Wandering Off

By inchen1100101

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GabrielxReader. Sequel to a story I liked, but has been updated last in 2019, so, I decided to continue it i... More

In the morning
A Real Date
The School Dance
Secretly Leaving
Maman's Concerned Glare
Under Pressure
Walking On Thin Ice
You're what?!?
A tiny bit of Ladynoir
Hiding from the public
The Party
A doctor's call
This isn't a lovesquare, it's a fuckin' hexagon!
Unexperienced Lovers
Let's not make it awkward
Early breakfasts
How to keep a workaholic on bed rest
New Agreements
To our future together
Beautiful Pregnant Women
You must make a quick decision now!
Happy New Year!
It's still complicated
Starting In The Spring
Playing Cupid
New Relationships And A Lot Of Worries
Arrangements And Support

Dinner Date

40 3 4
By inchen1100101

The young teacher seemed to be really nervous and agitated when we went to Alya's room. Not even the conversation with the new mother could fully get her focused, and so I decided to ask her to come back home with us. Having recalled her and Nathalie to be old friends, I had a small hunch that she would be able to get Caline to calm down a little bit.

As soon as Miss Bustier heard me offer that, she smiled at me and agreed.

"That's a wonderful thought. Thank you."

I grinned and said.

"Well, after hearing the story about the two of you taking revenge on a certain woman, which ended in a kiss, I was curious to see you in one room together." I winked after I finished.

Caline blushed but immediately told me.

"Nath and I were the best friends back then. But she never was my type. As I wasn't hers. I have to admit that she is a really good kisser though."

I smirked even wider when I said.

"I very much agree to that."

Sean grunted as I did, and I giggled. The red-haired woman raised an eyebrow at me. Then she asked hesitantly.

"So, uhm, you and Nathalie did... But I thought you were with Mr Agreste before... How..."

I laughed out freely, and even my fiance couldn't hold back his smile.

"I'd like to see your reaction to 'that' story!" He chuckled at the teacher while I blushed deeply.

"Well, I was with Gabriel when Nathalie came to my room with me to help me find a dress for his birthday. We started joking around, and one thing led to the next until we all of a sudden were kissing. Then Gabriel walked in on us and was about to get angry when I suggested he could join us. And as neither of them wanted to make me cry once again because I was already pregnant then, which was the reason for Nathalie trying to help me find something to wear, they agreed and we had a really wonderful experience. We were all a bit in shock when then Sean called me and brought me to the hospital with him, where I found out that Nathalie got pregnant while we were... you know. And as he and I felt attracted to each other since the first examination he did at the beginning of my pregnancy with Paul, we got 'very' close while we waited for Gabriel to talk Nath out of having an abortion and do as I asked him to do, meaning finally confessing his feelings for her."

I took a deep breath after I had finished my story.

Caline stared at me open-mouthed.

"Holy shit! I could tell that Nathalie had feelings for her boss, but who would have thought she would be capable of going that far. Not that I am judging. But she was always so shy and tried to never show any of her emotions when we were teenagers. I can't wait to tease her with that. Thank you for telling me. You took a lot of my anxiety away. Now I think I can get through that dinner easily if my old friend all of a sudden opened up like that!" She exclaimed.

I groaned.

"I wasn't exactly planning on making Nathalie feel embarrassed, Caline. Is it okay if I call you Caline?"

She nodded.

"Of course it is. Nath and I were like sisters when we were younger. So you're kinda like family too, after you and her... I mean, I haven't seen her babies yet, but Adrien and Marinette have, of course, talked about them and shown pictures, and if they came to be while you were all three..."

I laughed as I nodded.

"Yeah, I made that joke too, right before Nath's water broke. I told her that those girls were somehow the babies of the three of us. But believe me, they look exactly like Nathalie. Paulie, on the other hand..." I babbled happily, barely noticing that we were already at the car. Taking out my phone, I mumbled.

"I should at least inform them that you're coming. I haven't heard from my mum, by the way. Sean, did Gisele say anything to you about her?"

My fiance shook his head.

"Even if she did, I wouldn't be allowed to tell you. But she hasn't mentioned anything. Not that we had any opportunity today. Maybe call your maman and ask her." He suggested.

