MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Kil...

By NerezaAddington

22.6K 908 666

𝗠𝗱𝗡𝗱𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗔: Exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing. Moving back into... More

first glance
convenience store
the chemistry assignment
missing posters
Take matters into your own hands
Mischief and eavesdrop
cross my heart
Hope to die
Stick a needle in my eye
Watch me make this solemn oath
Pearce my skin
break my bones
If i shatter this hope
The aftermath
Case closed
Allies formed
Important announcement

sharing cigarettes

877 34 24
By NerezaAddington

'Are you serious right now?'

Y/n Glanced at Elio and bit the inside of his cheek when he saw that Elio was now not staring holes into him, but looking out a window.  'So we are gonna have to work together?  This is going to be ´fun´. Damn it'

The teacher paired the rest of the students into groups of two and instructed them to go sit next to their partners and begin discussing their assignment. Y/n rubbed his palms on his pants and stood up to walk over to the seat next to the black-haired boy. 

Y/n took the chair nearest to Elio and moved it to touch the side of his desk. Elio visibly tensed up when the scraping of a chair came closer to him but refused to look anywhere but out the window.  Y/n noticed his reluctance to acknowledge him. "So do you have suggestions on what we should do the essay about?"

No response. 

Y/n´s eye twitched lightly. "I was thinking perhaps we could do the essay about Electrochemistry. you know, the relationship between electrical potential change and identifiable changes? Has that already been discussed?" Once again. no response. "...Look. Elio-" The black haired snapped his head towards Y/n. "You...remember me?" He whispered in disbelief.

Y/n raised his eyebrows "Yes?.."

'So they didn't lie..'

The h/c haired boy chuckled "What? Did you actually think I'd forget one of my closest friends?" Elio gave him an uncertain look "I suppose you are correct..." He adjusted his glasses. "It hurts me to think you have such low expectations of me Eli." The black-eyed male once again gave him a look of irresolution.

"So, should we do the assignment about Electrochemistry?" The black haired boy nodded lightly "Should we work on the assignment at your house or mine?" 

"Yours." Elio answered immediately "Me and Roy are currently residing in the Pierce habitation, it would be inefficacious to try and work with those uncivilized fools around."

"you are?"

Elio furrowed his brow in slight irritation "Yes. we are...housemates, one could say. Howbeit, They can be insufferable."

"You're unequivocal in your opinions of them." The black haired grimaced at his words "Not about them. about their ways of behaving. They're too careless, too often." Y/n arched a brow "By what i'm hearing it sounds like you are the one cleaning up their mess regularly."


"Well! Let's start planning out the assignment, we have been slacking off for a while."

"Ugh! This is frying my brain. When is this class over" Y/n complained and put his head on the desk where Elio was working. The black haired looked at him with a blank look. "You haven't done anything apart from looking up the Beginning of electrical matters in the sixteenth century...and it's not even relevant to the part of the essay we're currently working on."

"Cut me some slack Elio. I'm not as smart as you when it comes to these things" His voice muffled from the desk. 

"...I figured as much." The h/c haired boy straightened up from his slumped stance "What's that supposed to mean?!" Elio closed his eyes "I think we both know what I mean." Y/n  glowered at him. "I'm not gonna fall for the compliment fishing Y/n."  

Y/n rolled his eyes lightheartedly "Always so straightforward, huh Levine?" Elio flinched lightly at the mention of his surname. The h/c haired looked back at the chemistry book the teacher had lent out to him. A few moments of silence went by between the two. "I heard your mother is back in her respective position." Y/n lifted his head up to stare at the male agape "HUH?!" a few students around glanced at him in annoyance. 

'The f**k?'

'How the actual f-'

as if reading Y/n's thoughts the obsidian eyed male answered "Nova sent me a message. That's how I knew."  Y/n stared at Elio's vacant expression before he put a hand to his face in embarrassment. 'Gods...How did I think he'd found out? stalking? I need to pull myself together.' 

Y/n bit the inside of his cheek "Yeah, she's back in her position." Elio stayed silent. "She told me the other detective...uh, died. Don't know how or who he was, regretfully. I hope they find the culprit."  Y/n put his palm to his cheek in contemplation. Fluttering his lashes over his eyes.

"It's been three years and they haven't found anything, about the murderer, I wouldn't count on it, especially if the police is so incompetent as now. I would be impressed if the police force found them."

