Book 1: Sakura Heart (Kiba Lo...

By Silver-Tigress

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12 year old Sakuya Fujikami is a young ninja of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. She originally came from he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Author's Note
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Part 1
Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Part 2
Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Part 3
Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Part 4
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 1
Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 2
Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 3
Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 4
Naruto The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Part 5

Chapter 54

58 1 0
By Silver-Tigress

Sakuya's P. O. V:

I chase after a puppy and finally manage to catch it.

"Gotcha!" I say. The puppy kicks my face and I let out a giggle. My team and I were on a D Rank mission to capture a couple of escaped puppies. The one I have had gold fur.

Kyo and Ren are catching one with black fur.

I tap my earpiece and say, "I've caught the golden furred puppy."

"Good work, Sakuya," Says Hotaru. "How you going, Ren? Kyo?"

"One sec!" The Takahashi responds. A heartbeat later and his voice floats through the wireless radio. "Got it! It's got black fur."

"Good. Let's go report to Tsunade-sama and return the lost puppies."

I couldn't stop giggling because the puppy I have keeps licking my cheek. I meet up with my teammates and we arrive at the mission report room, where the blonde Hokage sits behind the table either her assistant, Shizune.

A young boy and his mum were there, and the boy hugs the puppies. The woman with short hair says gratefully to us, "Thank you so much for helping to catch them. We don't really know how they got out."

Hotaru says, "It's fine."

(The first one on the left, with the bob haircut.

The woman gives Tsunade the pay check before they leave.

"Alright. That's Team 6's last mission for the day," Tsunade tells us. "You're on standby until your next mission."

Ren says, "You got it, Tsunade-sama!"

We exit the Hokage tower and Hotaru goes off in her own while my teammates and I continue forward for awhile.

"Let's go to the dumpling shop for a snack!" I suggest.

Ren nods his head. "Sounds good to me!" He glances to our silent teammate. "What about you, Kyo?"

"Sure, I guess," He mutters in response.

We go to the tea shop and I order the Hanami dango while Ren and Kyo get the Mitarashi ones, with some tea.

Ren and I have big smiles as we chew our sweets and we spend most of our time at the tea shop.

Later, we split off to relax for the rest of the day.

I bump into Kiba later that afternoon, and smile at him.

"Hi, Kiba-kun!"

"Hey, Sakuya-chan! How've you been lately?" He asks.

"Great!" I then reach out and pat Akamaru, who is tucked in the Inuzuka's jacket. "Hey, little guy." He tips in response. I look back at Kiba. "Do you wanna hang out?"

He grins and nods his head. We wander around while chatting before finding ourselves in the forest, the sun setting.

"So, how is it you're able to manipulate the elements without using hand signs?" Kiba asks curiously.

I explain, "I do use hand signs, but only to activate the Jutsu. I then connect my chakra, say, to the earth, and not only can I manipulate it, but I can also sense vibrations within it." I focus and couod feel Kiba's vibration, along with those of the tree, and ants. "I can feel vibrations right down to the smallest of ants. Even trees have vibrations."

"Whoa," Breathes Kiba.

"Only my family and cousins' family can use this technique, though," I add, turning to him.

There's a long moment of silence, but then I narrow my eyes as a few unfamiliar vibrations reach my senses. I crouch and put my palm to the ground. "We're being ambushed!"

I grab Kiba's hand and start to run back to the village, but a massive earth wall rises up around us, blocking our escape.

Kiba says, "We're trapped!"

"That's right!" Says a dark haired man as he appears on the wall with a few other men. I count eight. "And now, finally, The Earth Rumble Eight have the Fujikami princess!"

I could only stare in utter confusion.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Tsunade lets out a sigh as she tries to get through another mountain of paperwork. The sun has completely set.

Just then, she looks up with a hum at a sound from outside and jumps to her feet. Tsunade rushes to the window, only for her caramel brown eyes to widen at the sight of Homura flying towards her, a rolled up parchment in her mouth.

Tsunade swiftly yanks the large window open and Homura lands in the office, skidding to a stop.

"Homura!" The Fifth Hokage exclaims, going over to her. "What are you doing here?"

The feline makes a worried noise before holding out the paper. Tsunade takes it and reads through it. Her brown orbs jerk wide with concern.

"Shizune! Shizune, get in here!"

There's the sound of footsteps and then the charcoal haired woman bursts into the room. "What is it, Tsunade-sama?!"

"Summon Team 7, 8 and Team 6. There's an emergency regarding Sakura."

"What emergency?" Asks Shizune.

Tsunade replies seriously, "Sakuya's been kidnapped."


"What?! Sakuya's been kidnapped?" Hotaru exclaims in disbelief as she stands before the Fifth Hokage, along with Ren, Kyo, Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Shino and Kurenai.

Tsunade nods her head in confirmation. "Yes. And we have reason to believe the have Kiba as well, because he hasn't been seen all evening. Homura was able to escape and bring back a ransom note."