I tried after sending a text to Nathalie. But when I called my mother's number, nobody answered, and eventually, I heard her mailbox recording, telling me to leave a message.

"That's odd!" I exclaimed. "Why would my mother turn off her phone when she knows I'll be waiting for any news from her?"

Sean shrugged and laid his arm around me to try and soothe me.

"I am sure that she's fine. Maybe the soon-to-be parents went for dinner somewhere. If they're still so overwhelmed as they were all day yesterday, they certainly simply forgot to send us any information."

"But what if anything is wrong with the baby or the pregnancy? I mean, my mother is already over forty. There could be so many issues just because of that!" I whined.

It was Caline who managed to calm me when she asked.

"Did I hear you right? Your mother is pregnant too? At the same time as you? That's wow. You're an odd family. And I mean that in a good way."

I giggled.

"Yeah, that's what Sean and I told each other. You're weird, but a good weird. He even had the guts to tell that to my face when I was in labour!"

The red head raised her brows to that and glared at my boyfriend.

He defended his words by telling her.

"We were in a lonely cabin in the mountains. She had just told me that she was in labour and at that moment I noticed that it was snowing. And my dearest girlfriend, who was just in a gap between two contractions, looked to the window and exclaimed. 'Oh really?' How would you have reacted? When I then was about to examine her and told her to relax, she looked at me as if I had offered to, well do very different things down there."

The young teacher could only shake her head over all the things she heard from us.

"Oh my, I can't wait to talk to Nathalie. If you have so many hilarious stories to tell already, what will she be spilling once I've gotten one or two cocktails into her?" She snickered with sparkling eyes.

"That's not going to happen!" I informed her. "Nathalie is still breastfeeding her girls and doesn't drink any alcohol for the time."

"Oh, well, I can wait." Came her response.

When we entered the mansion, Caline and Nathalie hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity. Both had to wipe their tears when they parted, but kept laughing at the other woman. Then the former assistant looked at me and laid her arms around me to pull me into a tight embrace.

"Thank you. If it wasn't for you, we probably wouldn't have made the time to meet in the close future. Sometimes,  it just takes a good friend, who decides to bring another friend back home with her." She then whispered into my ear, before kissing my cheek. Kissing, not pecking as we usually do to say hello.

Sean only grunted and laid his arm protectively around my waist, showing his claim on my affections.

I laughed at him, and the other two women quickly joined me.

"You don't have to be jealous, darling." I teased him. "Nathalie and I simply like to be a little more affectionate than most people. We both agreed not to do anything intimate without your and Gabriel's permission or at least knowledge."

He snorted to that statement. I turned around to face him and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"Better?" I asked and when he smiled and nodded, I continued. "Good. Then we can now go and find a hot, yet still classy dress for Caline. Do you have an idea already, Nath?"

The dark haired woman shook her head.

"Nope. But I spoke to Gabriel and we can look through all the drafts and dresses we have here in the storage room. I am sure, we can find anything that says, 'I am a sophisticated, attractive woman', without crying out 'Take me, I'm a slut!'" She told us laughing.

Caline blushed as she heard her old friend's words.

"I don't do that anymore. Taking them home with me after the first date, I mean." She tried to explain.

Nathalie and I looked at each other and started to giggle.

"That's a pity!" I blurted out. "I had the feeling that Gisele and you could both use some, well, relief!"

The red-haired teacher gasped. 

"Oh come on, Callie, admit it. You certainly look as if you needed to get laid very soon." Nathalie called out her old friend. "And I really want to hear the details. Now let's all hurry as long as the babies are all still asleep." She turned towards me and informed me with a guilty expression. "I almost forgot. Your mum and the bodyguard have taken the week off. She didn't want to call you in the hospital to tell you and asked me to be so kind instead. She also said, she was almost seven weeks along, and because of her age and a tiny anomaly on the ultrasound they want to do several more examinations in a few days and so they decided to just go on a short vacation to get their heads free. Are you okay? You look as if you..."

Luckily, Sean had still been walking next to us and had caught me when I passed out. My eyes fluttered open and I instantly looked into my fiance's face, seeing him with furrowed brows and a concerned expression.

