Our Little Devil Girl

By Rielomg

16.1K 403 33

Heyy I'm back with a new mafia story but this time it's gonna be different. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabel... More

"*1: Tired*"
"*2: Horrible*"
"*3: Bitch*"
"*4: Crumble*"
"*5: Broken*"
"*6: Awake*"
"*7: Smile*"
"*8: Cold*"
"*10: Torture*"
"*11: Pregnancy kits*"
"*12: Blunts and Alcohol*"
"*13:The party*"
"*14: The party pt 2*"
"*15: Drama*"
"*16: Hurt*"
"*17: Confusion*"
"*18: Hellhole*"
"*19: Kits and Sluts*"
"*20: Depression*"
"*21: Explanation*"
"*22: Lost*"
"*23: Secrets Blooming*"
"*24: Monsters*"
"*25: Unknown*"
"*26: Realization*"
"*28: Bonding*"
"*29: Famiglia*"
"*30: Rage*"
"*31: Abused*"
"*32: Back Home*"
"*33: My Brothers*"
"*34: Strange things*"
"*35: Back Home 2*"
"*36: A Sad Merry Christmas*"
"*37: The Attack*"
"*38: Awaiting Doom*"
"*39: Disappointment*"

"*27: Getaway*"

304 6 2
By Rielomg

Isabella's POV

Do you know that feeling when you just feel like living in slow mo? Yeah, that's what I feel.

I don't want to get up, I don't want to see the faces of my family.

Worst of all, Apollo and the boys haven't even checked up on me.

What about Noah? Is he already here? I don't know, he hasn't called me since.

"Sigh" I stare at the clouds outside, through my windows. If there's one thing I love, it's clouds. They are just so free and peaceful.

Sure they get mad and turn gray but most of the times, they are happy and white.

I wish I was also happy.

I get up and take a bath. Later on, I put on some sweats and a hoodie.

I walk out of my room just because my stomach called my attention.

I walk into the living room and see....no one. As I expected.

What, do you think we'd be able to stay in a room together? Nope, there's no way that's going to happen.

I walk into the kitchen and make an omelette and eat it.

I need to do something fun today.

I'm thinking. Graffiti? No I don't have any spray paint and my imagination is dull today.

How about racing? Yeah, I got the keys to my car. Niko said they're in warehouse 145, on Easton street.

The problem is, how do I get there? I don't have my bike with me.

I decided to go to a bike store I saw the running to school one time.


Who names their shop 'Bikes and Riles'? That's pretty stupid.

Nevertheless, I walk inside.

"Hey there, what can I do for ya?" The salesman said.

"I wanna buy a bike"

"What kind of bike?"

"A motorcycle"

"Come with me" he said and opened some kind of garage door, there revealed all sorts of bikes.

"Make your choice"

I walked over black spray painted purple bike.

"Ah, this model, the Turbo C 2000"

(A/n: I don't know any bike models, bear with my imagination)

"What's good about it?"

"It's a really fast runner, speed brakes are alright"

"What about the handle?"

"Ah that.. it's good too" he said.

I nodded skeptical and went to another bike.

This one is a black spray painted neon. I instantly loved it.

"What about this?"

"This is the Metro Mac 3000"


"It's speed brakes are sharp, the handle is firm and strong, it's not a really fast runner but it's alright"

"Can we top up the speed?"

"Yes, but it'll cost ya" he grinned.

"What speed is it on?"


Top it up to 10,000mph" Incase I'm on the run.

"Okay, that'll be 5000$ extra to the bill"

"How much is the bike?"

"20,000$, plus 5000$ that is 25000$"

"I want a mark on the bike, like a logo, can you do it?"


"You'll write Rage"


"When can I get it?"

"I'm the next two days"

That's too far away.

"I want it tonight"

"Fast delivery will cost ya"

" How much?"

"Just 2000$" he said.

"Alright, I'll be here by 9pm to get it"

"Sounds good"

I was about to go when I saw a rack of spray paints.

