Amnesia: The Painter's Prison...

By SodaTea2021

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After the disappearance of three of their friends, Paintbrush awakens to find themselves in an unknown locati... More



347 9 36
By SodaTea2021

Paintbrush slammed their foot down on a wood covering at the end of the passageway.

The duo dropped down outside of a newly stone room, hitting the gravel ground softly. Paintbrush set Suitcase to the side as they assessed the area around them. Some sort of corridor they hadn't seen yet in the cellar. A wooden door was right in front of their faces, the label on front reading "Library." Next to the door was a wooden round table, with a cassette player sitting against its top. Paintbrush slowly approached the cassette player and picked it up into their hands, pressing a finger against the play button.

"Congrats...You made it to the end of the dungeon...wooo...! It's not over yet've still got a long way to go until you get to the end. I hope you were able to save the briefcase. She was...hard to deal with when I caught her. But...don't worry about it. She probably doesn't blame you for anything. You did what you had to do anyway. But anyway...I'll talk with you more in the library. I hope you have guess. Hehe..."


Paintbrush just let out a frustrated groan as they threw the cassette down onto the floor, practically breaking it into pieces. The fragments of the cassette sprawled across the floor in front of Suitcase, who leaned against the wall weakly. "C'mon, Suitcase. We're getting out of here already. Let's just go and kick this guy's ass." Paintbrush said as they approached the door. They paused when they heard Suitcase's weak, groggily voice call out "I can't go on..." the art utensil turned around slowly, one of their eyebrows raised.


"I'm too...too tired...too much...pain...can't...I can't go on...I'm...I..."

"No! Suitcase, I'm not leaving you here! I can't leave you behind! I know you're injured and I'm going to help, okay?! As soon as we get out of here with Knife and Lightbulb, we're all going to find help, okay? Just don't say you can't go, okay?!"

"...Will you stay with me, please...?"

"...Suitcase, I...I can't stay...I can't leave you. I don't know what to do if I can't-"

Baxter suddenly pulled on one of Paintbrush's bristles, snapping his claws towards the blood stained fire poker that was in their inventory. They slowly wrapped their fingers around the sharp metal stick, then looked back at Suitcase as realization seeped into their gut.

...They had to do this...

"...Mephone...will recover her...right?"

Baxter blinked once.

"...But then we'll be all alone."

He blinked twice.

"...Yeah...I do have you, but..."

No blinks.

"...You're right..."

Paintbrush slowly came up towards Suitcase and crouched down to her level, wrapping their arms around her in a tight embrace. "You'll...stay with me...?" Suitcase smiled weakly as Paintbrush hugged her, which made the pain in their gut all the more burning.

"...Suitcase...You'll be okay...Everything will be're gonna be home soon, alright?"


Paintbrush slowly got back up and began raising the firepoker over their head, the blade pointed down at Suitcase.

"...I'm sorry."

A notification appeared on Mephone's screen.

A notification for MeLife.

Baseball was able to hear the notification from the other room, quickly sliding in upon hearing it. "Is it-?!" He said before being cut off by the phone. "Yep." He then opened up the app and pressed on Suitcase's icon, and before his and Baseball's eyes, the briefcase was regenerated right in front of them.

Looking so much better.

"Wh...what happened?" Suitcase asked as she looked around.

"S-SUITCASE!" Baseball yelled as he ran up besides Suitcase, getting close to her as if he was giving her a hug. Tears were burning up in the ball's eyes. "B-Baseball, what happened??" Suitcase asked, still clearly confused, "H-How did I die??"

"Well, that's one finalist returned safe and sound. You know, you kinda owe me a lot for delaying the show." Mephone said as he leaned against the table.

"Come on, Mephone, she just got back." Baseball scolded like a disappointed parent.

"W-What are you guys talking about?? I-I never went anywhere! Wasn't I just putting away groceries with you guys?"

Baseball looked back at Suitcase with a worried look. "Suitcase, you've...been gone for a week."

"W-...What??" The briefcase yelled in surprise.

"...You...don't remember what happened?? Where you went all that time??"

"! I...can't remember anything..."

"Well, do you at least know where Knife and Lightbulb are?? Please, at least just...tell me you know something about where they went!"

"Knife...? Lightbulb? I-I don't...know anything about where they went..."

"What about Paintbrush?! Are they okay, at least?!"

Suitcase seemed to pause for a moment, before looking back up at Baseball.

Her next few words made Baseball's blood run cold.


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