Stuck on You | All American

By Blackqueentingz

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"The most hurtful thing about all this is that you were able to look me and my eyes everyday, smiling and lau... More

Chapter 1 (Revision)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Jordan's POV
Jordan's POV
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

343 12 7
By Blackqueentingz

Selling tickets would have been way more enjoyable if it had just been Spencer, Dillon, Kia, Asher and me. Everything would had went smoothly, no tension, no awkwardness, just pure vides. Minus the attitude that Dillon has with Spencer. But with Jordan and Olivia, it made everything awkward, conversation that started to happen died down seconds after. I wasn't over Jordan's comment the other day about "life been lifing," and I'm over trying to understand why Olivia's acting so weird and distance.

Eventually when the tension was just too much for Kia, she decided that we break off into a groups of two's to finish selling off the rest of the tickets quicker. Anything to end this little social event moment, and because we need to sell the rest of them before tonight because that's when Coop's performing. Kia and I went split off together, she knew that I definitely needed to get away from the brother and sister duo.

I started becoming piss off just being near them.

Patience had me thrown for a minute when she said she thinks I could be in love with Jordan, did some deep thinking on that but that's completely out the window. Anytime we're around each other, then and now, it's always some type of problem that we're having or I'm biting my tongue so we don't have a problem. I'm trying to make things work, but wanting to be with somebody isn't enough to keep a relationship.

"I can't believe that they closed Smitty's to put this up." I shake my head as I stare at the sign. "Buncho-o Fro-yo. Stupid name for a stupid snack."

"I know right." Kia shakes her head. "We use to go to Smitty's to celebrate everything, even the littlest things. Birthdays, passings tests, winning games, periods finally ending. And now it seems one-by-one all our memories are closing, I wonder what's next."

"Hopefully this place." I gesture to the frozen yogurt shop. "Like what's the difference between regular yogurt and frozen yogurt. It's like eating liquid ice cream."

"That is not the same thing, and you know that."

"So, tell me the difference then." I cross my arms and wait for her to answer, she opens and closes her mouth but the answer never comes. "Exactly."

Pulling open the door, I didn't even take a step inside when I hear Spencer yelling at Dillon, "Ight, now that's enough! Stop it! I've been giving you a pass all day, but I'm done, you hear me? You're not the only person who somebody, Dillon."

"Spencer." I hiss, I know Dillon's been giving Spencer the cold shoulder for a minute now, but to talk to him like that in front of everybody wasn't right. No matter what he said.

"I'm sorry, Dee." Spencer sighs, running a hand over his face. "I didn't mean to talk to you like that."

"You know what?" A woman says, as she rounds the counter. "I think it's time for all of you to leave."

"What?" Olivia chuckles, but there was no humor behind her laugh, her eyes darting around the room. "We just got here?"

"Well, as the owner, I reserve the right to dismiss you from the premises." The woman says. "I don't want to have any problems with you people? Just please go, all right?"

"You people?" I scoff.

"Sam—" The words barely leave Jordan lips before I cut him off.

"No, Jordan." I cross my arms. "You moved into this neighborhood you people and how you're acting scared over brothers having an argument?"

"It's not worth it, Sam." Spencer shakes his head. "Let's roll."

Kia nods her head. "I'll make sure to tell all of you people not to come here. This business won't make it long here. Can't wait to see what it becomes next."

Olivia scoffs, "I can't believe she kicked us out."

Jordan turns towards me, frowning. "I know you were upset, but escalating the situation wasn't the solution. Sometimes it's better to just walk away from ignorance."

"You're doing to me what you think your dad didn't do for you when you got arrested, be on my side. You need to know when and when not to stand up for yourself, to the cops then no, to people like that then yes." I tell him. "She just told us to leave because of who we're black! Like she didn't open this shop in a predominantly black neighborhood. But you wouldn't understand that because you live in Beverly, shielded by your privilege. This stuff doesn't happen in your world, but it's our reality. So maybe you should go back to Beverly and keep going through your life is lifeing situation."


"Save it, Jordan." I take a step back from him. "I'm going to take your advice and just walk away, not escalate things."

This situation was way more than us getting kicked out, I knew that and I'm sure everybody else did too. I actually did listen to Jordan and take his advice, walk away because if I didn't then I was definitely going to escalate things. I had left Jordan and everybody else standing in front of the frozen yogurt shop, I just can't be around him right now. Every time we're together, we're just always at odds with each other — makes no sense to even be around each other at this point.

As I turned the corner onto my block, I find Darnell walking out my house. It was as if he knew I was coming down the street, his gaze turns into my direction and a smile spread across his face. I couldn't help but smile as he starts to walk towards me, meeting me halfway. Why is it that every time I'm having a bad day, or I just got into it with Jordan, Darnell somehow always right there? It was as if the universe conspired to place him in my path.

