Destiny Of the Butterfly Neck...

By NurainiSalleh

1.9K 108 115

Get ready for a juicy side story, a spinoff of the Aurora series! Meet Risa Yamamoto, the ultimate right-hand... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 35

14 1 0
By NurainiSalleh

Brandon's POV

Risa and I have started working on the show and at first, it was kinda difficult because it was my first time acting. The directors and producer help me out and so did the actor actors which also includes my brother's new girlfriend, Mayumi and also Kyoko, Risa's other friend.

I then did really well with the scenes, the scene was that my character would meet Risa's character at an event and we saw each other. Risa's character's boss in the show introduced me to her as a new recruit of the spy team and i would be working with her. Her character and my character was already in love with each other due to the fact that they met each other in High School.

It turns out that Risa mentioned about my idea of the chracters knowing each other since High School like me and Risa did. We would also be doing a flashback scene but the flashback scene would be played by younger characters who are supposed to be younger chracters of our characters.

After we already film the first episode, we saw it and it turned out well, the directors and producers were very happy that i am in the show as Risa's love interest. They say our chemistry was quite good and our interaction was relatable.

I told my parents and siblings about the show and when the episode would air and so did Risa's parents. Dad said that he would be working on that day and he said that he would be watching it with Trent and Detroit. Jaden would not be working on that, so he would be watching it with mom and Renee at home. He would also be inviting his girlfriend, Mayumi to come meet mom too.

I hope that they all like the show.

Hayden's POV

I was at the warehouse with Trent and Detroit, and we turned on the TV and and switch on to the channel where the show Brandon is going to be in with my daughter-in-law Risa.

"Wow! Brandon is going to be in a show!" exclaimed Detroit.

"Yeah, me and Maya were surprised when he told us. Actually, he told Maya and then me. I didn't know Brandon wanted to act before but Maya told me that Brandon had thought about acting for quite a while now." I explained to Trent and Detroit.

"Yeah, and also now that you told me about Risa being the one the punch my stomach. I am kinda impressed of her. I even did some research on her. Well, got some of the men, meaning the new recruits to research her. Turns out she is a very private person, it was quite difficult for them to get information about her that doesn't include what the media says about her." Said Trent.

"Yeah, and what did they find out about my beautiful daughter-in-law." I asked smilling but i am also quite curious on what they found out about her as i don't know that much about Risa.

"Well, turns out that your daughter-in-law was married before she married Brandon to another actor, they got divorced after a couple of years being together. And....." Trent said and then suddenly having a nervous expression on his face.

"And what, Trent? What are you not telling me?" I asked him.

"Well, i think you need to hear from your daughter-in-law."

"What is it Trent?" I asked insisting he tell me because i want to know more aboout her.

"Well, Risa was pregnant before but..... she got shot on her stomach and lost her baby because the shotgun went to her womb. It was a from a rival gang actually and i got this information from her own dad himself when he found that the men that was working for me was trying to find some info about her."

"Risa's dad told them about this?"

"No, he told me about this on the phone, when he found the men trying to find out some information about his daughter, he called me after that and told me something that you needed to know but says that Risa should be the one to tell this, not him. But he doesn't want anyone get the wrong idea about his daughter, Risa, so that is why he told me."


"Risa's doctor previously told her that it would be difficult for her to have a child again but then she got pregnant again. She was actually kinda scared to tell Brandon that she might be able to have children but fortunately, she could."

"Her dad told you all that?"

"Yeah, he was kinda worried about Risa and actually to him since Brandon is the son of The Red Dragons member, he thought it would be okay. Do you want to know something?" Trent asked me.

"What? did he say anything more?" I asked and Trent nodded.

"It turns out that his son, not the leader of the White Tiger Gang, that is his oldest son. His Youngest son, Risa's twin found out about Brandon and Allie's break up, he told Risa everything and Risa was quite upset about that."

"I can understand why she is." We looked at who was talking to us and then we saw that it was Trent's wife Catherine walking towards us with their baby daughter in her arms. "I know that even though Allie is our daughter, but i still don't think what she did to Brandon was right."