"How are you feeling? Still dizzy?" He asked as he helped me sit up.

"Ugh, I'm not sure yet. What happened?" I wanted to know.

Nathalie responded to me.

"I told you about your mum and the ultrasound, remember? You obviously got yourself very worried about it and fainted."

Sean added.

"It's my fault. I should have checked your vitals yesterday already when you felt dizzy at the hospital. But I was a little distracted by everything that happened. Or at least earlier when we were there anyway, after you struggled with it when you woke up today as well."

I grabbed his hand and said softly.

"It's fine. Do you remember the appointment on the day, Nath, Gabriel and I... well, you know. Or when you brought me to the hospital because of Nath, and we had that argument. By now, you should really be aware of the things my body does when I get stressed. I had a little of that vertigo in the beginning with Paulie too, so relax."

"I would still like to take your vitals and draw some blood soon. If I could, I would do it right here, but tomorrow at the practice will do, I hope. You still haven't told us how you are feeling, darling."

I shrugged.

"I think I'm good now. Can you tell me anything about the stuff, Nath said. Concerning my mum and the baby? Do we need to worry?" I questioned.

He sat down on the mattress beside me and laid his arm around my shoulders. Only then, I noticed that I was in Gabriel's and Nathalie's bed. Considering that it was the closest one to the entrance hall, it made sense.

"It can mean many things or nothing at all. The most likely diagnose, if there was something, would be any kind of handicap, probably down-syndrome or another trisomie. Children with the first can have a mostly normal life. They often need surgery for their hearts, but afterwards, if educated and supported in the right way, their life can be almost like yours or mine." He explained.

"I knew about the down-syndrome, I read an article when I was having Paulie. And, I also know that those other genetic defects mostly cause the baby to die or the woman to have a miscarriage because they are not able to live outside of the womb. Now I feel bad that I made so much fun of them because of the situation." I gushed out.

Sean bent over and softly pecked my lips.

"I won't promise you anything right now, but I can tell you that most of those times, there is some anomaly to be seen on an ultrasound screen it's a false alarm. So let's not jump to conclusions already, yeah?" He tried to soothe me.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's hope you're right. They seemed so happy after the first shock. I wouldn't like to see them get hurt." I looked at my boyfriend with puppy eyes. "Would you please speak to your boss and ask her what she thinks she saw? Don't look at me like that! I just want you to be involved and to know whatever is going on. I promise I won't ask you about it!"

Caline had stood beside us without saying a word until now. But when I mentioned Sean's boss, she seemed to be more interested.

"Your boss is the woman I am going on a date with, tonight, right?" She pried.

He nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. And that just reminded me that I was supposed to give you her number. Do you have your phone or would you like to write it down?"

"I just add it to my contacts, thanks. If I can find my phone, that is." She started to dig through her purse while Sean unlocked his phone and began to grin.

"Gisele already texted me and pleaded to very kindly ask for your number again because she lost the page in the hurry." He told the teacher.

Miss Bustier suddenly exclaimed.

"There's the bloody thing." 

She pulled her device triumphantly out of a side pocket. Her outburst though had woken all three babies. Until then nobody of us, except Nathalie of course, were even aware that they were sleeping in the twins' cot together.

"Oh my, I am so sorry!" Caline quickly apologised but her old friend soothed her.

"They would have woken up soon anyway. Would you like to help me carry them over here?"

The red-haired female was immediately at her side.

"I'd love to."

I chuckled as I looked at Sean. 

"She'll be a wonderful mum, I bet!" I whispered. Then I held out my hands. "I'm fine. But to be on the safe side, would you be so kind to help me up and stay with me for a while? I want to feed Paul and leave him with you, if you're okay with it. Because I wouldn't like to miss the search for the perfect dress!"

He tilted his head with a creased forehead.

"Two conditions. You feed him here and then I'll take him with me. Nathalie will certainly make sure that you stay seated. That's why I won't help you up already. Please rest for at least half an hour more, okay? With your legs up. After that you can sit with your feet on the floor. If that won't cause any new dizzy spells, I will come and stay with you until you feel safe standing up. Can we agree on that or will you try to argue?" He ordered and despite getting annoyed and angry immediately, I obeyed. Yet not without muttering some not so kind things furiously to myself.