"What are you doing here?" I ask when he stops in front of me. "I thought you would be at football practice."

"It ended early, so I thought I'd bring over some more of my stuff." Darnell explains. "I'm just going to do one more drop for the day."

"Need help?" I ask.

"Yeah, two sets of hands are better than one." Darnell gestures for me to follow him, and we make our way back to Corey's house.

When we arrived at the house, upon walking inside I noticed the significant change in its appearance — Darnell must have been moving things over for a while. Most of the belongings were packed up, leaving only a few remaining boxes, the couch, TV's, and bedroom furniture scattered around the empty rooms. It's a sad to see the sight of the once-familiar space now stripped bare, all of Corey things packed up.

I plop down onto the couch, turning around to look back at Darnell. "Where's all the furniture going?"

"Grace told me that we're going to most likely put the furniture out for trash or either sell it, whichever comes first. But put all Corey's items into storage." Darnell moves to sit me. "Had fun selling those tickets?"

"Can't you tell? I had a ball!" I smile, he had to be deaf if he didn't hear the sarcasm dripping from each word. "Anyway, how long were you moving things back and forth?"

"Long enough that my arms ache." He sinks deeper into the couch, closing his eyes. "Mind if I take a little break before doing one last run over to your house."

Are you still coming to the skating rink tonight? — Jordan.

I think we should sit down and have a talk.

"Oh, wait!" Darnell opens his eyes, turning his head to look over at me. "Aren't you going to Coop performance? We should just run over this last load so you can start getting ready."

I switch my phone over to silence. "Uh, actually, I'm not feeling too good so I'm just going to sit this performance out, don't want to spoil the mood."

"Their loss, my gain." He smiles. "You never spoil my mood. But I just like being around you so I don't know, maybe my opinion doesn't really count." He pull his phone out. "But since we're both not doing anything tonight, we can just chill out here for the remaining of the day, and we can watch that video you recorded of your cotillion dance practice again."

I roll my eyes. "You act like it's a comedy movie or something."

"By the way y'all was dancing, it mind as well be one. The teacher and her dance partner even looked like they wanted to laugh too." He laughs, I haul one of the couch pillows at him be he catches it with one hand. "Come on, you know it was funny!"

"Once I get that dance down, I'm going to record that and take all that laughter out your throat."

"I can't wait to see it." He chuckles. "But for now, do you want Chinese or pizza?"

"I'm cool with anything." I shrug, he mutters something so low that I couldn't hear him. "Huh?"

"I just don't get it."

"Get what?"

"Get why you're still with Jordan despite everything, but I'm patient, so I don't mind waiting. However long that takes. Just make sure you run to me when it is over."

"Excellent!" Ms. Johnson claps her hands before starting the music over again. "Let's do it one more time!"

While everybody gets in formation to start the dance over with their dance partner, I sit on the floor partnerless. And Olivia. But she sat on one side of the room, I purposely sat on the other side of the room from her. She's not the only person I've decided to keep at a distance until after the cotillion. First Jordan, and then Olivia. I hadn't talked to Jordan since the night that Coop was supposed to perform, but something happened and ended up not doing it. Which worked out in my favor.

I had texted Jordan that we would talk about everything the day after the cotillion, and so that during the cotillion I wouldn't be swayed by him I told him that I didn't want him to come. And if he did just to be there for Olivia, he wouldn't be my date or dance partner. Which prompt me to sitting on the sidelines and partnerless, I probably didn't think this through all the way but I refuse to suddenly double down on what I told him.

"Hey," Spencer sits on the floor beside me, Kia sitting on the side of me. "You all right?"

"Peachy." I force a smile, and giving him a thumbs up. "Just trying to figure out how to ask SpongeBob to borrow his friend, Bubble Buddy, for the cotillion tomorrow."

"You don't have anybody who can be your partner for tomorrow?" Kia ask. "Chris? Cameron??"

"No. And definitely not." I sigh, I haven't seen let alone talk with Chris since the stage championship. "No need to worry about me, I keep a list of hoes in my handy dandy notebook. I'll find someone to dance with. And actually there's somebody I already have in mind."

And like the owls they are, they ask, "Who?"

I smile. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out."

After Kia and Spencer were finish checking on me, they went over to check up on Olivia. Thankfully they didn't play mediator and try to figure out what's going on between us, hell, I don't even know why she's being so weird. Asking me when I'm just giving the energy I'm receiving from her is crazy work. Kia and Spencer head back to their spots to start practicing again, after all these dance practices I could dance my part and the guys part.

I had recorded the dance and watched it until it's engraved in my mind, Spencer even danced with me one or two times. Kia offered to let Spencer dance with me and she find another partner, but who wants to dance with their brother? Ew. Today's the last day because in two days it's the big day, the cotillion; people who live different states are even fly in down to attend the cotillion.

