Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth

By Shockblaster2009

87.1K 1.7K 6.4K

Adam is dead, the extermination has failed, Heaven decides to dispose of their weakest links More

The Pilot
The Unholy Grail
No Place Like Hell
Dear Little Star
Trouble Downtown
Setting The Stages
Cherry On The Snake
The Great Carmine Talk
Sweet Broken Emily
New Sinners On The Block
Best of Bad Luck
Emergency Lockdown
Clash Of The Ex-Exorcists
The Hazbin Heist
Prince Takes Charge
Life Or Death
Your Too Fast
Trauma Before The Storm
All Hail Gabriel
Road To Victory
Nightmare On Hell Street
An Eye For A Friend
A Real Battle Trap
War Against The Stars
A Father's Last Stand
One More Week To Go
Unexpected Events
We Interrupt This Fanfiction
The Wicked Queen Of Hell
Love Is The Greatest Weapon
Preparing For The Brides
Spicing Up The Lights
Love To Hate
You Should Of Known
A Legacy In The Making
The Carmine Issue
Hell's Greatest Weapon
In The Driver's Seat
United They Fall
A Husk Of A Machine
Adding Fuel To The Fire
Playing With Hostages
High Rock Showdown
The Grinding Aftermath
All Mighty Results
Angels Vs Robots
Farewell Bartender
Truth Or Dare
The God Complex
The Roots Of Evil
Morningstars In The Wild
The Reckoning Day
At Black Cross End
I Spy A Empty Dream
Unwanted Discoveries
Last Laugh
Babysitting The Princess
The Break Up
The Royal Catastrophe
Welcome To The Show
Survival Of The Dumbest
Evil To The Bones
Power Of The Sins
Yellow Dusts Of Trauma
Team Players
Old Foes
Birds Of A Feather
Secret Struggles
Sorrowful Knight Aigaron
The Original
Rock Out
Make My Army Grow
Switching Sides
Alexander Carmine
Mother And Son
Red And Green Tentacles
Prince Takes Knight
Driven Out Of Insanity
Red Mountain Mystery
Ludwig Von Death
Shadows Of The Finale
Harmony And Dizchord
Ancient History
Bye Bye Odette
Long Live The Queen
Wendy O Huskerdust
Oh No
Mega Mission
Under The Mask
Molly Jolly Polly
Twins Forever
I'm Sorry Brother
Altogether Now
Countdown To Destruction
The Invasion
All Is Lost
The Final Countdown
Double Trouble
Eve Of Children
That's No Moon
Foes To Friends
The Final Extermination
The Children Before Christmas
How Nobody Saved Christmas
How To Ruin Christmas
Day Of Christmas
The Christmas Invasion
Time Of Joy
To Be Or Not To Be A Carmine Parent
Choose Life
How To Make A First Impression
Squillia Harbinger
Newborn Hope
The Hunger For Money
A Few More Bite The Dust
The Greatest Problem Of All
Back On The Air
Too Many Plots To Go
What If
Some Nice Peace And Quiet
Carmine Reborn
Father Of Three
Trouble In The Backrooms
Dying In Your Poison
The Deadliest Mastermind
RIP Niffty
A Social Media Exorcist
Vaggie Who
The Wedding
Oh For Fine Sake
The Trial Of The Hazbin Hotel
The Tragedy Before The End
The Next Day
Vrak Is Back
The Unicorns
A Truly Unexpected Trip
A Sacrifice For The Universe
Two Against One
The Grand Finale
Pizza Time
The Rebirth

Sibling Jealously

1K 22 12
By Shockblaster2009

The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, Odette sits in her room, lost in thought as she looks out the window.

Voice: (mockingly) It won't be long until the cat gets out of the bag, Odette. Soon everyone will-

Suddenly, the voice disappears as Odette hears a knock on her door. She smiles slightly, knowing who is at the door as she opens it.

Emily: (excited) May I come in?

Odette: (quietly) Sure.

Emily enters Odette's room, noticing the blueprints and bits of metal, along with other materials, on her desk.

Emily: (curious) What are you working on?

Odette: (quietly) Just some tinkering. Trying to improve some of the gadgets and devices around here. Keeps me busy and distracted.

Emily: (impressed) Wow, you're really talented. I wish I had half the skills you do.

Odette: (quietly) Oh, it's nothing special. Just something I picked up over the years.

Emily: (excited) Well, if you ever need help or someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm your girl.

Odette: (quietly) I'll think about it.

A few moments later, Clara exits her room only to see Emily and Odette zoom past her. Clara looks to where Emily and Odette are going and couldn't help but be concerned.

Odette had almost died. Clara still doesn't know how Odette is still alive. It was a miracle, to be honest, but another side of her is concerned. Clara was aware of the fact that Emily was a seraphim angel. On one hand, Clara felt happy that Odette finally made a friend... except for the fact that Emily almost had Odette killed. Clara didn't know what exactly happened, but she knew Odette had a stomach cut open by a cyborg angel who was most likely going after Emily. Clara didn't like the idea that Odette was hanging out with someone who might be wanted by heaven.

She had to do something.


A few minutes later, Clara enters Charlie and Vaggie's room, where the two lovers are talking on their bed about their wedding.

Clara: (hesitantly) Sorry to interrupt, I just need to talk to you.

Charlie: (concerned) Of course, Clara. What's on your mind?

Clara: (nervously) It's about Odette and her new friend, Emily. You know, considering what happened two days ago.

Vaggie: (realizing) Oh, I see what's going on here. You're jealous that Odette has a friend, aren't you?

