Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

By AllisonLange

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This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... More

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 2
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 4
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Part
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 6

Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2

11 0 0
By AllisonLange

The Judge said as he silenced the galley again as Phoenix continued to speak. 

Phoenix: It’s 2:30 PM on the day of the murder! 

Ms. Dee Vasquez meets Jack Hammer outside the Studio Two trailer! Then she did it! She pushed Mr. Hammer off the stairs onto the fence! Just like Mr. Hammer had himself done five years ago! Though whether she did it on purpose or by accident, I cannot say. 

Vasquez: …! 

Edgeworth: I-in other words… th-the victim, Jack Hammer… He died in the same way that he caused another man to die… five years ago! 

Phoenix: Precisely. Ironic, isn’t it? 

Vasquez: … Hoh hoh. Very creative, Mr. Wright. I could use a man like you on my script writing staff. 

Phoenix: You deny that what I say is true? 

Vasquez: … Mr. Wright. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Hammer died at the trailer as you say. Yet, the body was found at Studio One, was it not? And in the Evil Magistrate’s costume, no less. Are you then claiming that I carried the body to Studio One… And return to the trailer, all in the space of a 15 minute break? How could I have disposed of the body!? 

Phoenix: … 

Edgeworth: The break in the meeting at the trailer lasted 15 minutes, from 2:30 to 2:45. Could Jack Hammer have been pushed off the stairs to his death… then carried to Studio One and placed inside his costume? There wasn’t enough time! 

Judge: Hmm… indeed. Well, Mr. Wright? How could she have dealt with the body? 

Phoenix: What if she had another way to carry the body, other than with her own hands? 

Vasquez: For instance? 

Phoenix: Actually, for that matter, there was no need for her to do the deed in 15 minutes!  And there was a way to carry the body! 

Vasquez: !!! I-interesting! Let’s hear it then. 

Judge: Mr. Wright? Please show us how she carried the body. 

He said as Ryan handed Phoenix a paper that had info about the van Vasquez mentioned that Sal drove her to Studio One after the meeting. 

Phoenix: Take that! Ms. Vasquez. You carried the body to Studio One. And you used the studio van to do it! 

Vasquez: !!! 

She gasped out in shock as the gallery went back to whisper over the info as the Judge quickly slammed down his gavel, silencing everyone as Phoenix continued. 

Phoenix: Recall your testimony… “There was to be a rehearsal afterwards, so we went to Studio One. I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me. There was a van there, right? I had Sal drive me.” You used the van to carry the body to Studio One! Then, before everyone else got there, you put the body into the Magistrate costume!  

Vasquez: …! 

Edgeworth: Objection! Hold on, Wright! Don’t forget, it was Sal Manella that drove the van! Are you suggesting that Mr. Manella was a conspirator

Phoenix: Of course, Sal Manella has to have been a conspirator! The body had to be placed in the van, and put into the costume. There’s no way Ms. Vasquez could have done that alone! Also, don’t forget that they had to dispose of the Steel Samurai costume. They had to… because it was covered in Mr. Hammer’s blood! They probably burned it in that small incinerator. Well, Ms. Vasquez! Shall I continue? 

Vasquez: … No need. You’re smarter than you look, Mr. Wright. Hmph. I lose. You win. It… was fun. 

Phoenix: ‘I… win!?’ … 

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: … 


The entire courtroom went silent after Vasquez said that as Phoenix tried to find words to ask what the older woman meant by her losing and him winning. 

Phoenix: Umm… So… what happens next? 

Vasquez: ? 

Phoenix: Don’t “?” me! Don’t you have anything to say!? 

Vasquez: What would you like me to say? 

Phoenix: Huh? “I lost”? Something like that! 

Vasquez: I just said that. 

Phoenix: W-wait, so you mean… Dee Vasquez! So, it was you? You killed Jack Hammer! …

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: … 


Vasquez: Who can say? 

Phoenix: Huh? 

Vasquez: Are you sure I did? Mr. Wright… We just engaged in a battle of wits. And that result of that battle? You proved the possibility that I murdered Hammer. 

Phoenix: R-right! 

Vasquez: But… that is only a possibility. Proof is another thing altogether. You lack decisive proof. Mr. Wright.  

Phoenix: Wha… wha… wha… wha… WHAAAAAAAAAAT!? 