Once practice was over, Spencer had suggested that we head somewhere to get something to eat but I opt of the little gathering and head back to Crenshaw.

"What do you mean you don't have a dance partner?" Coop questions, her eyes wide.

"What part of that wasn't understandable?" I roll my eyes, Patience chuckles. "Before we ask anymore unnecessary questions, Jordan was my partner but I told him that I didn't want to go with him or do anything else with him until we sat down and talked. I didn't want to talk to him before the cotillion because lately he's been pissing me off, and I didn't want to have an attitude at the cotillion. So I opt to talk with him the day after the cotillion."

"Oh, it's that conversation?" Patience ask knowingly, raising an eyebrow, I nod. "About time."

"Wait, you're breaking up with Baby face?" Coop questions.

"We're having a private conversation out loud." Patience tells her before looking back at me. "We'll talk about this later. So, if you don't have a dance partner then what are you going to do? Like a solo dance or something?"

"I'll probably end up sitting the dance out." I shrug. "Feels like my time has been wasted learning that stupid dance. Actually, I might not even go."

"You know," Coop starts. "I can't recall the last time that you and me have done anything together. And I've been feeling a bit left out these days, so how about we help each other out, I can be your dance partner and you make sure I don't feel abandoned?"

My eyes dart over to Coop as I straighten up. "Really?"

"Really." Coop chuckles. "Hope those cotillion people don't mind you dancing with a girl."

"Who cares what they think?" I stand up from my seat, pulling Coop up and hugging her. "Thank you so much, Coop! You don't have no idea how much this means to me!"

"Fair warning," Coop holds her hands up when I break our hug, I sit back down. "I may not be the best dancer, but I can definitely learn the steps by tonight."

"I'll send you the video that I had recorded, but as long as you show up then that's enough." I tell her. "I'm so lucky to have friends like you! And friends that I can actually come to when I need to!"

"Always." Coop smiles then starts rubbing Patience shoulder as she says, "Though I'm her dance partner but I'm still your date." Patience smiles, but there was nothing genuine about the smile. "I'll be back. I'm going to get a refill."

"Hey," I start when Coop walks away. "What's wrong? Is it Coop being my dance partner? Because I don't mean to—"

"No, I think it's really sweet that Coop stepped up as your dance partner." Patience assures. "I just have this feeling that tomorrow isn't going to end well for anybody."

Patience hadn't told Coop about her ex, Luna, coming into town for the cotillion so she's not really sure she wants to go. She's just a trying to avoid the drama by not going altogether, but if Coop happens to find about about Luna being her ex before she tells her then it's going to look like she was hiding it. Which she kind of trying do by avoiding the cotillion. But I'm not in the place to be giving relationship advice, I've kept so much from Jordan about Darnell. So I just listened and minded my business.

As soon as I got home I sent over the dance recording, I don't care if she only learns two steps and steps on my foot for the entirety of the dance. And even though I remember the dance so well that it's practically engraved into my mind, I still decided to sit down in the living room and mirror my phone screen to the TV, watching the dance recording. I know there's a slim chance that Coop will actually remember the steps for the dance, but if by some miracle Coop manage to surprise me with flawless execution, I want to be prepared.

"How many times you're going to watch this?" The voice ask in my ear, flinching away from the voice I turn to see Darnell standing behind the couch. "Hey."

"Hey? That's all you have to say after scaring the shit out of me?" I place my hand on my chest, feeling my heart racing. "What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"

"You do remember the whole moving in thing, right?" Darnell holds up a key. "I'll be officially moved in by this weekend." I sink back into the couch, be chuckles and sits besides me. "So, back to my question: how many times are you going to watch this video?"

I shrug. "Until I can do it in my sleep."

"Well, if I know it, then you should definitely know it, seeing how you're always watching it." He states. "As long as you and Jordan know the steps then everything should be fine."

"Jordan doesn't know the steps because he isn't coming."

Darnell nearly breaks his neck from turning to look at me. "Then who's your dance partner?"

"Coop step in today." I tell him. "She's going to try to learn the steps by tonight."

Darnell looks almost offended so that his body is facing me. "And I wasn't on the list of people to ask to be your partner? After I spent all week watching that dance video with you?"

"Technically," I start, turning my body to mirror his. "I didn't ask Coop to be my partner, she offered. So, if you really wanted to be my partner then you would have asked."

"Noted. I would have stepped up if I knew you needed a partner, he I also wished you would have came to me and asked me to be your partner. When have I ever let you down?" He questions, I could have told him that it's not easy for me to ask for help and when I do seek help the people I seek it from are never there to help. But I said nothing. "I'll just take this as you basically telling me to step up my game."

"Are you coming to the cotillion tomorrow?"

"So, I'm good enough to sit on the sidelines but not to dance with?" He asked, I just stare at him. "I'm joking. Do you want me there?"


