Chapter 13

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                 "Help! Help! Somebody calls the police!" I yell as I place my hands over Shawn wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. "Just hold on, Shawn. Somebody's on the way."

"Sam." Shawn places his hands on top of mine. "You gotta make it out of here, Sam. Don't let this place hold you back."

I could hear the sirens. "Save your breath, Shawn. Somebody's on their way." But the words fell on deaf ears, he's gone.

In the days that follow the shooting, my thoughts were consumed by the thoughts of the tragic event. The memories haunt my every waking moment, and sleep offers no respite, as I am plagued by nightmares that jolt me awake in cold sweats, my heart pounding against my chest in terror.  During the day, it was hard to focus on anything other than the harrowing images that replay in my mind. And I was constantly on edge, every loud noise sends my heart racing, triggering a flood of adrenaline as I relieve the fear and chaos of that day.

When the police arrived at the scene, my voice failed me. Questions fired at me, but I couldn't muster a response. The sight of Shawn's life slipping away in my arms left me speechless. Thankfully, someone nearby provided the necessary details while I stared, numb, at the blood staining my clothes.

They contacted my emergency contact, which had been updated from Mom to Billy when I moved in with him. Billy picked me up, I could see the worry and concern written on his face, he didn't pry with questions. Instead, he enveloped me in a tight embrace and that's when all the tears came out. Once the ambulance arrived and check me over, giving me a blanket to wrap myself in but I still felt so exposed. Their voice muffled as my ears still rang from the gunfire.

I was in no state to play in the homecoming game, and Billy had decided to pull me from further games and practices, granting me leave for the sake of my mental health. And in addition to being absent from football, I also didn't go to school for a couple days. Everybody understood and gave me space, even when I barely left the room, even when the room was so quiet that they had to knock on the door just to confirm I was still inside, even when I didn't come downstairs to eat.

Shawn made a lot of enemies living that type of life, but I don't know if it was one of his enemies who off him or if it was it orchestrated by Tyrone. It's almost too convenient to be Tyrone, but I would not put it past him. Shawn didn't deserve to die, he wanted to change, he wanted something more than that life that his brother put him into to, he wanted more for his daughter and that got him killed — for thinking he could leave that life. I wanted to see Shawn have that better life, but instead I have the memory of Shawn dying in my arms imprinted in my mind.

       I'm really sorry for dragging you into this — Coop.

  I feel terrible about everything. Are you okay? — Coop.

I know I put you in a tough spot. I'm really sorry — Coop.

          Please answer, I'm worried about you — Coop.

I dismissed all her attempt of contacting me, ignoring Coop felt like the only way to contain the brewing anger inside me. Angry that she involved me in a situation she knew I should never been a part of. She knew my history with Tyrone, she knew the dangers, yet she still dragged me into because she knew I wouldn't leave her to figure things out by herself. Because I knew that if I stayed out of it, it would be Shawn and Coop gone. So, for now, I stayed away, hoping that with time, I could talk to Coop without the overwhelming weight of anger and blame.

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