Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth

By Shockblaster2009

63.3K 1.3K 2.8K

Adam is dead, the extermination has failed, heaven decides to dispose of their weakest links More

The Pilot
The Unholy Grail
No Place Like Hell
Dear Little Star
Trouble Downtown
Setting The Stages
Cherry On The Snake
The Great Carmine Talk
Sweet Broken Emily
New Sinners On The Block
Best of Bad Luck
Emergency Lockdown
Clash Of The Ex-Exorcists
The Hazbin Heist
Prince Takes Charge
Life Or Death
Your Too Fast
Sibling Jealously
All Hail Gabriel
Road To Victory
Nightmare On Hell Street
An Eye For A Friend
A Real Battle Trap
War Against The Stars
A Father's Last Stand
One More Week To Go
Unexpected Events
We Interrupt This Fanfiction
The Wicked Queen Of Hell
Love Is The Greatest Weapon
Preparing For The Brides
Spicing Up The Lights
Love To Hate
You Should Of Known
A Legacy In The Making
The Carmine Issue
Hell's Greatest Weapon
In The Driver's Seat
United They Fall
A Husk Of A Machine
Adding Fuel To The Fire
Playing With Hostages
High Rock Showdown
The Grinding Aftermath
All Mighty Results
Angels Vs Robots
Farewell Bartender
Truth Or Dare
The God Complex
The Roots Of Evil
Morningstars In The Wild
The Reckoning Day
At Black Cross End
I Spy A Empty Dream
Unwanted Discoveries
Last Laugh
Babysitting The Princess
The Break Up
The Royal Catastrophe
Welcome To The Show
Survival Of The Dumbest
Evil To The Bones
Power Of The Sins
Yellow Dusts Of Trauma
Team Players
Old Foes
Birds Of A Feather
Secret Struggles
Sorrowful Knight Aigaron
The Original
Rock Out
Make My Army Grow
Switching Sides
Alexander Carmine
Mother And Son
Red And Green Tentacles
Prince Takes Knight
Driven Out Of Insanity
Red Mountain Mystery
Ludwig Von Death
Shadows Of The Finale
Harmony And Dizchord
Ancient History
Bye Bye Odette
Long Live The Queen
Wendy O Huskerdust
Oh No
Mega Mission
Under The Mask
Molly Jolly Polly
Twins Forever
I'm Sorry Brother

Trauma Before The Storm

814 22 27
By Shockblaster2009

The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, the group gather in the lodge for more activities.

Charlie: (excited) Okay, guys, so I have news on mine and Vaggie's wedding.

Husk: (calmly) What about it?

Vaggie: (calmly) It's happening in a month.

Angel Dust: (shocked) What? The proposal was only a few days ago. Don't these things take a year or so to plan?

Charlie: (laughs) Normally, yes, but we're not exactly your typical couple. Plus, with everything going on in Hell, we figured, why wait?

Clara: (nodding) Makes sense. So, what's the plan?

Charlie: (excitedly) Well, we've booked a venue, ordered the cake, and sent out invitations. All that's left is to get our outfits and finalize the decorations.

Angel Dust: (impressed) Wow, you two work fast.

Suddenly, Niffty jumps on top of Vaggie's head.

Niffty: (excited) And I'm the flower girl!

Charlie: (confused) Wait, what?

Vaggie: (awkwardly) I forgot to tell you... Kinda made a deal with Niffty during our heist that if she helped me out with the proposal, she gets to be the flower girl.


A few minutes later, Emily sits at a table, deep in thought, when Odette approaches her.

Odette: (quietly) Emily, can we talk?

Emily looks up, surprised by Odette's sudden willingness to talk.

Emily: (gently) Of course, Odette. What's on your mind?

Odette: (hesitantly) I... I want to thank you for helping me. I've been so lost and afraid, but you've been there for me, and I appreciate it.

Emily: (softly) You don't have to thank me, Odette. I care about you, and I just want to see you happy.

Odette: (quietly) I haven't been happy in so long... But being here with you and everyone else, it's starting to feel like maybe I can be again.

Emily reaches out and gently squeezes Odette's hand, offering her a reassuring smile.

Emily: (comforting) You deserve to be happy, Odette. And I'm going to do everything I can to help you get there.