Clara: (surprised) No...

Vaggie: (calmly) Yeah, well, it seems obvious to me, even if you can't admit it to yourself. You're just being a bit overprotective for your sister's safety, that's all. Trust me, there's nothing to worry about with Emily.

Charlie: (calmly) Yeah, the only reason Emily is in Hell is because if she didn't leave Heaven, they would have killed her.

Clara: (concerned) They tried to kill her two days ago, and because of that, Odette almost died, remember?

Charlie: (reassuringly) Clara, we understand your concern, but Emily is not like the other angels. She's been cast out of Heaven for not conforming to their standards. She's here in Hell because she chose to leave rather than continue being a part of a system she didn't believe in.

Vaggie: (calmly) And besides, Odette seems to trust her. She's the only one she talks to... Wait, are you jealous Odette talks to Emily but not you?

Clara: (nervously) Kinda...

Charlie: (comforting) Clara, listen, I understand where you're coming from, but maybe you can try to talk to Emily before you judge.

Clara: (nervously) Okay.

Clara leaves the room and walks down the hallway, catching the attention of the radio demon.

Alastor: (calmly) Well, look what we have here, a dear woman concerned for her sister.

Clara: (annoyed) What's it to you?

Alastor: (calmly) Well, as the overlord who's the main reason you and your sister are here, I can't help but be curious.

Clara: (skeptical) And what exactly is your interest in my sister and me?

Alastor: (calmly) Well, I just thought this place might bring the best out of you and your sister after your little unknown... accident.

Clara hesitates to move past Alastor, the sound of a gunshot playing in her mind. Eventually, she does, walking past the radio demon.


Elsewhere in the hotel kitchen, Odette watches as Emily puts a pie into the oven.

Odette: (quietly) Remind me why you're cooking a pie?

Emily: (calmly) Well, I thought you would like to try it, maybe get you to talk to everyone else in the hotel.

Odette: (quietly) And you think a pie is going to help?

Emily: (smiling) It's worth a shot, isn't it? Plus, who doesn't love pie?

Odette: (quietly) I actually have never tried pie before.

Emily: (surprised) You're kidding. You told me you never had ice cream, and now you're telling me you haven't tried pie?

Odette: (quietly) So...

Emily: (excitedly) Well, then this will be a treat! You're in for a delicious surprise. Pie is a heavenly dessert, trust me.

Odette: (quietly) I'll take your word for it.

Emily: (excited) Wait here, I'll get some plates.

Emily leaves Odette in the kitchen as she goes into the storage room to find some plates. As she turns the light on, she sees someone sitting on a chair.

Clara: (sternly) We need to talk.

Emily: (calmly) Oh, hi, Clara. Is this about Odette?

Clara: (annoyed) Of course, this is about my sister. Who else would I be talking about?

Emily: (confused) Wait, how did you know I would come in here... You know what, it doesn't matter. What seems to be the issue?

Clara: (firmly) The issue is that I'm concerned about Odette's safety. She almost died because of you, Emily. I don't trust angels, especially ones who bring trouble with them.

Emily: (calmly) I understand your concern, Clara, but you have to trust me. I would never intentionally put Odette in harm's way. I know I'm an angel and-

Clara: (interrupting) You think words are going to persuade me? Odette has been quiet for over a month, barely talking to anyone. Then two days ago, you are able to get her to talk to you without ever having a proper interaction. Sounds a bit fishy if you ask me.

Emily: (defeated) I get it. You don't trust me, Odette almost died trying to defend me because I didn't know how to fight. The reason I wanted to talk to Odette was because I wanted to cheer her up, put a smile on her face. We both know she's been distant from all of us since you two got here. I just... I wanted to be kind.

Clara: (softening) I... I didn't realize. I'm sorry, Emily. I've just been so worried about Odette. She means everything to me, and I can't bear the thought of losing her.

Emily: (sympathetic) I understand, Clara. And I promise you, I will do everything in my power to keep Odette safe. I care about her too, you know.

Clara: (reluctantly) I suppose... I suppose I can give you a chance. But if anything happens to Odette because of you-

Emily: (interrupting) Nothing will. You have my word.

Emily turns to leave until...

Clara: (nervously) Wait, Emily, one last question. Has Odette told you the reason that caused her to go silent?

Emily: (calmly) No, to be honest, I didn't want to ask her. It's not my place to. Why?

Clara: (nervously) Nothing. And Emily, don't tell Odette about this. I don't want her feeling uncomfortable.

Emily: (calmly) Understood.

Emily leaves the room as Clara's thoughts drift into the past, the carmine drowning in guilt for what happened to Odette.

It should have been her.


Later in the evening, Clara sits on her bed watching TV when she hears a knock on her door.

She opens the door, only to see her sister hesitantly standing there. For the first time in weeks, Odette speaks to her sister.

Odette: (quietly) May I come in?

Clara: (softly) Of course, Odette. Come in.

Odette steps into the room, looking hesitant and unsure.

Odette: (quietly) Emily suggested I should talk to you.

Clara: (gently) Of course, Odette. You can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?

Odette nods silently, her eyes downcast with shame and guilt.

Clara: (comforting) Listen, how about we watch a movie? I'm sure there's something on TV.

Odette: (quietly) I suppose that would be nice


Later in the night, Odette is back in her room, fast asleep, reliving her worst nightmare.

Voice: (mockingly) You know, you're pretty cute with your glasses and coat. How about we-

Before the memory can continue, Odette is able to wake herself up, tears in her eyes.

Why did it have to be her?

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