Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XLVII

1.5K 77 67
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Naruto stared down at (Y/N) in surprise.

Naruto: (Y/N)? Where are we?

(Y/N): Huh?

Gamabunta: Where's the enemy?!

(Y/N): Huh?!

Fukasaku: What's goin' on, Ma?! Why didn't ya summon us to Konoha?

Shima: This is village of Konohagakure...

Naruto: <shocked> What do you mean, Granny Shima?!

(Y/N) raised a confused eyebrow and pointed to all of the debris and broken buildings surrounding the crater they were standing in.

(Y/N): Look at what's all around you, Naruto!

Naruto, Gamakichi, and Gamabunta all gasped.

Gamabunta: No way!

(Y/N): And he's the one who did this...

He motioned over to Pain, who stared at the newly arrived fighters.

Shima: Yes... I sense the same energies as when we rode atop Jiraiya-boy's shoulders.

Naruto glared furiously at Pain.

Pain: Now I don't have to hunt you.

Naruto looked from Pain back to (Y/N).

Naruto: Hey, you're injured! What the heck happened here?

(Y/N): Use context clues!

All of a sudden, the five other bodies of Pain appeared before them.

Fukasaku: All six together.

Tsunade hurried over and stood in front of both Naruto and (Y/N). Anbu were chasing after her.

Gamabunta: Tsunade...

Tsunade: <to Pain> I am the Fifth Hokage. How dare you trample the jewel...the dreams of my predecessors! I will not forgive you!! The Hokage will finish you now!

Pain: You finally comprehend pain. Yet I have no need of you.

The Asura Path body charged straight towards Tsunade, ready to deliver a killing blow.

Asura Path: I seek...

Naruto jumped down from the toads, created a Rasengan, and slammed it into the Asura Path's back, destroying it in one hit.

Naruto: ME!!

(Y/N) and Tsunade both stared at Naruto in shock.

Naruto: There's no need for Konoha's Hokage to bother herself with the likes of them. You just sit back and sip some tea, Granny.

Tsunade: Naruto...

Pain: Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto: This stops now!!!

The rest of Pain's body got into some kind of attack formation.

Naruto: Gamakichi!! Get (Y/N) and Granny Tsunade to safety!

Gamakichi: Gotcha!

He jumped off of Gamabunta and landed on the ground. Fukasaku and Shima were on his back.

(Y/N): What?! I'm not leaving—!

Naruto: I'll take over! Keep the rest of the village out of this! I can't be worrying about everyone else.

(Y/N): Naruto, you can't be serious!

Naruto: I'm the only one who has the power to stop them! You'll just be in my way, (Y/N).

The white haired male's eyes widened. He looked down at the ground. Naruto was right. Without his alien powers...

Tsunade put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Tsunade: Trust Naruto with this, (Y/N). You can't be at the center of every fight.

(Y/N): But...

Tsunade: Naruto's been training specifically for this fight. It's best not to interfere. All his training has been for a fight without you there. It would throw off his strategy.

(Y/N) bit his lip and nodded, still looking at the ground, feeling so useless and helpless.

Tsunade: Naruto, take Katsuyu with you. She'll come in handy. She has intel and can heal you.

She held out a small part of Katsuyu, which Fukasaku got. He and Shima jumped onto the scroll rolled up on Naruto's back.

Naruto: Sorry, (Y/N). I know you want to help, but I can't risk it...

(Y/N): I know, Naruto. Just take him down for me, will you?

Naruto looked at (Y/N) and gave him a soft smile. It vanished when he turned to Tsunade.

Naruto: I...probably shouldn't bring this up...but now that I've mastered nature energy, I'm able to sense everyone's chakra.

Tsunade had a saddened look on her face. (Y/N) was confused on what Naruto meant.

Naruto: Is Kakashi-sensei on a mission away from the village?

When Tsunade didn't answer, Naruto turned forward and stared at the ground.

Naruto: ...Okay...

Gamakichi grabbed (Y/N) and Tsunade and took them off of the battlefield. The Anbu raced after the toad.

(Y/N): Lady Tsunade... What was Naruto talking about?!

Tsunade's lip trembled, but she didn't say anything.

(Y/N): <worried> Lady Tsunade!! What's wrong with Kakashi-sensei...?!

But he already knew deep down what Naruto had meant. He grit his teeth.

(Y/N): <tearing up> Where is he?!

Gamakichi dropped them off in the rubble of the village and leapt back into the crater.