"Then I'll be there." He nods. "While I'm sitting on the sidelines, I'll be thinking of ways to step up my game."

It was hard going to sleep last night, felt like every time I toss and turned the time went back. And whenever I did manage to drift off, it was only for fleeting moments, ten to twenty minutes at most. All I could think about was the cotillion and how I really hope that Coop got the dance down, she told me that she's was going to practice all night if she had too. Around 4 a.m., sleep finally caught up with me and thankfully the Cotillion wasn't scheduled until later in the day.

When I woke up around noon, my first instinct was to watch the video again, I even danced along this time. After a couple more viewings, I decided it was time to head over to Kia's house. Mom took an early shift so that she can be make it to the cotillion, and I definitely going to need the help getting ready. And Kia always been good at calming my nerves down before they completely take over, so hopefully getting ready with her will put those nerves to rest. At least for the time being.

I fought the urge to watch the video again, at this point it's either I know the steps or I don't. Eventually it was time for us to start getting ready, once we both took care of our personal hygiene we stood in the mirror in robes trying to do our hair. The dance video wasn't the only video I've been watching, I've watched a bunch of wigs tutorials because my hair to be just perfect for the cotillion. And I think it paid off because it looks as though the hair was naturally growing from my scalp.

Kia did the rest of the work from there, she became the stylist and makeup artist; styling it with delicate curls, that she brushed out, that cascaded around my shoulders. The only thing that sets us apart is our hairstyles and accessories, other than that everything thing has to be exactly the same; the same white dress, the same lavender gloves, and the same heels. And nobody can go all out on makeup, little to none makeup was the requirement, which Kia deemed that as a natural makeup look.

Luckily for us, Kia knew just enough about makeup to achieve a natural look. Kia had matched the makeup perfectly to my complexion, our similar skin tone allowed her to apply the makeup almost flawlessly.

Running a little late but I'll be there. — Coop.

"Calm down, Sam." Kia says, resting her hands on my shoulders, her eyes sweeping along my face. "I don't want you to sweating all my hardworking off."

"I'm sorry that my worrying about where Coop is at is making you worry about my appearance that nobody will get to see." I roll my eyes, pushing her hands off my shoulder. "It's easy for you and everyone else to be calm because y'all escort are next to you while mine is running a little late."

"Come on, Sam." Spencer stands beside me. "You know Coop always comes through. And even if she couldn't, Patience would damn near kill that girl for not keeping her word."

Everybody's so calm until it's them in this situation, but since it's not them they trying to make it seem like I'm overreacting. And maybe I am. But I think it's understandable, my name is called third to come out with my escort, it's either I go out when my name is called or don't. And if Coop doesn't show up by time it's my turn, I'll be sitting in the sidelines with everybody else — watching what I've been practicing for on the sidelines.

"Two minute call!" Loretta announces, clapping her hands together. "Everybody line up based on how you are called."

"Hey," Olivia stands in front of me, speaking to me for the first time in weeks. "Coop's going to bust through those doors, all smiles, any second now."

She gently squeezes my hand, offering a faint smile before gracefully taking her position at the front of the lines, beside Spencer. Ultimately, Kia had let Spencer become Olivia's escort since Asher didn't come to one dance partner, and just like me, told Asher not to come at all. Olivia and Spencer are first in line, then it's Kia and her escort, then it's suppose to be me and Coop but it's just me.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." Loretta voice on the microphone has everyone hushing, us and the crowd. "And welcome to the 44th anniversary of SoLA Muse. Please welcome Olivia Baker and her escort Spencer James."

The curtain opens and Olivia and Spencer head out, the curtain closing shut right behind them. Kia turns around to look at me, I could see the pity dancing in her eyes. "Samantha, I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do but—" but the pity almost vanishes from her eyes. "—uh, well never mind."

"Kia Williams and her escort James Akers." Loretta announces, the curtain opens and they step out, and the curtain closes.

As the seconds count down until they call my name, I start to step back and allow the people behind me to step forward. If I was positioned to stand further in the back I would have been more hopeful about Coop busting through the doors soon, but she's not here. I know something had to happen if she's running this late, but that didn't stop the disappointment I was feeling.

A hand lands gently on my back, halting my movements, I turn to apologize for bumping into somebody but the words don't leave my lips when Darnell stands beside me. "Samantha James and her escort Darnell Hayes." Loretta announces, the curtain draws back, and without hesitation, Darnell nudges me forward.

Before we completely step from behind the curtain, we get into the correct position. He holds his arm out, the palm of his hand facing down and I place my hand down on top of his.

"Where was you going?" Darnell questions as we pause at the top of the stairs, staring out into the crowd for a beat before slowly making our way down.

"Not that I'm not extremely grateful that you here, but why are you here?" I question, keeping a smile on my face as we descend down the stairs. "And not down there with everybody else?"

"Stepping my game up." Darnell tells me. "When you told me that Coop was your partner, it didn't take much for me to tell her to let me be your escort instead. I was running a little late and had to deal with the wrath of Patience if I didn't show up, so I gave them my name before rushing up here to make sure you came out on time."

"Thank you, Darnell."

"I didn't do this for you." Darnell claims, I roll my eyes. "I take any excuse there is to put my hands on you."

The hall shimmers with the soft glow of twinkling lights and the elegant touch of meticulously arranged decorations, a clear testament to the countless hours we spent crafting this place when we weren't rehearsing. When each girl is announced alongside their escort, it was time for the dance so we split up from our escort to stand on the one side of the dance floor and the boys stayed on the other, two lines form, 7 people in 4 lines.

The music fills the room, we gracefully step onto the dance floor, effortlessly finding our escorts. I thought Darnell and I would be the reason why we make everybody look bad, I only had the chance to physically practiced the dance with Spencer one time, practiced a joint dance by myself, and watched videos constantly. And Darnell practiced with nobody and watched those same as me, but yet we moved in synchronized movements, our steps perfectly timed to the rhythm of the music as if we attended every practice.

The choreography is an evolved dance from when it was first created, but now the dance is elegant and sophisticated, and they added some modern flair. I know it would have been fun to actually practice because it was definitely fun to watch for the first time. Each couple moves with poise and grace, and the camera captures close-up shots of the couples and us as a whole.

The music ends and we freeze in our spot, Darnell eyes finds me and he holds my gaze. It's a look between two people can last so long, it shakes you. Forces you to look away, he doesn't so I do — averting my attention to over his shoulder where Patience and Coop seem to be having a heated conversation. Their interactions end when everyone starts clapping, and Darnell leans forward to drop his head onto my shoulder.

"That was actually a lot more stressful than I thought," he breathes out before straighten up. "But it was worth it seeing how this is how you look, which is absolutely beautiful."

After the dance, everybody was invited to come dance on the dance floor or eat if they wanted before we moved onto the speech portion of the cotillion. Even Layla is here, sulking in the corner while Spencer danced with Kia; I don't know if her and Spencer have broken up or just on a break so she can focus on her mental health since she just came out of rehab. And I have yet to talk with her and I know I should, I'll pencil her in right after I have a conversation with Jordan and Olivia.

Just seems like I'm having a lot of conversation these days.

"You look so beautiful!" Mom compliments as she swipes through the many pictures she had taken of me on her phone, and she forced others into the pictures as well. "And it was nice of Darnell to step in like that, but where's Jordan?"

The look exchange between Billy and Laura didn't go unnoticed, it's not just Olivia but the whole family being weird lately. "He had something to do." I didn't want to explain that I told him not to come, and then I would have to explain why I told him not to come; especially not in front of his parents. "I'll be back, I think there's something going on with Coop."

It was an excuse to get away but something really is going on with Coop, she's now taking a page out of Layla's book and sulking in the corner while Patience danced with some girl.

I slid beside Coop with a smile as I tell her, "I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you for being my escort and learning the dance. I wasn't worried at all as I stood up there by myself."

For the first time since I spotted her, she smiles. "Look, if you want to blame somebody, blame Patience." Her smile falters when she looks back over at Patience. "When Darnell asked me if he could be your escort instead of me, I was going to say no but Patience damn near held me at gunpoint for me to yes. So if I was your escort then I would have been on time."

"Knowing you were in your room practicing, even if you didn't get he my escort, is enough." I tell her, resting my head on her shoulder. "But what's going on between you and Patience? I saw y'all arguing earlier."

"Because of Luna," Coop sucks her teeth, mimicking a whiny voice when she says Luna name. "Her ex came into town for the cotillion and that's why she was unsure if she wanted to come, she didn't want me to meet the girl who she was madly in love with at one point, and who she's clearly still have contact with.0

I move off her shoulder and look her in her eyes as I ask, "Wanna go jump her? I go high, you go low?"

The corner of her mouth tugs up, "We'll get her going to her car."

"Bet. She won't know what hit her. Literally."

Coop finally laughs, wrapping her arm around me. "This doesn't count as us hanging out, we need to do something else. Just the two of us, I miss hanging out with me."

"I'll try to pencil you in." I joke, but Coop happiness only last a couple seconds because her eyes are back on Patience. Trying to cheer her up would be easier if Patience wasn't looking like she was having the time of her life with her ex, thankfully Coop didn't ask me if I knew anything about it Patience's ex. "Look, whatever history she has with Luna, it's in the past. After tonight, that girl will be long gone and you won't have to even think about the girl again. So, before you drive yourself crazy about that girl let's go celebrate and eat those little hotdogs you were talking about yesterday, and this is like the second time you've seen me in a dress, heels, and makeup — you should take full advantage of this look before it's gone."