My fiance and doctor just laughed at me and kissed me ever so passionately, making my  mood instantly change. He noticed the new demeanor with a grin as he pulled away.

"Later!" He hissed. "If you follow your doctor's orders and get enough rest. Otherwise your future husband won't even come close enough to touch your skin!"

"Just go!" I grunted. Then I looked at the young teacher who was just carrying my son to me. "Caline, would you be so kind and ask Sean's superior for a second opinion?" 

We all broke into a guffaw, making all babies cry again after they had already stopped. Nathalie had both girls in her arms and sat down next to me, while I took over Paul. 

"Hey Paulie, why are you crying?" I cooed and he instantly stopped and grinned at me. Then he called out.


"My ears, honey!" I scolded him laughing. "Are you hungry?" 

His only answer was him nudging his head against my shoulder, then trying to bite into my cheek. I giggled and blew raspberries onto his, making him squeal happily.

Sean tried to tease us both a little and wondered, while reaching out for him.

"Would you rather stay with mama and drink some milk or would you like to come with daddy and have some cookies?"

Paul looked at him angrily then pushed his hands away, crying out.


"I see. But after you had your milk we let mama rest and go play, okay?" 

Paul didn't even react now, and focused on me.

"You seem to be really hungry, little man, huh?" I stated while exposing my breasts. Caline averted her gaze and asked. "Would you like me to wait outside so you can have some privacy?"

Nathalie and I burst into laughter.

"It's fine, Callie. We're both used to an audience."

"Yeah," I added, "and if you really want to have children soon, you should get familiar with the thought of everyone staring at your boobs from the moment you start nursing your child!"

She hesitantly turned around again to face us, her cheeks blushed.

"So," Nath interrogated, "you're thinking of starting a family? Is Sean's boss a candidate for that or more of a distraction to... well, distract you until then?"

"Nathalie Sancoeur!" Caline exclaimed in shock.

"Agreste!" Her friend corrected her dryly.

"Oh, of course. Congratulations to that by the way. But honestly, Nath, I've left that part of me behind. I am looking for a serious relationship and not for a quick f-u-c-k." She covered her mouth and blushed even more, but we just kept looking at her and smirked. "Fine, I wouldn't mind to..." She paused and glanced at my boyfriend who understood right away and kissed me again before mumbling.

"I'll leave you for now. No need to feel flustered because of me!"

Then he winked at me and walked with large steps out of the room.

"So, you were saying you wouldn't mind some action in the bedroom. Or wherever you would like to get into full body contact!" I mused.

"I... well... I have to admit, it's been some time since I last..."

"Just cut the crap. We get it! You really need to get laid. How long..." Nathalie pried.

"Two years!" Caline interjected.

"Wow!" Was all I could say. Then I explained. "I haven't had any sexual interaction until I had that first encounter with Gabriel. But while I didn't miss anything before..."

"You've been trying your best to catch up!" The former assistant mocked me.

"Well!" This time it was I who blushed deeply.

The other women giggled like little girls over my embarrassment.

Miss Bustier was curious.

"How long have you been with Mr Agreste before you got pregnant?"


The dark haired woman whispered something into her ear and she gasped.

"No way! Your first time was a hit?"

I shrugged and focused on my son who had started to suck on my right nipple by then. Getting him into a more comfortable position so he wouldn't pinch me so many times while he was drinking, I muttered.

"It was. Speaking of..." I gazed at Nathalie, making her turn dark red as well.

"Yes, that one time was enough to get me pregnant too!"

I scooted a little closer to my friend and hummed something for just her to hear that made her wheeze from laughing. 

"What?" Caline demanded.

Still laughing, I repeated.

"I just said, you should consider Gabriel as a sperm donor. Obviously his stuff is very potent!"

"Damn, you two are... it's like you were real siblings!"

"No way! I prefer friends. Because while friends with benefits is a very common thing, siblings with benefits is illegal in most western cultures!" Nathalie winked at her long missed friend.

This time Caline gave a cocky reply.

"Yeah, we should have tried to hook up back then. Could have spared both of us quite some heartache!"

