Chapter 24: closet

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Today marked two weeks since Lando and I had broken up. I was getting my bag ready to go to practice. Though I still wasn't not doing dives,  I'm able to do approved workouts from my coaches so I don't entirely lose training. 

I hoped into one of my brother's many Porsches from his impressive car collection, and started driving to practice, no longer catching rides from anyone. When I got the pool I made sure to park the Porsche away from any other cars, so no accidents would happen, since my brother would kill me if his car got scratched.

When I walked inside I was greeted by all my teammates and workers. I went to the locker room to change into to some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, tying my hair up into a ponytail and putting on my running shoes. When I waked out the rest of the team was starting to do their warm up, so I proceeded to walk past them and went into the weight room.

In the weight room I had my conditioning coach, Jenny, there to run me through today's workout.
We decided to work on cardio, core, and legs since we wanted to limit my arm's involvement in any sort of physical activity.

We finished the workout on time with the rest of the team. Before I could leave, coach saw me walking by and asked if I could help put up a few foam rollers into the supply closet, agreeing to do so, I started picking some up. Just then Eric walked out of the locker room fully dressed, and was told by coach to come help me put them up, since no one else was around.

Both of us grabbed several and made our way to the supply closet. Once we put them on the shelves where they belonged, we tried opening the door to get out, but the door wouldn't budge.

How dumb could we be, the door locks when it shuts, that's why coach asked Eric to come along, now we're stuck in here. In my defense I haven't been in the facility for a long time, Eric however was just zoned out and wasn't paying attention.

Tired from trying to open the door, even though we knew there was nothing we could really do about it, we decided to sit down against the wall. "So I guess we're stuck in here" "Ya... cuz you didn't bring your phone right?" "Nope, it's in the locker room" we both let out a long sigh in frustration "How long do you think we'll be in here?" "I don't know a few hours maybe?" "Coaches probably left and everything" "Don't we rent the place out to learn to swim though?" "Ya but that doesn't start till like 6pm or something, and it's noon right now" "Today is going to be a long day then" "I just wish we had food, I was on my way to get some lunch" "Please don't talk about food Eric, you're gonna make me hungry" "Don't we have some snacks in here?" "Why would we keep snacks in the supply closet, that's like asking for roaches." "I thought they put some in here, because we ordered too many protein bars and stuff" "I doubt it but you could check"

Eric stated moving stuff around and then we saw it, a box full of protein snacks, only it was too high up to reach.

"I have an idea" "Oh ya what's that?" "I can lift you up, so you can reach them, and then bring the box down" "Is there any other way?" "Not really no, the shelf isn't stable enough to climb up on" "Ok fine Eric, but I swear if you drop me, you'll be sitting out longer than I have" "Don't worry Bri I'd never drop you" "So can I pick you up?" "Ya that's fine"

He grabbed onto me and lifted me up, his hands tight around my waist. He slowly lowered me down, making sure I hit the floor gently. I turned around to face him and handed him the box, he set it down on the floor, and we sat down around it. We were starting to check the expiration dates making sure they were fine to eat, and lucky for us they were.

There was a verity of food in there, Eric decided to open a pack of beef jerky, meanwhile I ate a z bar. "So you got anything fun to talk about, we have like 6 hours to spend in here" "not really no, what if we play a game?" "Oh ya, like what?" "Truth or dare?" "Ok, you go first" "Alrighty then Bri, truth or dare?" "Truth" "Ok, so how'd you injure your shoulder in the first place, you never told me" "I jumped off a yacht, to save someone's life at a party"

I chose not to tell him the full truth, and that It was Lando I saved because I didn't want him to judge. "Wow look at you being a hero, saving lives and stuff" "You could say so"

"Ok my turn Eric, truth or dare" "I'm gonna have to go with dare" "alright then, I dare you to eat that random protein bar at the bottom of the box that has cricket legs in it" "Bri you've gotta be kidding me, that stuff's nasty" "You asked for the dare, Eric" "Can I chicken out of it?" "Nope, Eat it, Eat it, Eat it!" "Alright fine" he took a bite out of it and swallowed, "You know it wasn't that bad" "I'm happy you enjoyed it then" "I wouldn't take it that far but it wasn't terrible" "Alright Bri my turn did you and Lando actually breakup, because of me?" "Yes and no, I'd rather not talk about it" "alright your turn" "Okay then Eric truth or dare" "In spirit of honesty, truth" "Do you like anyone, if so who?"

"You want me to answer honestly, like very honestly?" "Yes 100% how bad could it be?  is it a model or something, no need to be embarrassed" "no it's not" "so then some pretty blond actress" "no" "then who?" "It's you Bri..."
Hey loves, sorry I just had to end it there 🤭

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