell rang and she moved slowly, not wanting to rush out. She wished she had kept the note, like a loser - she wanted to read it again. She sighed heavily and turned, following behind Dylan. His arms looked strong, and cut. Literally, he had small cuts around his fingers and wrist. The type that someone might get who worked with their hands a lot. She wanted to touch his hand.

     "What Bianca?" She looked up. He was starring at her while she had been starring at his hands.

     "You should put something on your cuts, and lotion you hands.." Your and idiot, she thought before she zipped around him and went to find her next class. Put something on your cuts...what am I his grandma..
     The day went by without much excitement. She had to go to the office during lunch to pick up some practice tests; she was secretly glad she did not need to find somewhere to eat at lunch. Her second to last class had Jay who looked depressed to be without one of her crew. Her eyes widen as she saw her, her small tone arm flagging her over. Jay was the cheerleader who got thrown into the air, she called it a Flier. Jay was surprising diligent in class, they did not talk, but sat next to each other comfortably.

     Her leg was bouncing under her desk as she focused on the earth science teacher. Slowly she turned to look out the window. She needed to remind her self to focus on what was being said. It was easiest in the morning, as the day went on it became harder to focus. Jay-as It turned out- was quite smart. She rushed through the work sheet they had, listening to music.
She slipped a note in front of her. Going to the game tonight? She replied with a quick cant. Jay sent another telling her she should. She explained she had to unpack her bedroom. She could have gone.

     "Come on...I'll take you to your next class, it's the same direction I'm going. So....you are not going to back out tomorrow are you? Sarah says you will.." She shrugged. she really did/didn't want to. And it was so easy having a reason not to go - she really did need to unpack. It would take more than a day.

     "I will go...I just feel embarrassed." She said honestly.

     "Oh don't, we are going." Someone yelled a greeting to Jay who casually waved as they walked. They walked out of the school grounds. She looked around as they left the gate.

     "Is this the right way?"

     "Yeah. The school is old, much of the newer additions are outside the gate." She pointed to a warehouse like building and a set of mobile classrooms, "that shop is your last class, and I'm done for the day, all cheerleaders are needed on the field." Jay looked to the class and wished her well before walking off towards the football field.
     Was this actually a class. The door was open. Inside was a line of tables and many boys; no - two other girls. The tables faced forward, three stools behind each table. The room was small, a window on the left wall that looked into a shop. She did not know anything about the class, but it definitely seemed to be a shop. She had to walk down the line of tables that had a single row between them. Everyone paid attention to her.
     The teacher was a kind old man, white hair on his thinning scalp, glasses hanging on his chest. Mr. Carlyle the back board said. He raised his glasses looking at her schedule.

     "Ah, this class could use another girl. Only empty seat is in the back." She turned to a sea of eyes, some had on football uniforms. She moved awkwardly through the class, until she saw dark eyes on her. Dark messy hair and a smile that promised things she did not want. It was Dylan's friend. He was smirking, unable to control his smile. Looking quite pleased with himself.

     "Hey Thighs." He said in way of greeting. She could not help but blush. She took the stool next to him, their was another guy at their table. He looked like he might fall under the classic stoner group of students. He looked casual enough, she wished it was only him and her. She placed her bag beside her, and smiled under his glare.
     There was no attractive way to sit on a stool; She was leaning forward. She tried sitting up straighter, dark eyes watched her with a furrowed brow. She bit her lip, stop watching idiot.

     "You alright?" He asked. She bit her lip and nodded.

     "Just fine..."

      "I'm Nick." He said, his warm voice washing over her. Stop, stop, "This is usually when you give your name."


     "I'm Jason." Stoner said, and she enjoyed his interruption. He wasn't even looking at her, just offering up information. Nick shook his head.

     "This is Jason. A man of many words." Nick offered, Jason said nothing.

     "Alright, you all have stuff your working on. Lets go." The teacher said, she had no clue what that meant. Everyone stood up and began to walk into the warehouse through a back door.

     "Mrs. Castillo, we have basic safety precautions you must follow. Glasses must be on at all times." He motioned to a wall of safety glasses everyone was taking, "you work in groups, moving through work stations, for today follow your group, and try basic things. I'm sure you two will help her." They nodded. Mr Carlyle seemed pleased and went back into the class room.
Nick grabbed some glasses and slipped them on, before raising a pair for her - as if he expected her to step into them. She grabbed the glasses and slipped them on while he laughed. His dark curls falling into his face.

     "Come on, Thighs.." She followed behind him and Jason who went towards an area with a car up on a lift. Jason was already preparing something, a tool that looked like a drill, "We mostly stand around, not a lot goes on here, we have to change a tire today. Each of us..that is about it."

     "That is it?" He nodded with a smile.

     "Now you know why people take Shop...don't tell anyone." Jason revved up the drill, which apparently was called an impact wrench. It was too loud to talk which she was glad for that. Jason used the wrench on the front left tire, quickly undoing the nuts. Nick stepped up and removed the tire. It looked heavy. He comically raised his brows at her. She shook her head with a smile.
     "Bianca..your turn." Her eyes opened. Nick grabbed a tire, hubcap and all. He hoisted it onto the car. Holding it in place with one hand. Jason grabbed a few nuts and started them with his fingers.