The e/c eyed male opened one eye "You sound irked." 

"Of course I am, this person has been creating chaos in this town for ages. and the fact that it"s not even a big town and they haven't caught the murderer in three years is just sad."

Y/n closed his eyes again and hummed "Hm. I see your point.  But...I don't think that's the whole picture.." 

"What do you mean?"

Y/n shrugged "No it's nothing."

Elio stared at him for a few seconds but didn't pry for any more answers turning his gaze back to his work. The duo continued to work in silence for the rest of the lesson. Eventually, the bell sounded once again. Elio packed up his things without sparing the h/c haired boy another glance and left the room. The h/c boy was left alone in the classroom looking to the door where his chemistry partner had swiftly existed moments prior. 

'Did he have a tantrum because I wouldn't explain myself to him?' Y/n proceeded to collect his things and bid the teacher farewell as he began making his way to the bustling cafeteria.

"What?! You are partnered up with Elio Levine for chemistry?!" Kiara shoved her face near the e/c colored boy. Her eyes twinkled with inquisition. "Yes...that's what I said. like four times now." Kiara looked like she was about to faint in exhilaration, she leaned back in her chair to harshly grab Clark's arm who was sitting quietly next to the black haired girl "Clark! Did you hear that?" Clark gave her a tortured look "Yes."

 the female didn't regard the brunette further as she turned back to Y/n "That's like a blessing from the higher power above Y/n! Not only is he super intellect which guarantees a good grade, But he's so good-looking!" she mused "And you've been seeing the Pierce brothers as well! you have practically hit the jackpot!" 

Clark let out a humorless scoff at the girl's naivete. Kiara in return sent him a sharp look, but just as quickly her face turned back to a swooned grin directed at the h/c haired male "I'm not kidding! they're perfect, out of this world even!" 

"Perfect on the outside maybe."   Clark's comment once more made the female turn her eyes to him in an irritated scowl. "What's your problem with them?!" 

"What's your problem with them, Kiara? You're treating them as if they're some sort of saints just because they look attractive!"

"It's not just their looks! They're nice people! everyone knows that! you don't like them just because they keep to themselves but still are popular, they may seem like loners, but they are kind are individuals." 

As the two friends started bickering, Y/n internally sighed 'Clark seems hostile towards them. But why? Did something happen between them?' Y/n glanced back at the group sitting on the other side of the cafeteria. The e/c eyed boy locked eyes with Ezra. The ash blond smiled at him and waved. 'From what I've noticed talking with them and knowing them for years...Kiara is right.'

"Y/n!" he was pulled out of his thoughts by Kiara. "Who do you think is right?" Clark frowned in disapproval at his best friend "Dont drag him into this." Kiara ignored him and looked at y/n expectedly "Well?" Y/n bit the inside of his cheek and stared around to delay his answer but found no reason to further deny his response.  "I don't know, I've not been here long enough to give an accurate observation" Kiara gave him a dirty look. "That is such a lie you have known them for-" 

"Kiara. Stop that's enough" Clark's voice scolded. the female shut her mouth and made a displeased expression "Whatever..." She mumbled something incoherent.


School ended and students were slowly but surely leaving school. The h/c haired boy too was walking down a corridor of the school after his final class. 'I wonder why Kiara got so defensive? She has been acting strange ever since yesterday...did I upset her?'  The boy stopped in his tracks. ' Perhaps I should apologize to her tomorrow. just in case I did hurt her.'  

"Are you going home?" a friendly voice sounded. Y/n tilted up his head.

"Oh. Hey Ezra, yeah I am." Ezra hummed and tilted his head at an angle "Sorry If I sound invasive but I noticed during lunch that you and your friends had a bit of tension going on, is everything okay?"

Y/n stared at the ash blond for a few seconds before looking to the side. "No just..the normal friend arguments" Ezra gave him an unconvinced look "The normal friend arguments? I'm not quite sure I follow." Y/n felt slight anxiety scratch at his mind as he tried to come up with a plausible excuse, all while Ezra was looking at him with a smile dripping with patience.  'I can't just say we were debating whether he and the others are good people.' the boy retracted at the proposition of telling the male in front of him, the trio's subject of conversation that had taken place earlier.

