The Betrayed Arc (RWBY x Rosa...

By Shadowking2030

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Once a future huntsman in training Jaune Arc looked to be your standard teen looking to become a hero like hi... More

BIO Information
Betrayers/Harem/True Friends
Prologue The Betrayal
Chapter 1 New Day On Earth
Chapter 2 First Day At Yokai academy
Chapter 3 the aftermath of the betrayal
Chapter 4 A Succubus appears
Chapter 5 Teasing the Betrayers and Aftermath of Arcadia
Chapter 6 the witch shows up and confrontation by parents
Chapter 7 School Club Recruitment Day
Chapter 8 Friends Receive Help
Chapter 9 The Newspaper Club + a Grandmother's Visit
Chapter 10 Catching a Pervert
Chapter 11 The Snow Bunny Appears + learning hidden discovery
Chapter 12 A Schnee gets removed
Chapter 13 A Trip to the human world Beach (Part 1 Of 2)
Chapter 15 The Extreme Test
Chapter 16 Parents Day at Yokai Academy
Chapter 17 Unlocking Yokai Aura
Chapter 18 An Explanation + receiving an Item
Chapter 19 Arcadia Struggle
Chapter 20 A Princely Reveal
Chapter 21 A New individual appears + training
Chapter 22 The Reveal
Chapter 23 Plans in the making
Chapter 24 Exchange Program between Academies
Chapter 25 the New Public Safety Commission is formed
Chapter 26 Portal Device Built
Chapter 27 The Death of a Schnee and Geles
Chapter 28 Confessions
Next Chapter?
Chapter 29 Aftermath of the deaths

Chapter 14 A Trip to the Human World Beach (Part 2 of 2)

856 19 11
By Shadowking2030

3rd POV

After Moka suggests about enjoying the time at the beach everyone agrees with her

"That sounds like a great idea Moka but first could you explain on why your voice sounded different earlier to my friends from beacon?" Jaune asks Moka

Moka nods and explains the voice Cardin and team Cfvy heard coming from her

"So your true self is locked behind your Rosary and only Jaune or your father can remove it?" Velvet asks as she is building a sand castle with Cardin

"That is correct" Moka says as she lounges on a beach chair near Cardin and Velvet

"None the less your true self must be powerful if anything Moka" Cardin says

Jaune walks over with a surf board in his hands

"Of course she's powerful you gotta remember vampires are fierce Yokai who can dominate their opponents in battle" Jaune says

"Hey Jaune before you go hit the waves can I speak to you alone for a second?" Cardin asks Jaune

"Sure we can talk along the way to the store I need to pick up some drinks for everyone here" Jaune says as he leads Cardin to his motorcycle which the two head off into the city nearby

While the two are gone Velvet and Coco takes the opportunity to ask moka Kurumu Mizore and Yukari something

"Hey Moka I got a question if you don't mind me asking" Coco says

"What is it?" Moka responds

"Well its just that you four have feelings for Jaune don't you?" Coco asks Moka

Moka Kurumu Mizore and Yukari all blush bright red

"Oh so you four do have feelings for him" Velvet says in a surprised tone to what she and Coco learnt

"Yeah but we are pretty sure our club's advisor might of fallen for him" Kurumu says

"Who's your club advisor?" Coco asks

"Her name is Ms Nekonome and she is a cat Yokai of sorts" Yukari says

"So like one of the ones who betrayed Jaune" Velvet says

Over with the boys

Jaune and Cardin can be seen exiting the store carrying a few bags with two liters of soda for everyone on the beach

"Right that should be enough for the duration of the trip until we head back to our respective academies" Jaune says as he and Cardin secure the drinks on Jaune's motorcycle

"By the way Jaune have you decided on being in a relationship yet?" Cardin asks Jaune as he hops onto the back of the motorcycle

"To be honest cardin I don't know if I even anyone even likes me at all" Jaune says as he starts the motorcycle and begins driving back to the beach

"I believe a few girls might be interested in you Jaune" Cardin says

"Who Moka and the girls?" Jaune asks Cardin as he drives the motorcycle back to the beach

"Yeah they have feelings for you dude" Cardin says

"But how as far as I remember I have no luck when it comes girls" Jaune says

"No kidding since the Schnee brat consistently turned you down Everytime you asked her out" Cardin says

"Still don't know why I even tried to ask her out" Jaune says as he parks the motorcycle in the same spot at the beach

Grabbing the soda the two return to the others on the beach

"Hey we're back and we got soda" Cardin says

"Ooh I always wanted to try a soda from the human world" Kurumu says excitedly

"Doesn't the academy in the Yokai world have soda as well?" Jaune asks Kurumu

"It does but it's Yokai branded soda so the human world version is a new experience to us" Yukari says as she drinks some soda

"Um I kinda experienced human soda before" Moka says

"Wait you have?" Yatsu asks

"I have but I'm not really comfortable telling that part of my life just yet" Moka shyly says