He screamed out in shock as the entire gallery whispered again as the Judge slammed his gavel down, silencing everyone as he glanced down at Edgeworth. 

Judge: Order! Mr. Edgeworth, your thoughts? 

Edgeworth: Umm… uhh… mmmph. O-of course, it’s as the witness says! … Certainly, it does seem very likely she did it… but, uh, there’s no proof! 

Phoenix: ‘...! Edgeworth’s isn’t sure!’ 

Vasquez: … Well? I came here as a witness today. If you've got no more questions, I’ll be leaving. 

Phoenix: ‘Urk! What do I do now!?’ I… I’d like you to testify again! 

Judge: Testify… again? 

Vasquez: Know when to give up, Mr. Wright. Think about it. Even if I were to testify again, what’s the point? I can only say what I said before. The truth, Mr. Wright. I’ve already said all there is to say. What would happen if I said it again? 

Phoenix: Uh… 

Vasquez: You’d ask the same questions, get the same answers. A waste of time. 

Phoenix: ‘Damn… damn! To come so far, only to fail…’ 

Judge: As it seems there are no further questions… I would like to end the cross-examination of the witness, Ms. Vasquez. 

Edgeworth: Objection! … 

Judge: Yes, Mr. Edgeworth? 

Edgeworth: I was hoping to come up with a question while I was objecting, Your Honor… I didn’t. 

Judge: I see… Very well. 

Edgeworth: Objection! Your Honor! I request that the witness testify again! 

Vasquez: You are the prosecutor, are you not? Why are you badgering me? I’m your witness! 

Edgeworth: I… I just want to hear your testimony again. 

Vasquez: Does this make any sense to you, Your Honor? I don’t see that we have anything to gain by repeating the last several minutes. 

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth… I, too, see little point in making Ms. Vasquez repeat herself. What exactly did you want her to testify about? 

Edgeworth: Mmmmph! Well, yes, um… … Indeed! Verily, I say! Ergo! I want to hear about what happened… after they found the body! 

Judge: After they found the body…? Very well. The witness will testify to the court concerning this matter. 

Vasquez: Hmph. 

Maya: Nick! Why did Edgeworth…? 

Ryan: I'm not sure how to answer that. 

Phoenix: Who knows? He probably realized she did it, too. 

Maya: But… but! Wasn’t he the one that said he always gets a guilty verdict…? After all that… 

Phoenix: ‘Edgeworth…’ 

Witness Testimony
-After Finding the Body–

Vasquez: I was with Sal and Oldbag, the security lady, when we found the body. The assistant was there, too. Only Powers was absent. I immediately called the police. Then Powers showed up. The security lady, Oldbag, was quite agitated. Pointing at Powers, saying “he did it!” I asked to be left out of the proceedings. I went back to the trailer to get my script and direction notes. Then I went home. 

Judge: Hmm… I see no issues raised by this testimony… Mr. Wright, your cross-examination. 

Maya: Okay, Nick, we’re close, real close! She may be acting tough right now… But if you put her on the spot she’s sure to falter! 

Ryan: Use that and find the key and twist the truth out of her, Phoenix! 

Phoenix: Right! 

Cross Examination

Vasquez retold her testimony as she started telling the part where she was with Sal and Oldbag when they found the body as Phoenix decided to press her more on it. 

Phoenix: Hold it! What time was that? 

Vasquez: We were to meet at 5:00 for the rehearsal. So I’d say it was then. 

Phoenix: When exactly did you and Mr. Manella arrive at the studio? 

Vasquez: About 10 minutes before. I wasn’t stuffing any bodies into costumes, mind you. 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm…’ Where were the other employees when you got to the studio? 

Vasquez: They weren’t there yet. 

Phoenix: Well?! Then you could have put Hammer in that costume, with Sal Manella’s help! 

Vasquez: Oh? What did I just say? Did I not say “I wasn’t stuffing any bodies into any costumes”..? You should try to listen to what people are saying, boy. 

Phoenix: ‘B-boy!’ 

Judge: The witness will continue her testimony. 

He said as Vasquez continued retelling her testimony as she got to the part where everyone was there in the studio while Powers was absent as Phoenix decided to press her more. 

Phoenix: Hold it! Mr. Powers was taking a nap, correct? 

Vasquez: So he says. 

Phoenix: Did no one go to call him? 