"Trent, i know that Allie has been a daddy's girl since she was born but she cannot think that what she did to Brandon is right. Even if Brandon kissed another girl or said anything about, he knew he was wrong and he said he was sorry and Allie chose to forgive him and Brandon did the same with Allie but the thing is when i talked to Allie about it. I don't think she apologised to Brandon about what happened before they broke up." Cathrine said as she sat down next to Trent.

"Yeah, Maya wasn't happy about that either." I mentioned to her.

"Yeah, i know and i understand why, i would be angry to if my Toby had exprience something to what Brandon has. I have already talked to Allie and she wanted to come and talk and apologised to Brandon when she can get away from her time from work." Said Catherine.

"You got Allie to try and apologise to Brandon?"

"Yeah, and i think now knowing that you beat up Brandon and his own wife beating you up after that kinda reminded me to tell her about that." Catherine said. "Especially, i feel sad for Brandon because a few months after their break up, Brandon came to the house to get Allie back with flowers in his hand but then started to look sad because.....Leo was there already to get her back instead."

I was shocked and remembered Maya said something similar to that of what Catherine is saying right now. "Maya said something similar but she said that Brandon saw something at your house about Allie i guess?"

"Yeah, actually Leo was there and he and Allie was in the room together when Brandon came to the house with flowers in his hands and then he was kinda upset, like sad upset with what he saw and when he saw me, he just gave the flowers to me."

"Woah" Said Detroit.

"You didn't tell me that happened."

"Yeah, well Brandon was kinda embarassed and i just didn't want him to feel more embarassed but i did tell you that Brandon came and you thought that he might have come to see Hayden. But no, he came to see Allie and was trying to get her back, like trying to get her to take him back." Catherine continued.

"Woah, this is depressing, how did i not know so much about my own son?! I didn't know he had depression and was taking anti-depressants, i didn't know that he wanted to act." I said feeling quite upset with how little i know of my son.

I know that i am trying to communicate with bv more nowadays but just knowing this fact that happened a year ago! I feel like i wasn't paying attention to him as much as i thought i do. I remember that i was focused Renee as i am afraid of bad men coming to her and then i wanted to train Jaden to take after me to take over and work with me but Brandon..... I don't know about Brandon and what he wants or what he likes, i think if you ask me what is his favourite food, i don't think i would know.

"Hayden, the show is starting." Said Detroit and we all watched the show and when Brandon's character came to the scene i was surprised at how good Brandon is at acting, like his character, he is a spy in the show and the scenes where he was fighthing, Wow! i am impressed!

"Wow! Brandon is really good in the show, did he use a stunt double?" Detroit asked me and i shook my head.

"Nope, that is all Brandon doing all the stunt without one. Maya mentioned to me that Brandon didn't use any stuntman at all. I didn't know that Brandon can fight so well." I said.

"Yeah, i even saw the CCTV footage that Risa's dad gave me about when he fought off the 5 men, i understand why his son wanted Brandon to join their gang, Brandon is really good! Quite impressive." Said Trent.

"Yeah, i was surprised too."

"You saw it too?"

"Yeah, Trent showed it to me, which kinda made me wonder about that day when Trent confronted Brandon." said Detroit.

"Yeah, what about that day?" i asked Detroit.

"Well, i know that Trent went and punch Brandon that day but then we saw on the CCTV that Brandon bear up 5 men by himself and then we saw Risa beat up the guy that came behind and after Brandon." Said Detroit.

"Yeah....." I said to Detroit confusely, really just to guess what is he trying to say.

"Well, if Brandon can beat up 5 men, couldn't he fight back Trent easily?" Detroit said. Trent and I just looked at him, just realising that he was kinda right.

"Unless you think that Brandon became way stronger to beat 5 men in 1 and half years? Because if i remember, you trained him, Hayden and i don't i have seen you fight like that before. I don't think Jaden fight like that either." Detroit continued.