     "Place the impact wrench on and pull the trigger, once it tightens and clicks a few times stop." She nodded. The wrench was heavier than she expected. She felt dumb for struggling to hold it up. She had to walk into Nicks presence, placing the wrench on and pulling the trigger an. She could feel his laugh. She did it though, all the nuts. They switched to the back and changed. This time she started the nuts.
     Once they where done they stood aside and literally did nothing. Eventually Mr. Carlyle came over and checked their work. He game them a pass - that was it for the day. She was beginning to think Shop might be the best class ever.

     "Here." Nick handed her a wipe, grease on her hands, "So Thighs.. What are you doing this weekend?" She looked to him, why would he ask that.

      "Um...unpacking my room, just moved here. Two cheerleaders asked me to go to a party."

     "Oh..which ones?"

     "Sarah and Jay." His eyes took on a playful look she did not like, "Are you going?" He thought about it for a moment.

     "Maybe..How could I miss the new girls first party?" She could not look at him, the weight of his gaze was too much.

     "Jason are you going?" She asked. He looked at her, and shrugged.

     "Probably not, they're fairly boring."

     "Don't be fooled, Jason here has a stoner girlfriend, they stay home playing video games getting high on the weekend." She did not get high. but she couldn't deny it, that sounded much more relaxing. Everyone was more popular than her. It was a super power, being able to make friends.
     They moved back to the class room. It was quieter, obviously. She preferred the sound of the shop, away from the oppressive eyes of Nick. The bell rang. She had never grabbed her backpack faster. She was glad her first day was a Friday. It gave her two days off immediately. She moved outside and felt long legs keeping up with her. Dammit, Satan. He was near six feet she assumed. Towering over her.
     Nick had on black fitted jeans and a black shirt. A chain hanging down. He was doing that stupid smile again.
     "Need a ride, Thighs?"

     "My names not Thighs."

     "Bianca.." Nope...that was worse, don't say my name, she thought. Her neck prickled. She walked towards the parking lot and he followed.

     "I can make it alone, thank you." A arm slipped through her arm.

     "Come on!" He turned her into the parking lot.

     "No. Really Nick, it's fine I only live like ten blocks away." He laughed at her weak attempt to break his hand free. She felt odd, eyes tracking her. Dylan's. He was near the black car - waiting. He looked between their two locked arms and casually looked away, simply waiting for his friend to arrive.

     "Hey...this is Bianca." Dylan gave a nod, "We're giving her a ride home."

     "No, really I don't need one." Nick grabbed her backpack and threw It in the back of the car. Dylan got inside, glasses on. This is kidnapping, right. Nick smirked, waiting for her. He thrusted his head at the car. She sighed and climbed in the back.
     It smelled nice. Like Dylan she realized. He had not said anything about them being in class together.

     "How much is this car?" She could not help but ask.

     "It's a family car." Dylan said, "Seventy-five thousand or so." He said casually, like that was not a big deal. She did not want to ruin the seat in the back. Nick only laughed it off.

     "Bianca here is going to a party tomorrow, I said we might go." Dylan nodded.

     "Where do you live?" Dylan asked. She told him and seemed to know where it was.

     "So Thighs...you got a boyfriend back home...girlfriend?" He turned to look at her.

     "Uh no...and no..I had two friends, that was it."

     "Well, obviously we need to go to the party, and watch out for her. There are unsavory types at these parties." His tone was very serious. "This is a very serious situation Dylan, who would we be, to let her face these people alone." The drive was slow. She loved looking at them from the back; They had similar features, Nick was taller, Dylan was maybe five-ten. Dylan had more defined features, and looked purposefully put together, while Nick had a more wild and free look. Blond and Brunette.

     "Are you rich?" She asked, looking around at the car. Dylan's eyes caught hers in the mirror.

     "No." He said, his tone was not friendly. She bit her lip. They pulled up to her house and Dylan looked at her, "Are you rich?" She looked at the two story house. And she shook her head.

     "No." She said back equally sarcastic. Nick laughed as she climbed out of the car, "thanks for the ride." Nick rolled the window down, a giant smile on his face.

     "See you later, Thighs.." The car pulled away before she could say anything.

      Her fathers car was already home, he often worked from home. She heard him talking once she got inside.

     "I think she's doing better." He was being quiet. "The move was good on her. Slept through the night even.....Yeah, me too. I will, I will let you know. Alright, bye." She did not want to interrupt but he was clearly talking about her. Probably to her aunt.

     "I'M HOME!" She yelled. Her dad came around the corner, wearing shorts and a baseball t-shirt.

     "Hey, how did the first day go."

     "Good...some people invited me to a party." His face lit up.

     "Really, that's amazing..are you gonna go?" She wanted to say no, she wanted to stay home, maybe she could find her own Jason.

     "Yeah, I think so."

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