"Hey, how much for a bag of those" I pointed to the rack.

"A bag is 500$"

"I'll take it"


I settle the bill and take the bag of spray paint and walk into a store and went to the clothing aisle.

Black jeans.

Black top.

Black leather jacket.

Black face mask, y'know the one that covers the whole face.

I wonder why they would sell that.

Black boots.

I paid for it all and went back home.

The guards opened the gate for me and greeted me.

I walked in and opened the doors and saw everyone sitting in the living room discussing about something.

"They are more relentless than before"

"We-" Ethan stopped and looked at me, making everyone turn to me.

I just continued my journey upstairs with my stuffs in my hand.

"What's that?" Luciano said.

"None of your business" I said and walked went to my room, sorted it all out in my wardrobe and laid on my bed.

Why didn't he stay?

He was the only one who understands me.

I miss him.


It's 5:30 when Xander grunts a 'come down for dinner'.

I throw my hoodie on, and walk out.

I hear a maniac-yet-supposed-to-be-cute laughter.

"Oh Xander I missed you" isn't that Chelsea?

Xander's "girlfriend"

My words are true when I see the bitch in all her bitchy glory.

They start making out and I'm disgusted beyond words.

"Get a room" Xavier yells.

"Aww, where's your girl Xav?" Xander chuckles.

"She's gone" Xavier said.

"Aww too bad" Xander said.

"It's not that bad, as they say, 'what ever belongs to my twin, belongs to me" Xavier said and winks at Chelsea.

"Bro! Enough play" Xander said, while Chelsea blushes.

"Na, I think it's good, I'm actually grateful to mom for birthing identical twins" Xavier said.

"Luc! I want a tattoo with my name"

"No" Luciano answered absentmindedly.

"Damn it! Xav, don't shit with me"

They continue bickering and I decide to come out, as I emerge, Chelsea looked at me with disgust. See began checking me out.

I never believed I'd be this disgusted by that.

I enter the kitchen for a cup of water, Chelsea follows me.

"Hey bitch"

"What's up whore"

"Watch it"

"Around you? Nah"

"Well, you better do, your brothers are around and you can't do anything to me" she said and hits my cup, it shatters on the floor.

"Ahhh" she screams and the boys come running to the sound.

"What happened?"


"Oh Chelsea, I'm sorry" I cut her off and squat to hold her hands and raise her up. I grab a shard of glass and slash it on her arm.

"Ahh" she screams.

"Oh sorry, hey I got you"

I hold her up and gently hug her. Well, force her body towards me.

"Never check me out again or else it won't be your arm I'll slash" I pat her back and let go of her.

"She's fine" I say to them, emotionlessly and walk out.

"Come, let me check you" Xander said and the other voices faded as I sat in the dinner table.


Once it's 8:30, I head upstairs to take a shower and get ready.

"Tomorrow you'll be going back to school, because the social workers are coming next week and they may possibly check your school records to know if you've been in school the whole time" Ethan said.

"No problem" I sarcastically say.

"Watch it" Ethan said.

I'm not ready for another fight, I just walk away.

"Also, our cousins will be coming over" Luciano said.


"Okay.." I drawl out.

" That is on the weekends" he continues.

"Sure" I hope they aren't like my brothers.


I hop in the shower, scrub myself nice and clean, take a good look in the mirror the wounds are almost healed, but the scars will remain I guess.

But, good news I can finally wear short sleeves and tank tops.

I put on my black wears and suddenly someone knocks on the door.

I freeze in place. Oh c'mon! I was just about to put on my shoes!

I walk to the door and place my hands on it.

"Who's that?"

"It's Luca"

Him? What does he want?

"I just want to discuss our about our cousins to you" oh, looks like he heard me.

"I'm perfect alright knowing them when they come" I said.

"I just want to talk" he sounded desperate but I wasn't having it.

"And we just did" I said walking back to my shoes.