The ash blond stared at him before he moved his gaze away to let the h/c haired breath relax his posture, glad that he didn't press on for an honest answer.  "Do you wanna exchange numbers? so we could keep in contact?"  Y/n gave him a perplexed expression before the question posed by Ezra sunk in. "Oh. Sure,"

The pair proceeded to trade numbers. As Ezra typed in his number, his eyebrows furrowed together "Is something wrong?" The h/c haired boy questioned. The blue eyed male neutralized his expression and gave back the rectangular device "No, it is seem to have a lot of unanswered messages from someone. They appear to be desperate, the messages are about in the hundreds.." 

Y/n stayed silent and searched his mind for a person to pin the action to but when he couldn't come to a conclusion he opened his phone. his blood thickened as he saw messages upon messages from his father. 

'What the-'

Y/n scrolled through the messages, it was full of pleading and begging him to come home.

Father: please come home.

Father: please.

Father: I miss you

father: Y/n, please

Father: I'm sorry I mistreated you, just come home.

father: I love you, please.

Y/n scrolled through the messages, he didn't buy the victim act, and just as he suspected, the recent messages had turned into threats.

Father: if you don't come home you'll regret it.

Father: come back right now.

Father: you f**king good for nothing. 

Father: how could you leave me alone? heartless bastard.

Father: come home or I'll kill you.

'How much do you wanna bet he was drunk while writing that?' Y/n grumbled and put his phone away before facing Ezra once again.

"You don't look very pleased. Is someone bothering you?" The h/c haired boy shrugged "Not really." Ezra narrowed his eyes in suspicion "Are you sure Y/n? I would hate to think someone is giving you a hard time"  Y/n smiled at him "Yea it's just my dad checking up on me. he can be pretty persistent". 

The ash blond looked at him in thoughtfulness "Okay, well, I hope he's doing good. I gotta get going, Nova is waiting on me. But I'll see you tomorrow or text you. Who knows." Ezra gave him a polite wave and went on his way leaving the boy on his lonesomeness. 

Y/n moved his hand through his hair 'Is lying to people gonna become an ongoing thing for me? He let out a frustrated exhale ' I need some air. away from prying eyes.' he began moving his feet to a destination to get peace of mind.

Y/n felt the cold air of the late afternoon and looked up at the saturated colors in the sky showing that the day was slowly coming to an end. He was now standing behind the school, it was a deserted place, not a lot of people came to this side of the school, it was mostly because of the lack of interest,  there was nothing for high school students to do, there was a incinerator for janitors to throw away garbage bags, together with some boxes filled with gardening tools that where used by the gardening club.

The h/c haired boy leaned against the brick wall of the building behind him and stared up at the sky with a faraway look 'Why did dad text me? He never did that before when I left home. I guess it's because this time left permanently...'

"Sup, Y/n." a voice sounded to his side and the boy stumbled a step aside and met locked sights with Roy Whitelock. Before his mind could stop him, he spoke up. "Why do you guys keep doing this?!" Y/n screeched lightly. the other boy gave him a disoriented expression "Excuse me?"

His mind was running with temporary adrenaline as he was still recovering from the unexpected company "First Nova, and then Ezra, and now you? Why do you?-" The male stumbled over his words as he felt his shock and botheration preventing him from forming sentences. "What are you even doing out here Roy?! shouldn't you go home?" he breathed out. Roy stared at him before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a Lighter and a cigarette, indicating he was out there to smoke.

The redhead glanced at Y/n with a slightly amused glint and put the orange part to his lips. "I rather not have my father knowing I smoke, not that I care, I just don't want to show it off to everyone."  he flicked on the lighter and the cigarette began burning, leaving a smoke of gray to rise towards the sky as the boy breathed out the smog.

Roy glanced towards The h/c haired male "And what are you doing here? You looked down. Something on your pretty mind?" he teased.  The male stayed silent as he once more looked up at the sky trying to focus on the colors that merged together.  "Not much of a talker, Huh? I can deal with that." Roy puffed out more smoke, leaving a smell of nicotine in the surrounding air making Y/n let out an inwards cough as some of the fumes reached his nose. 

The h/c haired bit the inside of his cheek "I just needed some fresh air." he peered at the scarlet haired boy at the last words hoping to emphasize his desire to be alone much to his expectation, Roy either didn't catch onto the implication or chose to ignore it, which made Y/n internally grunt out in annoyance at the boy.

