Chapter 3: After

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When I woke up in the hospital bed, I saw my brother sleeping on those uncomfortable foldable chairs. I reached out for my phone which had been blown up with missed calls and texts. Unsure of who to respond to first I decided to call my parents letting them know I was fine. Then I went to see what my coaches had texted me, and to no surprise they were wondering if I could participate still, "Are you ok? Please let us know we're worried and we have to know if you're good enough to be able to participate at the meet, call us when you can."

I figured I'd call back this afternoon, because I myself don't know if I can participate in time for the meet yet. Even though I desperately need to, diving doesn't pay as well as F1, I'm kinda relying on the money from the meet to pay my next few months rent.

At some point a nurse walked in, and gave me some discharge papers, so I had to wake my brother up and right before we left the doctor said I have to rest my shoulder for 12 weeks. This means I'll have to miss the Madrid meet. Looks like I'll be getting an "actual" job when I get back to Australia. Even though I could always ask Daniel to help me out, quite frankly he'd probably offer himself, but I don't want to be dependent on him for money.

Then being the caring person he is, the first thing he asked me after he woke up was if I was hungry, "I'm practically starving" "I was hoping you'd say that, I know this good crepe place we can go to" excited at the thought, I just realized I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday "lead the way, as soon as we're done with the discharge papers" I'm dying to get out of here and munch on some food!

Once we finished filling everything out, my brother and I walked into his car and started driving to the cafe. It was a cute little shop on of those cozy and aesthetic ones. Daniel was up ordering food, knowing what I'd want, my absolute fave crepes with Nutella. Once he finished ordering food he sat down at the booth I'd chosen, right across from me. I swear my brother always knows best restaurants. However now I'm left to listen to my brother give me some long lecture about how last night I screwed up, and how now my career's is gonna go to shit, not being able to participate for three months
"I'm relieved your ok last night you really scared me jumping into the water like that"....
BLAH Blah BLAH blah...."

I'm not gonna lie I zoned out like two minutes ago when this whole rant started so I just agreed with whatever he said and ate my food nodding my head every once and awhile. I'm well aware he's just worried since he wants what's best for me, but he can be a little too extreme at times. So once he was done yapping I put in my own two bits "Daniel thank you for your concern but if I didn't jump in chances are he would've drowned, or some other drunk person would jump in after him. I think it's better to have a shoulder injury than someone's life on our hands" He sighed with relief and worry probably reliving the moment. "I know Bri and you're totally right it's just you had me scared to death yesterday" "I promise not to do anything life threatening again, now chipper up, let's enjoy our breakfast ya?"

After breakfast the rest of the day was a blur up until when we went back to the track, so my brother could talk strategy and what not for the next race. There I'd find myself wandering around the paddocks again since I had nothing better to do. Unknowing as to where I was going, I was about to walk past the McLaren paddock when I heard Lando call my name.

  "Hey, Bri wait up", I turned around to face Lando curious as to what he's going to say next
   "Thanks again for last night you basically saved my life. I went with you guys to the hospital but left shortly after, your brother told me the doctor had to pop your shoulder back into place,are you alright?"
Am I alright?! , what a dumb question let me see mhm.. ya no I'm perfect it's not like my arm's in a sling and I can't do anything with it, not to mention it's basically because of you might I add!

But I decided I should try to be nice and cut back on the sas, so I said "other than the obvious issue here ya, I mean I can't dive for 12 weeks so that part sucks but I'll manage".
    "So what are you gonna be doing in the meantime, are you gonna go back to Australia or travel around the circuits with us?"

"I'll go back to Australia most likely, I can't afford traveling around for a few more months" At that moment, Lando looked like he had gotten a brilliant idea, it's like something clicked "Would you want to travel with us though?" " I would but like I said I don't see how"

With a wicked smile growing on his face he started to speak, "Hear me out you could be my media manager or whatever you'd wanna call it, you can deal with all  my socials, post pics, make my insta look aesthetic you know what I mean?"
   Was he being dead serious right now?!
"Think about it I mean you'd get to travel with us for free, cheer your brother on, and we have 3 months till the end of our season that's just in time for you to go back to diving. It'll basically be three months of fun."

I wasn't sure what to say I mean it sounds like a great offer but I'm not so sure I mean do I really wanna do this? I've never even managed anyone's social media before other than mine, and pitching in for team Aussie's insta posts every once in a while.

"Think about it, I don't expect you to answer now, but let me know I mean it's the least I can do to help out, plus I'd rather have you managing my socials than some crazy fan."
I wasn't sure what to say lucky for me,
Kelly Piquet, Max's girlfriend saw me and started walking over so Lando was forced to say goodbye and went back inside the McLaren paddock.

I like Kelly, I haven't had much convo with her but she's been nothing but kind to me so far. She even helped me find my way to the Red Bull garage this morning. Not to mention, she was one of the only people at the party last night that wasn't absolutely wasted, or encouraging the guy's dumb antics.

   "How are you, how's your shoulder" she asked.
" it's fine I just have to rest it for a while" "Didn't you have that world championship coming up though?" Kelly knowing about my meet was crazy, considering no one else bothered asking before my incident last night. "Ya I'm afraid I'm gonna have to skip that meet"
"I'm so sorry Bri, at least you can travel around the circuits with us now, it'll be way more fun watching races with you here, plus I prefer your company compared to all these nincompoop drivers."

   Kelly saying that meant a lot to me, who knows maybe staying here won't be all that bad.
" I wouldn't get your hopes up too soon I'm still thinking about what I wanna do"
Who knows maybe I will take Lando up on his offer after all.

This reminded me I still need to talk to coach and figure out my whole diving situation. Guys I'll give them a call once I figure everything out.
Authors note: sorry if this chapter wasn't the best still need to finish revisions

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