Test Test Test

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(AN: Trigger warning: involves mentions of murder)

"I know this might be a bit hard Alice, you're getting a test from the smartest man on the planet" Freddie sat a stack of papers in front of her "If you made it so the questions are-" she started "Don't worry they don't have extremely large words, I know how you struggle with them" he smiled softly
"Also your parents are out on a mission, so" he sat down "Ok, now shush, I have a test to take" she looked at the stack of papers in front of her "Ok miss bossy pants" he laughed as she started the test

About 2 hours later Alice had looked at Freddie "Done" she handed him the papers "Alright" he took the papers

About an hour later Freddie was talking to Bucky on the phone "Good news, she passed" he said "That's great, means she can take that stupid GED test and not deal with those idiot kids" Bucky said over the phone

"So?" Alice asked him "You're able to drop out" Freddie smiled "Yay" she smiled back "Yay indeed, also your dad is at the compound helping my dad with something, and your mom is with Yelena" he sat down "Ok" she smiled softly

Alice was walking with Freddie to Tony's lab when the place looked wrecked "What the hell-" he looked around "Did they fight again?" she grabbed something from the desk "I doubt this happened from a fight between them" he sighed and picked up a book "Then what happened?" she looked at him "Someone must've taken them, but how does one take your dad?" he looked back at her

She walked over to him and looked at the book "Someone who knew his weakness" she practically snatched the book from his hand "What's going through your head?" he asked "Something I never wanted in my head after I got out" she sighed "Got out of where?" his brows furrowed "I'll tell you on the way come on" she dropped the book then ran out of the room to the the hanger

Alice and Freddie were flying while she was frantically typing on the computer "Strike those keys any harder and they'll fall off" He looked back at her "Sorry" she sighed then walked up to the front "So?" he watched as she sat down "Grant Ward, that's who took them" she spoke softly as she put in some coordinates "And that's who exactly?" he looked to the front of him "My trainer" she sighed as she looked down "Your trainer?" he raised an eyebrow "During HYDRA" she took a deep breath

Once they had landed to where Ward was located Alice ran off the jet looking for Ward anywhere and once she was spotted him she ran and tackled him to the ground "Looks like you've still got it" he sighed "shut up" she spat at him "Did you have to tackle him" Freddie asked "Yes, yes I did" she looked up at him "Where are they?" He had asked him "Where's who" Ward teased "You know damn well who" she tilted his head up but the hair "Oh, your fathers, they're tied up in the woods somewhere" he let out a small whimper of pain as she pulled his head up

"Well, one of them" he chuckled "What does that mean?" she furrowed her brow "One of them is dead, I think it was the rich one" he smirked

Suddenly Freddie's whole world went quiet, the birds squawking, the wind blowing, Alice tugging on his jeans and calling his name "Freddie?" Alice gently tugged his jeans "Kill him" he spoke with a fiery tone as he walked off "Get up" she dragged Ward off the ground "What? Scared to kill me while I'm on the ground" he teased "No, I'm gonna be nice and let you fight back
As Alice was throwing her punches and stopping his punches with her magic or just her bare hands she stood, staring at Ward "You know, for someone who has gotten so good with her senses, you still can't sense one of my lies" he scoffed "What is that supposed to mean?" she stopped and looked at him with a hard glare "I'll give you time to click the piece together" he smirked wickedly

Once she realized the wind picked up and her eyes gained a purple hue as her fingers were surrounded by the swirls of her magic "What, you think I'm scared of a little girl?" he covered his fear with a laugh before Alice blasted him with her magic and made a gun appear in her hand and walked over to him

He was sitting up from how he fell when he got blasted and looked at her "You're not gonna do it" he teased "Yes I will, no person, no child, should have to go through what you put me through" the purple hue went back to her piercing green eye color as she glared at him "Well, if you're going to kill me, you should know, your mother is dead too"

She shot him in the head just before he started to speak then walked back to the quinjet and walked over to Freddie "You ok?" she asked as she sat down "No" he sighed, wiping tears from his eyes "Want a hug?" she looked at him sadly "I want a cigarette, but these quinjets are smoke free so" he crossed his arms "So no?" she watched as he was lost in thought "Oh go ahead" he smiled softly as he felt her wrap her arms around him

About 30 minutes had passed of them just sitting there "Alice?" Freddie looked at her "Yea?" She looked at him as her eyes were a bit red "He said that only one of them was dead, why aren't you looking for your dad?" he noticed the tears in her eyes "Ward lies a lot and I fell for another one of his lies" she spoke softly and looked back at the control console to start the jet

Freddie just walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her as he turned the jet off since he didn't want her to fly while crying, Alice just started sobbing into his arms, feeling Freddie's sleeve getting wet on her face "It's not your fault Alice" he spoke gently "Yes it is" she mumbled

After a few minutes of Freddie convincing Alice that it wasn't her fault he gently cupped her face "Okay? Ish?" he asked gently "Mhm" she nodded gently "Ok, let's go home" he looked at the control console
"Are you sure you're ok? Because you don't look it, and your body language says otherwise" he looked over to her for a moment "No" she sighed, wiping tears "Wanna talk about it?" he put the jet on autopilot and turned to her fully "It just feels like the universe is testing every one of my nerves" she spoke gently with a soft sigh "Why would you think that?" he wiped some of her tears "It's just test after test after test, first Jason after Peter died, then that last day of school, now my dad" she looked at him

"None of what has happened is your fault Alice" he reassured her "Yes it is, it's always my fault" she shook her head softly "No it's not" he wiped the tears pouring from her eyes "How? How is it not my fault Freddie?" she took her hand through her hair

"It just isn't, because you've done nothing wrong by choice that could make the universe hate you" he spoke gently as he moved the wet strand of hair off of her face "Fine, whatever" she chuckled softly "Good" he smiled softly as he wiped the rest of her tears from her face then gently kissed her forehead

"Freddie" Alice looked at him as they were back home in her room "Yea?" he looked up from the book he was reading "Thank you" she smiled faintly "For what, exactly?" he raised an eyebrow "Being the big brother I never had" she smiled a little more "You're welcome" he smiled back as he put his bookmark in his book then closed it and sat beside her

"You should get some sleep though, you look exhausted" he put an arm around her shoulder and gently took his fingers through her hair "I'm fine" she sighed, resting her on her shoulder as she closed her eyes "Are you? Alice I can feel your exhaustion" he rubbed her arm "Fine, I'll go to sleep" she smiled softly and yawned as she slowly fell asleep "Sleep well" he gently kissed her head before gently getting up and laying her down while gently pulling the cover over her 

Beginnings and EndingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora