Chapter 29: Lake House

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When I woke up, I walked past Lando's room and saw it was empty. I went over to the kitchen grabbing my phone, realizing that room was also empty, I guess no one else is home. I looked at my notifications and realized I had multiple texts and called from Eric. The time was 9:30 which means I was running late for practice, I changed as fast as I could and dashed to the car of my choice today.

I made my way to the pool, apologizing to coach for being late, and went on to practice. I had 6 more weeks till I was allowed to go back to regular practices, in the meantime I was working on cardio and other stuff to keep my athleticism up.

Once we were done with practice, Eric stopped me, "Bri, I tried calling you and stuff, but you weren't answering" "Ya I know I'm sorry my phone was off" "I was wondering if you'd want to come with me to our lake house, my family's hosting dinner and asked me to invite you, go back to how things were before you know?" "Ya sure that sounds great, what time?" "How about today... after practice" "That's really short notice." "Ya I'm sorry that's why I tried calling last night, my mom decided super last minute" "No it's fine, I'll go but I'm not the one driving to there" "Sounds good Brie Cheese, I'll pick you up at 1:30?" "Sounds good, Ant"

I got home and frantically started packing my bag, after taking a quick shower. The house was still empty, so I texted Daniel letting him know I was leaving to go to the Atwood's.

When the time came Eric came by and picked me up, he got out of the car putting my suitcase in the trunk, and we were off.

The car ride to the lake house is 3 hours long, we had plenty of time to waste. I connected my phone to his car and started playing some music to sing along to. About an hour in, I had to go to the bathroom, so I asked him to stop at some gas station. I got out the car and headed inside the store, while Eric filled up the car's gas tank, while I was inside I bought us a few snacks. I remembered Eric loving TimTams so I bought a pack to surprise him.

"Are those what I think they are?" "Yup, your favs" we were off again with two more hours to go.

"You think you can tell me about your Lando situation now, you never explained yesterday"
"Ya my bad, I completely forgot, basically my brother and him surprised me. They came back a few days earlier than they were supposed to for the golf tournament. Daniel brought him home, since he didn't have a place to stay. He ended up apologizing to me, we're not back together or anything of course, but it's kind of complicated"

"So I still stand a solid chance in your books no need to be worried?" "Nope"

What a big fat lie I had just let out...

When we got to the lake house I started to feel slightly nervous, I hadn't seen his family since we broke up years ago. "Are you actually shaking?" "Ya" "Don't worry Bri, you already know everyone, and they already love you" "I know I just haven't seen them in such a  long time" "Then get ready for the biggest hug my mom can give. Come one let's go" he reached his hand out, offering some emotional support and walked me over to the door.

As soon as we waked in his mom, Catherine, pulled me into a hug, just like he said she would. "Bri it's been too long I'm so happy to see you! How are you after all these years?" I saw the rest of his family sitting around the living room. "I'm good, I'm just happy to see y'all too!"
"Now come sit with me, you gotta tell me everything!" We walked over to the kitchen area where she poured me some tea, and offered up some scones, meanwhile Eric went to go talk to his dad and older brother, Grant"

"Have you met Sarah yet dear?" "No, I don't think so" "Oh well she's upstairs putting little Emily, in bed you'll meet her in a second" "I'm sorry what kid and who is she?" "Did Eric not tell you?, Grant got married to Sarah three years ago, they have a little girl together, Emily" "Oh wow! Eric never told me anything, that's surprising to hear, it really has been a a long time." Just then Sarah came down stairs and introduced herself. "Hi I'm Sarah nice to meet you, you're Bria I'm assuming" "Indeed I am, but you can just call me Bri, that's what my friends and family call me" we  sat down at the dinner table and started to gossip.

"Okay but dear, you have to tell me what's going on with you and Eric" "Honestly Catherine, I'm not sure, we're kinda taking things as they go" "Well I'm just happy you're friends again, it's a shame your brother didn't come" "Ya they have practice laps tomorrow, maybe next time" "We watch F1 all the time, your brother has made quite the name for himself, I'm happy to see you both doing great" "Me too"

After a while, Catherine started to set the dinner table, and we all got together to eat. I enjoyed being in this family atmosphere, everything felt so cozy and nostalgic.

Once we were done eating everyone was heading to bed, but I still wasn't sleepy. I went up to my room, and unpacked a little, then I looked out the window seeing the backyard light on. Eric was outside in the hot tub, I decided to go downstairs and check in with him.

"Hey" "Hey" "Are you the only one up" "think so, everyone else went to bed" "Come join me" "I didn't bring a swimsuit" "just hop in without one, you've done it before" "Your not sly Eric" "I wasn't trying to be, but seriously come on in, I could use some company it's getting boring by myself" I gave him a side eye, but figured why not, plus it was starting to get chilly outside. I took off my top and pants leaving me exposed in only my bra and underwear.

I sat down next to him and looked up at the sky, staring at all the stars above. "Do you see that?" I pointed bellow the moon. "See what?" "It's the Big Dipper" "Oh ya, I see it now" "You know in Greek mythology it's said that that constellation was made after Hera turned Callisto into a bear to get back at Zeus for cheating on her with him" "Are you trying to tell me your gonna turn me into a bear if I do something bad, because I don't know if I'll be able to pull of a fur look" "Oh my gosh Eric, do you always have to crack terrible jokes!" "I don't think it would be me if I didn't"

He slowly turned to face me, and came in for a kiss, his hand tilting my head up towards him, then he stopped. "Talk about me being a flirt, Eric, you're worse off than me" "Unlike you, I'm gonna go back to it, I just had to give you a taste of your own medicine Bri" and just like that he did, this time with even more emotion put into it. We were making out under the beautiful night sky, and then took things inside, making sure not to wake anyone up.

That morning we both woke up to a knock on the door, proceeding to be opened by none other than his mom. "You know if you two love birds are gonna do it, maybe give us a heads up so I don't walk in on anything next time" and she ran off shutting the door behind her.

"Morning" "I don't wanna get up yet" "Bri it's almost 10" "it could be noon for all I care, stay in bed with me for a little longer" "I can't say no to that offer" and then we both went back to sleep, me being the little spoon, completely covered in the warmth radiating off his skin.

Future me was about to have a lot of issues with Lando and vise versa.

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