Caline's phone chimed and when she looked at the message, Gisele had sent as an answer to hers, she blushed again. Scarlet red.

"Speaking of hooking up, I want details in the morning!" Nathalie told her.

"Okay, no problem!" The teacher said absentmindedly.

"Oh-oh! I remember that face. She's a lost case. Let's cross our fingers that it will work out. She had her heart broken more than enough times." Nath whispered into my ear. 

After two hours we had managed to not only find a dress for Caline Bustier that she didn't instantly reject, but I also had called Francis and asked for his help. He barged into the room half an hour later, hugging me and Nathalie, enthusing over the babies and how much they had grown since he last saw them, then focused on the red haired woman.

"Come here, honey. Step into the light. I've seen you before, haven't I? Teacher, you said? Well, I certainly haven't been on any school ground over the last ten years. But... Now I know. You were at the club a couple of times, right?" He looked towards me. "You haven't given me any details, little bean. What sort of date? Where are you going? What's the man's or woman's name?"

"Gisele!" Caline croaked.

"I knew it. So I have seen you at the club. One advice though, darling. If you're trying to meet other women, don't come on boys' night. Go for the ladies' nights or just on a regular evening. I wouldn't have thought you're lesbian. You don't look like it at all. Even those two have more lesbian vibes."

Miss Bustier was a little overwhelmed by the very vivid gay man, but quickly adjusted and gave another cocky reply.

"Maybe that's because they already got intimate with each other!"

"Oh, you know? Well, I have to admit that I envy my little friend here. I've told her before, Miss Nathalie and Mr Agreste are the hottest people working for this company! Though I wouldn't exactly mind getting to know your boyfriend a little closer, little bean." Francis proclaimed.

"Fiance! And there are even more news. We're having another baby."

"What? Really? That's... well... sweet? Congratulations to the engagement though. Sorry if I am not that thrilled because of the second kid. I was already looking forward to working with you again. But after two... Right now you look gorgeous, girl. But I've seen it before! After more than one baby most models get totally out of shape. No chance to ever wear something that doesn't at least come with a corsage." He gushed out overdramatically.

 "Just shut your mouth, Francis!" I reprimanded him laughing. "Rather do something you're good at and get Caline's make-up done. It's a dinner date, by the way. Hopefully with a sleepover afterwards. So it should be a good mixture of temptation and seriousness."

Francis had done a perfect job. He even offered to take her to the restaurant in his car. But with a blush, the teacher told us.

"Gisele just texted me and asked me if she can pick me up at my place. What am I going to tell her now?"

"The truth? That I dragged you along to meet your childhood friend again after years and let both of us help you find a dress. She can just as well come here instead of your place, right?"

Caline nodded relieved, then typed her response. A moment later she received another message and jumped excitedly to her feet.

"She'll be here in fifteen minutes. What am I going to do now?"

Francis shook his head.

"Give the woman something with alcohol so she can relax a little bit. Calm down, darling. If you're that nervous you'll screw the whole thing up. And I don't do such a perfect make-up to let you do that!"

That made Miss Bustier laugh and she visibly calmed at the same time.

"Details, remember!" Nathalie whispered into her ear as she hugged her a quarter of an hour later, after the doorbell chimed. "And  don't do anything I wouldn't do either."

"Yeah, right!" She mocked her. "After all I've heard about your recent activities..."

"Just shut up and go. Have fun!"

"Yeah, have fun!" I winked at her and was hugged too. 

"Thank you both!" She squealed and rushed to the door and then into the yard. Nathalie and I observed everything through the window. 

After closing the door behind her, Caline closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then swiftly walked down the stone stairs. She hadn't even noticed Gisele standing at the bottom and waiting for her. As soon as she saw her, she flinched and let out a quiet cry.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Oh, uhm, it's fine. I...  I just didn't see you there and thought you were waiting at the gate. I..." She blushed and avoided the doctor's eyes. Gisele though smiled at her and held out her hand. "Shall we?"

The red-haired woman nodded and laid her own into the other's palm.

"I really love the contrast between their skin tones. Caline's is almost aristocratically white and Gisele has that beautiful bronze colour. Too bad those two can't directly procreate. Their children would be gorgeous!"