Odette smiles gratefully at Emily as the two walk upstairs, while Angel Dust watches from the sofa before turning back to the others.

Angel Dust: (confused) So, are we not gonna talk about the fact that those two have become best friends in under a week?

Husk: (nonchalantly) Eh, let 'em be. Everyone needs someone to lean on in this crazy place.

Charlie: (optimistically) Exactly. It's nice to see Odette opening up and making connections, especially with Emily.

Angel Dust: (concerned) Yeah, but it's a bit... suspicious.

Clara: (concerned) What do you mean by suspicious?

Angel Dust: (concerned) Listen, Clara, it's just odd. Your sister, who's been on mute, suddenly opens up to Emily.

Clara: (annoyed) Emily made the first move of befriending my sister. What's your point here?

Husk: (annoyed) Isn't it obvious? He thinks Odette is your mother's secret little spy girl.

Clara: (shocked) What?

Angel Dust: (defensively) Hey, I'm just saying, it wouldn't be the first time something shady went down in Hell.

Clara: (defensively) That's absurd! Odette has been through enough without baseless accusations.

Angel Dust: (defensive) Hey, I'm just saying, it's a possibility we can't ignore. Hell's a tricky place; you never know who's pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Alastor, upon hearing Angel Dust, twitches his eye as Clara gets off her seat to try to attack Angel Dust until Charlie gets between the two.

Charlie: (nervously) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's all just calm down here. Accusations like these aren't helpful, and they certainly won't solve anything.

Clara: (frustrated) But he's implying that my sister is a spy! That's completely outrageous!

Angel Dust: (defensive) I'm just trying to be cautious. We can't afford to trust everyone blindly, especially in Hell. I mean, Sir Pentious here was originally a spy for the Vees; it wouldn't surprise me if Odette was doing the same for Carmilla.

Clara: (angrily) Shut up, just shut up! If it wasn't for my sister, you would still be making those disgusting adult films.

The room falls silent as Clara's words sink in, and everyone puts two and two together on what Clara was implying.

Angel Dust: (shocked) Are you telling me that Odette... was the one who killed Valentino?

Clara looks down in shame, realizing she just made things messy.

Clara: (hesitantly) It's... complicated.

Charlie: (concerned) Is this why you and Odette came here?

Clara looks down, knowing she'll be better off telling the group the truth.

Clara: (hesitantly) I guess I have no other option but to tell you lot now to not make things messy between us...

It was just a simple delivery to V Tower. We had never been there before, our Mom cautioned us about the Vees, especially Valentino. But we were tired; it was almost midnight, we just wanted to get back to Carmine headquarters and go to sleep.

Once we got there, we were greeted by Valentino. He acted nice to us, but looking back now, it's clear he was drunk or possibly high on drugs.

He asked Odette to go into a room he said was his office upstairs while I put the crates and boxes on the floor. Then ten minutes later... I heard a gunshot...

I rushed into the room and opened it and immediately saw Valentino's dead corpse bleeding out, and I saw Odette on a bed. The room wasn't an office at all; it was Valentino's bedroom. She was holding the gun; her coat was undone, and well, the bottom half of her was completely exposed and covered in... Valentino's... juice if you know what I mean.

Luckily, Odette had shot that... monster before he made her have round two with him. I immediately called my Mom, and we were able to cover things up. When Vox and Velvet caught on, my Mom lied to them, saying she killed Valentino. Unfortunately, Odette... hasn't been the same. It's most likely if this happened when we were alive, Odette would have definitely gotten pregnant, but the damage was done, and she's still living with the consequences.

The room falls silent once more as the group takes everything in.

Angel Dust: (shocked) I... never knew, Clara. I-

Clara: (interrupting) Save it. I've said it; there's no going back now... Just don't tell Odette I told you this. Hell, don't

reference it when she's around, or I will have your head, got it?

Unfortunately, unknown to everyone in the lodge, Odette is hiding behind a corner, tears in her eyes, knowing the cat is out of the bag.

Emily, fortunately having heard nothing of what the others have said, turns to Odette, confused.

Emily: (concerned) Odette, what's wrong?

Odette: (quietly) I need to go to the bathroom.

Odette leaves for the bathroom, flashes of the night with Valentino jumping in and out of her mind as she enters a bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror.

Voice: (mockingly) You know, you're pretty cute with your glasses and coat. How about we have some fun?