Tsunade: I'm so sorry, (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Tell me! Where is he?!

He choked back a sob. Kakashi wasn't dead... He couldn't be dead!

Tsunade: Choji... Find Choji...

The Hokage's skin was starting to get wrinkled. She stumbled forward. (Y/N) caught her.

(Y/N): Lady Tsunade!!

Sakura came running over towards them, shouting their names in relief.

Tsunade: <weakly> Sakura... It's all right now...

Sakura knelt down and grabbed Tsunade's old hand, as the older woman went unconscious.

(Y/N): Is she going to be okay?!

Sakura: I... I need to heal her. (Y/N), are you okay?!

(Y/N): I'm fine... Naruto's back and he's fighting Pain now. I have to go find Choji!

The pink haired girl was worried. She could hear the shakiness of (Y/N)'s voice.

Sakura: (Y/N), what's wrong?

(Y/N): I just need to find Choji...

He rushed through the debris, using his Sharingan to try and locate Choji's chakra, but there was so much obstruction and debris, he couldn't find him.

(Y/N): Damn it!!

Minerva and Akio came running over to the white haired male.

The red haired woman threw her arms around (Y/N), hugging him tightly. She began to sob.

Minerva: You bastard! I thought you were going to die! What were you thinking, going to fight Pain yourself?!

(Y/N) noticed Katsuyu on Akio's shoulder.

(Y/N): Katsuyu! Is one of your clones or whatever they are next to Choji Akimichi?!

Katsuyu: Yea. He is currently with his father next to...

Her voice broke off. (Y/N)'s lip trembled. Minerva and Akio looked confused.

(Y/N): <voice shaky> Tell me where he is, please!

Katsuyu directed (Y/N) to Choji's location, and Minerva and Akio followed him. It took a while for them to finally reach them.

(Y/N) found Choji and Choza kneeling next to the unmoving body of Kakashi.

(Y/N) froze where he stood. Minerva and Akio both audibly gasped.

Choji: (Y/N)?!

The white haired male moved forward a bit and collapsed onto his knees in front of Kakashi's head.

(Y/N): Oh, god...

His voice broke as he whispered that. Minerva rushed next to (Y/N) and knelt down next to him. She wrapped her arms around him.

Minerva: (Y/N)... I'm so sorry...

Choji: <tearing up> I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

He burst into tears, while Minerva continued to hold (Y/N)'s trembling body.

Choji: <sobbing> W-We fought that Pain guy... But he was t-too strong! K-Kakashi saved me... He saved me! I'm sorry!!

Tears streamed down (Y/N)'s face as he stared at Kakashi's closed eyes. He wasn't breathing, and his body was limp. Something had pierced his forehead.

The dead body of (Y/N)'s sensei was lying before him, the man who had trained him and his friends since he was twelve years-old... The man who had helped him, the man he had gone on so many missions with, one of the people (Y/N) loved the most...

And (Y/N) had just retreated from the field where his sensei's killer had stood.

(Y/N) felt his blood boil. An anger he had never felt before burst through his body. He had never felt this angry before, not even with Yugen.

The white haired male stood up, knocking Minerva over in the process.

Minerva: <shocked> (Y/N)...?!

(Y/N) clenched his fists and stared off in the direction of the giant crater. Minerva knew what he was about to do in an instant.

Minerva: NO!! Don't do it, (Y/N)!! Please!!

(Y/N) ignored her and ran off towards the crater, despite Minerva's screams of protest.

As he ran, he felt his Sharingan eye throb. A burst of searing pain filled him.

(Y/N) screamed and grasped his eye, stumbling a bit. He nearly fell over, but he grit his teeth.

He took a deep breath, willing himself to continue running despite the immense pain he was in. He felt blood leak from his eye.

(Y/N) growled and continued running towards the battlefield where Pain and Naruto were.

He didn't care if he was too weak to beat Pain. He would fight even if it killed him!

As he ran, he passed by Hinata who looked at him, worried.

Hinata: (Y-Y/N)? (Y/N)?!

She saw him going in the direction of Pain. She got up and chased after him.

Hinata: (Y/N)!! Where are you going?! Don't go there! Please! You won't stand a chance! (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Don't follow me, Hinata!!

He jumped over a pile of debris and entered the crater. Hinata stopped at the edge, worry laced in her eyes.

(Y/N)'s eyes fell on the scene in front of him. The only Pain left standing was the main body. All of the toads were gone, and Naruto was lying on the ground, his body pinned to it by a black rods. Fukasaku's lifeless body lay near him.

