Chapter Twenty-One

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"It's our last day of winter break!" JJ yells. "So, let's turn the fuck up!"

Winter break is finally coming to an end, Olivia and Jordan spent their break in Lake Tahoe with their mom. I think she needed the break away from Beverly Hills more than them with everything that has happened. They're flying back home today, suppose to make it back to join us on the beach. I spent my winter break with Layla, I haven't seen or been back home since I basically moved in with Layla.

Although I have not been home all winter break, I did send plenty of text and phone calls so that they wouldn't feel like I'm pulling the same stunt I did with Tyrone. Running away. Mom even came looking for me, but Layla had lied and told her that I wasn't there at the moment. But Mom isn't the only one I've been avoiding; I had completely changed my work schedule so that Spencer and I aren't on the same shift anymore.

I even went as far to leave majority of the day when he comes over to spend time with Layla. As for Olivia, I hadn't had any contact with her since she came over to Layla house and saw that I had broken my sobriety. And Layla hasn't had contact with her either; while I was upstairs drinking my problems away, Layla was downstairs destroying her home. . . And since then Olivia hadn't stop calling or texting either of us.

I also haven't contacted Chris since he got sent to the hospital during the championship, Jordan and Layla are the one two people I really talk to during this whole break. Jordan and I had communicated throughout the break, whether it's texting, audio call, or FaceTime — I prefer texting because I didn't want him to see how much of a wreck I've became.

I wasn't going to come out today, but I wanted to show my face to everybody so that they know that I'm fine. What I really wanted to do was have a quiet night hauled up in bed, and just sleep the day away. But I also wanted to see Jordan which is why I'm sitting on a beach towel in a white two piece bikini set with a black fitted hat, eating Pringles.

 But I also wanted to see Jordan which is why I'm sitting on a beach towel in a white two piece bikini set with a black fitted hat, eating Pringles

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"Excuse me." Two boys walk up to me. "We were wondering if we can get a picture with you?"

"Of course." I shove one more chip into my mouth before putting the lid on then standing up, dusting my hands off I stand in the middle of them.

This is what my life has came to. Since winning the state championship, it got people treating me and the team like we're celebrities. Literally, I get ask to take so many pictures these days I understand why celebrities be trying to hide themselves. And my instagram following count went from 2k to 15k, most of those followers came from the night of the game and the rest during winter break. It's so unreal.


"You're welcome, it's not a—" My sentence gets cut off when Asher runs in front of and hauls me onto his shoulder, I hold onto my hat so it doesn't fall. "Put me down you ass!"

"What you say?" Asher ask. "You want to go for a swim?"

He suddenly takes off running and I let go of my hat and wrap my arms around his waist. "Asher! I swear to God if you throw me in I will literally murder you."

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