Odette closes her eyes in frustration before punching the mirror, breaking it and causing a lot of cuts and bleeding on her hand.


A few minutes later, Emily rushes into the lodge.

Charlie: (concerned) Emily, where's Odette?

Emily: (panicking) I don't know; I checked the bathroom she was in, and she was gone... and she broke the mirror.

Vaggie: (alarmed) We need to find her. Emily, did she seem distressed when she left?

Emily: (worried) Yes, she seemed really upset. I think she overheard something you guys said.

Clara: (realizing) Oh... She must have heard me talk... about you know what.

Emily: (confused) What are you talking about?

Clara sighs, realizing she has to tell the story again to Emily, considering Emily is Odette's first and only friend she currently has.

(One explanation later)

Cherri Bomb: (concerned) Yeah, I think she just fainted.

The group looks down at unconscious Emily who fainted after hearing about what happened between Odette and Valentino.

Charlie: (reassuringly) Let's not panic. Emily will be fine; she just needs some time to process everything. Let's all just split up and find Odette; considering she broke a mirror, she's most likely injured.

Most of the group split up and go upstairs to find Odette while Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb stay put and put Emily onto the sofa.

Sir Pentious: (calmly) Don't worry, Miss Emily, everything will be fine.


A few minutes later, Angel Dust walks down the corridor, the revelation that Odette was the one who killed his abuser going through his mind.

Voice: (angrily) I own you, or have you forgotten that?

You really think you can have Lucifer's little BITCH fight your battles for you? You bring her here to protect you? To FUCK with me? You think she can get you out of work?

I have KILLED bitches for less than this attitude you're giving me! You're LUCKY you make me money! Now, you're going to go get rid of her, and then you're filming ALL NIGHT! Get me?!?

When I say "come", you say?

When I say "you are fucking 20 guys before lunch", you say?

When I say "you better get that fucking CUNT out of my STUDIO", you say?


Although the voice in Angel Dust's mind is interrupted by the sound of sobs coming from the balcony.

Angel Dust looks out, seeing Odette on the edge of the balcony sobbing, looking at her damaged hand.

Angel Dust walks over to the edge of the balcony to Odette's left.

Angel Dust: (concerned) What's up, kid?

Odette doesn't respond immediately, her shoulders shaking with each sob. She looks down at her hand, blood dripping from the cuts caused by the broken mirror.

A few moments later, Odette looks up, her eyes red from crying, and sees Angel Dust standing there. She sniffles and wipes her tears away, trying to compose herself.

Odette: (sobbing) Leave me alone. Just... just go away.

Angel Dust: (gently) I can't do that. Not when you're hurting like this. Listen, I heard what happened with-

Odette: (interrupting) I know my sister told you, and I also know you think I'm a spy for my mother.

Angel Dust: (softly) Odette, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions like that. It's just... things got heated, and I said some things I shouldn't have.

Odette looks down at her hand, the cuts from the broken mirror still fresh and bleeding. She clenches her fist, trying to ignore the pain.

Angel Dust: (softly) Listen, I know how you feel... I had to be a slave to that... thing for years, always making adult films endlessly. I was his favorite toy. I always thought one day he would just lose interest in me and move on, although that day never came. Listen, my point is... I know what it's like to feel trapped, to feel like you have no control over your own life. To be... forced to get fucked against your will.

Odette listens intently, her sobs subsiding slightly as Angel Dust speaks. She looks at him.

Angel Dust: (encouragingly) I know it seems bleak right now, but trust me, things can change. You're stronger than you think, Odette. And you've already taken the first step by being here, and well, you're already best friends with an adorable seraphim Angel, so you're definitely doing something right, and who knows maybe in a few years you two might fall in love and get married.

Odette manages a small smile, giggling a bit at the idea of marrying Emily.

Angel Dust: (calmly) You know, you remind me of someone I knew on Earth. Her name was Molly; she was my twin sister. She went through something similar to you when we were alive. Unfortunately, we died in a car crash, and well, Molly survived or ended up in heaven. She was the sweetest person I ever knew.

Odette looks at Angel Dust before turning back.

Odette: (quietly) I'm sorry about your sister, Angel. It sounds like she was an amazing person.

