A Couple at Stake (Henry X El...

By Bieran51

748 21 2


The start of the adventure...
The mission begins...
Is it really true???
An unknown suprise...
The accident...
Quick war news...
Healing wounds of pain...
Toppat Clan & The Wall...
I need rest...
War news 2
The time is near...
DANGER on the Horizon
The escape...
War news 3
Parental fatigue...
I think its time...
The Wedding...
War news 4
Pain and bloodshed
Struggles at home...
Wounded both ways...
Authors note!
General work...
The Battle of Berlin and New Delhi...


9 0 0
By Bieran51

After a great life changing wedding the newly married couple have finally decided and finalised their ideas which they both agreed to go on a Honeymoon to Italy either Milan or Rome they wanted but still they believed that this would be a good area together to get away from their thoughts and feelings in America but Ellie thought about the Mediterranean when she was only 14 when she was homeless in Germany near the suburbs of Munich which she had only barely enough money to buy food and water from the local shop lucky to be there.

They got the passports ready and ordered tickets to Italy they decided that Rome would be good to go to because of its famous leftover history and legacy of the Roman empire plus they could get a nice view of the Vatican and the Coast of the Mediterranean sea the perfect place for a couple to likely last a life time.

They had hopped on their plane and took off as Charles and the General with Rosey in his hands waved goodbye to them and would be back in expecting  2 weeks if honeymoon time.

3 hours in... across the Atlantic ocean.

The plane was holding steady but because it was the midst of summer early August - September the oceans were very active with Tropical cyclones and storms which the plane had to make an emergency landing at Tenerife after the tropical storm named Theia passed over causing only minor disruption but then they refeuled and continued on their their travel. After 5 hours of travelling they finally reached mainland Europe where they both looked from the skies over the Iberian peninsula and looked at the cities below before passing over some more ocean a couple of hours later as they passed over the Mediterranean sea. Finally they had landed at Rome international airport where they were greeted with a tourist guide and other visitors where they were shown around Rome visiting the Coliseum and old great ruins of the ancient city there once was that was founded almost 2500 years ago. Henry was really interested with the tour guide and Ellie was too but by that time the sun begun to set and they were brought to a stop on the tour for today and they were both very hungry and tried a fresh Italian baked pizza where they were outstandingly surprised how different the pizza taste and texture is from Western designed pizza. But they sure loved the flavour!

Ellie loved Henry so much and expressed to Henry that there is no better man than him but Henry trying to play all cute and innocent denied the facts Ellie was saying but he gave in after 15 minutes of joking around. The days went there and by quickly but soon something would almost kill them both. On the 13th night of their stay. Henry was woken up to the sound of banging which he thought was their neighbor's below them. He was very wrong as he looked out the glazed window all he saw was red and explosions one after the other until he looked at the beach and saw a handful of naval ships shelling and bombarding the coastal city buildings and they weren't Italian ships. They were Russian ships causing the bombardments one by one. In a sheer panic he immediately woke Ellie up to evacuate the building as soon as possible.


Ellie:"Huh what?"

Henry:"There are Russian naval ships bombarding Rome we need to get out of here before we're next!"

Ellie:"F*CK! F*CK! F*CK!"

She immediately sprung out of bed and got dressed and packed everything important needed for their survival but after 20 minutes the Naval ships retreated away from the city as Italian ships chased them off the coast where a couple of the Russian ships were sunk. Many buildings had suffered major damage and even some had collapsed but only 17 people died that night. However they were all confused because how could Russian ships gain access to the Mediterranean sea when the Bosphorus strait was in the way. And going through the Gibraltar straight was almost impossible as Morrocan and British Naval ships would of likely cut them off there and turned back around from there. Then Turkey was the one and only answer. Were they hidden identity, smuggled or bribed? No one knew anyhow.

They both ran out the building and hid under a nearby alley roof where they would spend the night waiting for rescue or a response. Ellie was almost in tears because she was very scared but Henry reassured her everything would be okay from there. Which they were as they found a shelter to hunker under where they spent another 13 hours waiting and sitting nervously for any results to come back. Eventually all the areas bombarded by the Russians were deemed safe to repair or rebuild so then Ellie and Henry could go back home and feel free but the stories they had to tell were impeccable. Waiting for a flight back to Texas city was a pain, most of the large flights to America were delayed or cancelled due to the government worrying about the threat to Italian airspace from Russian ships.

They finally caught a flight and flew back home where they had finally rested properly in which they hadn't in the last 36 hours and fell asleep for most of the plane journey home. They landed at the airport and greeted Charles at the airport where the General was no where to be seen but Charles just said he was busy with the military base and taking care of Rosey while Charles was here picking them up in which of course they took the Helicopter home and away to Texas city suburbs where they met their daughter once again and calmly relieved to be alive and care for their daughter they didnt know learnt how to say her first word. Where Rosey just simply said mama thrice Ellie was so heart warmed about the moment but Henry was slightly sad that Rosey took her mothers word first before Father word instead.

Good Chapter again bye for now! 😁

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