The Alpha's Omega Mistress

By Goldi-Luxxx

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"Our love is filthy, a dirty secret that nobody should know about." Kira thrives and wants a better life in... More



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By Goldi-Luxxx


Zion's piercing gaze made me feel like I was about to meet my ancestors in the grave. But, his threats of informing other omegas about my relationship with

D'Angelo did not intimidate me. Although the thought of being ridiculed by others was unsettling, I couldn't imagine what could go wrong.

As expected, they'd sarcastically insult and taunt me for months until they grew tired of the topic.

"You're ending our relationship just so you can be with the alpha?"Zion sneered.

I shook my head. "No, Zion, it's not just about the alpha. I wish to find someone who will treat me with respect and won't expose my flaws to the world immediately when they get the chance. You've proven time and time again that you're a selfish and cruel piece of scat."

"It's because I care!"He shouted back. "What would you have done if the roles were reversed?"

"Well, for starters, I wouldn't have abandoned your drunk ass at the Alpha's terrace to bear the consequences of your actions , nor would I have rubbed the harsh truth in your mother's face,"I replied calmly. "You fucking betrayed my trust by stealing my secret to take all of the credit for yourself. And bragging to me about D'Angelo's fiancée expecting a child only shows how little you care about my feelings. Did you expect that I'd be happy to hear that my mate had someone else in his life?"
"I didn't think it was a big deal,"he snapped.
"Here we go again,"I muttered under my breath.
"You should be grateful that I told your mother the truth; it was the right thing to do,"he argued. "Why are you making me out to be the bad guy? You must be bonkers to think the alpha gives a fuck about you."

"This isn't about the Alpha, Zion. It's about finding someone who treats me with kindness and respect - a virtue that you clearly lack."
If my mother hadn't been in the kitchen, Zion might have lost his temper and physically attacked me.
"Kira, we had something beautiful,"he said through gritted teeth. "And now you're throwing it all away for someone who doesn't even want you?"
My mother intervened before things escalated any further: "That is enough, Zion. Let us end this argument before things get worse. If not, then I'll have no choice but to inform the Alpha of your foolishness."
Zion was taken aback by this threat as he gave me one last unfriendly glare before storming out of the kitchen.
"I pity both of you,"he spat as he slammed the door shut.
My mom let out a deep sigh as we both fell into a comfortable silence. Oil sizzled in the pan as she dropped eggs into the hot grease.

"Let's finish making breakfast so we don't waste any more time.I don't want people calling me a sloth."

The enticing aroma of the food wafted through the air, with the garlic mingling with the tangy tomato sauce. Mom was a wonderful cook; and her skills kitchen were widely acknowledged by the omegas.

Unfortunately, I did not inherit that trait from her.

After clearing away the dishes, my mom told me to take a seat on one of the stools.

"Honey, we need to be careful. You know how brutal our community can be when it comes to gossiping. And if they find out that your partner is an alpha, things could turn ugly."

I remained silent, fully aware of how malicious some omegas could be. Despite our poverty, many of them had terrible personalities.
"Moreover,"she continued, "the alpha's fiancée is pregnant with his child. If she discovers your relationship with him, she could hurt you."

I fidgeted nervously, wondering what the woman looked like. What sort of woman could make D'Angelo refuse to mark me. She she must be a goddess with good looks, skills, and talents.

"I hope you're not being overly critical of yourself," my mom read my mind. "Setting unreal expectations that you can't meet up with is one way to become depressed. Get your head out of the clouds.

"We should try to escape again," I blurted and this time my mom grew angry.

"Sometimes you talk without thinking," she snapped. "You heard the alpha, and our faces have been marked by those guards. I refuse to allow you to get near the border gates.

She sighed and rested a hand on my back as I turned away from her. "Honey, just wait and see how things work out. Try not to think too much about the negatives."

During breakfast, Zion shot me a hateful glare that he didn't even bother to hide. Laura, his mom, noticed that he wasn't eating and kept asking what was wrong.

When she turned her attention to me, I shrugged and looked away. Later on, Elder Logan rang the bell and commanded us all to gather outside.

We out into the drizzling rain, the cool air and droplets of water disturbed the otherwise peaceful morning.

