Chapter 6: the flight

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   I woke up to my phone's alarm going off, it was time to go to Japan! I had to drag myself out of bed and get ready since the plane leaves in two hours. I decided to throw on some sweats so I'm not cold on the plane. Then I did a quick lap around the room making sure I didn't forget anything, and I was off to the airport.

     Once I got there, I checked in and went to go wait for boarding to open. The time was 4:45 so they slowly started letting people on. I joined the boarding line and when it was my turn to show them my ticket they stopped me! Why Are They Stopping Me?!

"Sorry Ms but we overbooked the flight and your ticket was one of the last ones bought" what in the world "what do you mean you overbooked the  flight, I need to get to Japan today!"
"And we hear that and apologize for this but no one else is willing to give their seat up, it's okay though we'll get you on the next flight there"
This man has to be kidding me.

      The next flight wasn't for a few days, I wasn't sure what to do so I called my brother and explained the situation. That's when I got a text from Lando, saying he's leaving with Max on his private jet at 10, and that I can catch a ride with them. I was thankful for Max letting me go with them, and the fact that my brother pulled through for me, and it was fast too.

   I texted Lando " your a life saver thank you so much" "ofc, meet up with me at the check in area and we'll go to the plane together" " mk, thanks again Lando I owe you one"

   Now that I was going with Max and Lando, I had four hours of waiting at the airport, since I couldn't go back to the hotel because I'd already checked out of it. I decided to walk around all the shops, then I bought a couple of souvenirs, but I still had three more hours and nothing to do. I decided to go to the check in area and sit down on the floor, since all the chairs were taken, I got my book out and started to read.

     Next thing I know, Lando was gently tapping my shoulder, I guess I must have dozed off reading. "I'm so sorry, I was reading and I guess I accidentally fell asleep" "It's fine love, let's just get going though, since Max is gonna be waiting for us" he put his hand out, to help me get up, then he got my bags and carried them along with his, even though I never even asked for his help.

We went to the the closed off part of the airport
,and took a car out to where the plane was parked. This was going to be my first time on a private jet and let's say it wasn't disappointing. As soon as I saw Max I thanked him for the ride again in person "Well I can't have my teammate's sister stuck in Singapore" he chuckled, then Lando chimed in saying "and I can't have my media manager stuck there either, now can I"

The plane ride was gonna last a while, since it takes about 7 hours to get there, so I made sure to get comfy. At some point Max fell asleep, but I was still feeling energized from my accidental nap earlier. Lando and I spent a lot of time talking, then he offered to play chess, I had to admit I've only played a few times with my dad when I was little.

   "That just means it'll be easier to beat you Bri"
"Just because I haven't played a lot doesn't mean I'm bad Lando there's a difference"
"Oh ya, I'd love to see you prove that, but I'll have you know, I'm in a super secret f1 drivers only chess club, and let's say that I may or may not have beaten Charles before."
"That just means when I win Lando, it'll just be a let down on that huge ego of yours"
"Bring it on Ricciardo, I'd love to see what you can do" "you're on Norris!"

We played a round of chess, and so far Lando was in the lead, but I wasn't going give up hope.
Out of nowhere though, we got turbulence, so some of our chess pieces fell down.
"Guess we'll never know who's better now"
"That's fine cuz there will be plenty of other flights to play chess on Bri"

Despite the turbulence Max was still sleeping, I guess it didn't bother him. Me on the other hand, I was starting to freak out, I guess it showed too because Lando was trying to comfort me, he said it's normal, and that everything will be fine, then he reached out and wrapped his hand around mine.

We stayed like that even though the turbulence was over. Up until Lando got up to put the chess pieces away, as he was putting them away he asked how much more time we had left on our flight, "three more hours"

      He came back and sat down next to me offering to watch some movie or something, so we ended up watching "parks and rec" per my request. I guess he wasn't a fan or maybe he was tired, because he ended up falling asleep.
Since he fell asleep, I figured I'd pull out my book from earlier and try to finish it.

I was reading when suddenly his head fell onto my shoulder, I couldn't move, my stomach flooded with butterflies. I cant be thinking like this, especially since I'm kinda working for him now. Great God what have I gotten my self into, am I seriously falling for Lando?! I tried my best to ignore that thought and went on to read my book, trying to focus on that instead.

I'd make it halfway through the page then I'd get side tracked with random thoughts like, how didn't I realize I had feelings for him earlier? Or how I was basically swooning over when he gave me his hoodie? I was so stupid for not realizing this sooner! Only now I can't let this affect my work, if only I'd known sooner I would have never taken this job.

I was deep in thought when I heard Lando whisper, "why do you keep on flipping the same page?" "I can't focus" He sat up straight lifting his head off my shoulder, stretching the sleep off him, "the he looked over questionably "What's on your mind" If only who knew, who was on my mind.

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