She holds it out to Hotaru who takes it and reads it aloud, ""Kakashi Hatake, if you want to see your ward again, bring 500, 000 yen to our hideout in the forest outside the Hidden Leaf Village. The cat will lead the way. Signed, Daichi of the Earth Rumble Eight gang.""

Hotaru finishes and they all look to the Copy Ninja. He remains frozen, visible eye wide with shock, worry for his ward pounding in his heart.

Naruto asks, "I don't get it. Why do they wanna kidnap Sakuya-chan?"

Tsunade explains, "She's the princess of the legendary Fujikami clan, and possesses their Kekkei Genkai. Not to mention, the ability to manipulate the elements. My guess is, if Kakashi doesn't hand over the money, they'll probably sell her to the Black Market."

Kyo tenses as the others gasp.

Ren asks, "What's the Black Market?"

Kyo explains, "It's a place where criminals sell things—including people with high prices or unique abilities—illegally."

Ren and Naruto stare at him with wide eyes.

The Uzumaki exclaims, "Then, we've gotta go get her!!"

"I understand that, Naruto, but we can't just rush in," Tsunade cuts in calmly. "We need a plan. Kakashi, I'll handle the money. Just focus on rescuing Sakuya."

The Hatake numbly nods his head as they make a plan to rescue the princess.


Deep in a cave in the forest clearing, Sakuya sits tied up next to Kiba, sighing guiltily.

"I'm sorry, Kiba," She says.

He glances to her as he asks, "What are you apologising for?"

"You got kidnapped because of me. I dragged you into this."

"Why are they after you, anyway?"

"Because I'm the princess of the Fujikami clan," She says. "We usually stay hidden, and because of our power, I'm a target for people like these guys."

"Don't worry. We'll get out of this somehow," Kiba assures her.


"Sakuya!" She looks up sometime later to see Kakashi there, who'd spoken, and with him are Team 7, 8 and the rest of her team.

Naruto scowls as he faces Daichi, holding out the bag of coins Tsunade made up, "We have the money! Now let them go!"

He tosses the bay and Daichi catches it. The dark haired man checks to make the money is all there, then gestures to one of his men to untie Kiba.

Kiba jumps to his feet and runs up to Kurenai.

Sakura demands to know, "What about Sakuya?!"

Daichi responds with a smirk, "We wanted to sell her on the Black Market and get rid of the boy. The money was just a bonus. Now, get out!"

They all get in ready stances but seven more men suddenly Body Flicker around Daichi, all looking menacing.

Sakuya blinks her pink eyes when she feels the ropes loosening, and peers behind her to see Homura having used her teeth to free her.

Sakuya gives her a grateful look before silently doing hand signs and turning invisible.

One of the Earth Rumble men grunt as a strong kick knocks him flat on his face.

The others whirl around but Sakuya reappears in front of Kakashi, a frown on her face.

"How did you escape?!" Daichi demands to know.

"Homura," Sakuya answers simply.

Ren punches his palm as he says eagerly, "Alright! Let's take 'em down!"

The Genin and Jounin attack, with Sakuya taking on the leader, Daichi.

Naruto creates Shadow Clones as they charge at his opponent. They dodge his Earth Style attacks and rain punches and kicks at him.

Shino sends out a cloud of insects that halts the enemy in his tracks.

Shino lunges forest and punches the man in the jaw, before kicking his side.

Sasuke dodges his opponent's attacks before doing hand signs. "Fire Style: Firebalp Jutsu!"

A ball of fire shoots out but the enemy turns into a pile of mud before reappearing near Sasuke. Sasuke dodges a roundhouse kick and leaps back a bit. He does another set of hand signs.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Mini balls of fire are shot at the bandit.

Hotaru launches her Hotaru Jutsu but her opponent evades them, before doing hand signs.

"Earth Style: Rock Gun Jutsu!" He then shoots chakra enhanced stones at the blonde woman. She dodges them with ease.

"Fang Over Fang!" Kiba shouts before he and Akamaru drill forward. Their opponent narrowly dodges them and they hit the ground before spinning again.

"Crystal Style: The God's Crossing Technique," Says Ren before he slams his hand on the ground and spikes of crystal shoot for his opponent.

The man dodges but Ren does another set of hand signs.

"Crystal Style: Shuriken Wild Dance!" Ren throws out his arms and shuriken made from crystal fly for the bandit.

The bandit takes out a kunai and deflects them.

"Earth Style: Bullet Rock Jutsu," Says the man before hurling a huge rock as tall as himself at Kyo.

Kyo closes his eyes and activates his Sosogan. The rock then turns into mud and drops to the ground, much to the enemy's surprise.

"Wind Style," Says the greenette, "Wind Grenade Jutsu."

Air forms in front of the enemy before reaching a certain size and then exploding, throwing him back near Daichi, who appears unfazed as Sakuya turns invisible again and Homura launches her Exploding Flame Shot Jutsu at him.

Daichi forms an Earth Wall that blocks the attack.

