Chapter Twenty-Five

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"How long have you been doing that?" I question as Layla and I walk down the hallway together. "And please don't lie to me."

I couldn't get anything out of her last night, she spent majority of the night using her laptop but anytime I got up for any reason she would always ask me if I was leaving. Part of me did want to cut my loss and leave, but I didn't want to leave her because she what if she does it again but this time she doesn't resurface.

I know she just needs somebody by her side while dealing with all this, but she needs her father or some type of authority figure more than she needs a friend. And right now, I'm the only one she has and I can't just leave her in this state and pretend at I didn't see her nearly drown herself.

Maybe if I didn't leave to go back to The Bakers house she wouldn't have done that, it's my fault.

"I've only done it twice, I swear." Layla informs. "The second time was last night."

"Layla, you could have—"

"Can we not talk about this here?" Layla whispers, she plasters a smile on her face when she sees Olivia walking towards us. "Morning, Olivia."

"Morning, Sam. Morning, Layla." Olivia greets as she stands on the other side of me, she wraps her arm around mine.

"Morning." I greet back. "Why are you being so formal?"

Layla wrap her arm around my arm and loudly whispers, "She must want something."

"What? So because I greet y'all, like I always do, I just want something now." Olivia states as she nods her head. "Okay, so the next time I'll see either one of you, I'll walk right pass you without speaking."

"Yeah, she definitely want something." Layla says. "And this is my cue to leave before she tries to rope me into her plans, I have a Student Council meeting to attend so I'll see y'all later."

Olivia phone notification chimes, she pulls her phone out. "My mom wants to know what you want to eat for dinner? It's your night to pick."

"Somebody else can take my pick, I have plans tonight after the 7-on-7 game so I won't be coming over tonight." I inform.

"But you coming back to the hotel tonight, right?" Layla questions.

"Yeah, I'll be back a little late but I'm coming back tonight."

"Okay." Layla seems relieved. "I'll see you later."

"Wow." Olivia says as we watch Layla walk away from us. "You guys seem super close."

"I mean, I guess." I shrug. "But let's talk about you now because Layla wasn't wrong when she said that you wanted something."

"Seriously, I don't want anything." Olivia claims.

"It's about Jordan, ain't it?" I question. "You're here to be a mediator."

"Listen, just hear me out." Olivia says as she unwrap her arm from around mine then move to stand in front of me. "He's just going through a lot since—"

"And he's not the only person who's going through a lot."

"Come on, Sam. Just look at it from his perspective, he found out that our dad had cheated on our mom with his girlfriend mom."

"I don't want to look at it from anybody perspective, Olivia!" I exclaim. "Him having some girl hanging on him that close to him and pouring drinks down her throat, has absolutely nothing to do with y'all father. But if we're using our fathers as an excuse then that should mean I have full permission to go be under some guy because of my father, I'll definitely remember that later. Now, excuse me, I have a test later today and I need to do some last minute study so I'll see you later."

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