Vasquez: Remember… 

Phoenix: Remember… what? 

Vasquez: There was a dead body lying in front of us. Yet you expect me to be calm? 

Phoenix: ‘You certainly seemed calm enough when I accused you of murder! *sigh* Wait a second! Wouldn’t that be the other way around!? 

Vasquez: The other way around? 

Phoenix: You discovered a murdered body, and one person was missing, right? Wouldn’t you normally go looking for the missing person!? 

Judge: Hmm… I have to agree with the defense on this one. Well, Ms. Vasquez? 

Vasquez: Hmph. Logically speaking, perhaps. But no one there was thinking very logically, I assure you. Also. Without his Steel Samurai costume, Powers doesn’t really stand out. We often left him on the bus when shooting at location. No one noticed he was missing. 

Phoenix: ‘Poor Powers…’ 

Judge: Hmm… Well, I suppose that explains that. Very well, Ms. Vasquez. You may continue. 

Vasquez went back retelling her testimony as she got to the part when they were calling the police, Powers came into the Studio as Phoenix pressed her again. 

Phoenix: Hold it! What was everyone else doing at that time? 

Vasquez: No one said a thing. It was silent. Completely silent. So we stood there until Powers finally arrived on the scene. “Sorry! Sorry I’m late!” Then… silence. Dead silence. 

Phoenix: … 

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: … 


Vasquez: Silence. 

Maya: Hey… Hey, Nick. Why’s everyone so quiet? Someone should do something to lighten things up! 

She said completely clueless to why everyone other than her was silent, as Vasquez went back retelling her testimony as she got to the part where Oldbag accused Powers for killing Hammer, as Phoenix pressed her again. 

Phoenix: Hold it! ‘Oldbag… the security lady.’ Why did the security lady think Powers had done it? 

Vasquez: She said because she saw him going toward the studio. 

Phoenix: ‘Right… the Steel Samurai.’ Did the detective arrest Mr. Powers based solely on the security lady’s word? 

Vasquez: Perhaps not. She seems to had also given the detective that photograph… Of course, I heard all this after the fact. 

Phoenix: ‘That photograph… meaning the one taken by the security camera.’ 

Vasquez: She’s not known for exhibiting the best sense of judgment when it comes to Hammer. 

Phoenix: ‘Hmm. I don’t think there’s anything in there I can use.’ 

He groaned in his head while Vasquez retetold her testimony as she got to the part where she asked to be out of the proceedings as Phoenix pressed her again. 

Phoenix: “You asked to be left out”? 

Vasquez: Yes. It seems that everyone else was questioned. And I’m really not fond of that sort of thing. 

Phoenix: But, you can’t just decide who the police will and won’t question! 

Vasquez: Thankfully, the studio thinks otherwise. They were nice enough to understand that, since we were in a meeting… there was no way we could have been involved. Thus, they covered for us. 

Phoenix: ‘Covered for you… or covered it up for you? There must have been a lot riding on it, with all those bigwigs at the meeting… I’m sure her “professionals” helped convince everyone they didn’t require questioning.’ 

He thought while Vasquez retold her testimony as she got to the part where she went back to the trailer to grab her script and direction notes as Phoenix pressed her again. 

Phoenix: Hold it! The script and your direction notes? 

Vasquez: Yes, they’re quite valuable. It wouldn’t do to have them stolen. 

Phoenix: No, I guess not. Wait a second! I thought you came to Studio One for a rehearsal! Why didn’t you bring your script and notes!? 

Vasquez: Well, I was under the impression that we wouldn’t be able to rehearse anything. 

Phoenix: Why? 

Vasquez: There was a murder, after all! Who could think of rehearsing after that! 

Phoenix: ‘Oh, yeah, I guess…’ 

Judge: Hmm… Very well. Ms. Vasquez please continue… 

Edgeworth: Objection! Your Honor!!! I have an objection to the witness’s last statement! 

Phoenix: Huh…!?’ 

Edgeworth: Think! Ms. Vasquez said she didn’t bring the script because there wouldn’t be a rehearsal. Don’t you see what that means? She would have had to know about the murder before going to Studio One! 

Vasquez: …! 

She gasped, taken aback by Edgeworth’s words as the galley whispered in shock as the Judge quickly slammed down his gavel. 

Judge: Order! Order! Mr. Edgeworth! 

Edgeworth: … 

Judge: What you have just said… is a reasonable observation. However, I find it hard to understand why the prosecution would make such a move! Or are you thinking of a career change to defense!? 

Edgeworth: … *bows* I… appreciate the concern, Your Honor. I will stand by my statement, however, regardless of how the court sees my role here. Now, Ms. Vasquez… Do you have an explanation! 

Phoenix: I can’t believe Edgeworth is helping me!’ 

Vasquez: Hmph. So the prosecution is in cahoots with the defense? What kind of court is this? No matter. I think you misunderstood me. I had a perfectly good reason to believe there would be no rehearsal. 

Judge: Hmm… Very well, the witness will change her testimony to reflect this reason. 

He ordered Vasquez as she mentioned that she knew Hammer was injured and couldn’t do any action scenes and left him behind as Ryan handed Phoenix of the photograph she mentioned of the Steel Samurai walking past the camera, as the figure was dragging their injured leg on the ground. 

Phoenix: Objection! You “knew that Hammer was injured”...? Don’t you think that’s a little funny? I mean, it was the Steel Samurai who was injured!  It was Will Powers! 

Vasquez: Wha…what?! 

She shouted in shock as the gallery went back whispering in shock as the Judge slammed down his gavel. 

Judge: Mr. Wright! Explain yourself! 

Phoenix: Yes, Mr. Hammer is dragging his leg in this photo. But that’s because he was pretending to be Mr. Powers

Vasquez: P-pretending…? 

Phoenix: One person was injured in the run-through that morning. That person was Mr. Powers, not Mr. Hammer! Now, why did you think it was Mr. Hammer who was injured? 

Vasquez: …! I-I already said it was Sal who told me! Th-that’s right! He must have gotten it wrong. 

Phoenix: I think not. Mr. Manella was at the run-through that morning. He would have known it was Mr. Powers who was injured. He saw it happen! Why would he tell you the wrong person? Ms. Vasquez! Actually, you didn’t hear anything from Mr. Manella. You saw Mr. Hammer limping with your own eyes! 

Judge: Yes, but… Wasn’t it Mr. Powers who was injured…? 

Phoenix: Yes, but remember! Mr. Hammer was dragging his leg, too! He was pretending to be Mr. Powers! 

Judge: Aah! 

Phoenix: And when was he doing this…? 

Edgeworth: Well… It would have to have been after he put the Steel Samurai costume… and went to Studio Two. Where he was murdered! 

Phoenix: Exactly! Ms. Vasquez! You met him, didn’t you? You saw the Steel Samurai limping! And Mr. Hammer was in that Steel Samurai suit! That’s why you were confused! That’s why you thought it was Mr. Hammer who had been injured that morning! 

Vasquez: !!!! 

She gasped again as the gallery whispered in shock once more as the Judge frantically slammed down his gavel. 

Judge: Order! Order! I will have order! 

Edgeworth: Witness! Can you refute this claim? 

Vasquez: Hrrmmmmm…. hmph! … … 

Phoenix: Yeah, let’s see you sneak out of this one, Vasquez!’ 

Vasquez: … Very well! I have a question for you! 

Phoenix: ‘Urk… Why are the real killers always so… persistent?’ 

Vasquez: Why in the world would I want Mr. Hammer dead? Yes, he’d fallen on hard times, but he was a star! I had nothing to gain from his death! Nothing! 

Judge: Hmm… Yes, you would need a motive. Why would she have killed the victim? If there is a reason, it is unclear to this court. Does the defense have anything to say on the matter? In other words, can you prove she had a motive? 

Phoenix: Okay. I have proof, and I’ll show it to you! I present to the court evidence as to Ms. Vasquez’s motive in this murder. 

He announced as Ryan gave the five year old photo back to him as he presented it to the court again. 

Phoenix: Take that! This is my proof! 

Judge: This is… the photo from before? 

Phoenix: This photo reveals the motive in this murder! 

Vasquez: …! 

Phoenix: I’m right, aren’t I, Ms. Vasquez? 

Vasquez: Hrrrrrm… hmph! 

Phoenix: Five years ago, Mr. Hammer was at the height of his fame. With Dee Vasquez’s help, a terrible accident was swept under the carpet… Ladies and gentlemen, the case currently up for trial… It began on that day, five years ago! 

