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"Come on Alice, wake up, please" Freddie spoke softly as he sat back down after making tea "Don't go, not yet" he kept muttering "You still have a life to live, places to see, people to meet, things to make"

A few hours had past and Freddie fell asleep with his head resting on the arm of the couch when he woke up with a soft gasp and remembered the fact that his face was absolutely covered in blood, then went to the bathroom and wiped his face off and cleaned it staring at himself in the mirror, a small fear in his eyes, not because was scared of what he did, but because he didn't want to lose the only person he had left who understands him

"Should probably clean that body up" he mumbled to self as he went to his room to change

Once he was done he sat back down beside Alice, moving hair out of her face and feeling her pulse "You'll be ok Alice, I promised you we would be ok, and I'm not about to break that promise" he whispered gently before kissing her forehead

About 12 hours later Alice had finally woken up, she slowly opened her eyes and saw Freddie in the kitchen making tea "Freddie?" Her voice was quiet but she was still able to be heard from across the room

He quickly ran over to her "Hey, you ok?" he sat down in the chair "Yea, just, I can feel my heart beating against my ribs, I don't like it" she groaned gently as she sat up "Hey, you shouldn't be moving yet" he grabbed her arm gently "I'll be fine, what happened with Evelyn?" She turned to look at him

"I shot her" He looked down slightly "O-oh" her eyes widened softly "Yea" he looked back at her "Did you clean the body up?" she asked "Now, I wanted to make sure you wouldn't die first" his voice was soft "Well, you should go clean it" she sighed "Yea, I'll go do it" he stood up then walked out the door

About an hour later Freddie walked back into the house to see Alice drawing on the couch "Hey" he sat down beside her "Hi" she looked at him "A little better?" he asked "I can't feel the pounding anymore and my breath feels like I'm not controlling it anymore so, a little yea" she smiled softly "Good" he kissed her forehead gently "Yea, good" she smiled a little more

A few days later Alice was in the kitchen making fish sticks with Freddie sitting on the counter as he watched her putting them in the oven "Does it hurt? Your body fighting back" he asked "A little yea, you know, phantom pain" she sighed, looking at him"Oh, that must suck" he smiled softly "Not really, it's not as bad as being tortured" she chuckled softly "Do you always laugh off your pain?" he tilted his head "Yea, it helps me not think about it" she looked down "Well, you should talk about it sometimes" he looked at her with a gentle look "Yea" she sighed

"Have you ever had a dream so real, you thought it wasn't a dream?" A voice spoke over an intercom "Yes, where am I?" Alice asked "Intensive Care Unit" the voice said calmly "What- Why?" she tried sitting up but couldn't, it was like she was tied down "You got into a car crash"

"But I can't even drive- What's your name exactly?" Her voice was panicked

"My name is Emma" the voice sounded calm "And I advise you stay calm as we take standard medical procedures"

"No- What-" She saw needles come from the walling, coming to her skin "No! Get me out of here!" She cried out, she never liked needles, not after HYDRA

Eventually Alice woke up screaming, sitting up and sitting there, breathing deeply, shaking softly as tears welled up in her eyes, Freddie ran in and sat beside her "Alice?" his voice was worried

"It was- What was it-" she said to herself

"What was what?" he moved her out of her eyes

"I was in a white room, there was a voice, her name was Emma, I was in the ICU, they-" her voice was getting even more shaky with each word, causing her powers to swirl around her fingers

"Hey, deep breaths, you're powers will hurt you again, you're still recovering" he spoke gently "Come here" he pulled her into his chest, placing a hand on her head and gently stroking her hair "It's ok, you're safe"

"Why won't the pain go away Freddie, why won't just stop" she sobbed gently into his chest

"I don't know Al, I don't know" he whispered gently into her hair

"It might as well just end me" she sighed, wiping tears slowly as she was still being held in his arms
"Hey, don't say that, you're not going to let Evelyn win and have you die, even if she is dead, I'm not letting you go, not yet" he lifted her head to look up at him "Don't ever thing that you can't get through this pain, because the Alice I know wouldn't let some power killing her get to her head"

"It's not that it's killing me, it's just that- I don't want you to lose me" she looked at him, not in the eyes but somewhere around them

"I know you don't, that's why you're fighting so hard, and you act like it doesn't hurt but it does, I can feel it" he moved hair out of her face again

"You can feel everything I feel" she chuckled softly

"Yea, it's like that with everyone, but it's more with you" He smiled softly "It's because you care more than most, because no matter what type of hell you went through growing up you still manage to care about people"

"Yea, I guess so" she sighed, sniffling softly

"Don't let anyone take away your heart Alice, no one" he gently kissed her forehead

"Ok" she smiled "I won't"

"Good, now get some sleep, you need it" He looked at her "I have something planned tomorrow, I think you'll like it" she smiled back

"What is it?" she asked

"It's a surprise" he chuckled "Now, sleep"

"Can you at least stay here?" she asked, her eyes still filled with sadness

"Yea, come here" He pulled her back into his chest, holding her gently as he was leaned against the wall, letting her fall asleep with her head on his chest and her legs sprawled out onto the bed "You'll be ok, I promise" he whispered into her hair softly as she fell asleep

Beginnings and EndingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora