The Forgotten Paladin

By ARazzleDazzle

10.8K 120 22

Y/N has been trapped inside a cell her entire life, once she escapes she starts her search for for her family... More

Prologue: I'm free?
Chapter 1: An unexpected meeting
Chapter 2: an abyss of red
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Understanding
Chapter 5: Visions
Chapter 6: Betrayals
Chapter 7: Liberation and Lost memories
Chapter 8: Prisoners no longer
Chapter 9: Part of the team
Chapter 10: Unveiled secrets
Chapter 11: Corruption, mind and castle
Chapter 12: A second goodbye
Chapter 13: Crossroads
Chapter 14: Secrets unkept
Chapter 15: An old nightmare
Chapter 16: Dark secrets
Chapter 17: The black Paladin
Chapter 19: A new foe, or friend?
Chapter 20: Quick goodbye
Chapter 21: Grief
Chapter 22: an awakening
Chapter 23: An awakening part 2
Chapter 24: Trapped
Chapter 25: Mistrust
Chapter 26: The lost are found
Chapter 27: Provoking Danger
Chapter 28: The truth resolved
Chapter 29: An intermission
Chapter 30: Space pirates
Chapter 31: The blade of Marmora
Chapter 32: Trials of Marmora
Chapter 33: Ultimate Plan
Chapter 34: Near Escape
Chapter 35: Best laid Plans
Chapter 36: Best laid plans 2
Chapter 37: Black Out
Chapter 38: Lost and Found
Chapter 39: Conflictions
Chapter 40: New foes
Chapter 41: Disorder
Chapter 42: A new encounter
Chapter 43: A glimpse of the past
Chapter 44: A haunted reunion
Chapter 45: Lost ends meet
Chapter 46: Tailing a Comet
Chapter 47: The Legend Begins
Chapter 48: Code of Honor
Chapter 49: Farewells
Chapter 50: Uncovered Truths
Chapter 51: Merging
Chapter 52: Begin the Blitz
Chapter 53: Thunderstorm
Chapter 54: Old Conversations
Chapter 55: A calling
Chapter 56: A tyrants end
Chapter 57: Unsettling Feelings
Chapter 58: Kral Zera
Chapter 59: Bloodlines
Chapter 60: Razor's Edge
Chapter 61: New findings
Chapter 62: Fearful Vengeance
Chapter 63: Cosmic chase
Chapter 64: A new lion

Chapter 18: Flood gates

121 1 0
By ARazzleDazzle

As we arrived back at the castle of lions, I flung my arm around Pidge and brought her in for a welcoming hug,

Y/N: "You saved us, thank you."

PIDGE: "You guys are my family, I had no choice." We all laughed together, my heart warmed at the word, family.

Y/N: "Shiro, let's get you to a healing pod, you're very injured."

SHIRO: "I'll be fine." He could barely get out the words, Keith had to drag him to a pod.

Y/N: "He'll be okay."

KEITH: "Yeah, he's strong."

We make our way to the bridge to check on Coran and Allura. When we get there, Allura brings us into a hug, sighing in relief.

ALLURA: "I'm so glad you guys are okay! Where's Shiro?"

KEITH: "In a healing pod, that witch beat him up pretty bad."

Y/N: "He's going to be okay though."

I'd forgotten about my wounded arm, I guess it was a blessing the burns and open wound disguised my strange marks. 

CORAN: "Uhh Y/N."

Y/N: "What is it Coran?" I turn to him, puzzled.

CORAN: "Did you happen to notice the huge gash on your arm?" I look down at it, a little shocked at how bad it had become after fighting those beasts. Good thing my burns weren't too noticeable.

ALLURA: "Y/N, that doesn't look too good." 

KEITH: "We should get you to a healing pod." He grabs my other arm and drags me down where Shiro is peacefully waiting to be healed.

Y/N: "Wait, I'm fine, I just need a bandage that's all." Coran and Allura, slowly following behind us chime in.

ALLURA: "Y/N, you have cuts and burns all over, you need that healing pod."

CORAN: "How did you get so beat up?" We stop walking as we reach a healing pod.

Y/N: "Me and Shiro tried to get to higher ground to get a signal, but we met some pretty nasty creatures, they probably opened up my wound from Zarkon even more." 

ALLURA: "Zarkon did that? Yeah you are definitely going in that pod. Now."

They lead me into it, I feel cool air rush up, my wounds feel lighter, like they're not even there, then my eyes slowly close and I drift off.

For once, sleep isn't such an enemy to me, I feel peaceful. Monsters and memories aren't haunting my dreams this time. Fuzzy, warm memories cloud out the bad.

I'm sitting with a girl, a few years older than me, she has beautiful white hair, piercing red eyes and her smile resonates with me.

She looks so familiar... but I don't remember who she is to me...

HUNK: "Are they okay?"

ALLURA: "Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions."

HUNK: "They both look like they're having bad dreams."

KEITH: "They both were injured by the people were fighting against and mauled by giant lizards. What dream could be worse than that?"

My dream starts warping, distorting into a nightmare. I start to panic as the sky bleeds into a vicious purple, ships swarming through it like swarms of flies. The girl picks me up, running through the madness, dodging blasts from enemy ships, suddenly everything goes black and I'm falling, reaching out for her but she's no longer there.

When I awake, I'm all alone in the room, I find my clothes and replace the healing suit with those. I look down at my arms which are... still burned?

I look around and Shiro is still in his pod, peacefully sleeping, he looks like he's in pain.

I place my hand on the glass, somehow I see what he sees in his dream.

SHIRO: "No, no! No, you took my hand, what more do you want!"

ULAZ: "Stop! I want him awake enough to feel this." He knocks out the other torturers and rushes over to Shiro's side. "Listen to me. We don't have much time. Wake up! Zarkon has located the blue lion of Voltron on your planet, Earth. You must get it before he does."

I feel the confusion and agony racing through Shiro's heart, it's not a nightmare, it's a memory..

SHIRO: "What are you doing?" Ulaz unlocks his chains, releasing Shiro's injured arms.

ULAZ: "I've planted a bomb to cover your escape. Get to a pod. Now."

SHIRO: "Who are you?"

ULAZ: "I am Ulaz. Now, come on! Zarkon will know that I released you, so I must disappear. But if you survive, go to the coordinates in your arm. The blade of Marmora is with you."

SHIRO: "Why are you helping me? " They rush out of the room, I follow slowly behind.

ULAZ: "As a fighter and a leader, you give hope. Hurry! Earth needs you, We all do."

I see the hope in Ulaz's eyes, years of torment and working to defeat Zarkon through his ranks wearing him out.

Everything fades and I'm back in the castle. I hear the other come in so I step back, pulling the sleeves of my jacket over my burned arms. 

LANCE: "Good to see you're feeling better Y/N."

PIDGE: "Y/N! I'm so glad you're okay!" She leaps over to me, wrapping herself around me in a warm embrace. 

Y/N: "Good to see you too Pidgeon, don't hug me too hard or my ribs will re-break." I groan and laugh as Pidge steps back. 

KEITH: "Do you think Shiro is healed yet?" 

ALLURA: "His vitals are much stronger than before and it seems his wound is fully healed."

We all crowd around Pidge as she searches through the code in Shiro's arm.

PIDGE: "I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure it wasn't a dream?"

SHIRO:" I'm positive. Someone helped me escape."

ALLURA: "And he was galra?" 

SHIRO: "Yes."

ALLURA: "You know you cannot trust them."

SHIRO: "Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original black paladin wasnt he?"
Y/N: "He wielded the black paladin's bayard, that's what he wounded me with, wasn't it?" 

ALLURA: "That was a long time ago."

LANCE: "Wait, what?"

KEITH: "Didn't you see how he stole the Black lion right out from Shiro? Or that he could do all that cool stuff with his bayard? Shiro's bayard? You know, the black one?"

I wait for the conversation to die down a bit before i chime in.

Y/N: "Shiro is right. About Ulaz."
ALLURA: "How do you know?"

Y/N: "Because I saw what Shiro saw."

SHIRO: "How?"
Y/N: "Maybe because we were both in the healing pods? " That was the only excuse I could come up with since I didn't fully know the answer yet either.

PIDGE: "Wait a second. I think I see it now. Some repeating numbers in all this Galra code. Let me extract it. They are coordinates! They lead here: The Thaldycon system."

SHIRO: "Then that's where we're headed."

I slowly back out of the room. 

I doubt I'd help in that conversation, I can barely handle my memories as it is.

I sit down on my bed, reaching into my trouser pocket. I hold the crumpled letter I've been avoiding, staring at the words on the envelope. "To Y/N." The whisps and curves of the writing seem so familiar now that I've looked at it so many times. 

Now seems to be as good a time as any to open it.

I turn it over, opening the letter with my burned finger tips, every touch to the paper stinging. 

I hesitate to unfold it but I have a feeling what's inside is important so I unravel the paper slowly. 

The words drift through my eyes, I struggle bringing myself to read it. 

Dear Y/N, 

You probably don't know who I am, the galra erased all of your memories, but I'm Ellaria. 

You're sister.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I may not write as often this week, Im starting back at school and I have a lot of studying to do sadly. Thanks for 1.3k read!!!! I was so shocked when I saw it. : D

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