The Unexpected

By channelydogo

26.4K 427 16

Bria is the sister of famous F1 driver Daniel Ricardo and has her own impressive career as a professional di... More

Character Intro :)
Chapter 1: the start
Chapter 2: the party
Chapter 3: After
Chapter 4: his hoodie
Chapter 5: Cindy
Chapter 6: the flight
Chapter 7: The Club
Chapter 8: Unwanted
Chapter 9: RedBull
Chapter 10: Qualifying
Chapter 11: Race Day
Chapter 12: Lando?
Chapter 13: Austin
Chapter 14: Kelly
Chapter 15: The Truth
Chapter 16: Fired
Chapter 17: the dress
Chapter 18: Italy
Chapter 19:Drunk
Chapter 20: Eric
Chapter 21: Dinner
Chapter 22: Homeland
Chapter 23: heartbreak pt 1
Chapter 23: heartbreak pt 2
Chapter 24: closet
Chapter 25: The Present
Chapter 26: Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 27: Surprise
Chapter 28: Love Triangle?
Chapter 29: Lake House
Chapter 30: Padock Passes
Chapter 31: Podium
Chapter 32: Reunion
Chapter 33: Heidi
Chapter 34: Sunshine
Chapter 35: Choices
Chapter 36: Exposed
Chapter 37: Landing and Leaving
Chapter 38: Mistakes
Chapter 39: Gold

chapter 40: Journey

461 5 0
By channelydogo

We had been in the car for a while now, still without a clue as to where we were headed. Meanwhile Lando and Daniel were making fun of each others posture when driving after Daniel came at him for looking like a soccer mom when he drives. I enjoyed hearing their bickering, it made things feel normal, everyone was back to how we were before we got stirred up into drama. 

  I was viewing the landscape outside through Daniel's tinted windows seeing the city scape go out into the far distance, really curios now I had to ask, "Guys I understand wanting to surprise me and all but we are probably an hour away from civilization at this point! So like for real where are we going?" "Spain" 'You've got to be kidding me where are we actually going?" "We're not kidding we're going to Spain, get ready for a long road trip princess" "Nuh uh I refuse to believe this, it'll take us a whole day to get there and neither of you has packed stuff" At this point I realized they'd tried gaslighting me, I could tell since I saw both of them start to grow a sly smirk on the side of their face. In a calm manure I figured I should try a different approach, "Lando I will never look at you again if you don't tell me where we're going right now" he locked his eyes on mine through the rear view mirror, "I don't think you're capable of that love" "Don't try me Norris!" that's when Daniel chipped in "Ohhh you're in trouble mate, she brought out your last name" then they started to act as if I wasn't even here, loudly talking amongst each other, "How much damage can she actually do, I mean she's only 5'4" plus she can't even kill a fly" I saw that my attempts of conversation with them would go nowhere so I shut up and went back to looking out the window. As soon as I looked out I saw it, a private airport  a few miles ahead, finally something was starting to click.About 5 minutes later out in the open was, "Air Max" , but Max was no where to be seen, my best guess at this point was that we were going back to the UK., only I had no passport with me. 

" You two dummies are seriously planning to take me out of the country without my passport or belongings?" "Oh Bri don't be foolish we came prepared Eric gave us all your stuff necessary and he will be taking your suitcase full of your bajillion clothes back to Australia when he leaves tomorrow" "He was in on this too?!" "You were pretty much the only person out of it" Daniel said laughing as if I was the dumb and crazy one. We all proceeded to bored the plane and my suspicions were confirmed by the flight path displayed on the screen inside, we were going to the UK, It only made sense  after all the guys still needed to race in two days. 

The actual flight itself went by fast and even struck me with a strange hint of nostalgia, since everything came flooding back to me when Lando opened up a chess set and asked me to play exactly like we did the first time we truly connected. "Be ready to lose love" "Didn't you say the exact same thing last time and well let's think about how that went for you" "Last time there was turbulence" "All I hear are excuses Lan". By the time we landed I of course had won against him not once but twice, yet his ego had not budged in the slightest.  

Sparing the details we all went to the Hilton after thanking Max for lending us his plane. The Hilton itself was right by the track looking over the paddock. Lando had a room here given to him by McLaren for the upcoming race, but since he owned his own flat here he had no use for it. Daniel on the other hand took the room given to him there with glee and was giddy because Lando had generously offered the room to Heidi, with this said it was safe to say we would not be seeing each other for a while since we'd be preoccupied with each other if you get what I'm saying.  And preoccupied we were, that's the thing with being in a relationship that has two busy people on entirely different schedules, we made every moment count. Lando and I stayed in his flat the whole day not even leaving for food, but opting in for delivery.  It might not have been the smartest idea knowing tomorrow would be race day but we were like magnets, unable to keep our hand off each other, my legs will be dead for awhile, walking will be a pain. However this is a pretty darn good way to celebrate my big win. 