Roy smirked "I understand that. People can be overwhelming. although I can't grasp why a pretty boy like yourself chose such a mundane place, You know, you could also get some fresh air in front of the school, right?" Y/n gritted his teeth at the redhead's inquiring. 

Roy Whitelock, Son of Ben Whitelock also known as the sheriff of Runswick. Roy was known as somewhat of a womanizer, not only to women but also to men. Everyone in town knew about his flirty mischiefs. Y/n couldn't blame them. Roy was magnificent, he often caught the attention of both genders with his striking eyes, his left eye was a vibrant lime green, whilst his right eye was vermilion red. he was the teasing type who left people weak in the knees and touch starved, but surprisingly never been in a relationship. 

"I wanted to avoid unneeded attention." Y/n crossed his arms. Roy observed his mannerisms before trailing his gaze down  his figure which made the h/c haired boy feel unease at the boy's analysing gaze 

"I feel like that's not the whole reason..." 

Y/n clenched his fists "Are you implying I'm lying to you?"  Roy put up his hands "Whoa there, font come at me I'm just simply making an observation based on your body language, I'm sorry you're not the best at hiding how you're body feels." he winked. Y/n felt his face heat up in embarrassment. "That's a cute expression Y/n." 

The h/c haired male leered into the male's mismatched eyes.  Just as he was about to bite back at Male's annoying blabber, his phone's ringtone sounded through the evening. He groaned and pulled out his phone and looked at the caller ID.


"There is no way.'  Y/n let the call go off knowing that if he deliberately declined the call, his father would get even more pissed. As the call stopped he put his phone back in his pocket, but before he could regard Roy, his phone went off once again. He took out his phone and begrudgingly watched the screen with his father's name indifferently. Roy raised a brow at Y/n's hesitation to pick up the call.

"It appears you don't wanna talk to the person calling." Y/n glared at Roy "No, Really? How did you come up with that idea?" he sarcastically snapped. "Just saying." 

Y/n rolled his eyes and looked back at his device and noticed messages flooding in, curiosity got the best of him, and clicked at his messages.

Father: Answer my call.

Father: Are you ignoring me you piece of S**t?


Father: I know you're seeing this.

Y/n made a painful expression, feeling an urge to throw away his phone and never look at it again. His rationality stopped him, knowing throwing away his expensive device would not be productive in the long run, so instead he silenced his notifications and put his phone back in his pocket. 

"I think i got the answer to my question." Roy said as he took another inhale of his cigarette. The h/c boy put his hands to his face and mumbled something unintelligible. It was silent between the two. Y/n peered through his fingers and noticed a cigarette in his vision and looked up at the arm that had outstretched itself towards him. "Here. helps relief the sh*tty feeling, for a while at least." the Redhead offered. 

Y/n  stared at him in disbelief "I'm not a smoker." he declined. "come on Y/n you won't die from a few puffs" Roy smirked. Y/n considered his claim while staring at the object being offered to him. 

The boy hesitated but took the Cigarette and looked at it in discomfort. He put it to his lips and breathed in but ended up coughing violently as his lungs rejected the unfamiliar substance. "You weren't joking, you really aren't a smoker, huh?" 

Y/n looked at him with a vexed expression. "you're stating it as if I'm the one who should feel ashamed, as though you aren't literally destroying your lungs and practically making sure you have an early funeral." Roy looked at him with amusement. Y/n rolled his eyes tried taking another inhale and started coughing as he felt his lungs burning once more. 

He quickly gave back the cigarette to the scarlet haired male. "Well, how was it?" Y/n gave him an incredulous look. Roy ignored his sights as he glimpsed up at the darkened sky "it's getting late, isn't it?" As the e/c eyed boy was made aware of the passing time, he hurriedly checked the time grumbling out in annoyance 'I missed the last bus. Damn it!' Roy noticed his displeased reaction and took the opportunity. "I can give you a ride home."

Y/n focused his attention on the boy "What?" Roy gave him a smirk "Do you want a ride home? my car is parked at front of the school." Y/n bit the inside of his cheek in consideration "Are you serious?" The scarlet haired gave him a firm nod.

"I mean, Yes thank you, i would appreciate it."  Roy gave him a lopsided grin and turned around to presumably walk to his vehicle. 

