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Alice woke up one morning about 3 years later and stretched "Wait a minute" she mumbled, looking at her phone to see what day it was "Shit!" she quickly got up, pulled her hair up into a messy bun then ran down the stairs and into the kitchen

"I heard shouting, what's wrong?" Freddie looked at her while putting toast on a plate
"Today's the 19th" she sat down
"So?" he smirked softly

"How in the hell did I forget my own birthday?" she sighed "Don't tell me you forgot"

"I didn't forget, I got you a cupcake before you woke up though" she smiled and handed her a cupcake while lighting the candle "Make a wish"
Alice smiled then closed her eyes and thought for a moment before blowing out the candle and pulling it out "Did you sleep well?"

"Yea, what'd you wish for?" he sat down

"I can't tell you, then it wouldn't come true" she smiled and sighed as she heard a knock at the door "It's 9 am, who's visiting us" she stood up and grabbed a knife

"Put the knife down, not everyone who knocks at the door is trying to kill us" he grabbed the knife gently from her hand

"I'm 20 years old, I'll do whatever I like" she winced as she said 20 "Oh, I'm seriously 20 years old?"

"Yea, have fun with that, now go open the door" he waved her off

"But my cupcake" she frowned

"Go!" he gave her a stern look

"Fine" she walked to the door and opened it and saw a tall, skinny man who looked like he was in his late 40s "Yes?"
"Thought you'd know who I was if you knew all my face with the show" he smiled softly

"You-" her eyes went wide
"Who is it?" Freddie walked over and looked over her shoulder "Doctor?"
"Yea, wanted to stop by, say happy birthday" he smiled

"You remembered?" Alice smiled

"Of course I did" he smiled "Also, I got you this" he pulled a necklace out of his pocket that had an amethyst pendant

"I love it" she smiled, taking it

"I can only stay for so long, there's stuff I have to do, just got this face so the TARDIS could fly off at any moment so" he smiled sadly

"It's ok, I get" she smiled softly

"It was nice seeing you Doctor" Freddie smiled

A few hours later Alice was sitting on the couch drawing when there was another knock at the door "Can I not have a peaceful birthday?" she groaned and stood up walking to the door
"Guess not" Freddie sighed

When Alice opened the door she saw a face she very obviously knew that it was HYDRA just by the pin on the suit and immediately shut the door grabbing her gun from the table, put it on safety mode and grabbed her jacket, putting it on then putting the gun in her inside pocket and put a chair under the doorknob
"Who is it?" he stood up

Alice shook her head and mouthed "Backdoor" she used her magic to quickly shut the curtains then quickly and quietly ran to the back door, she quickly opened it then ran out, running with Freddie down a path in the woods, after about 10 minutes of running they stopped to breath "HYDRA found us" she spoke while panting

"How?!" his accent slipping
"I don't know" she sighed then heard some people running "Shit, come on"

They kept running down the path eventually reaching an end that had a small cliff leading to a lake at the bottom "Don't tell me we're gonna have to jump" he groaned

"I just won't tell you them, but HYDRA is chasing us so" she looked at him
"Fine" he rolled his eyes then grabbed her hand as they jumped

Once they landed ALice quickly pulled her head above the water and pulled her gun out of her pocket then throwing it onto the dry land near by and saw how Freddie was struggling, she pulled him out of the water then swimmed to the land and pulled him up, he coughed up the dirty water and sat up "You can't fucking swim?!" she threw her hands up for a second before grabbing her gun

"Yea, it's why I was hesitant to jump" he stood up

"Well that would've been good to know 2 minutes ago! I would have found a different way" she sighed "You're ok now though right?" she raised an eyebrow

"Yea, how long do you think we have until they catch up to us?" He put his hands on his hips

"Uhm" she closed her eyes to think "5 minutes"

"Then we should get going" He ran off again, as Alice followed after him, they ran through a thick patch of trees before getting into a clearing

Alice stopped to catch her breath and looked around then saw a building in the distance "Come on" she ran towards the building and looked in to see it was a warehouse, she looked up to see a sign "Since when did SHIELD have a warehouse in the woods?"
"Doesn't matter is the door is unlocked?" he sighed, catching his breath as Alice tried the door, she mumbled a few swear words as it wouldn't open

"Ok uhm" she though for a moment walked to the side of the building and saw a ladder "Come on" she ran to the ladder and climbed up with with Freddie following after, once she got the the top she stood up and looked around "How well do you think you could fit in a vent?" she looked at him
"Look at me" he gave her a look "I am the type of person to fit in a vent"

"No need for sass, come on" she ran over to a vent and opened it then dropped inside and started crawling with Freddie following after

After about 3 minutes they had found a vent that led to an empty room and dropped down, Alice felt for a light switch and when she found one she flicked it on and saw they were in a room that had flashlights and and batteries scattered on the floor "Great"

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