"Its completely fine if you don't wanna tell us right away Moka we won't pester you to know what happened in that part of your life" Jaune says with a smile which causes Moka to blush

After drinking a few cups of soda and waiting a bit before hitting the waves Jaune grabs his surfboard and runs out to the water to catch some waves

While Jaune is surfing a mysterious individual can be seen slowly appearing from the very wave Jaune is surfing on

The individual reaches out from the wave and places a hand on Jaune's shoulder which Jaune closes his eyes and grips the wrist of the individual

"Don't try it pal..." Jaune says as he spins his surfboard really fast while holding on to the individual's wrist causing a water tornado to be seen

"Woah what's going on over with Jaune?!" Mizore says loudly while pointing to the water tornado

Everyone of the two groups look to where Mizore is pointing to see a large water tornado

"I'm gonna go help him!" Kurumu shouts as she prepares to fly to Jaune's aid

"Don't worry the one with Jaune is not a enemy but merely the king of the seven seas who wishes only to see Jaune for himself" Wonder Woman says

Suddenly a individual lands on the beach face first before being turned on their back causing the two groups to see swirls in the individual's eyes

Basically him but on his back on the beach with swirls in his eyes

Jaune returns to the beach and walks over to the individual

"Now then what to do with him" Jaune says as he stares at the unconscious individual

"Young Jaune I advise not causing him harm" wonder woman says to Jaune

"Why not?" Jaune asks

"Because I only wanted to see the one who has a copy of Superman's powers" the individual says

Everyone looks to see the individual standing up

"So who are you exactly other than being the supposed king of the seven seas?" Coco asks the individual

"I am Arthur King of Atlantis and King of the seven seas and my hero name is Aquaman" The now named Arthur says

"Well it's an honor to meet you your majesty but I don't think you'd come from your kingdom just to meet me" Jaune says

"You are right lad I'm not just here to see you I am also here to inform your friends *points to Cardin and Team Cfvy* that your training will becoming much harsher" Arthur says seriously

"Then I will start to train harsher myself so that I can keep up with Cardin and the others but I just gotta ask you said your the king of the seven seas correct" Jaune says while looking at Arthur

"That is correct lad why?" Arthur responds to Jaune

"I can answer that your majesty *Arthur nods* so what Jaune was about to say is that I along with Jaune and My wife and her team know of an individual with a fear of anything water related" Cardin says

"And he is not a Yokai like the girls with Jaune but a human who is a playboy with a huge fear of water" Velvet says

"Wait if this person has a fear of water then how does he... You know?" Kurumu asks

"If you're asking how he bathes no one knows but himself oh and his name is Neptune Vastilias" Jaune says

"Wait you mean he is named after the god of the seas Neptune?" Arthur asks

Before anyone could speak Jaune hears two random individuals talking about something happening at a flower field

"So I just overheard that strange events happen over at the flower field nearby that no one is able to figure out the cause of" Jaune says

"Its good that you have super human hearing lad" Arthur says to Jaune

"Did you hear when the events happen Jaune?" Moka asks

"From what I overheard the events seem to happen at dusk to night so basically when barely anyone is around" Jaune responds

"Well let's enjoy the beach before we head for the flower field" Yukari says which everyone nods as Aquaman returns to the sea

After some time passes it is now a few hours before night time which Jaune Cardin and their respective school classmates all head for the flower field

"Holy these are some tall flowers" Yatsu says as they walk around in the field

"No kidding whoever took care of these must of used some special growth water or something to make them this tall" Kurumu says

"Leave" a voice says

The voice causes everyone to look around for the source

Suddenly plant like monsters appear and start attacking the group

"What the?!" Cardin shouts as he punches a monster away

"These monsters they're made with magic!" Yukari says loudly as she takes out a few plant monsters

"Who could be doing it then?!" Jaune shouts while punching a planet monster to dust

Suddenly spiky vines pierce Jaune's body causing him to fall face first onto the ground as blood starts to form around him

"JAUNE!!!!" the two groups shout as Moka rushes over to Jaune

Unbeknownst to everyone including Cardin Jaune is alive he is just testing to see how far moka Kurumu Mizore and Yukari are willing to go for him

Yukari then notices a glow on top of a hill which is revealed to be the glow of a wand used by a witch

"My master demands that all be destroyed! As it is her will!" The witch shouts

Moka sits on her knees in shock at what has happened

Play for the scene coming up and ignore that Yukari and Ruby knows each other also add Yukari pissed as well and replace tsukune with Jaune

"No... Please no... NO!!!!!!!" Moka says calmly before shouting

A pinkish beam envelopes Moka before disappearing causing moka to have silver hair color and blood red eyes while her rosary is still hanging on her neck

Mizore's eyes glow icy blue as the trees near her start to freeze

"Should we help?" Velvet asks

Cardin shakes his head no as he has a feeling what Jaune is doing but is also silently praying for Jaune in the aftermath