Y/n knew very well it wasn't smart to accept rides from strangers...but. Roy wasn't actually a stranger, Right? While the h/c aired male was lost in his thoughts the redhead turned back around and regarded him "Having second thoughts? I don't bite." he joked  "I'm coming!" he answered.

Roy smiled "Whatever you say, pretty boy."

The two made their way to the ruby haired car.  Roy unlocked the car and opened the door to the passager seat to let the h/c haired boy in, Y/n seated himself in the car and buckled his seatbelt and Roy closed his door to make his way to the driver seat, stepped into the car, and put the key into the ignition and the car roared to life. 

The road was empty, apart from the few cars that went past them, assumingly adults coming back from their shift, ever since the town curfew had been set in, employers had limited everyone's shift to a reasonable time that would allow the employees to safely get home, the only exception to this regulation was people working in the police force, local hospital and other necessary occupations, but still, then it was advised that every person went outside with at least one other coworker and stayed on high alert, especially during night hours. 

It was eerie to say the least, riding on an empty dark road, not that Y/n thought something was happening, it was just a gut feeling, an awareness in his consciousness that there was a maniac that could be lurking out there. He thought back to the creep in the forest and a shiver went up his spine as his eyes shifted to the passing trees. "Something the matter?" a silvery voice reached his ears and he looked over to the driver.

"What" Roy glanced at him "You were staring out the window for a few minutes, You alright?" Y/n bit the inside of his cheek "I was...thinking." 

"May I ask What?" Y/n shrugged  "Just, The town's state lately." Roy stayed silent for a few seconds before his face lit up in realization. "Oh." The boy furrowed his eyebrows "I heard during lunch from the others that your mom is lead detective again, how's that going for her?" Y/n shrugged "Dont know...haven't asked her about it. But she seems..." He thought back to his mother's almost paranoid behavior the day before. "I feel like this whole Runswick killer case is getting to her..." 

Roy gave him a sympathetic look "That doesn't sound very good for her, I do hope she doesn't get too carried like Detective Grey."  Y/n gave him a confused look  "Detective Grey before his passing, was said to have almost turned mad, becoming so entranced with the case that he started neglecting his health, even isolating himself in his home as if afraid someone would come for him"  

Y/n widened his eyes "That sound sad..but also disturbing." Y/n  stopped for a moment "You think perhaps...The killer caught up to him know" Roy peeked at him through his peripheral vision "Maybe, I've heard others speculate that.  I heard Detective had a personal folder he was working on but that it vanished."

The h/c haired boy gave him a look to which Roy gave a wink "Being the sheriff son's has its advances" Y/n hummed and once again stared out the window.


Roy's car pulled up at Y/n's house and he stopped the car to allow the h/c boy to step out. "Thanks for the ride, Roy." He gestured towards the redhead.

"Anything for you pretty boy~"  Roy mused before they said their goodbye and the scarlet haired once more started his car to be on his way. As Y/n stood staring at the car leaving his vision he remembered a certain detail that had been told to him that day. 'He and Elio live at the Pierce mansion if I'm I wonder why.' the boy dismissed the thought for another day and began descending up the driveway to the front door of his residence.

As he reached the porch of his house he noticed...a box? in front of his door was a small box, he narrowed his eyes to see if his vision might be deceiving him, but when he noticed the box was indeed there he strode up to box and picked it up. there was no address or signed name on it, it was just a plain brown cardboard box, it was surprisingly heavy for its size but nonetheless, he took it inside.  

As he went inside the threshold he noticed his mother sitting a the dinner table with a file folder. "Hey Mom." he greeted but got no acknowledgment from her. He sighed and began climbing up the stairs to his bedroom 

He set the box on his desk and stared at it debating whether he should inform his mother of the mysterious package. his curiosity eventually tugged at his brain and he took out some scissors from his drawer and began opening the lid.

the box was filled with packing styrofoam but it couldn't hide the stench that came out of the box as Y/n opened the lid and covered his nose as it got attacked with the awful smell. 'Gods, what the hell is that smell?!'

His free hand went into the box to try and take out whatever was in the box. 

His fingers suddenly touched something that made him quickly retract his hand. He stared at the box wide eyed. 

"What the f**k?!"

Author note: That its for today folks! hope you enjoy this chapter! it's one of my longer chapters 4575 words actually!

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