Kakashi dodges his opponent's kunai before slashing his own. He manages to land a gash on his right arm before the man leaps back.

"Earth Style: Bullet Rock Jutsu," They both say at the same time as Kakashi copies the Jutsu with his Sharingan. The Jutsus collide and cancel each other out.

Before he could move, Kakashi lunges forward and slashes at the bandit, instantly taking him out.

The man Shino is fighting gets a strange feeling before he finds himself trapped in a tree.

"What the?!" Kurenai looms above him with a kunai in hand before she stabs it into his right shoulder, making him cry out.

Naruto starts kicking his opponent into the air as he and his Shadow Clones chant, "Na-Ru-To... Uzumaki Barrage!!"

With a final kick to his head, the man is sent crashing down to the ground, painfully hard.

Sasuke whips out wire and it wraps tightly around his opponent. Sasuke does hand signs before saying, "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"

He blows out chakra infused fire along the wires and they burn the Earth Rumble member.

"Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Prison!" Says Ren before his opponent is encased in pink crystal. He smirks.

"Wind Style," Says Kyo, "Divine Fist of the Wind God." Wind wraps around his fist before Kyo runs at his opponent and punches, knocking the man out with a pained grunt as he's thrown backwards.

The wind fades from his fist.

"Lightning Style: Death Circus," Says Hotaru before firing beams of electricity from a bright halo. The man cries out when he's hit.

Kiba and Akamaru dodge their opponents' earth attacks and keep at a safe distance for a couple of minutes. Finally, they launch into the air while Kiba says, "Fang Over Fang!"

The Earth Rumble member dodges the first strike but Kiba and Akamaru drill towards him again, and this time, manage to hit him head-on, making him cry out.

The cone out of the spin and Kiba gazes around as Akamaru returns to his puppy form. He says, "That's all of them."

Kakashi says, pointing to where Sakuya is, "Not quite." The others follow his gaze and Kiba goes to assist the invisible kunoichi, but Kakashi stops him with a hand on his shoulder. Kiba goes t protest but the silverette shakes his head pointedly.

Kiba scowls but stays put.

They watch as Daichi dodges Homura's Fire Jutsu, only to hiss as something grazes his arms and legs. Kakashi could see with his Sharingan that it was Sakuya's Petal Darts Jutsu.

"Come out from hiding, little girl!" Daichi commands in annoyance.

"If that's what you want," Comes Sakuya's voice before she shimmers back into view beside Homura.

"I refuse to let you get away!" He snaps.

Sakuya narrows her pink eyes dangerously as she retorts, "I refuse to be sold off like an object!"

"Earth Style: Bullet Rock Jutsu!" Daichi says before launching numerous rocks at Sakuya. The others watch as she forms a wall of earth to shield herself, but it looks more triangular this time.

With a flick of her wrist, Sakuya uses her Earth Control Jutsu to send one half at the leader. He leaps up to dodge it, but Sskuya feels with her Earth Release Sensing Technique and slams her foot into the earth.

Daichi's brown eyes jerk wide before a pillar of earth slams into him, making him grunt in pain as he's sent flying. Daichi crashes into the man Kyo was fighting, taking them both out again.

Kiba, Naruto and Ren gape at the Fujikami before the Genin (minus Sasuke and Kyo) cheer and run up to her.

Sakuya smiles as she turns to her friends and Kakashi takes back the money. He and the other Jounin start rounding up the bandits.

"That was totally awesome, Sakuya-chan! Believe it!" Naruto cheers, hugging his best friend.

"Thanks, Naruto. I'm glad you're all here," She responds.

Sakuya's P. O. V:

We stand before the Hokage when we get back to the Leaf Village.

"I'm glad you're back safely, Sskuya. Kiba, as well," The caramel brown eyed woman says. "We were all worried. I'd sent a letter to your parents about the situation."

I nod my head. "It's good to be back."

"You must be exhausted. You're all dismissed."

We file out of the office and I say goodbye to my friends before I head home with Kakashi and Homura. Kakashi had fed Kin, Konohana and Yuri for me.

I have a quick dinner and get ready for bed. I finish brushing my pink hair while perching on the edge of the bed. I let out a sigh as I set my brush down.

I stroke Homura's fur before I get up and go to Kakashis bedroom. I knock and he responds.

"Come in." I open the door and poke my head in. Kakashi is sitting on his bed while reading Icha Icha, in a sleeveless black turtleneck and pants. His headband is off and his left eye is closed. "Sakuya? What is it?"

"I just wanted to say thank you for rescuing me and Kiba," I say as I step into the doorway.

Kakashi smiles as he responds, "That's alright. I'm glad we got there before they took you away. You must've been scared."

I say as I shake my head, "Not really. I had Kiba with me, and I just knew you would come."

"Well, you're back with us now," Kakashi murmurs. "That's all that matters."

"I'm gonna turn in. I'm pretty tired," I say. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Sakuya."

I gently close his door before I go back to my bedroom. I flick off the light and get into bed before my cats curl up around me.

Then I drift off to sleep.

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