The Love Diary

By Just_abit_Bookish

57 3 1

This year I'm choosing to love. Myself. Life. Someone new. Come along on the ride... More

Monday 1st January
Tuesday 2nd January
Wednesday 3rd January
Thursday 4th January
Friday 5th January
Saturday 6th January
Sunday 7th January
Monday 8th January
Tuesday 9th January
Wednesday 10th January
Thursday 11th January
Friday 12th January
Saturday 13th January
Sunday 14th January
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Wednesday 17th January
Thursday 18th January
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Thursday 21st March
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Tuesday 26th March
Wednesday 27th March
Thursday 28th March
Friday 29th March
Saturday 30th March
Sunday 31st March

Tuesday 5th March

0 0 0
By Just_abit_Bookish

The office was quiet today and the rain was thrumming against the window. I had hoped to get outside at lunch but when I realised that wasn't going to happen I grabbed my book and sat reading one handed while eating my ham and cheese sandwich with my other hand.

I did then find some leftover cakes from the bake sale in the fridge and so I took one of them back to my desk to start the afternoon off strong.

I got home and took the boys out straight away. It had stopped raining while I was driving home so I wasn't going to give it a chance to reconsider. 

We headed out and very quickly ran into Waffle and her mum going in the opposite direction. 

“Hey.” I said as the dogs started to sniff and spin around each other.

“Hello. Awful weather today.” 

“I know. Trying to dash out before it decides to rain again.” Waffle’s mum nodded and we both looked back to the dogs. They seemed to have formed a sniffing circle. 

“Oh Waffle… come on.” Waffle stopped sniffing and look up at mum who gently tugged on the lead to encourage her away.

The boys and I continued on around not seeing many other dog walkers.

The boys paws were dried off when we got home and I dished out dinner before heading upstairs to get ready.

With a promise of a car ride to dinner I opted for a dark green leopard print dress and some chunky black boots. 

I was standing in the mirror trying to decide between two sets of earrings when there was a knock at the door. I quickly pushed in the easiest ones to push in and ran downstairs. 

The boys stood side by side barking at the door, their tails stood straight up, as if they were on guard independently of the owner. 

I took a quick breath and straightened my dress before opening the door. 

“Hey.” I said to him as the boys crept closer and started sniffing round his legs. He looked down, a brief hint of fear or concern flashing across his face. Then he looked at me. Looked me up and down. Then smiled.

“Hey. You look beautiful.” 

I pointedly looked him up and down slowly.

“You look handsome too.” I winked and gestured for him to come in a moment.

The boys had wandered away but as I turned to grab a jacket I found they stood at the end of the hall with their tails down watching Callum.

I whipped my head around to look at Callum but he was stood looking at a family picture I have up in the hall. 

This unsettled me slightly as the boys normally like everyone and I have always said they are a good judge of character. 

I went over to them and gave them both a fuss.

“It's ok boys. I won't be long.” I whispered to them.

Callum drove us to this little bistro / cafe I had never heard off and he held the door for me.

“So he literally launched himself, out of his mind drunk, towards her, she leapt out of the way and it was like it was slow motion, he landed with his head directly in Ryan's crotch…” I was laughing hard. He smiled looking at me. After a pause he added, “Face down”. 

I was laughing so hard I snorted and while I slapped my hand across my mouth, I was actually laughing harder because of it.

He almost spit his drink across at me when I snorted and we were both just laughing for a few moments.

“You definitely did uni better than me, I have no crazy stories like that!” I managed to say, with a lilt in my voice still.

“I don't believe that. I'm sure you have at least one story!” I thought for one moment and then started shaking my head.

“I actually can't think of anything!” 

We chatted about university some more and getting our first jobs.

“So where did the boys come from?” He asked.

“Well actually through my landlady. Her daughter's great dane had puppies and she struggled to sell them. They were the last two and I was just chatting with Julie one day and when she mentioned the puppies I said I had always dreamed of having great danes and she brought them round the next day…” 

“I mean that's lucky. I bet it would have been hard to find a place with them in tow otherwise.” He said it a little bit patronisingly.

“Well it was lucky. But people do have great danes so it would have been fine. They are so good.”

When we pulled up outside of mine I saw the boys standing at the window. Callum walked me to the door and I pulled out my keys but turned back to him.

“Thank you for dinner. I had a great time.” Callum stepped a little closer to me and studied my face. 

He lent in slowly and our lips touched gently before they separated. He gently touched my cheek, our faces only an inch apart.

“See you Friday?” 


As Callum walked back to his car I opened the door and greeted the boys. They weaved around my legs, rubbing right up against me. 

I spoke to them gently and we headed upstairs and got ready for bed.

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