no name

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Alice never had a name growing up it was always 'Soldat', she felt lost, and she still does because she doesn't even know if Alice is her name, she never had a birth certificate, she never went to hospitals or the dentist, it was always the medbay at a hydra base she was staying in, she never went to a school, not until 4th grade anyway, that's only because hydra made a fake birth certificate and medical records, the name they gave her was Alice. They said that they chose that name because in the German language it means "Noble" and "Exalted" since she was the best killer of her youth, she hated the reasoning as to why they gave her that mane but she also found it so beautiful, and everyday after school once she was done with homework and training she had to do ballet, she was told it was as graceful as her, they told her she was perfect when it came to her tactics, then one day, she started to stop being so perfect due to school and training being everyday, and that's when they started calling her weak, so she strived to be better, but she never was, so now, forever and always, she still feels lost. 

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