Beginnings and Endings


213 3 8

When Bucky Barnes finally gets his daughter back he leaves to move into the country side with his daughter an... Еще

I'm leaving
no name
Are you ok?
Test Test Test
What now?
Not yet
Clever girl
Killer Queen


3 0 0

Alice walked into the library with the doctor and looked at it in awe "This is just- wow" she looked at him with a look that said 'Can I look?' "Of course you can look silly, you don't have to ask" he smiled at her, motioning her to go look

She chuckled happily then ran to a bookshelf and dragged her fingers gently across the books, both old and new, feeling the crease of each well loved book

"God's I don't even know how many books are in here" he chuckled "Don't even know where I got half of them from"

Alice stopped at a book and gasped loudly "What?" he looked at her 

"Nordic myths and legends!" she smiled brightly, gently pulling it out of it's spot 

"Oh yea, my mother gave me that one" he walked over to her, a sad look on his face

"Oh" she looked up at him 

"You can keep it if you like" he looked at the book, gently tracing the gold lettering on the book 

"Really?" she asked, where voice trying to not sound excited

 "Yea, I never got to pass it down to my daughter so, you can have it" he smiled "

Ok" she smiled a little before the doctor sniffed loudly 

"I'm gonna go check on your brother, you can look for more books if you want" he walked out

Alice quickly walked over to where Freddie was laying to see him awake "I'm not dead you lax, don't worry" he smiled as she sat down

"Have you find any other books?" the doctor asked her

"Yea, I found Alice's adventures in wonderland, and" she looked at Freddie and handed him a book "your favorite"

"Hamlet?" he sat up gently, a hopeful look on his face 

"No, the biography of George Washington" she spoke sarcastically

"Oh, haha" he made a ock laugh and looked at the book with a smile, gently flipping through the pages

"Oh, you like Shakespeare?" the doctor looked at him

"I love Shakespeare" Freddie smiled

"Oh, we can't go to the Salem witch trials, I'd get burned the second we walked in" Alice spoke abruptly

"Wasn't planning on going there anyway, I owe a guy a chicken" he chuckled

"Why do you owe someone a chicken?" Freddie raised an eyebrow

"Long story, you know I got married to Queen Elizabeth the first" ge chuckled 

"Is that right" she raised an eyebrow, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips

"Also, small question, when I told you who I was, you not only said what as if you know me, but you were more surprised than most, and Fred knew that controlling the TARDIS took 6 people" he leaned forward "How is that?"

Alice looked at Freddie who abruptly spoke quickly "You're a fictional character in this universe"

"Fic- universe?" he was taken aback and leaned back into his chair "Wow, that's- that's new"

"Well, you have time to process it" she smiled reassuringly

The doctor clapped one before smiling "It's not like I haven't seen weirder, I mean a creature used my voice once"

"I am deathly afraid of that episode, ugh" Alice's body shivered a sound of disgust escaping her lips

The TARDIS had landed on a rift to charge up and when the doctor looked out the door her saw a man running towards it and stepped out "Oh gods" Alice saw who it was and Freddie smiled softly

"Jack Harkness, nice to meet you" He shot a wink at Freddie while walking over "Don't flirt with my brother" Alice glared at him "I would never" he smirked

"Isn't that right pretty boy?" he looked over to Freddie

"Ye-yea" Freddie blushed, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips as Alice glared at him "Quit glaring" the doctor glanced at her with a stern look

Freddie was sitting somewhere on the TARDIS zoned out, Alice threw a stuffed animal at him, naturally, "Ow, what the fuck?!" he looked at her 

"Had to get you out of it somehow" she shrugged 

"You could have shook me!" he stood up 

"Well that's not fucking fun is it!" she groaned

"Oi! Language" the doctor looked at them both

"Why should I watch my language?" Freddie sighed, looking at him

"Because this is my TARDIS" he crossed his arms

"I can't promise that I will" Alice placed her hands on her hips

"I'll leave both of you on midnight if you don't stop" he gave her a stern look "We'll stop" they both said at the same time

"Good" he smiled then went back to working with the console "and don't throw things at your brother"

"Fine" she sighed, crossing her arms as she sat down

It was the night before Alice's 17th birthday and she was in the library, drinking tea while reading a book when the doctor walked in

"What are you doing up so late?" he walked over to her "You have a big day tomorrow"

"Can't sleep" she sat her cup of tea down with a sigh after taking a sip

"Oh, wanna talk about it" he sat beside her

"I'm scared, all my birthdays suck" she put a bookmark in the book and shut it gently "What if something happens on this one too?"

"Nothing will happen, I promise" he reassured her "In fact, I'll make sure that it's the best birthday you've ever had, a nice cake, gifts, fun" he smiled at her

"Ok" she nodded, smiling back "fun"

"Now, let's go to bed" he requested as she nodded, finishing her tea then standing up, the book still in her hands

Alice was laying in bed, looking at the ceiling, the doctor sitting beside her, making sure she fell asleep without any problems "I'm scared I might lose him" she spoke

"What?" his brows furrowed

"Freddie, I'm scared someone might come to kill him, someone I know" her voice wavered

"Oh, sweetheart, I promise you won't lose him, as long as you're with me you'll both be alive" he moved her from face

"Ok" she yawned "Good night Doctor"

"Good night Alice" he smiled, kissing her forehead as she slowly fell asleep before standing up and walking out, shutting the door gently

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