(Y/N) froze at the sight of the Akatsuki. Pain was in the middle of speaking to Naruto.

All thoughts of rage at Kakashi's death seemed to disappear. He saw Naruto defenseless and at the mercy of Pain. He wasn't going to let Naruto be taken out!

(Y/N) drew Crimson from its sheath and leapt at Pain, quietly. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw (Y/N), but that also alerted Pain to the white haired male's presence.

(Y/N) swung Crimson, but Pain dodged it. The white haired male swung the sword over and over again, but the Akatsuki kept avoiding every attack.

Naruto: (Y/N)!! What the hell are you doing?!

(Y/N): <to Pain> Let Naruto go, you bastard!! I won't let you take another one of my team!!

Hinata, who was watching from the sidelines, put her hands against her chest.

Hinata: (Y/N)...

Pain held out his hand and some kind of force blew (Y/N) back.

(Y/N) glared at Pain and shot a fireball at him, which he avoided.

(Y/N) was about to crash into a large rock jutting out from the ground. He brought his feet up, which hit the rock.

The white haired male pushed off of the rock, and used Wind Style to surround his body, making himself faster.

He spun around, coating Crimson with lightning, as he neared Pain.

(Y/N) swung the weapon at Pain once more. The Akatsuki avoided most of them, but one slash landed across his back, tearing a hole in his cloak.

Pain pushed (Y/N) into the air. As he flew, Crimson transformed into a gigantic shuriken, which (Y/N) threw.

Pain rolled on the ground, avoiding the shuriken's path, but as he got up, it circled around.

It nearly pierced him, but Pain jumped up. The shuriken flew back into (Y/N)'s hands.

His Sharingan eye still throbbed in pain. More blood leaked from it. (Y/N) landed on the ground, turning Crimson back into a katana.

Just then, (Y/N) felt the same mysterious force pulling him towards Pain. He saw that the Akatsuki was holding another black rod.

(Y/N) jerked his body to the left just enough so the rod missed his heart. However, the rod did pierce his chest.

Naruto: (Y/N)!!!

Suddenly, Hinata appeared behind Pain. She moved to hit him with Gentle Fist, but Pain just barely avoided the attack.

(Y/N)/Naruto: Hinata?!!

Hinata: I'll help you fight, (Y/N)!

Pain: Reinforcements, eh?

Hinata: I won't let you hurt them!

Naruto: Why'd you two come here?!! Run!! You can't win...

(Y/N): Hinata, get away... I'm going to fight this bastard until I die trying...!

Hinata: If you are, then I'll do it as well.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He ripped the black rod from his chest and used his Healing Jutsu on it.

Hinata: You're willing to die defending Naruto... I'm willing to die aiding you!

(Y/N): Hinata...

Hinata: I've watched you all these years, (Y/N). Your cheery and carefree disposition was contagious, but I never was able to put myself out like you... Then your determination and willingness to put yourself in danger to protect those you care about was inspiring too...

She got into a fighting stance, a look of determination on her face.

Hinata: I may not be as outgoing as you, but I want to be as brave and kind as you are! I want to be someone you can be proud of!

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. All of the rage he was feeling was slowly starting to disappear. His eye stopped throbbing and the bleeding slowed down.

Hinata: I want to stay at your side, always. That's why I'm not afraid to die fighting next to you!

She activated her Byakugan and stared directly into (Y/N)'s eyes.

Hinata: Because... I love you.

(Y/N)'s lip trembled. He closed his eyes.

(Y/N): I guess we'll both have to survive this, then.

Hinata smiled and nodded. Naruto stared at the two, speechless.

Pain: How sentimental. And idiotic.

(Y/N) then charged at Pain, coating Crimson in lighting again, while Hinata spun and started kicking the black rods in Naruto lose.

Pain was caught off guard for a second, before jumping and kicking (Y/N) in the face. He turned and held out his hand, blowing Hinata away from Naruto.

(Y/N) recovered and blew fire at Pain, which he jumped backwards to avoid.

The white haired male turned Crimson into a large sledgehammer when he saw Pain's attention focused on Hinata, who was rushing back to free Naruto.

Pain blasted her away again, just as the sledgehammer collided with him. Pain went flying backwards.

(Y/N) ran after him, changing Crimson into a large broadsword. He jumped into the air above Pain, swinging it downwards.