Sean stepped behind me and laid his arms around my waist, his hands resting on my lower belly. 

"Maybe Gisele's brother will agree to help with that!" He joked. But I didn't laugh. Instead I was thrilled.

"That's a brilliant idea!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, maybe. But you can be happy about it in the morning. I would prefer if you went to bed for a little more rest, alright? If Nathalie's friend allows her to share the details with you, she'll certainly let you know." He pleaded and I sighed. 

Nath winked at me and hummed.

"I'll keep you informed."

And that's what Caline told the two of us a couple of days later, after sending only a few lines to Nathalie the next morning, saying something about breakfast in bed.

After only parting their hands to get into the car and fasten their seatbelts, they had soon arrived in front of a small, intimate bistro.

"Oh thank all known gods!" Caline exclaimed. "I was so nervous that you might want to go somewhere exclusive and I would hardly know what to eat or how to eat it. This looks incredibly nice and sweet!"

Gisele beamed at her.

"It is. And the food is delicious. I hope you like Bordeaux! Because they have the best you've ever tasted."

"I see. You're trying to get me drunk." The teacher joked.

The gynaecologist though didn't laugh. Instead she bent down a bit and said very close to the smaller woman's ear.

"What if I was?"

Caline gulped. After a short hesitation she replied.

"I wouldn't think you'd have to."

Then she looked up with hooded eyes. This time Gisele was the one to be timid and stuttered.

"I-I... damn, I... You really caught me off guard. That doesn't happen very often. Let's, uhm, just go inside and order, so... we can, well get to know each other."

"Sounds good!" The red head whispered huskily.

As soon as they were seated and had ordered the wine and some food, Gisele reluctantly placed her hand back on Caline's that was lying on the table. The very second she did, she felt the doctor tense.

"Relax. Nobody is going to see us here." She hummed. But the teacher shook her head.

"That's not it. I... It's just... Everytime our skin makes contact I," she swallowed heavily, "I feel this... I can't exactly name it..."

"Good or bad feeling?" Gisele pried.

"Mh, good. Definitely good, more than just good, actually."

"I see. So, uhm, you wouldn't mind me doing this?" She asked and intertwined their fingers.

"Not at all!" Caline told her with a tender smile.

After they finished dinner and a whole bottle of Bordeaux the women were babbling as if they had known each other for a long time already. But as soon as they left the little restaurant, they stood awkwardly on the sidewalk, not sure what to do now or what to say. It was the doctor who eventually broke the silence.

"Well, here we are. It was a wonderful evening, Caline."

"Yeah, it 'is'!" Came as answer. 

Gisele raised an eyebrow. 

"So, uhm, you're saying...?"

"I'm trying to tell you that I am not at all in the mood to call it a day. It's still early and we could... uhm... what do you do on a regular night? I mean, I have to get up early, but as it's not even ten o'clock I wouldn't mind... having a drink somewhere? Or coffee? Ice-cream, maybe?" Caline suggested.

The doctor thought for a moment, then sighed.

"I was just about to invite you to my place when I remembered that my new place isn't finished and I still live in a temporary flat with very annoying and very loudly arguing neighbours." 

The young teacher blushed as she proposed.

"We could go to my place."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or like moving too fast... I..."

But Callie waved her off and called out while pulling at her arm.

"Just come. It's not far, we can take the metro. Neither of us should be driving after all the wine!"

Gisele followed her laughing.

"I am absolutely capable of handling my car. But you're also right that I shouldn't even try. Slow down a bit, I've had a long day already. At least that's what my feet are telling me. Especially after forcing them into heels."

"I know exactly what you mean. And I have taken the afternoon off to visit my student. But I promise it's only a short walk after we get out of the train."

After entering Miss Bustier's apartment, the woman kicked off her shoes and sighed in relief.

"Feel free to do the same. And don't even try to sit or stand properly, the living room is over there, just get comfortable while I get us something to drink. What would you like? Coffee? Tea? Anything else?"

"Do you have wine?"

Caline grinned.

"Actually, I have. Not such a good one, but it's still a red wine!"

When she entered the living room, carrying two glasses and an already open bottle of wine, she couldn't help but smile. Seeing the bronze skinned female on her sofa made her happy and she wished she could come home to this sight every night.