Vasquez: … 

Phoenix: Ironically enough, that accident precipitate Mr. Hammer’s fall… His fall from stardom! 

Edgeworth: His guilt weighed him down, no doubt. 

Phoenix: However! You, Dee Vasquez, used Mr. Hammer. You made him work for you for petty change! 

Vasquez: Hmph. 

Edgeworth: Bringing us to the present day… and Mr. Hammer’s last role as the Evil Magistrate! 

Phoenix: Yes! Undoubtedly, it was a constant source of shame for the ex-star… Hmm… 

Judge: One moment, Mr. Wright. We are talking about motives, here… yet you have only talked about Mr. Hammer. It almost seems as if… As if it was Mr. Hammer who had killed Dee Vasquez, not the other way around! What motive would Ms. Vasquez have? 

Vasquez: Y-yes, that’s right. According to what you say… I would have had no reason to kill Hammer. He was a good source of income for me! And I never get rid of useful men. It’s a policy of mine. 

Judge: Mr. Wright? Please explain Ms. Vasquez’s motive for murder. 

Phoenix: She had no motive, Your Honor. 

Judge: What’s that now!? 

Phoenix: It was Mr. Hammer who was out for blood! All Ms. Vasquez did was push him off the stairs… in self defense! 

Edgeworth: What’s that now!? 

Phoenix: It’s simple! Mr. Hammer was intending to kill Ms. Vasquez! 

Edgeworth: Wha-!? WHAT!? 

Phoenix: Your Honor! Jack Hammer drugged Mr. Powers with sleeping pills! Jack Hammer snuck into the dressing room and stole the Steel Samurai costume! Jack Hammer wore the costume to fool the security lady into thinking he was Powers! Then Jack Hammer made his way to the trailer! And for what purpose, you ask? To kill Dee Vasquez, who had so cruelly taken advantage of him all those years! 

He shouted as Vasquez grew enraged as she broke the pipe she was holding in half as she looked directly at Phoenix, Ryan and Maya. 

Phoenix: So, you did do it, didn’t you? 

Vasquez: … …Yes. I am guilty. It was me… 

She said showing no emotion as she remembered the exact words that was said five years ago that caused the whole death of Hammer. 

“Someone call an ambulance!”

“Th-there’s blood everywhere! We’re too late!” 

“Aah! Ms. Vasquez!”

“What…? What happened here!?” 

“Manuel fell from the trailer stairs…!” 

“Manuel! Manuel!” 

“Ms. Vasquez, please, try to remain calm…” 

“No…! No! How could this…?” 

“It was an accident…” 

“Mr. Hammer was doing an action scene and…” 

“No! Manuel! Manuel!” 

“D-don’t touch him! Ms. Vasquez!” 


“Please… please don’t die. Please…” 

Vasquez: Congratulations, Mr. Wright. I lose… again. 

She said as she slowly opened her eyes and said those words as that caused the entire gallery to burst out in loud whispers about her admitting her guilt. The Judge slammed down his gavel while some guards led Vasquez out of the courtroom in cuffs and a bit after he glanced down at Edgeworth. 

Judge: Mr. Edgeworth… Where’s Dee Vasquez? 

Edgeworth: In the waiting lobby, Your Honor. As calm and collected as ever… 

Judge: I see… Mr. Wright. 

Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor? 

Judge: It appears you have brought about yet another miracle. 

Phoenix: I… thank you, Your Honor. 

Edgeworth: I think not, Your Honor. Will Powers was innocent. That he should be found so is only natural… not a miracle. 

Judge: … Yes. Yes, you’re right. Very well. This court finds the defendant, Mr. Will Powers… 

Not Guilty

Judge: That is all. This court is adjourned! 

October 20, 1:12 PM 
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 3

After the Judge announced the verdict of the trial, Will looked more happy that he was now able to go free as he smiled at the three, once they left the courtroom. 

Will: I…I don’t know what to say! Thank you so much! 

Phoenix: I’m just glad you’re okay. 

Will: Yes… but… it’s sad. I know not that Mr. Hammer stole my costume. It’s bad enough that he wanted to kill Ms. Vasquez… But to think that he tried to frame me for the murder! It makes me sad… Tell me why, Mr. Wright! 

Phoenix; H-huh? 

Will: Tell me! Why did Mr. Hammer want to blame me…? 