Angel Dust: (nostalgically) Yeah, she was. Always looking out for me, even when things got tough. But hey, enough about me. How are you feeling now?

Odette takes a deep breath, trying to push aside the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume her.

Odette: (quietly) How do you cope when you were... you know whose slave?

Angel Dust: (reflectively) Well, it wasn't easy. I... I coped the only way I knew how: by numbing myself to the pain. Drugs, alcohol, distractions... anything to escape the reality of my situation. But eventually, with help, I was able to cope properly, and then well next thing I know, my contract is terminated, which... I guess I have you to thank for.

Odette looks down, flashes of the event with Valentino going through her mind, tears flowing down her face.

Odette: (quietly) I remember every second of it, how he flirted with me, pushed me against the wall and then his bed, and how he put his... you know what inside me. When he was done and preparing to do it with me again, I grabbed his gun from his bedside table, and... the next thing I saw was his blood bursting... out of his... head.

Odette's tears flow down her face like a rainstorm as Angel Dust takes a step towards her.

Angel Dust reaches out and gently places a hand on Odette's shoulder, offering her a comforting presence.

Angel Dust: (calmly) I know exactly how you feel. Valentino did the same to me and his other toys over a thousand times. But... you, even if you feel ashamed of killing him, just know that in the process, you freed thousands of souls from his chains, and that is something you should never be ashamed of.

Odette turns to Angel Dust and embraces him, sobbing, as Angel Dust attempts to comfort the young weapons maker.

Angel Dust: (comforting) Let's get back and bandage that hand of yours.


A few hours later, Angel Dust sits at the bar as Husk serves him a drink.

Husk: (proudly) You did good today, you know that, right?

Angel Dust: (calmly) What can I say? If anyone knows how Odette is feeling about, you know, what it's me.

Husk: (calmly) Still thinks she's Carmilla's spy?

Angel Dust: (sighs) Yeah, well, old habits die hard, I guess. But after today, I don't think she's capable of that kind of betrayal. If she is a spy, then she's a good actor, but I dealt with it.

Husk: (nodding) Yeah, I hear ya. People aren't always what they seem, especially in hell. But I think we can trust her.

Angel Dust: (smiling) Yeah, I think so too.

Suddenly, Clara approaches the bar and sits on a stool.

Husk: (curious) What are you here for, Clara?

Clara: (calmly) Oh, just a drink. A martini, shaken, not stirred. Please.

As Husk turns around to get Clara a martini, Clara turns to Angel Dust.

Clara: (calmly) Thank you for what you did today, even if you... accused my sister of being a spy.

Angel Dust: (calmly) No problem. Hey, I'm sorry I thought Odette was a spy. I was wrong, and I apologize.

Clara smiles as Husk hands her the martini, and she drinks the full glass.

Clara: (curious) Could I... have another, please?


Meanwhile, in Emily's room, the seraphim angel herself helps clean the blood from Odette's cut hand as the sinner grits her teeth.

Emily: (gently) Sorry if this stings a bit, Odette.

Odette winces slightly but nods, grateful for Emily's help. She looks up at Emily.

Odette: (quietly) Thank you, Emily.

Emily: (calmly) No problem. And... DONE.

As Emily finishes cleaning Odette's hand, she smiles warmly at her.

Emily: (kindly) All patched up. How are you feeling now?

Odette flexes her hand experimentally, feeling the sting subside as the cuts are properly cleaned and bandaged.

Odette: (softly) Better, thank you. And... sorry for everything earlier.

Emily: (calmly) No need to apologize. I understand you've been through a lot. Don't worry, I won't mention... the thing. That's a promise.

Odette: (quietly) Thanks, Emily.

Emily: (calmly) You do like thanking me a lot, don't you?

Odette: (calmly) I'm just being polite, that's all.

Emily: (excited) So, I was wondering... if you would like to watch a movie tonight, like a girls' night?

Odette: (calmly) I don't see why not.

Emily squeaks in excitement as she turns around and turns on the TV, as Odette replays something Angel Dust said to her.

Angel Dust: (in Odette's head) Who knows, maybe in a few years you two might fall in love and get married.

Odette smiles to herself as she watches Emily, the idea of her, the great genius daughter of Carmilla Carmine, marrying Emily, the sugar sweet fallen seraphim angel with a heart of diamond.

Like that would ever happen... right?

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