Gisele noticed her staring and asked.

"What made you smile? You look very pretty if you do, by the way."

She stood up and took the things from her hands to place them on the low wooden table.

"I hope I am not in your usual space?" She then wondered and the teacher shook her head.

"I-I... I am not used... t-to any c-c-compliments, but thank you." She stammered, standing in front of the couch not able to move at that very moment.

"Are you alright? If you're uncomfortable with anything I say or do, just tell me." The doctor all of a sudden felt self conscious and she started to fidget with the hem of her blouse. That woke Caline from her trance and she winced and took both of Gisele's hands. 

"I'm sorry, I was just overwhelmed. Don't think too much, I really like what you say and do."

She eventually sat down as well. Stiffly and on the edge of the sofa. There she poured them both some wine. 

"Weren't you telling me to just get comfortable? I can't imagine that this is a very nice position. Just lean back, Caline. I won't bite."

She flinched again but did as she was told. Her body was still tense though and the experienced doctor of course noticed immediately.

"May I?" She asked and lifted her feet into her lap to massage the soles with her thumbs. Bit by bit the other woman relaxed. She enjoyed it so much even that she closed her eyes and breathed deeply and slowly in and out. Completely unaware of what she did then, she let out a moan.

"Mh, that feels so good!"

Gisele froze and gulped, making Caline notice her doing and she opened her eyes and pulled her feet back.

"I'm so sorry. I... I don't know why I... oh God, I feel so pathetic right now... I..." In her despair she let her head drop forward and against the other woman's chest. Gisele reacted quickly and laid her arms around her, holding her in place.

"Please don't. There's no need to feel pathetic or embarrassed or anything like that." She whispered into her hair on top of her head. "I was just petrified for a second... well... because I really liked your reaction." She cleared her throat then went on. "You sound cute when you moan!"

She lifted Caline's face up with two fingers under her chin, then brushed some loose strands behind her ear. 

"Don't look so sceptical. You really do!"

And then she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips onto the red-haired woman's, feeling her instantaneously reciprocate the kiss. 

"Fuck!" Caline hissed as they parted their lips.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that!" The other female began but was interrupted.

"Shush. I wasn't complaining. I really liked that kiss. I said fuck because until then I already knew I would miss you as soon as you left, but afterwards, well... I want you even less to go!"

Gisele beamed at her widely.

"Oh, that's... wonderful. And I honestly like the idea of spending the night together." She mumbled shyly.

Miss Bustier though giggled and said without being aware that she said it loud.

"Here I am, yet I just told Nath that I don't do that anymore."

"What is it?"


"What is it you don't do anymore? You didn't even notice that you were talking, right?" Gisele mused.

Caline sighed and nodded.

"Right. I was talking about taking someone home after the first date. Yet, here we are. But I swear to you, I wasn't planning that or something. I just didn't want the evening to be over already. Please don't feel the need to leave, I didn't mean we would do... well..." Her gaze flickered towards her bedroom door unconsciously. "I would be incredibly happy if you just stayed and I wouldn't be alone. I... I really wasn't trying to come on to you or something."

She was close to panicking by then but the slightly taller woman just cupped her face with two hands and kissed her again.

"Just answer me one question. Would you like it if 'I' came on to you?"

The teacher blushed for probably the hundredth time but managed to breathe out a.


She didn't even have time to take another breath when she felt those full, soft lips devouring her and willingly opened her mouth to welcome the woman's tongue. She let herself fall onto the sofa, pulling Gisele with her so she was soon hovering very closely above her.

"Damn it, I have never enjoyed kissing like this before." The tanned female whispered. "There is something I must confess though. This, I mean, all of this, you and me, being with a woman, and such a beautiful woman on top of everything, is very new to me. I have been married to a man until last year and despite always knowing I was much more attracted to females, I..."

She averted her eyes.  

Caline made them both sit up again then got to her feet and held out one hand. Gisele's face lit up after she had already looked sad and disappointed in herself.

"Come. I am sure you're a natural."

Giggling they made the few steps into the bedroom, half of their clothes already gone when they eventually reached the bed.

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