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About a year had passed and Freddie and Alice were still traveling with the doctor, it felt a bit dull without Donna to make a sarcastic remark to things the doctor would say since she had to stop traveling with them after what happened with the Daleks, but luckily Alice had the same sarcasm, which quite frankly made everyone on the TARDIS smile when she would sass them off

Alice was running to the Doctor and Freddie back to the TARDIS away from some people that were chasing them, once they got in there Alice had quickly locked the doors as the Doctor was putting a place to go into the control panel, once he was done he sat down, a slight groan of pain escaping his lips

"Doctor?" Alice turned her head to look at him while moving stray strands of hair out of her face, then walked over to him with furrowed brows and an increased heart rate then saw a rip in his shirt with blood staining it "No"

"You guys are gonna have to go home" he looked at her sadly as Freddie stood up after catching his breath and shook his head

"We're not leaving you" his accent slipping through the american one

"You have to" he sighed, Freddie nodded, quickly accepting it because he never liked fighting back against something that's most likely for safety, and as he felt the TARDIS land he walked to the door

"No! I'm not-" Alice started, tears blurring her vision and and a waver in her voice

"Alice, the TARDIS can get out of control during a regeneration, it won't be safe for you" a tear leaving his eye "I don't want to leave you guys either but I have to if it means keeping you safe"

"I don't care about safety! I'm not the person to stay safe, I'm staying!" she shouted through a stifled sob

"Freddie, can you-" he started as Freddie nodded then walked over and grabbed Alice's hand
"Alice come on, he won't be gone forever" He tried to walk her to the doors but she pulled her hand away causing Freddie to stumble back a bit

"I'm not going to fucking leave you here if it means there's a chance I won't see you again!" her russian accent somewhat coming out as more tears streamed down her cheeks, somewhat staining them

"Alice go, you could die" The doctor sat up with a painful grunt, trying to hold off the regeneration as long as possible

"So what? It wouldn't make a difference with all the pain I caused!" she shouted
"Alice, come on!" Freddie shouted from the doors as he saw Jack walk in from a hallway, "How did you-" he started but stopped before seeing a look on Jacks face that cleary said it wasn't the time so he nodded and looked back at Alice

"Alice you did not want to do what HYDRA made you do, and it would make a difference because there a still people who need your protection" he looked at her, holding his wound feeling it as more blood flowed out

Alice started to say something before she felt arms wrap around her and picked her up gently "No, let go of me!" she shouted, kicking her legs "Just- At least let me! She kept kicking before biting what looked like Jacks arms, he groaned as he lost his grip then pushed both him and Freddie out the door and locked them

"Alice!" Freddie shouted, knocking loudly on the door "Alice open these goddamn doors!"

She ran over to the Doctor and kneeled down "I can- I'm not going to leave you!" she cried a bit more as her heart rate got even quicker "There has to be- I'm-"

"Alice! Your powers can't fix this now go!" he shouted gently as tears left his eyes "I don't want to leave you but who knows where the TARDIS will land" he reasoned with her

"No! I don't care where I'll end up, I'm not leaving you! You don't deserve to be alone!" she shouted a bit louder

"Al-Alice look at me" he stammered as he felt more pain "I can't hold the regeneration off forever"

"I'm not leaving- I-" she started but stopped once she felt the doctor wipe the tears off her cheeks and move hair out of her face, he kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms to hug her

"You have to go" he whispered gently then pulled away "Please, I promise that you'll see me again"

Alice stepped out the TARDIS doors with their bags that had been packed about a day before which showed that the Doctor had known he was going to die within the next few days which made Alice even more upset with the situation, closing them behind her and watched as the TARDIS disappeared, tears streaming down her face and felt Freddie hug her "It's ok" he mumbled into her hair

"What if he can't come back? What if-" she sobbed into his chest getting cut off

"He'll be back, I know he will" he drug a hand through her hair, gently sitting down with her still in his arms "He may not look the same but it'll still be him, you know that" he looked at her and lifted her head up so she was looking at him "Ok?"

"Ok" she smiled softly, wiping her tears

Freddie looked at Jack who was looking down at them "I have to go to Cardiff, TORCHWOOD stuff" he frowned a little
"It's ok, I get it" Freddie smiled sadly

"You two take care of yourselves" he smiled "especially you pretty boy" he winked at Freddie

"Stop flirting with my brother" she gave a playful glare then stood up and gently hugged him "You take care of yourself too" she smiled softly as she pulled out of the hug

"We'll call you if any aliens come to New York" Freddie chuckled "Or if I get bored"

Alice and Freddie drove Jack to the closest airport and said they're final goodbyes before Freddie gave Jack enough money for a plane ticket to Cardiff then drove back home and walked into the house, setting their bags on the couch, Alice unzipped hers and grabbed the book she was given by the Doctor a year before and opened it to see an envelope with the Doctors quick handwriting For the day you have to leave me and grabbed it "Hey Freddie" she looked over at him

"Aye?" he walked over to her and saw the envelope "Oh"

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