Chapter 28: Love Triangle?

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I woke up that morning at 4, and snuck out of Lando's room to go back to mine, I definitely didn't want my brother catching us. I went back to sleep baffled at what I had just done, I slept with Lando, my ex and I still have a thing kinda going on with Eric! I went back to sleep, thinking this is a future me problem, current me needs sleep.

I woke up that morning at 8, not haven gotten much sleep that whole entire night. When I got up, I got dressed in my golf outfit, and walked to the kitchen. I found my brother making crepes, and Lando being inpatient, eating them as soon as Daniel took them off the pan one at a time.

"Why are you dressed in golf attire Bri?" "Because I'm also participating in the Netflix golf event" "Since when?!" "They're trying to see if diving would be a fun thing to start a docu series on, so they asked team Australia to send reps out to participate." "So who's your partner?" "Eric"

I looked over at Lando and I saw his face freeze, then he went back to eating trying to act as if nothing happened, when clearly that wasn't the case.

Trying to act casual I got a plate and a crepe, sitting down at the table across from Lando to eat. We sat in silence, then my brother sat down with us, finally starting to eat himself.

"I didn't know you were into golfing Bri"
"I'm not really, I only learned how to play last night" "Then why would they send you to participate?" "Well they didn't really send me, Eric asked me to go with him." "Oh" It went silent, we all looked down at our plates eating our food, awkwardly.

"Do you want a ride with us then since we're going to the same place?" "No thanks Daniel, I'll take one of the Ashton Martins " "You know I'm here, and they are all technically my cars" "Ya and I've kinda been using them either way" "Ya you really have been using ALL of them" "Daniel, when I have the opportunity to drive really cool cars, I take it."

I left the house right after and started my drive to the golf course, once I got there I met up with Eric and the Netflix producers. They started explaining how today would work and etc.

We started filming at noon, after we had already gotten into our pairs and started to golf. First up at the tee were the actual golfers, Justin Thomas and Rory McIlroy, then was Casper Rudd and Stefanos Tsitsipas , followed by Lando and Daniel, basically we were going last. This also meant we had a lot of time in-between tees.

Anytime time we'd end up walking past Lando it would be awkward. I still haven't  told Eric anything about Lando and I last night, and I wasn't planning on it. It's not like I cheated, we aren't in an official relationship, plus he literally told me to think about it and sleeping with Lando in a way is helping me think about how I feel about him.

We ended up spending our time waiting in between takes by talking. I'd shoot a few looks over every once in a while at Lando and Daniel, every time I glanced over Lando was already looking at me.

At 2 we ended up taking a lunch break. Netflix had ended up catering food for us and set up a private area for us to eat at away from the sun.During that break, I went around and introduced myself to Casper and Stefanos, being a huge tennis fan, they were really nice and invited me to go watch one of their next matches. After that interaction, I went back to sit by Eric, "Well you know Bri, we aren't too far from the lead, I think we have a solid chance". As soon as Eric finished that sentence Lando sat down next to me with Daniel right next to him.

"Hey guys, Eric nice to see you!" Eric gave me a confused look, whispering quietly so only I could hear, "Are you friends with Lando again?" "Kinda, it's a long story" "Why didn't you tell me?" "It happened really recently, I'll tell you once we're out of here"

We continued golfing and the air was starting to get even tenser, Lando and Eric kept on giving each other glares, and Daniel seemed to get caught in the middle.

When the tournament finished, we ended up placing third. When we received a little third place meddle, he  gave me a kiss, in front of everyone! I looked over and saw Lando's face go red, meanwhile Eric seemed to enjoy this little victory he had over Lando, God what have I started!

When we got back to the house Lando was still with us, we all went our separate ways, and spent the rest of our night differently. I went to go eat dinner, meanwhile Daniel went to sleep, and I was unsure of where Lando was at.

After finishing up my cold leftovers, I went to the bathroom getting ready to take a shower, when I opened the door and saw Lando, already showering. "You know there's a lock on the door for a reason Lando" "You know you don't have to be standing in here still love? You could have walked out as soon as you opened the door!" then he took a step back slightly, so his whole entire bare body entered my sight. "You know love after today, don't expect to get anything out of me" "What are you talking about Lan?" "You know dam well love" "Eric?! Seriously" "He kissed you did he not?" "Lando that first happened like a week ago not even. We both got stuck in a closet together and he told me he liked me" "And I'm assuming you told him you like him back" "No actually I didn't, I'm not anyone's girlfriend Lando. I don't owe anyone excuses"

"So then you're fair game?" "If you wanna put it that way I guess" "Are you gonna keep on staring at me?" "I was actually coming to take a shower, I didn't know you were in here" "You know you're more than welcome to join me if you want" "Didn't you say and I quote I won't be getting anything from you tonight like two minutes ago?" "Ya well then I found out you rejected Eric "I think I'll pass thank you" "Suit yourself love" I was on my way to walk out when I heard him say "I think the hot water is running out" "On second thought, make some space in there" he stepped aside for me while I undressed and I went under the water which was actually slowly turning cold. Lando kept his distance for as long as he could but ended up caving to his wants and wrapped his arms around my body  kissing his way up my neck.

After a solid hour spent in the bathroom with lan, I went to my room, totally having forgot my phone in the kitchen. However, I was too lazy to get up, so I left it there, it's not like anyone is gonna be calling me or anything.
Hey guys sorry Ik this chapter is kinda shitty, I'm just not feeling it today yk
Anyways thanks for all the support!

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