"You're right." Coop moves her eyes away from Patience, I always give the best advice when I know I'll do things different. "And I already went looking for those hotdogs, they don't have them."

"What fancy ass party doesn't have little hotdogs?"

"A boring one according to Patience." Coop says, then not being to help it, her gaze falls back over to Patience once again.

"Seems like a party over here." Olivia says as she stands in front of Coop and I. "What's going on?"

"Patience's ex girlfriend, Luna, is here." Coop sighs as she looks away, she tightens her arm around me as if she knew I was about to start seeking an escape route because I rather go sulk in the corner with Layla than Olivia right now. "And Luna's completely ruining our date night."

"I'm sorry that sucks." Layla pouts. "Have you stalked her instagram yet?"

"No," Coop shakes her head. "I just going out she existed yesterday."

"Yesterday?!" Layla shakes her head, pulling her phone out. "Oh, no. I would have had a full FBI profile on her by now." She taps on her phone a few times before saying, "Found her. I mean, everyone posts every little detail of their lives like it's breaking news or something. Like get over yourself, please."

"Actually, it's cool." Coop tells her. "I've seen enough of Luna to last a lifetime. I'm going to listen to Sam and just enjoy tonight."

"Trust me, we just need to find her doing something stupid to make you feel better." Olivia insists, then her expression drops, her eyes darting over to me then to Coop.

"What?" Coop questions. "What did you find?"

Olivia places her phone on the table and slides it along the table, and before I could glimpse what was on the screen, Coop swiftly snatches it away with a determined grip. All the positivity that I had just spoken had went out the window and nothing but rage fills her face as she continues to scroll through Luna's timeline.

"May I have everybody's attention?" Loretta speaks into the microphone, everybody starts to move off the dance floor and starts to take their seats.

Coop slides Olivia phone back towards her. "I'm so sorry." Olivia apologizes. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have pressed this."

Coop stares at the table for a moment before she taps it and walks away, making her way over to her table. Olivia watches her leave with guilt written all over her face, I would have went after Coop but everybody was sitting down and I was one of the few people left standing. Crossing the room, I head towards the table that I'm assigned to with Darnell, Kia and her escort, along with another couple.

Just as I reached my chair, Darnell rose from his seat and pulled it out for me. "Here you go."

I stare at Darnell for a couple seconds too long before smiling and thanking him, I never had somebody pull a chair out for me. Kia raises an eyebrow, amused, but she doesn't say anything just turns her attention to the stage. I pull my phone out, giving Patience a warning message about Coop so she's not blindsided.

I don't know what she saw on Luna's instagram page, but she's coming your way and she's not happy.

"Ladies and gentleman." Loretta speaks again. "We present an award for our most promising Cotillionaire. Not only has this young lady volunteered over 100 hours, she also started a Podcast to bring attention to social justice issues, and doing this while attending high school. Olivia Baker, would you come here, please?"

Despite us not being on good terms, clearly my feelings didn't know the difference because I couldn't stop myself from smiling and joining in on the applause that filled the room.

She rises from her seat and joins Loretta on stage, accepting the award. "It'll be nice to have an award in our house that isn't a football trophy or a sobriety chip." Olivia jokes, I chuckle. "When I first joined SoLa Muse, I was lost. I thought it was a club for woman who liked to wear white and do brunch."

I feel something tickle my back but before I could find out what it was, Darnell voice is in my ears. "You should be up there."

"No." I disagree. "I lean back into him, resting my weight against him. "She deserves it."

"And so do you." Darnell argues. "I saw how hard you worked on that dance, day in and day out. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve the award, I'm saying you also deserve the award."

"And I'm so happy that my brilliant mother told me to give them a chance because I soon realized that these were woman of substance, woman of action." Olivia continues. "They inspired me and helped me find my purpose. And I couldn't be prouder to be one of them. And, luckily, I also like wearing white and doing brunch. Thank you."

Olivia steps down from the stage and I rise up from my seat, making my way towards Olivia. "Congratulations, Liv." I smile as I welcome her with open arms, hugging her tightly. "I'm so proud of you. You deserve every bit of this recognition."

"Thank you, Sam." Olivia returned the hug, she rocks us back and forth for a couple seconds before pulling back slightly. "I really miss you, Sam. Let's sit down and talk tonight after the cotillion."

I was going to wait to talk to her after I talked with Jordan but, bros before hoes, or in this case chicks before dicks.

"I'd like that." With a final squeeze, I steps aside to allow others to congratulate her.  I didn't even stand aside for a minute before there was a touch on my shoulder, once again it's Darnell. "I'm starting to think that you're just trying to stay in my eye sight."

"I've been caught." He chuckles, he holds his hand out towards me. "Come with me."