Kurumu claws come out as does her succubus wings and tail

"You bitch I'll end you!" Kurumu yells in anger

Paper birds can be seen move in a circle behind Yukari really fast

"You may be a witch but I won't hold back when it comes to Jaune!" Yukari yells

The four Yokai academy girls all attack the mysterious witch causing the witch to go wide eyed at what Moka Kurumu Mizore and Yukari are

The scene changes back to the beach where everyone is waiting for Jaune to wake up

"Ugh well that hurt" Jaune says as he sits up

Looking to his right he sees an unknown individual laying in one of the sleeping bags

"Who is she?" Jaune asks

The tent door opens which reveals to be Moka

"Jaune your awake!" Moka says while rushing to Jaune

"Hey Moka what happened?" Jaune asks

"After you were hurt Kurumu Mizore Yukari and Myself sort of went ballistic on her *points to individual* but I want you to clarify something for me" Moka says slowly raising her vampire aura

"What is it?" Jaune says as he starts to sweat

"Since you have a copy of Superman's powers you should be unbeatable in a fight right?" Moka asks as her vampire aura is becoming brighter

Kurumu Mizore and Yukari have entered the tent their Yokai aura glowing as well

"That's right.. why?" Jaune responds

Cardin knowing where things are going quietly enters the tent and picks up the unknown witch and carries her out which he mouths to Jaune you're toast dude

After exiting the tent Mizore freezes the entrance of the tent preventing Jaune from exiting

"Then tell us why you did what you did a few hours earlier at flower field" Moka says in a pissed tone

"Uh... For the lols?" Jaune says despite not telling the truth

Grabbing Jaune's hand Moka forces him to take her rosary off causing her true self to appear

Soon as massive beating is heard coming from the tent as those of beacon academy sweat drops

"Well he's going to be in pain for a while and before you guys ask no I don't mean in pain from 'that' " Cardin says as he watches the tent explode with random effects

"So dear you sound like you know what Jaune did" Velvet says

"I do but let's just say Jaune better not do it again if he wants to stay alive without serious injury" Cardin says

Soon the tent of the Yokai academy opens and out comes Jaune with bruises on his face

"Told you that was a bad idea to do Jaune" Cardin says

"Regardless I at least got my answer" Jaune says

"Just remember if you do that stupid crap again the punishment will be alot worse" Kurumu says walking over to the group with Moka Mizore and Yukari

"But what do we about the unknown witch in our presence?" Coco asks

Everyone looks at the sleeping witch

"Hmm I don't know to be h-" Jaune starts to say before going silent

"Jaune?" Yukari asks

Jaune raises a finger as he listens on a faint voice speaking

"I hear a faint voice coming from the flower field... It sounds really old" Jaune says

"Are they saying anything we should know?" Wonder woman asks

"I keep hearing one word being repeated over and over and it will be a shock to my friends from beacon" Jaune says

"Whats the word you hear Jaune?" Fox asks

"Ruby...Ruby...Ruby" Jaune says

"Wait if the word you're hearing is Ruby then that means *looks at the sleeping witch* this witch is named Ruby" Cardin says

"It would appear so" Moka says

"I'm gonna go find the source of this voice I'll be back in a jiffy" Jaune says as he uses his SuperHuman Speed to disappear from sight

Five minutes go by before Jaune returns

"You're back Jaune did you find the source?" Velvet asks

"I did it's a old house in the middle of the field with a deceased witch in there my guess is Ruby still thinks she is alive and that she is giving Ruby the tasks of protecting the flower field speaking of ruby by the way where is she?" Jaune says as he doesn't see Ruby anywhere

"She said she had to leave" Yatsu says

"She probably went back to her 'lady' " Mizore says

Time passes and the day turns tonight which they decide to visit the flower field again

The group sees Ruby standing on a hill again

"I told you all to stay away!" Ruby yells

Jaune steps forward

"Ruby you got to move on you can't keep denying the truth" Jaune says

"What truth are you talking about?!" Ruby shouts

"The lady in the house the one you call her ladyship" Jaune says

"How did you find her?!" Ruby shouts

"It doesn't matter what matters is that your ladyship is dead and has been dead for a very long time!" Jaune shouts

Jaune's words shock everyone mostly Ruby who goes out of control

Ruby starts to transform but her transformation is cancelled by Jaune using telekinesis to take Ruby's wand away from her

"Give that back!" Ruby says loudly

"No you need time to accept the truth" Jaune says as he delivers a speedy chop to Ruby's neck knocking her unconscious

Grabbing Ruby he carries her back with the group following

The night turns to say which both groups prepare to return to their academies

Gin can be seen carrying Ruby

"Well it was fun hanging out with you guys Cardin" Jaune says with a smile

"Likewise Jaune just remember not to do that stupid stunt you pulled or we might be attending your funeral next time" Cardin says with a smile

"I doubt the girls would go that far" Jaune says

"Try us Jaune" Moka Kurumu Mizore and Yukari say together

"In any case you all take care of yourselves!" Nekonome says

The two groups then go back to their respective academies which Jaune and Atlanta ride back on his motorcycle

The Yokai group then head back to their respective dorms and call it a day


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