Pain blasted him back with the mysterious force, and landed on his feet, running over towards Hinata, who pulled a rod free from Naruto's leg.

Pain took out a black rod and slashed it across Hinata's chest. She cried out and stumbled back.

Naruto/(Y/N): Hinata!!

Pain blew Hinata back again, but (Y/N) caught her. The two Leaf shinobi glared at Pain, panting heavily.

(Y/N): Are you all right?

He began to heal her wound as she nodded.

Hinata: Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists!!

Hinata's arms became coated in blue chakra that took the shape of guardian lion heads.

(Y/N) and Hinata both leapt at Pain, swinging their attacks at him. He effortlessly dodged most of them, though every once in a while, he was hit, but remained unfazed.

Hinata jumped into the air, attempting to strike Pain, but he moved to the right to avoid it.

(Y/N) used his Sharingan and followed Pain, which allowed him to stab Crimson through the Akatsuki's stomach.

(Y/N): Now, Hinata!!

Hinata ran to Naruto and removed another rod before she was blasted away by Pain.

The Akatsuki held (Y/N) by the neck and lifted him off of the ground. He squeezed, and (Y/N) felt his air being cut off.

Pain stabbed the white haired male in the stomach with a black rod.

Pain: A blooming love story about to be cut short.

He threw (Y/N) onto the ground and stabbed black rods into his arms and legs like Naruto.

Naruto: (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N) tried to move, but then he felt something. It was a seething hatred he had never felt before. It froze him on the spot.

Somehow, Pain's hatred was overwhelming. Not even (Y/N) had been this angry when he had seen Kakashi's body.

Hinata suddenly rushed forward trying to get to (Y/N) and Naruto. Pain turned to look at her.

(Y/N): Hinata!! Free Naruto!! He's the one who can defeat Pain!!

Pain: I'll kill her first.

He held up his arm and swung it. Hinata was thrown high up into the air before coming crashing down with a thud.

(Y/N)/Naruto: HINATA!!!!

For a split second, they thought that she had died. But then they saw her rise up and limp towards them. Her face was bloody.

Hinata barely took one stop before she stumbled. She caught herself and got back up. She whimpered in pain.

(Y/N): No, Hinata!! Stop! Stop! Please! Get away!

Hinata continued to move forward, still whimpering.

Naruto: Hinata, stop!

The girl nearly reached (Y/N) when she fell flat on her face.

(Y/N): <tearing up> Hinata, no!!

Hinata started crawling towards (Y/N).

Hinata: Remember...what I said, (Y/N)... I'd fight...until the end...

(Y/N): N-No... Please, stop, Hinata!!

Pain watched Hinata crawl with interest until she reached (Y/N).

Pain: But why? Why would someone as weak as you try to resist? Why would you try to fight me when you known you'd only die?

Hinata sat up and grabbed one of the rods lodged in (Y/N)'s arm. He was crying now.

Hinata: I know...(Y/N) would do this...if he were in my place...

Pain furrowed his eyebrows, while (Y/N) and Hinata stared into each other's faces.

(Y/N): Hinata... I...

Pain lifted Hinata up into the air and slammed her back down right in front of him. He took out a black rod and stabbed her with it. Hinata's body went limp and lifeless.

(Y/N) just stared at Hinata's body. No words came out, though tears still streamed from his eyes. Naruto was the same.

Pain: Now this is just like when you Konoha shinobi killed my parents in front of me.

(Y/N) began to hyperventilate. His Sharingan eye began to sear and throb again. Blood was flowing from it now.

Pain: Because of the existence of love, sacrifice is well as hate...

(Y/N) closed his eyes, hatred surging through him, worse than when he had seen Kakashi. Worse than anything he had ever felt.

He could hear Naruto growling almost beast-like near him.

(Y/N) let out a loud roar in rage as familiar chakra flowed through his body. His white hair grew longer, and horns began to protrude from his head.

The black rods in his body began to shake. Nearby, a huge explosion came off of Naruto's body.

Pain looked between the two boys, raising his eyebrows, though otherwise unfazed. The black rods on Naruto disintegrated, while the ones on (Y/N) flew up into the air.

(Y/N) stood up, his long hair billowing behind him. The foreign chakra spread around his blood, but it felt natural now...almost like it belonged there.

When (Y/N) opened his eyes, his usual (E/C) was pure white and his Sharingan eye was different. A new pattern and design was on it.

Unbeknownst to him, a thin needle fell from his eye and hit the ground in front of him.

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