Chapter 11: Race Day

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Today was race day, but also my lunch with Kelly. The actual race starts at 7 tonight, so we had time to spare. I figured that I should watch the race from the Red Bull paddock  in hopes It'll ease the tension with my brother. With that in mind, I decided to wear my jeans, a matching jean jacket, and a white baby tee that had a small McLaren logo up on the side. This way, I had some blue on for Red Bull, and a little bit of McLaren for Lando and my new coworkers there.

Before I left for the circuit, I stayed at the hotel room to do my work knowing that the paddock would be full of people today. Once it was time for brunch a gave myself a break and took a cab to a cute cafe Kelly had found. I sat down and ordered some coffee while I waited for her to show up.

"Bri, hey sorry I was running late" "It's fine"
"I like the outfit, I see your supporting both teams today " "ya I think I'll watch from the Red Bull paddock actually" "wouldn't Lando want you in McLaren though?" "I don't think he cares, like I said last night, we don't have anything going on" "NOT OFFICIALLY, but the chemistry is there, the whole grid sees the tension. You can't deny it!  Hear me out why don't we just cut the bs and tell me what's going on." "Whole story?" "From the very start, Bri" I hesitated but started to yap because I knew I could trust Kelly after all.

"Well I really only  got close to him after the yacht party, he asked me to work with him and I wasn't planning on taking the offer, but I figured why not. Then we started to hang out more, he'd give me rides, we went clubbing together, oh and then there was the whole plane thing" "Bria pause for a second, how do I not know about any of this! What happened on the plane!?" "Well, we held hands, but that's only because I was freaking  out cuz of turbulence." "Why do I feel like it was more than that?" "Well he also fell asleep on my shoulder" "BRIA B. RICCIARDO, you need to tell me all the tea!"

"Ok, basically then when we went clubbing, and some creep wouldn't leave me alone, so Lando called me his girlfriend in hopes of getting the dude to leave. After he asked me if I was ok, and we went back to the hotel, where he walked me to my door, to ensure I got home safe. However I was a little tipsy, so I asked him to come in and stay a little longer, and well we ended up falling asleep on the couch together. I woke up to him still there with his arms wrapped around my body"

"BRIA huge PAUSE, he slept over, and he was cuddled up with you! Oh he's so down bad, Bri he's for sure into you!" "You really think so Kelly?"

"Oh trust me Bri I KNOW, I guess Daniel had a valid reason to be mad after all. I mean you like him for sure, right?" "I don't know I mean I know  I shouldn't because we work together but..."
"But what Bri?" "I mean when he woke up next me, I melted"

"So let me get this straight, you both like each other, you're both blind as bats to think you don't like each other, and you're too worried your gonna get fired if someone finds out?"

"That pretty much sums it up Kelly" "Well what are you gonna do about it Bri?" "I don't know, nothing, what am I supposed to do?" "I don't know Bri, I say you should watch from McLaren today, but that's just my opinion" "You know I won't do that, I have my mind set on cheering for Daniel" "Whatever you say..."

We went on and continued gossiping, Kelly told me some other driver's tea she had heard from Max, then we went to the track. She went straight to Max's room, and I figured I'd stop by McLaren and see how things were going over there.

When I walked into the paddock, I ran into Cindy. "Bria, nice to see you here today, I was starting to think you wouldn't show up" "well I'm here now, but I'll be going to Red Bull later, so I can cheer my brother on" "oh this reminds me, have you seen Lando?" "No, why?" " I have some stickers for him to add onto his helmet, but I can't find him, do you think you can go give these to him?" "I mean I'm kinda in a rush to get to Daniel- "great thanks Bri, I'm happy I can count on you" I never even agreed to helping. Oh well, guess I have to go find Lando now.

I checked the drivers room, the garage, the cafeteria, but he was no where in sight. I tried calling him but he wouldn't answer, where could he be? Worst of all the time till the start of the race was ticking down and I'm not anywhere near RB. I swear if Lando doesn't pick up his phone in the next minute I'm leaving, he'll just have to put these on his helmet an other time.  I might be interested in him but right now my relationship with Daniel was more important.

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