Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

By OutsidersAf

204K 2.1K 730

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... More

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Fast In My Car
Bound 2
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain

Night Shift

1.4K 21 3
By OutsidersAf

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as I languished in the confines of the Malfoy Manor's dungeon. The passage of time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment weighed down by the heavy burden of despair and isolation. The echoes of Theo's departure haunted me, a painful reminder of the love and companionship I had lost.

I paced the confines of my cell like a caged animal, my mind consumed by a maelstrom of anger and frustration. How could they continue to hold me prisoner, knowing that Voldemort had obtained the Elder Wand? The answer eluded me, buried beneath layers of deceit and treachery.

As the days stretched into weeks, I felt myself slipping further into madness. The walls of my prison closed in around me, their suffocating embrace a constant reminder of my captivity. I longed for freedom, for escape from the relentless torment that threatened to consume me whole.

As the shadows closed in around me, I clung to the memories of Theo's touch, the warmth of his embrace a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. His absence was a gaping wound, a festering reminder of the love we shared and the barriers that stood between us.And then, just when I thought I could bear the solitude no longer, Theo appeared before me once more. His presence was a balm to my weary soul, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume me.


I whisper, relief flooding through me like a tidal wave.

"I thought you wouldn't come back."


He murmured, his voice thick with grief.

"They... they killed Grindelwald."

The words struck me like a physical blow, stealing the breath from my lungs. Grindelwald, my grandfather, a man I had never known but whose blood flowed through my veins. His death left a void in my soul, a gaping wound that could never fully heal. How can you miss someone you never met? Why does it hurt so much? I hardly knew him.

Tears welled in my eyes as grief washed over me, a tidal wave of sorrow and loss.

"But why?"

I choked out, my voice raw with emotion.

"Why would they do such a thing?"

"Power, mi amore. It's always about power. Grindelwald was a threat to Voldemort's reign, and he couldn't risk anyone challenging his authority."

Theo's expression was pained as he struggled to find the right words.

The weight of Theo's words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the cruelty that lurked within the hearts of men. In that moment, I felt the weight of my own helplessness, a pawn in a game of darkness and deceit.

A pawn.

As if a switched flipped in my head, the sadness was no longer present within me. My emotions fought like thunder and lightning to see which one can come forward faster. Anger, anger is winning. Anger and hurt churned within me, but beneath the surface, a part of me longed to understand, to find some semblance of solace in the chaos that engulfed us.

"Why, Theo?"

I whispered, my voice barely a breath against the suffocating silence of the dungeon.

"Why did you do it?"

His gaze faltered, guilt flickering in the depths of his eyes.

"I... I didn't have a choice, Amalia,"

Theo murmured, his voice laced with regret.

"My father... he made me do it."

The bitterness of his words stung, a harsh reminder of the cruel machinations that had torn us apart.

"So Pucey was right, it was all a lie."

I choked out, my heart breaking anew with each syllable.

Theo's expression softened, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"No, Amalia. It wasn't all a lie. Yes, I was supposed to get close to you, to gain your trust and uncover the location of the Elder Wand. But before all of that, before my father put me up to this mission, I... I loved you."

His words hung in the air, a fragile confession that shattered the walls around my heart.

"You loved me?"

I echoed, disbelief coloring my tone.

Theo nodded, his gaze unwavering.

"Since we were children, Amalia. You were always there, a constant in my life amidst the chaos of our world. I couldn't help but love you, even when I knew it was forbidden."

Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to process his words. The betrayal still burned within me, a wound that ran deep, but beneath it all, a flicker of hope sparked to life.

"How dare you."

Gritting through my teeth, not even trying to look him in the eyes.

"Malia, I-"

"How dare you!"

Silence encapsulated us, Theo stood there, watching me, frozen in place.

"How can you say you loved me throughout our entire childhood, Theo?"

I demanded, my voice trembling with hurt and anger.

"You were the one who bullied me for the majority of it. How could you claim to love someone you treated so cruelly?"

Theo's expression faltered, his eyes filled with remorse as he struggled to find the words to explain.

"Bella, I... I was a coward. I didn't know how to handle my feelings, so I pushed you away instead. I thought if I made you hate me, it would be easier to bear the weight of my own guilt."

His words cut through me like a knife, reopening wounds that had never fully healed.

"Easier for who, Theo?"

My voice burned.

"For you? Did you ever stop to think about how your actions affected me? How they tore me apart, day after day?"

Tears blurred my vision as memories of childhood torment flooded back, each painful moment etched into the fabric of my soul.

"You made my life a living hell, Theo,"

Whispering, my vocal chords raw from the overwhelming feelings I have been experiencing throughout this interaction.

"And now you expect me to believe that it was all because you loved me?"

I finally lifted my head, Theo's gaze remained fixed on mine, his own eyes brimming with sorrow and regret.

"I know I can never make up for the pain I've caused you, Amalia. But please, believe me when I say that my feelings for you were always genuine, even when my actions suggested otherwise."

Theo reached out tentatively, his hand extended in a silent offering. I hesitated for a moment, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my resolve, but as I looked into his eyes, I saw a vulnerability that mirrored my own.

With a trembling hand, I accepted his offer, our fingers intertwining in a silent pact of trust and understanding. And as our hands met, a surge of warmth washed over me.


Theo murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper against the backdrop of our shared sorrow.

"I want you to see... to truly see, everything I've ever felt for you."

His words sent a shiver down my spine as I nodded in silent agreement. This time wasn't different from when I used legilimency on him, he was always telling the truth, about Pucey I mean. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to be enveloped by the currents of legilimency, my mind opening itself to the flood of emotions that surged through Theo's consciousness.

In an instant, I was transported back in time, to the moments that defined our tumultuous relationship. I felt the sting of every cruel word, every hurtful taunt that Theo had ever directed at me. But beneath the surface, I sensed a profound sense of self-loathing, a regret that gnawed at the edges of his soul.

His emotions coursing through me as if they were my own.

"Ooooh, looks like Nott has got himself a girlfriend!"

The taunting voices of the other students pierced through the air, igniting a blaze of embarrassment within me. My cheeks flushed crimson, mirroring Theo's discomfort as we stood there, exposed to the scrutiny of our peers.

"An ugly one at that too!"

The cruel words cut deep, a sharp reminder of my own insecurities. I felt his hesitation, his gaze darting between me and the other students, uncertainty clouding his features.

And then, with a surge of conflicting emotions, I pushed myself away, my arm knocking myself to the ground with a force that left me reeling. The impact sent shockwaves of pain reverberating through me, a physical manifestation of the guilt and regret that gnawed at my conscience.

"Troll, never step foot near me again."

My words were laced with spite, but beneath the surface, I felt a flicker of hesitation, a pang of remorse that twisted in my gut. Tears welled in my eyes as I watched myself struggle to make sense of the betrayal that had unfolded.

"Theo... what?"

My voice trembled with hurt and confusion.

As the other students laughed, their mocking voices echoing in my ears, I turned away, leaving myself alone on the ground. I felt the weight of my gaze on my back, a silent accusation that burned into my soul.

And then, like a flickering candle in the darkness, I felt the warmth of his love, a love that had endured despite the trials and tribulations that had torn us apart. I felt the rush of emotion as we shared our first kiss, the world around us fading into oblivion as our lips met for the first time.

There I was, in my skimpy party clothes, painfully hammered, standing before him. My eyes burning with an intensity that mirrored Theo's own desire.

In that moment, the world around us faded into oblivion, leaving only us, in the quiet intensity of the night. I felt the heat of my body pressed against his, the electricity of my touch sending sparks of fire coursing through his veins.

The taste of myself lingered on his tongue, sweet and intoxicating, a symphony of desire and longing that echoed in the depths of my soul. In that moment, nothing else mattered. All thoughts of duty and obligation faded into insignificance, leaving only the overwhelming urge to lose myself. Our bodies moved as one, a dance of desire and ecstasy that consumed us both in its fiery embrace.

But alongside the moments of joy and tenderness, there were also moments of pain and regret. I felt the sharp pang of remorse as Theo relived our first real fight, the harsh words that had torn through the fabric of our bond like a dagger to the heart. I felt his anguish as he replayed the scene in his mind, the raw emotion of his confession echoing in the recesses of my consciousness.

"Get out, it's going to be daylight any time now and I don't want anyone to know you were here."

His words were harsh and clipped, his tone a reflection of the storm brewing within me. I watched as my own expression shifted from hurt to confusion, her words catching in her throat as she struggled to respond.

"Theo, I—"

I began.

"Get out."

The door swung open with a force that startled even himself, his anger burning bright as I watched myself retreat from the room. Every fiber of his being screamed for me to stay, to hear him out, but the weight of my pride and anger held him back.

"I didn't mean to go that far,"

I protested weakly,

"I was just trying to understand... to see what was on your mind, like you did to me."

But my words fell on deaf ears, his anger drowning out reason or compassion.

I stood there, silent and unmoving, my gaze fixed on the door through which I had disappeared.

"You don't get to do those things and not let me say how I feel!"

I pleaded, my voice rising with each word.

But still, I remained silent, my anger a barrier between us that seemed insurmountable. With a heavy heart, I realized that I had pushed her away, pushed her so far that she could no longer reach me."Fine,"

I whispered, my voice barely more than a breath against the suffocating silence of the room. "But don't ever put something like that in my head again."

My words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the damage he had caused. And as he stood there, alone in the darkness of his room. But even as I lay in bed, alone with his thoughts, a small part of him clung to the hope that perhaps, amidst the ruins of our broken trust, we could find a way to rebuild what had been lost.

And then, as the memories faded and the weight of our shared history settled around us, I opened my eyes to find Theo gazing at me.

"I'm sorry, Amalia,"

he whispered, his voice thick with a throbbing pain.

"For everything. For the pain I've caused you, for the lies I've told. But please, believe me when I say that my love for you has always been real."

Tears welled in my eyes as I reached out to him, my hand finding his once more.


I murmured.