"You know what, Ashton was right about you, you're just a stuck up bitch, go fuck yourself somewhere" he said.

And what did I do?

I lost all my rationality.

"I'm a stuck up bitch?! Have you looked at yourself in a mirror, you're the own who pretended to love then later when you found out and my horrible past you distanced yourself away from me, and suddenly I'm the stuck up bitch, you won't get it, you've lived in luxury all your life.

I'll remind you one more time, know your limits, just because we live in the same house doesn't mean we are family, I hate you all, you want love? Go find yourself a hook up girl, you'll see and make love with her" I said my piece and I was silent on the other end.

"I sob just wanted to talk, sob you could have just said that sob if you had told us about your past sob we wouldn't be like this sob it wasn't my intention to hurt you" oh so he's crying now.

"Just go"


"Fucking go already!" I yelled.

I heard running footsteps and that's when I relaxed.

I couldn't get distracted, I must go.

I quickly put on my boots and grabbed the bag full of spray paints and jumped out through my balcony and head to the store.

"I'm here for my bike!" I say as I open the door.

"It's ready" he says and pull in out from god knows where.

"It's beautiful" I stare at it with so much love.

"Yeah, it is"


I quickly test it out and it's fucking amazing. I don't go to the race immediately, I ride and stop at a house I know I hate.

Melissa's house.

(A/n: Incase you don't remember, Melissa is Aaron's girlfriend)

Indeed she's rich, her house is fucking fancy.

It even has a foundation with some kind of mermaid spewing water from its tail and mouth.


I jump over the fence nearby and quickly make my way to the house.

I pick up some paints and began my master piece.


"Hahahahahahahaha" I'm good at this.

A skull chasing Melissa while she screams her head off.

She's fat and her chubby cheeks.

We all know how protective Melissa is over her weight.

And to top it off I wrote, 'this will soon be you'.

Then, a little more cuss words and I'm done.

"Hey you!" I heard a someone yell. I quickly pick up my bag and dash out.

I hop on my bike and dashed outta there.

I reach the racing site, I was on time.

I walk over to a man with an earpiece in his ear.

"I want to sign up here" I spoke calmly.

"And who are you?" He eyed me up and down.

"Just sign me up"

"Well come along beautiful" he winked at me and I gave him a deadly glare.

"Say that again" I threatened.

"S-sorry, come"

We walked over to a make shift office and he told the guy sitting there to sign me up.

"Alright, what is your name?" The blonde hair boy said.

"Rage" I said and he flinched.

Eh? Seems like my name has reached all this sides.

"Are you sure that's you're name?" The man asked.

"What's there to lie about?" I said.

"Listen girl, Rage has never shown her face here so I for one know you're lying"

"Where she has shown her face, has nothing to do with me"


"Richard, what's the hold up?"

I turned around to the sound of voice.


He races?

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Isabella? What are you doing here?"

"You two know each other?" The man named Richard said.

"Yes" Aaron replied.

"I'm here to race duh" I laughed a bit and he chuckled.

"I know that, how did you get here?"

"I got myself a bike"


"Wanna race?" He asked

"I'll beat you" I smirked.

"We'll see, Richard sign me and her up"



I was up against some dude, he didn't even look ready at all.

"Look, I don't really care about this shit but let's get over with it" he said nonchalantly.

Uhh, no, I don't take shit.

"Oh yeah, since you're so nonchalant about it, why don't all the racers come and we have a match?"

"What?!" His expression changed.

"Yeah" I walked over to the girl who's supposed to give a call to us, whispered my idea, she smirked at the guy and went to the the organizer to which he agreed.

"Okay racers, we have an idea to bring to y'all. It's a race, only 30 racers, one winner, who's up for it?!" The organizer said, and the whole crowd cheered at it.


Everyone got in place. I was 13th while my former opponent was 18th. I guess his brother is in this too. He's 1th.

" Okay boys and girls, are you ready?

On your marks

Get set


Immediately, my bike sprang into action and charged at full speed. I literally felt I was flying.

And it's a do or die match, so anything can happen and no one will be held responsible.

I saw 7th at the front and 18th tryna catch up.

I smirked and rode faster, I got to 7th.

He looked at me through his helmet and rode faster to get away from me but I wasn't having it.

I got closer and knocked on his bike a bit. He swayed and was about to hit me back, when I swerved and went to the left.

He came closer to me, I increased my speed and unknowingly knocked into the person in front, sending him and his bike flying.

Fire immediately caught the bike and the person, soon enough medical attention was called.

I got away from 7th, while riding towards 2th.

She was pretty fast, but of course, I'm faster.

I double increased my speed and swerved literally in her front, making her think I was about to crash into her, she swerved to the left and immediately colliding with the person at the back.

I caught up with 1th and he was on another level of speed.

I also lost my balance but I refuse to fail.

I increased my speed and got to him. This time, we were on par lines.

He looked at me and I did too.

Then I something I haven't done in a while.

I reduced my speed, which obviously to me back.

1th looked back and saw me going back, he went to the right and continued on that lane.

This is where I strike.

I increased my speed and knocked him to the side, making him and the wall there to collide.

Literal sparks were flying. I released him and rode to the finish line which was up ahead.

Suddenly, my bike got hit, sending in circles. I swerved and continued to see 1th almost at the finish line. I pressed a button on my bike and boosted myself forward, passing 1th and the finish line.

I won!!

I knew I won't lose!

"Damn Isabella, that was awesome!" Aaron said as I slowed down.

"I know right" I smiled and accepted the money I was giving for winning the race.

"It's time for our-"

Bang bang


I turned around and saw the police rounding up everyone.

People were running and screaming.

"Isabella hop on your bike let's go!" Aaron said.

I did, and rode out, the Popo's were still chasing us.

I lost Aaron and continue riding. Suddenly there was a helicopter chasing me.

Only me?

I guess I'mma be on the news soon.


Ashton's POV

I was busy watching some porn when a news alert popped on my screen.

'Teenage girl vandalizes Mr and Mrs O'Bryan mansion and is making a run for it's

Haha, that's nice, until I see the girl and who is it.


I quickly run downstairs and yell.


Everyone comes running while I'm setting up the TV.

"What now Ash?"

"It's about Isabella" they all perk up.

"What happened to her?" Ethan asked.

"You should be asking what's gonna happen to her when the O'Bryan's find her"

"What do you mean?" Xavier said.

"Hold on" I quickly change the station to the News and the next thing I heard shocked my ears.

'Teenage girl vandalizes Mr and Mrs O'Bryan mansion and is making a run for it. Police round up all street racers and, not surprising, she's one of them'

'The derived next destination for the teenage girl is off the coast of California'


" Exactly what I did when I heard"

"What do we do?!" Luca said.

"Xander, Xavier and Ashton go find her now" Luciano said.

I quickly grab my keys and get in my hot red Lamborghini.

Gotta love the Lambo.


Isabella's POV

Is it only me or am I in the coast of California?

Damnnn, this bike is good.

"We warn you to pull over now, the consequences might be lessened" the helicopter over my head sounded out.

I threw a middle finger at who ever said that.

"Hey! Would you pull over bitch!" I saw one red Lambo on par lines with me.

Who ever it was, winded down and it was Xavier.

"What the fuck?" I said. Am I already on the news?

"What the hell, did you think you'd get away with it?" Ashton said.

"Pull over right now " he said.

"Never bitch " I threw him a middle finger and rode away.

"Get back here!" He said and started chasing me.

Oh this will be fun.

I rode a lot faster but his Lambo was already faster than me.

It was already pitch black when the gas finally run out.

By then the cops had gone and it was only me and my brothers.

"What where you thinking running all the way here?" Xander said.

"A man's gotta save his life"

"You're in so much trouble"

Am I?


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