"Where are you taking me?" I questions, but nonetheless put my hand in his.

I'm kidnapping you." He looks back at me with a grin, placing his finger over his lips. "Sh. I need your cooperation."

He led me away from the crowded room, I smile at the back of his head, shaking my head. As we reached the door, he glanced around the room, before we slipped out the room and outside into the night. Even though the event feels like it happened so quick, so much time has passed since. But I guess those hours were counting down from when I was nervous to the dance and the mingling because we arrived when the sun was still in the sun, but now it's replaced with the night's moon.

I had barely acknowledged the cold air when Darnell drapes his jacket over my shoulders. "What's out here that you want to show me?" I question as I slip my arms into the sleeves of his jacket.

"Me." He smiles, pocketing his hands. "I just wanted to steal you away for a moment before someone else grabbed your attention. I'm about to head back to Crenshaw."

"Well, you have it." I walk forward, wrapping my arms around myself. "So, did you have fun tonight?"

"Yeah, I did. But you know what made it even better?"


"Seeing you." He grins, I roll my eyes. "I'm serious. You looked absolutely stunning, I never seen you like this and I'm happy I had this opportunity to. I couldn't take my eyes off you all night. I can't even tell you what them other girls were wearing."

"We were wearing the same thing." I point out.

"And that says something, right? A room full of people and yet you still steal my sigh." Darnell says. "And despite the dedication you've shown by practicing your ass off to learn that dance, how you look tonight should have gotten the award alone."

"Thank you." I smile. "But it's not a beauty contest."

"Clearly, because there's no way you wouldn't have won." Darnell states, I didn't have anything to say because I didn't know what to say so we walk in silence for a while. "If you had won that award, what would your acceptance speech sound like."

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Come on, entertain me," Darnell interrupts our walk, halting me in my tracks to stand in front of me. "Imagine this: You get announced for your beauty and dedication. You confidently stride up there for the award, all eyes fixed on you, and you say. . ." I start to speak, be he holds up a hand. "Wait a second," he says with a mischievous grin. He plucks a flower from a nearby brush and presents it to me. "Pretend this is your award. Now, what do you say to the crowd?"

"Uh, I want to start off by saying thank you. This might be my first trophy that isn't football related. When I first started this, there was a question about who I was that really stumped me." I start, spinning the flower between my fingers. "Had me really thinking for weeks. And crazy enough, I knew the answer to this question a while ago, but overtime I forgot it and changed it to something that it never was. I'm not just a girl from rehab. I'm not just a female football player. I am simply a girl who is fighting for other girls. And if I can contribute only one thing in this world, it's to inspire others to overcome any challenges they may face and pursue their dreams, head on and fearlessly."

Darnell claps when I finish. "I feel honored to be the only one who gets to hear that." He reaches for another flower nearby and twirls this one around. "You know, Olivia may have received the award tonight, but in my eyes, you're the real winner."

"Thank you, Darnell." I smile. "And I can't thank you enough for today, being my partner and just always showing up."

"You don't have to thank me." He dismisses, but he holds my gaze. "Being there for you is just what I do. Always." He steps closer towards me and it felt like all the air in lungs had disappeared. "What are you doing for the rest of the night? Wanna come over and we find something to watch?"

His words were saying one thing but the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice made me think, we'll be anything but watching television. Not that I wouldn't climb him like a tree if presented with the right set of circumstances.

"I—" The sentence falls through when my phone chimes, the notification sound ripping into this moment.

Come over, I have something to show you. — Jordan.

"Actually," I tear my gaze away from my phone. "I have to go."

"Okay, maybe next time." Darnell nods his head, he leans in and presses a gentle kiss on my cheek. His lips lingering for a moment before he steps back. "But if you change your mind, you know where to find me. I'll see you later, Samantha."

Before I could say anything or even think of something to say, he walks away from me. I order an Uber to Jordan's house; although I had planned to postponed the conversation until the next day, but the sudden message from him convinces me otherwise. And it might be better to have this conversation while his family is here, getting ready to leave. I don't know what exactly Jordan do wants to talk about, but I have a feeling that the conversation will inevitably shift to our relationship.

The conversation I was going to have with Olivia tonight will be the one happening tomorrow instead. As the car nears Jordan's house, I brace myself for this conversation; tonight can end very well or very badly depending on how this goes.

I let myself into the house, I don't even remember the last time that I had actually used it. When I stepped inside the house, I probably looked like this was my first time ever stepping foot into the house. I close the door behind me, slipping the heels off and leaving them by the door; they've had enough of being confined in heels for the night — for the rest of the year. I walk away from the door and sat on the couch, sitting down and waiting for Jordan until he comes down.