There, beyond Theo's shoulders at the top of the steps stood Draco. A look of disgust spread across his face at the scene that was laid out before him. Theo's face contorted into confusion before following my gaze to the top of the steps.

His hand went cold and he tensed up under my touch. I have never felt Theo become so scared in any moment, especially against Draco, however, Draco had the upper hand in this situation. In a matter of seconds Draco darted off to the left, Theo's head snapping back towards me as he fiddled with the lock on the gate.


He shouted, pointing his wand towards the lock, which of course didn't work. Theo ran his shacking hand through his thick locks, letting them fall on his forehead. He looked behind him, anticipating the arrival of the death eaters at any given moment.


I calmly tried to get his attention even though I had vomit creeping up in my throat.


I spoke, more stern than last time. He was still fumbling with the lock, cursing to himself as to why it wouldn't open.

"Theo stop it's not going to work!"

"It has to work!"

His sudden outburst caught me off guard, making me flinch in the process. His eyes softened at me once he realized how shaken up I was as well. Taking both of my hands in his through the metal bars, he drew in a quick breath.

"You're going to get out of here alive, I promise principessa."

Theo frantically spoke, laying multiple kisses on the back of my dirty palm.

"I'm not leaving here without you."

Tears dropped from my eyes. I wasn't going to let him leave without me, not after everything.

A chorus of voices echoed through the dungeon, the sound of footsteps drawing closer with each passing moment.

"They're coming,"

I whispered.

Theo's jaw clenched with determination as he redoubled his efforts, his wand flashing with renewed intensity. But as the door remained stubbornly locked, a sense of dread settled over me like a suffocating blanket.

"You failed us, Nott,"

One of them sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Your father's favoritism has blinded you to your duty."

Another death eater, his face twisted with rage, stepped forward, his wand pointed menacingly at Theo.

"You were entrusted with a mission, and you let sentimentality cloud your judgment. You're nothing but a disgrace to the cause."

Theo's jaw clenched with suppressed fury as he faced down his accusers, his stance defiant despite the weight of their condemnation.

"I did what I had to do,"

He retorted, his voice ringing out with steely resolve.

"And I'll do it again if it means protecting the ones I care about."

But before the argument could escalate further, a burst of magic shattered the tension, sending the death eaters reeling back in surprise. And then, amidst the chaos, a group of familiar faces emerged from the shadows, their wands blazing with righteous fury.


I exclaimed, relief flooding through me as I caught sight of the loyal house-elf standing alongside Harry, Hermione, Ron, and a Gringots goblin?

Dobby's eyes sparkled with determination as he nodded, his voice filled with unwavering resolve.

"Dobby is always here to help, his friends."

Without hesitation, Harry and his companions sprang into action, engaging the oncoming horde of death eaters in a fierce battle that raged throughout the dungeon. Spells flew through the air like arrows, each clash of magic sending sparks flying in all directions.

Amidst the chaos, Theo sent me flying towards the back wall of the dungeon so that no spell were to come directly towards me. When a sudden dark witch appeared from a black cloud in front of me. Bellatrix.

She wasn't laughing this time, she wasn't waiting for the perfect moment, she had her wand raised, ready to strike me square in the chest. And then, just as my death seemed within reach, Dobby magically found himself between us, snapping his fingers and instantaneously Bellatrix's wand flew across the dungeon landing in his hands.

"You stupid elf! How dare you take a witches wand! How dare you defy your master!"

A sudden gust of wind submerged me and the witches and wizards that fought outside the gates stood strong beside me.

"Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf and he has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Dobby stood tall, defying the witch and the new comers that stood beside her. Swiftly we all joined hands and with a surge of magic, the world around us twisted and warped, and in an instant, we were transported away from the chaos of the dungeon to safety.

The new sense of light seemed to blind me in ways I wasn't sure could ever be seen again. I peered around me and there they all were, wow, they looked terrible. Hermione looks as if she had seen a ghost. Harry was kneeled down holding-he's holding Dobby.

Disregarding the world around me, I ran to his side where Dobby lay lifeless in the arms of Potter. My hand trembled, covering my mouth to withhold the cry that might erupt from within me. Dobby was the house elf I turned to during my younger years spent at the Malfoy Manor, where as Mattheo and I played with him rather than beat him around like the other boys did.

A strong hand gripped my shoulder, pulling me towards them to diminish my discomfort. I could tell Theo didn't care for the house elf, but in this moment he did. Without Dobby, all of us would be dead.

"I want to bury him,"

Harry choked on his tears, speaking to all of us that had surrounded him and Dobby.

"a proper burial, no magic."

Looking around once more, the group that once would light up the halls and teachers mood simply with their presence now had a dark cloud casted over them that didn't seem to want to clear up. The boy who was always nice to me, considering my status, was broken far beyond repair.

The know-it-all Hermione seemed to not want to retain anything anymore. And the crazed red head that only ever cracked jokes, even when they annoyed me the most, looked upon the elf with no joy left to be spread anymore.

We all sat in silence, mourning the death of our savior, the death of our childhoods, one that I never thought of until I saw those around me were as deeply affected by this as I was, even the man who had me wrapped in his strong arms.

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