Arranged marriage with Mr. Pa...

By Officialkdashh

308K 10.3K 2.8K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Notice from officialkdashh

Chapter 18

7.2K 303 39
By Officialkdashh

*Beep beep beep beep

"Jimin wake up, we got to get ready for school" I said
"Five more minutes" he moaned "Hurry up then"

I got up and grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom to have a shower.

My suspension is over and I'm gonna be a good girl now, focus on school and improve my behavior.

I grabbed my towel as i opened up the bathroom door.

I wrapped it around my body, and unlocked the door and headed back to my room.

As I opened up my room, I saw jimin still sleeping.

"Yah! This boy can sleep" I chuckled

I slapped his arm and shook him.

"What is it?" He said
"Ummm get up, you said five minutes it's been twenty minutes now" I yelled
"I'm just tired as"
"Well I'm tired too, but you got to pack your bags because your parents are coming back today"

He then opened his eyes and looked at me.

I stood there with my towel wrapped around my body and my hands on my hips

He got up and stomped off to the bathroom like a kid, grabbing his uniform on the way there.

I put my uniform on and sat down and put my white socks on.

I took out my new white Nike hurraches from underneath my bed.

I decided to wear them today.

I sat infringing of my mirror and did my make up, I wore light pink lipstick as usual and then I added some more makeup to my face.

I then put my hair up in a high ponytail with a pink ribbon.

"Wears my stuff at?" Jimin asked as he barged in my room
"Its over there in the corner" I said
"Okay, ill just chuck them all in my bag"
"Make sure you have everything"

He then nodded and chucked all his clothes in his one strap Nike bag.

When he was finished I grabbed my pink backpacky and packed my books.

Jimin had to carry two bags they both were black nike bags.

We locked the house and headed to school, we stopped by Starbucks to get some coffee.

"Welcome back to school" Mrs Jang said

I smiled and bowed as I made my way to my desk, next to jimin.

I sat down and saw taehyung with his head on the Desk.

Jimin was sleeping too.

Then I saw sora and jungkook walk in they both smiled at me and waved, I did the same.

I looked around the class room and noticed something.

Minah isn't here and school is starting in........

*ring ring ring

I was cut off by the bell, I guess class is starting now.

"Okay everyone, I would like you to welcome back minhee from her suspension" Mrs. Jang said

Everyone turned their heads looking at Me.

"Kamsamida" I said to Mrs. Jang
"Well open your books and jimin and taehyung will hand the text books out" she instructed

I turned to look at jimin who was still sleeping and taehyung was too.

I slapped jimin on the head to wake him up and I threw a scrunched up paper at taehyung.

"What was that for?" The boys said
"You guys have to hand out the text books" I said

They both rolled their eyes and yawned.

They handed out the books and went back to their desk and slept.

I wouldn't blame them they had an exhausted/busy weekend.

I'm tired too but I'm trying to fight it.

"Open up to page 48 and work quietly on questions 1-7, remember individual work." Mrs. Jang instructed

I worked through page 48 on question 1-7 and finished in 10 minutes.

Even though I was the first finish, there's still 40 minutes untill break time.

I put my head on the desk and fell asleep.

*ring ring ring

I woke up from the loud sound, I looked around and no one was in class but Me, jimin and taehyung.

Jimin and taehyung were sleeping.

I decided to scare them, I got my phone out and went to video camera.

I pressed the record button, I then closed all the windows and closed the curtains which made the classroom rarely dark.

I then walked over to the light switch and turned them off.

It was really dark, I decided to scream really, really loud.


I stoped screaming and I could desk and chairs fall down and I hear two people screaming even louder than I was.

I turned the light on.

I saw jimin sitting on taehyung who had his hands wrapped around jimin.

I couldn't help but to break in to laughter, I fell to the ground laughing hard out.

My phone was still recording.

Both of them split apart.

"You little punk" jimin said while pointing and me, he then looked at taehyung and they both looked at me

I stopped laughing and stopped recording, what are they thinking? I thought to myself.

"Lets get her" they said in unison.

I got up and ran out of the classroom and down the hall way.

I looked back to see the two boys chasing me.

I turned to the left and ran the that way which led to auditorium.

I ran towards the stage and saw props there was a tree house, a dog house and a stand with clothed on it.

I decided to hide behind the clothes.

I heard the doors open.

"Come out, come out wherever you are minhee?" I heard jimin's voice call

And then I heard taehyung repeat what he said.

I then peaked through the clothes and saw them heading towards the stage.

"Oh my gosh what do I do?" I thought to myself while panicking at the same time.

I peaked again and they weren't there anymore.

"Where did they go?" Is aid quietly

And then I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

My eyes widened and I slowly turned around, I saw two boys standing in from of me.

"BOO!" jimin said
I got a fright and tried running away but taehyung trapped me.

"Give me your phone" jimin asked
"No!" I said while looking around for what to do?"
"Don't make me grab it of you"
"Come and get it" I said while waving my phone in his face.

I punched him the stomach and pushed taehyung and ran off the stage.

"You can't catch me" I said and pulled the tongue at them.

I then went and hid in the art room, since that's the next class I have.

*ring ring ring

'The bell rang already, I haven't even ate yet and I'm starving" I said to myself

I saw everyone come in and take their seat.

And then I saw jimin and V come in and the looked at me and pointed.

I stood there and randomly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" This girl in my class asked
"You see those idiots over there, it took them a solid 20 minutes to catch me" I said
"Wow there useless" she said

I smiled at them, and they gave Me the evils.
AHAHA I'm so cheeky !

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