"Maybe Brandon trained, that is why he could fight off those 5 men and defend himself against those men?" Said Catherine.

"It might be possible but i haven't seen Brandon trained in years, i thought after he took the office job, he would just go to Gym Regularly to just exercise, i didn't know he coud fight that well." I said.

"Well Hayden, i think Brandon just trained on his own." Catherine commented.

"Yeah, Maybe." I said.

"Well, i just wanted to let Chloe see her daddy before she goes to sleep." Catherine said as she looked at her beautiful youngest daughter. Trent, picked his daughter and started hugging her.

I remember when i did that we all of my kids, now that they all grown up, i am happy that they are all going to start fa / milies of their own soon. Brandon has his wife and is already having a baby. Renee is getting married soon with her long time boyfriend and Jaden is dating a beautiful girl that happens to be Brandon's wife closest friend. I am happy that they are all happy in their current relationships.

The Mythical Land - Dragon Kingdom

"Queen Aiko, are you sure it is a good idea that Risa is married to that man?" Said one Man.

"Yes, he is not even a Mythical, he has no abilities like Mythical creatures do" Said a woman in the Dragon council same with the man.

"Risa is of noble birth, she should be with Mythical creature with also of noble birth so that can have noble children" Said another man.

"I don't believe that any of you would think such a way!" Said Aiko's mother who was in the council with her father.

"I agree with you mama, and that man is name Brandon Johnson and my sister-in-law and your female captain of the knights, she has the right to choose who she wants to marry."

"She also chose to marry her previous husband and they got divorce."


"So, what if she and her current husband doesn't work out and they split up their relationship?" Said another man.

"She loves her husband and she is also pregnant her husband's child, she wants to be with him." Said Aiko.

"Yeah and if she is happy with him, why would you want them to break up?" Said Mariposa, who is now the co-captain of the guard with Risa.

She and Risa, were both in the guard Academy together and were training in the same course. Mariposa took the Co-Captain role when Risa became duchess of the Dragon Land.

"If Captain Mariposa agrees that their marriage is okay, that it's okay. Besides, Brandon is also the descendant of the guard that and soldier that guarded the Dragon family and the Yamamoto family for years. We know his family." Aiko said.

"We know that but we don't know how he is and what about Risa's babies abilities? She might not have the same one as her mother's because of her husband." Said one of the men.

"You know that won't be the case, there are plenty of mixed families, my own children are mixed and their abilities are fine." Aiko said frustratedly.

"Okay, before anyone gets angry and upset about this, Aiko has already help them with marriage certificate and Risa and her husband are now married to each other. They are having a baby together and we have to support them, i think they are nice and sweet couple." Said Aiko's mom.

The Dragon council then agreed with Aiko's mom and the Dragon council left the room while Aiko and her parents were still inside the room. Aiko was upset with the meeting.

"Aiko, you need to calm down." Said Aiko's mom.

"Mom, how can i just calm down when the Dragon council wants Risa to divorce her husband?! Risa loves Brandon and he is also the family's friend, both our family's friend. Why should they get a divorce? Just because of their child's abilities?"

"Aiko, just ignore them, they just care of status, all you need to focus on is that Risa is happy with her husband and marriage and she is having a baby." Said Aiko's mom

"Yeah, at least Risa is happy and also that baby is healthy too. Now I just need to figure out how Brandon's condition, he condition seems to get better than before when I checked him, I think it is because he is more happier but I want to know what happened to in his past to get that condition."Aiko said.

"Aiko he will tell you and Risa when he wants to tell you, you can't force him to say out his trauma."

"You are right, mother, I will just wait till he says out his trauma and share with us, I just am happy for them." I said smiling at mom.

Kei's POV

I was in my office doing some paperwork as Aiko is at the draogon's council until I heard a knock at my office door. 

"Come in" I said 

I then saw Brandon walking into the room and I was curious why he was here. "Brandon, what are you doing here?"

Brandon then had a exciting expression on his face. "I want to join the The White Tiger Gang." He exclaimed.

"What?!" I said shockingly happy 

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