~Magical Secrets~

By animelover1571036

520 67 10

Sisters who were brought to a new realm facing challenges one after the other. Times become hard as they have... More

~Chapter 15~
~CHAPTER 26 [finale part 1]~
how all the characters look + age


13 2 0
By animelover1571036

Iris as Noah part 4.

"Noah!!" Yelled Annabelle.

"Yes Your Highness" said Noah (Iris) uncontrollably.

"You have a new mission, kill this girl and bring me her power" stated Annabelle.

"He was going to kill me?!" Thought Noah (Iris).

"Is something on your mind,Noah!?" asked Annabelle.

"It's nothing, Your Highness" added Noah (Iris).

*Annabelle then left*

"So he was really gonna kill me...wonder what changed his mind" thought Noah (Iris) playing with his necklace. Suddenly Noah (iris) saw Noah's diary and wanted to open it.

"Wait I mean I am him so it's fine " Noah (iris) thought.

Heli as Oliver part 5.

"Yes I do in fact she right next to me...." Said Oliver (Heli) uncontrollably.

"Wait what the heck Serenity?!" Thought Oliver (Heli).

"What are you doing?!!" Shouted Luke out of nowhere.

"Wait Luke?! What are you doing here ?!" Asked Oliver (Heli).

"Luke?! Is that your name?!" Questioned Serenity.

"Was this prince just about to kiss my sister ?!" Thought Oliver (Heil).

"Let's go back" suggested Serenity.

*They started walking back*

"I'm going to kill this prince when I get back first I'm going to track him down then stab him 2000 in the throat" thought Oliver (heli) angry.

Michael as Serenity part 6.

"Yes I do in fact ....she's right next to me " said Oliver blushing.

"Wait is this the red haired guy" thought Serenity (Michael).

As they were about to kiss someone intrupped.

"What are you doing?!" Asked Luke.

"Wait Luke?? What are you doing here ?!" Asked Oliver.

"Did that red haired guy just try to kiss me ewwww" thought Serenity (Michael).

They walked back to the house.

Suddenly Serenity (Michael) grabbed Oliver by the collar and kissed him on his cheek.

"I feel like imma be sick" thought Serenity (Michael).

The queen as Alaister (the glowing man) part 7.

"This must be the past" thought Alaister (queen).

"Your Highness your sister said she'll be here soon" said the guard.

Alaister (queen) just nodded coldly.
"Hmm his sister must be the girl from before.."

Alaister (queen) then went to the place where everyone has gathered and it seemed everyone was on time except Luna.

"I've called you here since I heard there was a flood near the east " said Alaister (queen). Her mouth was moving uncontrollably.

"Oh yes my guards are taking care of it right now" said the officer.

"Hmm this seems to have taken place in the past ...wait this place seems similar to my throne room" thought Alaister (Queen).

The light started to flicker and the wind picked up. Darkness took over the palace and the rest of the kingdom.

"We've got to get out of here!! " yelled Alaister (queen).

"The light!!" Yelled Luna.

They went towards the light and escaped the kingdom although the rest was left unknown to the world.

Noah as Iris part 8.

"Where am I ?!!" Thought Iris (Noah).

"I'll only forgive you if you go on a date with me.." said Noah.

"Wait that's me Annabelle put everyone in the past but damn lemme just say I'm hot " thought Iris (Noah).

"Of course ! Where to?!" Said Iris (Noah).

"Thats a suprise. Meet me by the pond at 20:00 tonight" said Noah before leaving.

"Okay now I just need to get dressed ....oh shi-" said Iris (Noah).

Later that day.

"Surprise!!" Yelled Noah.

"Wow it's beautiful Noah" said Iris (Noah)

"Of course I'm going to say that to myself" thought Iris (Noah).

*Iris (Noah) then remembered the guitar*

"Is that yours?!" Asked Iris (Noah).

Noah then took Iris's (Noah's) hand and led her through the melody.

Luna as Alora part 9.

''whats this place?!" Asked Alora (luna)

"Let go of my sister!!" Yelled Iris.

"No" said the shadow figure.

A light then appeared destroying the figure but left a scar on Alora's (Luna's) arm.

"So she's a light element but this scar will only weaken her since it's he opposite of her element" thought Alora (luna)

"Are you okay?!" Asked Serenity.

"I'm fine.." replied Alora (luna)

*In the palace*

"Everything seems normal so far" thought Alora (luna) walking to her room. "That aura it's the shadow element!!"

Alora (luna) opened the door only to see Iris.

"Do you need something?" Asked Iris.

"Uhm..no I'm...I'm just c-checking up on you haha" said Alora (luna) nervously.

"Uhm okay..." Replied Iris as Alora (luna) left the room and walked to hers.

"Does she know?!" Thought Alora (Luna).

Alaister as Heli part 10 finale.
(YOH finally this took forever).

"Do you need something Heli?" Asked Michael.

"Oh yes can you water the plants outside please I'm busy right now" said Heil (Alaister) uncontrollably.

"Okay be right back" said Michael.

"What's he busy with anyways??" Thought Heli (Alaister). "Oh just some documents,wait what's this??"

He then opened the drawer wider to see some flies and a photo album. The photo album was filled with photos of a girl with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. Just then Michael came in and was shocked to see the photo album.

"Heli are you sure you're fine?? You haven't looked in that photo album in a while" asked Michael worried.

"Yea... It's been a while hasn't it??" Added Heli (Alaister).

"It's a shame thats she died at such a young age and oh uhm sorry for bringing this up "Stated Michael sadly.

Heli (Alaister) remained silent,he was shocked to hear this.

*Everyone suddenly wakes up*

what's happening?!" Asked Alora with a aching headache.

"This is a time loop" said Luna.

"Well how do we escape this place?" Asked Serenity.

"I don't know but we all went back to each others past but something went wrong while doing so" stated Alaister.

"Hmm..oh I remember having my book in one of my drawers!!" Replied the queen.

"Uhm about that " said Iris.

"What did you guys do?!" Asked The queen.

"We actually came back here for it, to know how to defeat Annabelle but the book is at Heli's house.. " replied Serenity.

"No I actually have it on me " said Oliver as he showed everyone the book.

"What?!" Said everyone.

"Yea you never know when you might need it ..." Added Oliver.

"Oh you are just perfect for my Serenity!!"Stated the Queen.

"M-mom" blushed Serenity.

"We found something!!" Yelled Luna.

They went to Luna and Alaister and saw a glowing jewel on the ground. It was one of the queen's jewels from her crown.

"It's one of my crown jewels" said the queen.

Maybe this is the key to escape this place" said noah Unsure.

Suddenly a loud sound appeared and the ground started to shake. Everyone ran to take shelter but they were separated AGAIN?!. But this time they were all in the same world but different somehow...


(This is Noah and Iris btw 😄)


Are you team Iris and Noah?

Team Serenity And Oliver


Team Alora and Luke???.

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