Phoenix: Well, this is what I think. Mr. Hammer wanted to put the blame on you because… 

He said as Ryan handed the blue picture book Cody gave them, as he showed the book to Will. 

Phoenix: It’s because you were the Steel Samurai. 

Will: Because I was the Steel Samurai? 

Ryan: Hammer was once a big star. But he was reduced to playing in a kids’ show as the villain. 

Phoenix; Yeah, and the kids love the Steel Samurai. And so, he hated you. 

Will: I… I think I understand. H-he could have just told me. I would have changed places with him any time! 

Phoenix: ‘I think you’re missing the point…’ 

Will: … Thank you. I’m just glad it’s all over. 

Phoenix: ‘So am I… so am I…’ 

Maya: Congratulations, WP! 

Will: Oh? Oh! Heh heh. Thanks to you, I’ll be able to don the Steel Samurai outfit once more! I can’t wait to get back into that sweaty costume again… 

Maya: … 

Will: …? Is… something wrong? 

Maya: N-no! O-of course not… Aah! N-Nick! Fake Nick! Edgeworth! 

She screamed out in surprise at the sight of Edgeworth entering the room as he glared at both Phoenix and Ryan. 

Edgeworth: … 

Phoenix: … 

Ryan: … 

Edgeworth: … Say something, Wright, and you, Wright’s clone. I’m not good at small talk. 

Phoenix: Huh? 

Ryan: What? 

Phoenix: … Umm… that was too bad, Edgeworth! 

Edgeworth: You don’t waste any time gloating, do you? 

Phoenix: No… I really want to thank you. Vasquez would have gotten away if you hadn’t stepped in. 

Will: Ah, uh, pleased to meet you. I’m Powers. *sniff’ 

Edgeworth: Ah, er, Edgeworth. I’m a big fan of your work, Mr. Powers. 

Phoenix: ‘Liar!’ 

Edgeworth: Wright. I must say, I hadn’t expected to meet you again after all these years. And to see I’ve been replaced by a clone of you. 

Ryan: Huh? “Replaced”? 

Maya: Meet “again”...? 

Edgeworth: However. In retrospect, it would have been better had we not met. Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary… feelings. 

He said as his glare died down as he looked away in pain as he clutched his right arm as Phoenix was confused. 

Phoenix: Unnecessary feelings? 

Edgeworth: Yes. Unease… and uncertainty. 

Phoenix: Aren’t those kind of necessary? 

Edgeworth: They only serve to get in my way. You listen to me, Phoenix Wright. Don’t ever show your face in front of me again. And that goes for you, too, Wright’s clone. That’s what I came here to tell you and your clone. 

He simply said as his pained look disappeared and he walked right out of the room as everyone stood there in silence. And a bit after, Will glanced at the two confused by what just happened. 

Will: Umm… Mr. Wright? Was… that guy your friend? 

Maya: What? Friends? As if! They’re rivals! Rivals! Right, Nick? 

Phoenix: For now we are… I guess. 

Maya: Huh!? Why do I get the feeling I’m missing something? 

Ryan: Don’t worry, once he gets comfortable telling you. It was the same way for me back in college. 

Maya: No, I don’t want to wait forever! C’mon, Nick! Tell me! What’s the deal with you and Edgeworth? 

She ignored what Ryan told her as she begged Phoenix to tell her more about the deal with him and Edgeworth, but he stayed silent as he glanced at the door where the said man exited through. 

Phoenix: And so the curtain closed on another trial… I caused quite a stir by revealing that accident from five years ago. It was the talk of the town. Thankfully, Global Studios rethought its programming change. They went back to making kids’ shows again. 

He thought, remembering back the recent events after the trial before Maya rushed over to the Tv and turned it on. 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! This is it! The new show starts today! You’re both going to watch it with me, right? 

Phoenix: ‘I’ll admit, I was kind of surprised… I didn’t think they’d seriously go through with it…’ 

Maya: You two also have to buy trading cards too, okay! We have to trade with Cody and that assistant! 

Phoenix: Fine, fine. I’ll do it. 

Ryan: I’ll do it, so Maya doesn’t hurt me again. I’m still recovering from that black eye. 

Maya: Isn’t it great that WP gets to play the lead again? I wonder if they’ll show his real face this time… 

Phoenix: I dunno… I don’t think the world is ready for the real Will Powers… 


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