Then in the morning Lan had left at his usual early, leaving me a spare house key to lock the door when I go over to the track several hours later. Knowing today was single handedly the most important race to Lando since it was his home race I wanted to make today as special as I could, also because today was our official celebration for my big win. Since Max and everyone else figured we should celebrate together with who ever wins the race today at a club he'd rent out just for us. Not being able to say no to that offer everyone agreed to meet up there later and drink to a marvelous season so far. Keeping this in mind I choose my outfit wisely, I opted for a white dress with a fun frill at the end of the short sleeve, reminding me of the dresses id wear as a little girl. Now to throw in the special factor for Lando I put on my newest orange lace undergarments to surprise him once the celebration was over. However the outfit wasn't screaming McLaren, and just my luck I saw a box out on the doorstep decorated with a cute bow, and inside was a note from Kelly and a jacket I'd laugh so hard at the image. The jacket was exactly what I needed, it was denim with my brother and Lando's face printed on the back decorated with their names and the McLaren logo. The jacket itself wasn't the most stylish thing but that's why I loved it because Kelly had given me it as a joke as soon as she heard Lan and I were back together. She wrote in her note, now I can cheer for both without having to pick sides, she knew me too well.

By the time I was ready and left the house it was almost time for the race to start, I found myself a seat in the paddock, right next to me were Lando's parents. His mom and dad greeted me joyfully and made a chuckle at the jacket I wore proudly showing it off. We made small talk up until we were given headsets to hear Lando on the team radio throughout the race. Every time he'd overthrow someone as if on cue his little support team consisting of me and his parents, would stand up and start cheering built up with excitement. Of all the races I'd watched non were as exciting as this one, even then Aussie one couldn't beat it, because now his hard work this season was finally paying off. He did just as I did conquering all problems that showed up in his way, he was actually in the lead, and even ahead of Max! 

No one could have expected the result of this race to be this good, but Max had an issue with the car letting Lando win gold. It was his firs time ever getting first place and let alone at his home circuit, as soon as I saw him take his helmet off I saw the joy built up in his eyes. I wanted more than anything to run over to him and give him a hug and a kiss but I had to wait. We all stood in silence crowded by the podium listening to the British anthem play, I couldn't have been more proud. He grabbed the big bottle of champaign and start spraying it like crazy coming down from the podium as well to get the crew on deck crowded by me, thus getting me wet too. Normally I wouldn't have mind but my white dress stuck on me like a cloth revealing the orange bra and so on, quickly trying to cover up I hugged the jacket tightly running back to his room to hide from everyones sight. A long while later he had entered the room and picked me up holding onto my ass meanwhile my legs wrapped around him, he furrowed his brows and said "Do you always wear that orange set when I race?'' "No" "Well from now on do, you're my good luck charm and I gotta admit, it is a good look on you". His lips came crashing into mine desperately moving our hands all over each other, taking in this precious moment forever. 

This blissful moment sadly came to an end when Daniel swung by. Still wearing my wet dress, Lando give me a spare shirt and sweats to change into so I too could face my brother and congratulate him for his good effort today.  

With this positive note later that evening we went to the club rented out my Max and had a total blast drinking, dancing, making out, and Lan took a shot at Dj-ing. A few months ago I would have never imagined this life for me, or even falling for the person I fell for but here I am and I will never leave this life because it is me, it's who I am now, and I couldn't be more grateful for the given opportunity. 


And with this dear reader, this story is finally complete I wanted to leave it at this note because I don't want to write a set in stone ending its up to you! You choose if they get married, have kids, explore the world together, etc. I want to thank y'all for sticking through with this story I know its been crappy. In my defense I was really uninspired to finish this after the rumors about Lando came out with the girl and the bath thing on Tiktok (if you know you know). Either way its finally done! and 10.5k reads is mind blowing thank you for all the love and support!  

Bye for now, but not forever because I plan on writing an other story only a tennis this time except I'd have written it in advance so no shitty chapters with grammar errors or bad story lines so stay tuned if that interests you! and who knows I might revisit this and rewrite chapter for just go through and make corrections at some point 

much love 💖😊

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