"I have some good news for everyone,"Elder Logan announced as we gathered in the quadrangle. "From now on, you will finally be paid for your duties in the pack."

The news was met with stunned silence at first before erupting into intense pleasure from our Omega camp. People nodded in agreement as they clapped and cheered. I suppressed a smile at the thought of finally being able to earn money from my flower business.

Elder Logan continued when the noise had calmed down a bit, "Don't celebrate yet. There are more duties available now. In addition to the warrior base and resident housemaids, we have openings in the pack's farm, mines, factories, supermarkets, railway, central market cafe, and warehouse. As a result, your responsibilities may change."

I wasn't paying much attention because I was so happy about finally getting paid for my work. However, I did wonder what new tasks they would assign me and secretly hoped that I would get to work with Zina. My current morning duty wasn't an issue for me.
"Imani,"Elder Logan called out suddenly while my thoughts were elsewhere. "You and Caroline are assigned to take care of the little ones in the pack's nursery."


My mom would be working with Amari's mother who was her worst nightmare personified. They were like oil and water. Caroline breathed trouble, while my mom dodged it like the plague.

When the elder announced my duty post, my pathetic thoughts vanished. "Kira, you have been assigned to work at the alpha's mansion."
I nearly fell over in shock at hearing this news - what could D'Angelo possibly want from me?

My mom and I exchanged glances, and even Zion was giving me a dirty look. This was unsettling, and I hoped it was not some kind of manipulation.

"The alpha's mansion?"I blinked, pretending to be daft. "But why would they assign me there? I'm not a good cook nor do I have any useful skills."

My mom held up her hand to say something as I started to feel faint. "Elder Logan, is it possible for me to switch responsibilities with my daughter?"

He answered bluntly, "No changes can be made now - everyone must resume their duties promptly at nine am."

As soon as everyone was dismissed, I found myself standing under the shade, raindrops clinging to my back. I couldn't trust the alpha, and I had a gut feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

I could taste it.

The thought of serving the alpha and his pregnant girlfriend made me feel nauseous. But what choice did I have?

Regardless of how uncomfortable it was, I had to accept it and perform my duties respectfully. After all, I was just a filthy Omega. We should be grateful that Alpha D'Angelo allowed us to live here and compensated us for our labor.

The moment I walked into the mansion, my heart skipped a beat and my nerves skyrocketed.

The foyer was huge; I hadn't seen it before because we snuck in through the kitchen last time.

The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut roses. The Omega houses were stunning, but now they looked like a dog kennel compared to the magnificence of the Alpha mansion.

Pausing for a moment, I gathered myself before asking one of the housekeepers for my duty.
"Third floor,"she said with an irritated look. I thanked her and made my way upstairs while admiring the golden decor on the walls.
Hesitating for a moment, I wondered if I should enter or not. A tall, stunning woman with long, shiny blonde hair that fell in soft curls down her shoulders emerged from one of the rooms.

She wore an expensive-looking caftan, and without anyone telling me, I knew she was Alpha D'Angelo's fiancée. It almost brought tears to my eyes.

The moon goddess was a fucking bitch.

The beautiful woman looked me up and down before scrunching her nose as if I smelled like a dead rat.

"Not only do we have to get used to Omegas living among us now but having one in our houses,"she said with distaste. "What do you want?"

"I... am Kira. I was assigned to work in Alpha's quarters."
"I see,"she rolled her eyes before motioning for me to follow her into what appeared to be a bedroom but felt more like an big palace. All while silently praying that D'Angelo wouldn't be there.
The king-size bed had white linens with plush pillows and throws on top.
"What's your name again?"She asked while picking grapes off their stems.

"Well Kira, you can start by gathering some apples from the garden and giving them a good scrub."Her gaze then went straight towards my hair before adding: "You may want to take care of your dry and tangled hair while you're at it too; it's painful to look at. And please make sure your nails are short and tidy."
I nodded while keeping my eyes fixed on my feet, "Yes ma'am. Right away."
Just as I turned around from leaving the hallway, D'Angelo stepped out from one of his doors wearing nothing but gray sweatpants with wet hair from his shower.

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