As the time passes, she begins to hear faint voices drifting downstairs, everyone should be at the cotillion still, so who could be upstairs besides Jordan? I quietly make my way up the stairs, at first, the voices are indistinct murmurs, but they gradually grew louder the higher I got upstairs. At the top of the stairs, I know that one voice belongs to Jordan and a female voice, and the female voice didn't belong to Olivia or Laura.

It's Simone.

I stand in the doorway of a room filled with baby items, crib, rocking chair, bookshelf, changing table.

"One more surprise." Jordan retrieves something from his back pocket and holds it out towards Simone. "It doesn't tell time or anything, okay, but it's a family heirloom. My dad gave it to me, his dad gave it to him, and somebody I'll give that to our child."

Our child?

It's like the pieces of the puzzle starts to fall into place, all of it suddenly makes sense and the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. And what's hurts hurt more is knowing there's no way Jordan was able to keep this away from his family, so undoubtedly Olivia, Laura, and Billy also knew about this. No way, they didn't help him put all this together and it explains why Olivia has been acting so weird, and all those times he was unavailable he was more than likely helping Simone or in this room prepping for his soon-to-be baby.

And he let be befriend her knowing that he got her pregnant? I've been walking around this whole time looking stupid, but as long as I didn't find out nobody cared.

"Jordan, you didn't have to do all this." Simone says as she looks at the item he handed her. "I appreciate it but—"

"Yeah, I did." Jordan nods his head. "We're in this together." He hugs her, and as they embrace, Jordan eyes flicker to mine and he nearly jumps out his skin to get away from Simone. "Sam, I know how this looks but I can explain."

"No, that's not needed I think I pieced everything together." I cross my arms. "Cat's out the bag, you slept with Simone and got her pregnant. You ghosted her so she befriended me to get to you, and you let me befriend her knowing you were hooking up with her? Because keeping the fact that you were going to have a baby, which I would have found out eventually, was more important than having me walk around like a dumbass."

I bet the two of them were just laughing behind my back, and I'm the butt of the joke.

"We weren't hooking up, we hooked up." Simone speaks up.

As if that made it better.

I ignore her and look back at Jordan. "That one time was when we were together though, wasn't it?" Silence. I look at Simone and said, "You clearly wanted him this badly so you can have him, I'm done with him."

Not like she didn't have him this whole time already, playing house with him.

I manage to make it downstairs before a hand is wrapped around my elbow. I knew it was Jordan because there's no way Simone would be that stupid. "Don't touch me." I snap, snatch away from him because apparently he was that stupid to follow and touch me.

"I had been hooking up with Simone around the time I had ended things either Ripley, but then ended things once we got together." Jordan blurted out. "But hooked up with her again when I found out you knew about our parents hooking up when mine were married."

"Oh, why didn't you say that? It's water under the bridge." I tell him, shrugging. "Is that what you thought I'd say? There were plenty of things you did that I was mad at you for, but that didn't drive me to go out and have sex with somebody else."

"Sam, that moment with her didn't mean anything to me," Jordan insisted.

"That doesn't make it better, Jordan!" I retorted. "All that means is you let nothing get between us and now we are nothing."

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I walked away from the house because I didn't want to see Simone leave, I didn't want Jordan to see me waiting for an Uber and come out there to talk to me. But mainly I didn't want to be near this house or see Olivia, Billy, and Laura come home; I don't know what I may say to them right now. I walked until my feet started to ache from the stilettos I had worn to the cotillion, and then I requested an Uber.

I don't know what I felt the most, betrayal, anger, or hurt; I knew there was a chance that Jordan and I were going to break up once we had that talk, but not because he had a baby on me. Damn, I know Tyrone put me through it when I was with him but he ain't never had a baby on me. And the fact that not only him, but his whole family, knew and was smile and giggles in my face was what hurt the most.

I'm so done with The Bakers.

But underneath all those negative emotions, the betrayal, anger, and hurt, I felt relieved. A part of me feels a weight lifted from my shoulders, as if I finally been freed from the shackles of being loyal to a dying relationship. And I decided to focus on this feeling of relief; I raise my hand to knock on the door and a minute later the door opens. Darnell stands in the doorway, shirtless, wearing only his suit pants from the cotillion.

"Hey." I breathe out. "I changed my mind," I refer to his invitation for me to come over if I changed my mind. He remains silent, but his eyes speak volumes. "Is there anything you want to watch in particular?"

His eyes pin me where I stand, and a smirk spreads across his face. "Yeah, there's something I want to watch," he says, stepping closer to me. "You."

I saw it coming but I didn't turn away, instead I welcome the kiss that he pulls me into. His lips are soft against mine, he kissed me like he was out of oxygen and I was his next breath. My arms have a mind of their own, moving from my sides to wrapping around his neck, holding the back of his head while his sets his hands on my hips before sliding one arm around my waist and pressing me closer into him and pulling me into the house.

I know it took me a long time to update but now that I have. . . It's going down (basement)! Mature content in the next chapter.

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