Chapter 37: Landing and Leaving

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Getting off the plane was by far my favorite part, not only because I'd see Lando but because I'd finally get to stretch my legs. On the other hand, I'm not looking forward to an other 22 hour flight tomorrow morning.

When I was walking out of the arriving terminal gate, I saw him waiting for me with all I needed right now, food. "You're a godsend, you have no idea how gross the airplane food was, thank you" "Come one let's get going we have a lot to do and no time to do it all" we both went in for a hug, then he grabbed my suitcase. We went in to his car and I started munching on some fries, my absolute favorite.

"So where are we heading first?" "My house, we need to drop your stuff off somewhere" "Will I have enough time to shower?" "Of course, then we're going sightseeing" "What are we gonna see?" "You'll just have to wait and see"

When we got to his place, he showed me where everything was, when I went to take a shower, he stopped me real quick to let me know he had bought me my favorite shampoo and everything else I'd need. I was amazed to see his attention to detail, he basically bought the same exact stuff I had at home, he even bought me the exact same toothbrush. I couldn't believe him, he went all out and I was only going to be here for a day!

When I was done showering, I asked him what I should wear, he told me to dress comfy since we'd walk a lot. Taking his advice, I put on a pair of flair leggings and a random blue tee, grabbing a jacket before we leave just in case.

We ended up going to see Buckingham Palace, and a few other touristy locations. We got back to his place at four, that's when he told me we'd have dinner just the two of  us, and then head to a club with a few of his friends. "You know this day isn't that special so far" "Trust me it'll get exciting soon love"

"What restaurant are we going to?" "Some fancy Mediterranean place" "that's not really helping me, more detail would be great" "I haven't been there before Bri, a friend recommended it. Why can't decide what to wear?" "Ya" "Just dress for the club since we're going there right after, and don't stress that much on what you wear, it doesn't matter you look great in whatever you choose to wear" "Thanks Lan" "That's new" "I don't know I like it, Lan, I think it's cute." "If you say it then I can't hate it" He was basically hovering over me at this point, I was trying to put my earrings in when he pulled out a jewelry box.

"Lando what is this?" "It's your birthday after all, you need a gift" he handed me the box containing a gold necklace with a squiggly shape laying parallel. "It's in the shape of the Singapore track, since that's where we first met, and by the clasp it has a number 3 for Daniel. "Lando I don't know what to say, I love it it's so thoughtful and creative" he pushed my hair aside putting it on for me. "Now you can have a constant reminder of when we first met, and you'll always have a piece of your brother with you too" I stared into his baby blue eyes and figured now's the time.

Lando I love you

He stared at me for a while as if he couldn't believe what he just heard, "Bri does this mean..."
"Eric's out of the picture Lando, I chose you, I'm in love with you" "Bri I love you too, you have no idea how long I've dreamed for you to say that" He pulled me into a hug, holding me tight  as if I'd disappear. "As much as I'd love to stay here and listen to you say you love me, we have a dinner reservation we can't miss. Come on I'm driving" "I'd be worried if you weren't Lan"

When we got to the restaurant, Lando told the lady at the front the name for our reservation. To my surprise it was empty, for a well known restaurant you think it's be jam packed. The waitress brought us to the back of the restaurant, that's when Lando put his hands over my eyes telling me to close them shut. He guided my body over to a room like area and he counted down, "on 1 open your eyes" and so that's what I did "3...2...1"

"Surprise!" I was stunned, everyone was here. I turned back towards Lando and asked him if he organized all this and he shot me a smile. When I said everyone I meant everyone was here, Kelly and Lily were already up in there way to give me a hug, "It's been to long Bri". All the drivers and their wags were here! They all wished me a happy birthday and had even gotten me gifts.

Daniel was the last to come up and say hi, he brought with him a little gift bag, "Open it Bri, I think you'll like it" I opened his gift and saw a candle that was named "this smells like Daniel Ricardo" just then he went to the corner and pulled out a giant cardboard cutout of himself. "I figured what do I give to a person who has everything, and then it hit me, a version of me for when I'm away and you miss me" "Dany, you should have saved this gift for your new girlfriend Heidi" "What are you talking ha ha uh your funny" "Cat's out the bag Daniel she told me everything, remind me to tell at you later for not telling about her sooner!" Everyone started teasing Daniel after I said that.

The dinner went amazingly, Lando wasn't lying when he said it'll get more exciting. Once we finished eating, the majority of us hit the club. We danced and got drunk celebrating my birthday in the best way possible, surrounded by all these amazing people I met only months ago.

We all sat down at the vip area, we had ordered an insane amount of shots, so we decided to play truth or drink. A lot of people targeted Daniel, trying to get all the info on his newly found relationship, but he tended to take shots instead of saying anything. Not haven gotten asked anything, Oscar told me to get ready to drink, he asked me when was the last time I slept with someone. I decided to tell the truth, not wanting to drink knowing I'd have to fly tomorrow "the day before the race in Australia" Lando slowly turned toward me with a questioning look on his face, but he dropped it.

When we went home that day, he ended up asking me about my answer in the club. "Love the last time we slept together was before the golf tournament" "I know" "So you didn't mess the date up in the club" "No, I was being honest" "So what you slept with Eric?!" "Yes, but does it really matter it's all in the past" "I mean if think it would" "Lando it just happened, we were broken up you can't get mad at me for this. Let's just go to sleep ya? We just put everything aside can we for once just be at peace with each other" "No you're right love sorry, good night"

He said everything was alright but I could feel him tense still, "Good night Lando" I whispered quietly and layed down next him, brushing my hand over his back.

When we woke up, Lando got up right away, me on the other hand I stayed in a little longer "Bri I know you're not a morning person, but you can't miss your flight" "Would it be a bad thing though, I mean more time with you seems like a win in my book" "You don't mean that, come one Bri don't make me make you get up" "ugh fine" I got up still wearing the necklace he gave me, I'm never gonna take this thing off.

I reached into my bag to get dressed for the day the I grabbed it, his old hoodie. I thought I left it behind in Australia. I put it on and walked out to see his reaction. "Was that the hoodie I gave you the at our first dinner together" "maybe, why you want it back?" "No, no I want you to wear it" "good because I wasn't going to give it back" "there's something about seeing you in my hoodie that just makes me want to keep you here all to myself and spend those 22 hours you should be flying doing something else." "Lando!" "What it's just the truth love" he chuckled.

When we got the the airport I was about to go through security when we stopped to say goodbye. "So would you say we're dating again" "I'd be disappointed if we weren't love" he came in for a kiss, then reached out his pink for a pinky promise "See you soon" "see you soon" "God I hate goodbyes, even if they are short" "Me too" we came in for one last hug then I forced my self to walk away. I kept on looking back, seeing him watch me to make sure I made it through security without issues.

We finally made our way back together again and I already had to leave, who knows when I'll see him again.
Sorry for any grammatical errors, I didn't read over this chapter.
(I will go over it at some point though!)
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! 🎄❄️☃️

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